
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Guild Card

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Reiki questioned. "Meet the other zodiacs? Why?" Arashi smirked and said. "To measure your potential." Reiki thought. I knew it... I need to pay that debt fast. He said. "Nee-san can I decline?" Arashi's eyes widened and narrowed slightly then asked. "Why decline?" Reiki said. "I still need to think of a way to pay off my debt." Arashi smiled and said. "You don't need to worry about that Lil bro. You ca-." Reiki suddenly . "Contract."

Arashi said. "Can you say that again Lil bro?" Reiki repeated. "A contract. I'll join and do as I'm told. But the moment I pay my debt. I want to leave no questions asked." Arashi looked at him without changing her expression. And said. "Why?" Reiki said. "Onee-chan said. Always get things in writing." Arashi stared at him and glared at him then said. "I might not give you the money then." She smiled. Reiki replied. "Okay then." Reiki bowed and said. "Thank you for taking care of me. Hageshi-san."

As he rummaged through his tattered pouch he held out the clothes she gave him. He continued saying. "I'll pay you back for the clothes that I'm wearing." Reiki pulled out the three fake guild cards he received from the maid. And gave it to Arashi. He said. "This might not completely cover it. But I'll find you again in the future when I can pay you back."

After saying that, Reiki started walking towards the southwest without looking back. Arashi didn't hear what he was saying because she was busy holding onto the fake guild cards Reiki gave her. She muttered. "Dorobo brothers."

Reiki thought. I wonder if there are any large factions I could join short term... Worst comes to worst I result to stealing a badge from them. Arashi snapped back to reality and noticed that Reiki was getting farther away. Running up to him she saw that he was in deep thought and just walked beside him without him noticing.

Reiki thought. I could steal a badge... But there could be some sort of unique item when joining a large faction... Then I have to consider the possibility of the badge itself giving off a unique mana brand similar to the original owner... Then there's the time wasted from searching for information on where, when, and how. And this option isn't viable, since I don't know where any information brokers are... Reiki kept on thinking. The more he thought the more serious he looked.

Arashi seeing this thought. I didn't know he could make this expression... He looks kinda cute... But mostly cool. He continued to think as he stopped walking near an alleyway. Reiki leaned on the nearest wall and continued to formulate a plan. How about an evil faction... No. The chances of me being killed by being in the same faction would make the second part too risky. I need a large faction... In short, I need their prestige and intimidation. It needs to be large enough to keep me alive but not too large that they would respect me out of fear of being affiliated with them…

While Reiki was in deep thought. He didn't notice he started to walk again. Arashi seeing this just followed alongside him quietly. Reiki's thoughts went on. It's times like this I wish I still had my black card on me... Scratch that I just stole from one of my clients. I could potentially just rob something worth a lot of money... But that would be too high profile and impossible to change it into money.

Reiki kept on thinking he didn't notice that his hand was inside the pockets in his jacket.

As he was walking past crossroads Reiki walked on for a few minutes and took a left. And walked towards a traditional architecture that was painted with the color white and red pillars. Reiki snapped back to reality, looked at the building and suddenly heard the voice say. [Get registered. It can solve your current problem.] Reiki thought. This looks like private property

The voice replied. [Look closer, you idiot!] Reiki took a closer look and saw the gold letters in the front spelling out Guild. As he walked inside the building it was fairly empty except for the group of people by the quest board looking for their next payment.

The insides of the building were particular wooden floors, white walls, and some lanterns mounted on some of the walls. As most of the light sources of the inside were multiple pieces of light gently reflecting enough light to compliment the room. A stairway led to another floor but was blocked by a toll booth and the person inside the booth was sleeping. A counter with six attendees standing behind it all of them was elegant wearing traditional kimonos with a variety of colors, patterns, and with their unique hairstyle. Reiki went to the nearest counter approaching the one with her hair cut shoulder length.

