
Chapter 210: Chapter 210: Elemental Adaption

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Ketsueki had a faint smile on her lips and said. “I bet you two ten gold Saito is dead within the hour.” Sachi raised both her hands and made a stop gesture with them, she said. “Wait a minute, why is Saito so scared of Ami’s father?” Namida placed her index finger on Sachi’s cheek and said. “I’m with the wanna-be stylist here. It’s not like Saito has any good reason to be afraid.” Ketsueki placed a hand on her hip as she used the dagger to point at them, she said. “It’s the kind of information that could get you confined.”


Namida had a straight expression on her face and spoke with a bland tone, she said. “You mean the kind of information we always share with others?” Ketsueki nodded and said. “Pretty much.” Sachi lightly smacked Namida’s forearm as she moved her finger away from her cheek. Sachi said. “Spill it.” Ketsueki skillfully twirled the dagger between her fingertips as she caught it, making it point at the ceiling, she said. “Apparently, Ami’s father is a favorable candidate to be one of the heads of the company.” Namida let out an exaggerated sigh and said. “Does that mean we have to be nice to her?”


Sachi rolled her eyes as she glanced at Namida from the corner of her eye. Sachi said. “That’s rich coming from an entire family that could fill up all the head positions in said company.” A smug smile formed on Namida’s lips, she said. “It’s called influence, you might benefit from having some.” Sachi rolled her eyes at her friend and said. “That’s a tall order considering all my parents do is leech off me and try to get me to settle down with some loser they found on the street.”


The two of them moved their gazes on Ketsueki who had a hint of confusion on her face, she said. “What?” Namida used her thumb to point at her and said. “And then there’s her. The company is just begging for her to be one of the heads.” Sachi glanced at her friend’s large chest as she spoke with a hint of resentment in her tone, she said. “Not only is she strong, but she's also a fatass in all the right places too.” She spoke in a whisper which both her friends could easily hear, Sachi continued. “Maybe I should’ve taken an interest in surgery instead so I could reduce her breast when she’s asleep.”


Ketsueki had a big smile on her lips, she crossed her arms while holding the dagger making her large chest press against each other. Ketsueki said. “It’s all in the genes.” Namida stared at her friend's large chest and said. “Maybe you can spare us a gene or two? Better yet, point us to the gene pool you swam in.” Ketsueki stopped crossing her arms as she threw the dagger in the air as it spun around, she caught it by the handle and said. “The dagger is kinda growing on me.”


Sachi let out a sigh as she stared at her friend with a hint of jealousy in her eyes, she said. “And all it costs is your little brother.” Ketsueki pointed the dagger at her as she spoke with a hint of hostility in her voice and said. “Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.” Namida gestured at the dagger using her palm, she said. “Ah, yes. The elves are not going to expect something in return in exchange for an epic.” Her hand blurred as she was holding onto the dagger and stared at her reflection on it.


Namida continued. “This is your last chance, are you going to give me the dagger?” She slightly moved the dagger sideways and gave Ketsueki an artificial bright smile. Ketsueki let out a fake laugh and said. “No.” She snapped her fingers as the dagger in Namida’s hand flew toward her and was floating right in front of Ketsueki. Namida crossed her arms as she glared at her friend and said. “What a complete cheapskate, not even willing to give her friend a small gift.” Sachi let out a scoff as her lips curled into a smile, she said. “Only your family would call epics cheap.”


Ketsueki grabbed the dagger that was floating mid-air as she admired it. Namida adjusted her black frame glasses and said. “Can most of those low-tier even be called epics?” Sachi used the corner of her eye to glance at her friend who was admiring the dagger, she said. “I’m pretty sure the whole idea of low-tiers was invented by businessmen who wanted to sell items for a higher price.” Ketsueki nodded in satisfaction as her lips subconsciously curled into a smile while staring at herself using the reflection of the dagger.