He put on his best hopeful expression and said, sounding as naive and yearning as possible. "Pretty Nee-san, can I register as an adventurer?" The woman looked at him and gave a warm and inviting smile and replied. "The one who's responsible to register new adventurers is that one wearing the white kimono. But I'll advise you to wait until you get older. You seem like a nice young man. I've seen countless of... People trying to improve their situation." As she ruffled his hair. Reiki said. "Thank you very much. Pretty Nee-san." As he walked towards the elegant looking woman with the plain white kimono.

Before he said anything the woman in the white kimono smiled and said. "You want to become an adventurer?" Reiki replied. "Yes, please. Ne-" The woman said. "Call me Yuki." Reiki thought. Can I finish my damn sentences? Reiki said. "Yes. I would like to become an adventurer. Yuki Nee-san." Yuki replied. "You can register as one." Reiki immediately thought. Already? But Yuki continued. "But I would need to see a form of acknowledgment."

Reiki questioned. "Form of acknowledgment?" Yuki replied. "Yes. In simple terms a signature from a parent or guardian. We even accept signatures from older siblings if there are certain circumstances." Reiki thought. Onee-san would never agree to sign that. All of a sudden Arashi said. "You don't have to worry about that. I'm here to recommend the little guy." As she ruffled his hair. Yuki looked at her and asked. "And what is your relationship with his family?"

Arashi replied. "I know her older sister. She asked me to take care of him for a few days while she was busy with something. I thought I might as well get him a guild card for a convenience perspective." Yuki looked at her and said. "And may I take a look at your guild card for clarification." Arashi answered. "Sure."

She didn't hesitate as Arashi handed over a gold guild card. Yuki lightly trembled and carefully said. "Ojou-sama, not one of us here has the authority to finalize the details on your behalf. If you would like I can take you to a private room to continue this conversation with our supervisor. Your little brother will be guarded here. We'll also give him something to eat and drink as he waits." Arashi lazily nodded and said. "Make sure to give him a lot. Despite his size, he eats as much as me."

She suddenly changed her tone and said. "He better at least have touched his food. If I learned that he didn't I'll turn this branch upside down." Yuki didn't get scared, instead she let out a sigh of relief. She respectfully replied. "Understood Ojou-sama, we'll be sure to give him the best we could afford. Now please follow me to start discussing what you need."

Yuki led the way as Arashi followed as she ruffled Reiki's hair one last time. Yuki spoke while walking. "My colleagues have already sent word that Ojou-sama has arrived and has something to request. He will be here shortly but until then. I will be by your side and be at your ready." Yuki made a subtle gesture for the other girls at the counter to see. Then two of the girls behind the counter walked towards Reiki and warmly said. "Young master, please follow us so we may serve you."

As one walked in front of him had her hair in a bun using black chopsticks. The one behind him her bangs were covering her eyes and reached behind her knees. The one in front had a warm and somewhat seductive voice said. "Young master. You can call me Hime." The girl behind him spoke softly and soothingly. "And You can call me Hana, young master."

The two escort him to the stairs leading him to the second floor. Reiki asked. "Hime nee-san. Hana nee-san you two can just leave the food on the table and go about your day I can manage." Hana said. "I'm afraid we can't do that young master." Hime agreed and said. "If we were to neglect young master in any way even if it's your order we would still be punished regardless."

Reiki kept silent in tactic agreement as he was escorted to the second floor. The person was still sleeping in the toll booth. Hime just swiped a card that suddenly appeared in her hand. As the booth was open Hime said. "Only if you meet a certain rank you can access the higher floors. And only important people are allowed in private rooms such as Ojou-sama. If an individual were to sneak into the second floor here without proper access, the guard."

Hime points to the sleeping man. She continues saying. "Would put a small string of mana on them. If the said trespasser returns to any branch he or she will receive harsh punishments. No, exceptions have been made." As the three of them arrived, Reiki saw that the second floor was the same in terms of style and an additional eight rooms.

Hana said. "The rooms on this floor are usually rented for adventurers to prepare equipment or to wait for another team that joins them on a quest. The rooms cost about 20 silver coins (¥ 32,000) for three hours and 10 gold coins (¥ 256,000) for an entire day." Reiki kept a straight face when hearing the prices but thought. So fucking expensive. Whoever used these rooms I hope they got their money's worth.