Namida took off her glasses to see if there was some dirt on the lenses while she had her eyes on Sachi. Namida said. “With a closet just filled with equipment of epics, you’ll understand why I’m like this in the first place.” She put the black frame glasses back on and continued. “The low tiers are mostly awful, the epics are either meh or decent, and the high tiers are the only ones worth using.” The two of them glanced at Ketsueki who was too busy with the dagger. Sachi said. “Are you going to infuse your element or what?”


Ketsueki had a confused look on her face as she slightly tilted her head sideways, she said. “Infuse what?” Namida faked a laugh and said. “Bitch, stop acting cute. The main reason why you sent the little ones to cottontails room is to hide your element.” Ketsueki stared at her friend as she pointed in the direction of the kitchen using the dagger. Namida rolled her eyes as she took out a talisman from her pocket that had a few strings of mana traveling around it, she said. “I already had a barrier around us when they left.”


Ketsueki used the dagger to point at both her friends and said. “So we’ve been talking inside a barrier for the past few minutes while Reiki’s in the kitchen hearing silence?” Sachi was spinning a remote control on the tip of her index finger, she said. “Oh, I took care of that.” Ketsueki turned her head sideways, she saw Sachi’s smartphone on the coffee table playing a voice recording and the tv showing a man doing multiple different bowing positions in front of a woman. Ketsueki pointed at the tv using the dagger and said. “Other channels exist just so you know.”


Sachi stopped spinning the remote on the tip of her finger as she caught it mid-air, she said. “Then maybe if you took my advice of getting cable I’ll have more options to choose so that your boy doesn’t walk in an empty living room.” She pocketed the tv remote while Namida playfully elbowed Ketsueki in the stomach and said. “Come on, it’s not every day we see a weapon that needs to be infused with an element.” Ketsueki rolled her eyes at them, she said. “Fine, but if either of you goes blind. Good luck finding your way back home.”


Namida slightly adjusted her glasses and said. “These things do more than slow my reaction.” Sachi snapped her fingers as she pointed at the dagger in Ketsueki’s hands and said. “Mana infuse, now.”


Shiro’s Room


Yuki was doing some pushups by the door while wearing fingerless leather gloves. Mio and Shiro were sitting on the bed. Shiro had a strained polite smile on her face as she glanced at Yuki to give her some help as her friend ignored her pleas. Mio couldn’t take her eyes off the book, she said. “The elves' method of cultivation is simple compared to ours.”


Shiro gave Yuki a desperate look as she pretended she didn’t notice and did a pushup. Mio flipped to the next page and continued. “Thanks to their long lifespan, they still use the same method of slowly accumulating mana into their mana orb.” Mio placed a hand on her mouth, she said. “That would make sense since we either shape the mana in our orb into circles or stars…” Her eyes slightly narrowed as she focused on her own words, she continued. “A few do use circuits, but in terms of efficiency they prefer the first two methods…”


Mio continued to mumble as even Shiro who was sitting next to her on the bed couldn’t understand a single word. Shiro had a nervous expression on her face as she spoke in a soft tone and said. “Yuki, how about lending me a hand?” Yuki slowly stood up straight as she softly clapped her hand a couple of times as a few specks of dust spread between her palms, she said. “No, you're the one who started the whole conversation about books.” She pointed at Mio who was in her own world of thoughts and continued. “I’ll write something nice on your tombstone, so don’t worry.”


Shiro glared at her friend and forced herself to keep calm so that she didn't shout, she said. “Yuki!” Yuki made her way to the door as she waved at her friend and said. “I’ll see if there's something to snack on the first floor.” She opened the door behind her as she continued. “I’ll bring some for you two… Assuming I don’t eat all of it.” Yuki placed one foot outside the room as she gave her friend a smile. Shiro spoke in a panic and said. “Wai-!”