Reiki asked. "Do all guilds have the same building layout?" Hime smiled and said. "The only thing in common is the gold letters in front. The design is entirely up to the preference of the guild master. Even the rooms here are his handy work. The designs of the guild can be anything except for the country's landmarks. like the white house, Eiffel Tower, and Buckingham Palace. Some landmarks are used for guilds but that's after them exhausting countless resources and trading all of their merits for it. The reason why landmarks are primarily sought after by some guild masters is because of three things. It's part of our culture so the chances of it being raided are nonexisting. The second is to... Get a chance to "talk" to some figures to help them out. Some landmarks are even used to host other countries' envoys. When trading resources, who gets to see the list of what the other countries are offering."

Hana said. "Hime-san some of those things are classified information." As she looked left and right she continued saying. "Should you be saying this out in the open?" Hime replied. "Ohh. Don't worry about that Hana-san. From our representative's reaction, the two of them should be over there." Hana said. "You mean."

Hime replied firmly. "Yes. So it doesn't matter if he knows or not. That land already has eyes and ears everywhere. Anything that happens anywhere around the globe passes by their network. So it doesn't even matter if he knows it sooner or later. This information may be classified in this country but over there, even some random group of the team knows it as well. The only reason why the government ignores it is because that place is too powerful. And most of the resources they need to make or do anything are only obtainable over there."

Hime slid the door open and made way as she said. "Young master after you." As Reiki walked inside the room it had tatami floors with a small wooden table in the middle. It was also equipped with a mini-fridge next to a 30-inch tv. And a couple of closets one for where you place the futon and the other for clothes. Both of the girls removed their geta that they were wearing and gestured to him to get in. Speaking at the same time they said. "Young master if you please." 

Reiki untied his shoes and walked near the small wooden table and sat down behind it facing the tv. Hana placed the remote on the table as Hime said. "Your food is currently on its way, young master. Pardon the slow service due to the amount of food being prepared." Reiki shook his head saying. "It's fine. I can wait." As he started to browse through channels. Hana asking. "What drink would you like, young master?"

Reiki answered without looking. "I would like some oolong tea. And a carton of milk at the end of the meal." Hana quickly set down a glass of oolong tea with ice and said. "Here you go, young master," Reiki replied. "Thank you very much. Hana-san." Suddenly as he was browsing through channels a knock was heard from the door. Hime stood up and went to answer it.

As she opened the door Hime said. "Young master, your meal is here." As three waiters walked in and were holding a cloche in each hand with different sizes. Only three were able to fit on the table the three waiters left after placing down the food. Hime revealed what was under the cloche was a whole roasted pig, a mountain of pan-seared rabbit, three very large pieces of grilled eel, a variety of seafood with a whole lobster in the middle, paella with mussels, shrimp, calamari, and top with red chilies, and under the last cloche was twelve lamb chops surrounded by vegetables.

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Hime said. "If you want any more of these dishes feel free to ask. We'll have the waiters bring it to you." Reiki looked at the dishes and thought. I smell butter, garlic, wine, and some mixture of grounded spices. That grilled eel smells good though. He said. "Get me another serving of the pig, eel, and lamb chops, please... And if you can't stand to look feel free to go outside if you need to." Hana took out a red talisman with black writing then the words gave faint light blue before turning back to black. She said. "The chefs have already been informed." As Reiki started to eat at a steady pace both Hana's and Hime's eyes widened as they watched.


A Luxurious Room

Arashi was sitting comfortably in one of the red velvet chairs. The room was filled with a few large pieces of art, a large dark table with detailed engravings, and a fireplace that was being used and making crackling noises from time to time. Yuki served Arashi tea in a silver cup as she respectfully said. "The guild master is currently on his way, Ojou-sama. He said, while you wait feel free to ask for anything." Arashi replied. "There's no need. Just make sure Lil bro is happy."