Before she could even get a word out Yuki closed the door leaving the two of them in the room. Mio was still mumbling something with her hand covering her mouth, she said. “This would mean that the special methods that were passed down from generation to generation aren’t that good…” She slightly shook her head sideways and continued. “Sure there’s been figures who used said methods but they haven’t fought against an elf who lived for half their lifespan…” Shiro had a nervous expression on her face as she played with the edge of her shirt, she slowly reached out her hand and poked her friend's arm a couple of times.


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She said. “M-Mio?” Her friend didn’t notice Shiro poking, Mio spoke under her breath and said. “But maybe the difference isn’t in time but quality. The mana-rich environment of the forest is infinitely better place to cultivate compared to-.” Shiro slightly poked her friend's arm a bit harder and said. “M-Mio? Mio?” Mio’s eyes regained focus as she moved her eyes away from the book and saw that Yuki wasn’t in the room. Mio said. “Shiro, where’s Yuki?” Shiro let out a sigh of relief as she drew circles on her bed using her finger.


Shiro said. “Yuki, went to the kitchen to get us some snacks. Based on the assumption she won’t eat it all.” The two of them glanced at the door as a hint of worry appeared on Shiro’s face, she continued. “Yuki, won’t eat all of it. Right?” Mio gently closed the book, she said. “Reiki will take care of that for us.” She took out a pouch from her pocket as she carefully placed the book inside and continued. “How long was I reading?” Shiro cutely tilted her head sideways, she said. “Not long, five minutes. I think?”


Mio had a hint of embarrassment on her expression as she faked a cough and said. “I’ll read the rest of the book at home.” Shiro reached for her pillow and hugged it with both arms, she said. “Mio, you don’t mind going outside for a minute so I can change clothes?” Mio stood up from the bed as she did a simple upwards stretch with her fingers interlocked, she said. “Sure, I’ll use this as an opportunity to move my legs a bit.” She made her way to the door as Shiro also stood up from the bed.


Mio placed her hand on the doorknob and turned it as Shiro waved at her friend and said. “Give me a few minutes and if you see Yuki tell her I’m changing.” The door was wide open as Mio turned her head sideways and gave her friend an odd look, she said. “Why can’t you just lock the door?” Shiro slightly jolted as her face slowly became nervous, she said. “I accidentally broke the lock when I was adjusting the lock…” Mio raised a brow and said. “Why were you even adjusting it in the first place?”


Shiro turned her head to avoid looking at Mio as she stared at the wall. Shiro said. “Onee-chan has a key to all the doors and I wanted to rust the insides of the doorknob…” Mio’s face had a hint of pity as she stared at her friend and thought. That’s unexpected from her… She said. “Sure, I’ll tell Yuki that the lock’s broken and not tell Ketsueki nee-san.” Shiro moved her gaze onto her friend as her eyes shined like stars. Mio let out a helpless laugh and said. “Make sure you don’t get caught.” She made her way out of the room and closed the door behind her.


Mio stood by the door as she looked around the simple yet clean house, she thought. A life like this… A smile subconsciously formed on her mouth as she continued her train of thought. Isn’t too bad… She heard the sound of footsteps coming from the staircase as she turned her head sideways and saw Yuki holding onto a large tray. Yuki was staring at the mountain of cheesy sliders as some drool was coming from the corner of her mouth. Mio let out a soft chuckle and said. “There better not be any drool on those.”


Yuki held the tray with one of her hands as she wiped the drool on the corner of her mouth and said. “Why are you standing outside Shiro’s room?” Mio reached for the pitcher of water on the tray and filled one of the glasses with water, she said. “She’s changing clothes and I needed to tell you that the lock on her door is broken.” She placed the pitcher down on the tray and picked up the glass of water. Yuki had an odd look on her face and said. “She kicked you out of the room for that?”


Mio took a small sip of water, she said. “Not even going to ask about the lock?” Yuki shook her head sideways and said. “Not really, I broke two doors, a few walls, and seven windows.” Mio observed her friend's straight expression, she thought. Not even a little guilty. She placed her glass back on the tray and said. “And your parents didn’t have anything to say about it?” Yuki had a bright smile on her face, she said. “I placed the blame on my older brother so they deducted his allowance.”