Yuki slid her right arm into her sleeve as she used a gold talisman. Arashi questioned. "Where is your guild master anyway?" Yuki replied. "Guild master is currently-" Arashi interrupted. "No. Where is he?" Yuki had started to sweat a bit as she said. "He is currently with one of his mistresses." Arashi didn't reply as she reached for the silver cup and tasted it.

Yuki trying to improve the image of the guild said. "Is the tea to your liking Ojou-sama? Even though we may have our moments where we falte-" Arashi said. "Quiet." Yuki shut up immediately, too scared to do anything as she stood in place, not daring to breathe loudly. Arashi said. "Are you gonna come out or am I going to make you?"

Arashi shook her head as she punched to her left creating a gust of wind strong enough to break the wall. The sound of someone gasping and holding back the urge to hurl was heard by the two in the room. Yuki turned her head and saw it was the guild master she said. "Guild master she-." As the man blurred and attacked Arashi made a chopping motion using her hand but suddenly stopped.

A loud thud sound was made and the guild master barely stood up before being pushed back to the ground by Arashi using her left foot. The guild master looked somewhat handsome with a well-built body. He was wearing black suit pants and shoes, but he was wearing a white long-sleeved buttoned shirt. The guild master shouted. "I'm gonna!" But was pushed down harder this time enough to make the floor beneath him cave and crack as he spat some blood.

He shouted. "What the fuck isn't anyone coming?! And why aren't you doing shit?!" Arashi sighed and lifted her foot and slammed it down on his left ankle making a loud cracking sound. Arashi said. "No one is coming as long as I don't retrieve this again." As she pointed at a piece of paper with glowing markings on them that were too small to decipher. The guild master said. "What do you want?" While gritting his teeth so hard you could hear some grinding. Arashi blandly said. "Yuki you talk to the muscle head."

Yuki then softly spoke. "She wants to give his little brother a guild card." The guild master immediately shouted. "No!" Arashi said. "Are you sure that's your answer?" The guild master said. "Let me think. No!" Arashi asked. "What's got you so hot-blooded anyway?" 

The guild master gritted his teeth again saying. "You wanna know why? Because of you people! You guys over there think you're so great! While we over here work twice as hard for half the result! When we finally get the chance to go visit! It was nothing but a goddamn forsaken land with a 90% death rate that no one told us about!"

Arashi looked at Yuki and said. "I don't get it." Yuki then explained. "Guild master went to your homeland with two other people, his best friend and his high school sweetheart. His best friend was killed in an underground gladiator match and was fed to the dogs while alive. And his sweetheart was turned into a whore ever since someone fancied her but refused."

Arashi looked at him and said. "Well if it makes you feel any better. I don't know what you're talking about." The guild master punched the floor which cracked as he said. "I'm gonna enjoy getting my hands on you." As his skin started to turn red and his eyes started to bleed.

Arashi clicked her tongue, saying. "Tsk tsk tsk. Forbidden arts are called that for a reason. I hope you finished your bucket list because of how effortlessly you used it. You don't have much time left." Yuki looked at the piece of paper floating behind her. Arashi said. "If I were you I would just standstill. Unless you want to die. If you do then be my guess."

The guild master readied himself as he put his hands beside him as he stared at the girl ready to react to what she did. Yuki behind Arashi was hiding three different talismans in her sleeves. Arashi shook her head and said. "Fine. Fine... I guess beating you senseless is the way to go."

Arashi all of a sudden disappeared from her spot and reappeared in a blink of an eye. Before the guild master did anything he slowly felt pain on his right arm and leg. He slowly turned his head to see that both were twisted backward. As he screamed he used his left arm to grab on the wall making a hole to catch himself as he leaned on it. Yuki behind her looked sickly pale, she held her stomach as she kneeled on the floor as she started to vomit blood.

Arashi said. "90% death rate... You guys are just trash." The guild master turned his head in anger looking at her. But what he saw was the ceiling instead as he hit the floor Arashi stomped her leg on his left ankle and said. "Now. I already asked nicely. Now you either give my Lil bro an E rank guild card or I snap both of your necks and go to a different branch."

The guild master grits his teeth as he said. "Yuki go get some parchment from the drawer." Arashi said. "No need." As she took out one parchment with writing and passed it to him as he was lying on the floor. Arashi also took out a pen and said. "You know where to sign." The guild master signed the paper shortly as he shoved it back to her with his good arm. He said. "There! Are you happy?" Arashi replied as she was leaving the room. "Nope, a muscle head ruined my mood. But I'm sure Lil bro will be tough so I could hopefully see him smile."

As she closed the door behind her. Yuki said. "Master, are we leaving things as is?" The man said. "As is? As is?! No, we are not! The moment she goes back and whoever this little brother she has will be exiled! The only way for him to become an adventurer then would-." All of a sudden he started to puke blood like a fountain. 

Yuki screamed. "Master!" As she tried to run towards him. But all of a sudden her vision got all dark and blurry as she fell onto the floor. Every time he spoke blood would come out. "That!" as he grit his teeth, blood coming out the sides. "Woman!" Soon his vision turned dark as his body hit the floor.


Back To The Second Floor Room

Reiki was chugging down a carton of milk. In front of him were nine empty large plates bigger than the previous one. Hime spoke while stuttering. "N-now T-that young master is finished we'll tidy up and bring the plates out." Reiki said. "Can I take the bones and shells with me?" Both of the girl's eyes widened in surprise. He continued saying. "It's for my dog. I left him alone today and I wanna give him something when I get back." 

Hana let out a sigh of relief and said. "Since it's a simple request, young master, you don't need to worry. We can even give you a small enchanted pouch to carry these leftovers." Reiki replied. "Then I would have to trouble you." As he gave a slight bow.

A knock came from the door as a waiter came in with a camera and a white foldable background. He said. "Young master if you please." As Reiki stood up and went towards the waiter. The waiter already had the background set up. Reiki walked towards it without question and looked towards the waiter. The waiter took a few snaps in which the camera released a few flashes of light. The waiter browsed through the photos for a few seconds then nodded and left.

Hime said. "Congratulations young master. It seems your guild card is being processed. Go and meet with Ojou-sama. We'll come right after you for these bones and shells for your dog." Reiki nodded and said. "Thank you for accompanying me for this short time. Every moment was enjoyable, hopefully I didn't scare you from my eating habits." He walked outside the room. The two girls in the room let out a small chuckle and giggle as he left.

Hana said. "I didn't know someone could eat so much." Hime replied. "If I didn't see it myself I would've told you. That you were lying or you needed to go to a hospital." Hana said. "True... He was nice though and kinda cute." Hime said. "As always you like the simple things in life. Now let's get this sorted out, we can't keep the guests waiting." As the two of them started to clean the room.

As Reiki walked back to the counter he saw Arashi looking at a steel guild card. Arashi saw him as she threw the card at him. Reiki looked at the card and saw his picture on the upper left. And what was written on it was his full name, date of birth, and rank. He turned the card around and saw a black stripe similar to a credit card.

Arashi said. "This is your guild card don't lose it you won't be able to get another one within the year if you do. It also functions as a credit card in banks. It doesn't have a number on the bottom left yet since you haven't deposited any money. You can check the amount at the bank or via phone from the app. Though only E rank such as yourself has access to them. Now, all we have to do here is cash in on a bounty." She took out three white guild cards and passed it to the person behind the counter. The girl behind it said. "I'm so relieved. The Dorobo brothers are finally taken care of." Reiki said. "Dorobo brothers?" 

The girl behind the counter explained. "Yes, their names are Hitotsu Dorobo the eldest, Futatsu Dorobo the middle child, and lastly Mittsu Dorobo. These three may be just F rank but together they stole from E ranks and some double E ranks as well. There have been a few who tried to fight back but... The lucky ones ended up in the hospital, some even died due to the poison coated on their blade. Word is they even hired two more. But with the three gone they'll have to resort to hiding." Arashi looked at Reiki and mouthed at him. You better have a good explanation for this. Reiki stared at her and turned his head.

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