Mio stared at her friend and thought. And not even a single emotion of repentance. Yuki’s eyes wandered onto the plate of sliders as she subconsciously gulped, she said. “So we’re just going to stand out here until Shiro finishes changing?” Mio gave her friend a nod and said. “Seems like it.” Yuki stared at the mountain of sliders as she watched the cheese slowly fall onto the plate, she said. “She won’t mind us taking a bite or two, right?” A smile slowly crept onto Mio’s face, she said. “We’re at her house, what do you think?” Yuki didn’t hear what her friend said as her gaze was glued to the food.


Living Room


Namida was sitting on one of the armchairs as she had both her feet on top of the coffee table while wearing a pair of white indoor slippers. Sachi was sitting on the left-most side of the couch while flipping through the channels on tv. The two of them glanced at the elegant dagger Ketsueki who sat on the right-most side of the couch as she held with its appearance slightly changed. The dagger lost its tinge of silver as it looked slightly white while the light it emitted changed into vermillion.


Namida exaggerated a sigh and said. “Well, there goes my chances of getting my hands on an epic.” Sachi casually threw the remote onto the couch, she said. “I think you meant, relic.” She glanced at the corner of her eyes as Ketsueki was staring at her dagger in satisfaction. Ketsueki’s lips curled into a slightly smug smile, she said. “I mean, it’s a low-tiered relic so it’s not even that good.” Namida looked at her friend in disgust as she gave Ketsueki the middle finger and said. “Bitch, stop acting all innocent.”


Sachi’s pupils faintly glowed as she stared at the dagger, she said. “Self-repair, durable, and sharpened. These enchantments are nowhere near qualified to be a relic, even if it’s low-tier.” Namida was slightly ticked off as she moved both her feet away from the coffee table and sat up straight, she said. “I think this is the third time I’ve seen the enhancement, elemental adaption on something.” Ketsueki skillfully twirled the dagger between her fingertips as it faintly left an after-trail of vermillion on the blade, she said. “If I remember correctly they were only twenty items with this enchantment.” 


Namida spoke in a mockingly cute tone and said. “If I remember correctly, they were.” She let out a scoff dripping with annoyance, she continued. “Stop acting as if this dagger is some kind of rare treasure that can’t be shown in public.” Sachi and Ketsueki moved their gaze onto their friend. Ketsueki rolled her eyes and said. “Your family has two transcendent weapons and a vault with ten relics with the lowest one being middle-tiered.” Sachi’s eyes wandered onto her friend's pocket, she said. “In fact, you always have a high-tier katana with you at all times. Your fighting style doesn’t even use daggers.”


Namida glanced at the dagger as she crossed her arms and said. “I like the design of it.” Ketsueki spun the dagger in the palm of her hand, she said. “You can easily order a couple of servants to make a similar or better dagger.” Namdia placed her hands on the armrest of the chair and said. “It’s not the same.” Sachi’s brows furrowed in confusion, she said. “How?” Namida gave her friends a smile and said. “What kind of girl doesn’t want free stuff?” Sachi had a deadpan expression on her face, she said. “Namida, not everyone is like you.”


All three of the girls' eyes slightly widened as Ketsueki waved her hand as the dagger vanished. Namida placed both her feet back on the coffee table while Sachi’s right hand blurred as she picked up the remote on the couch and flipped through the channels. Everyone had a natural expression on their faces as they acted calm, Ketsueki said. “So how are you two liking your souvenirs Reiki got for you?” Sachi’s lips curved into a smile, she said. “I love my dress.” She let out a sweet giggle as she softly touched the long sleeve with her hand.


From the kitchen, Reiki nervously peeked from the corner and saw all three of them. Namida had a big grin on her face and said. “I can’t wait to use them and see the surprise looks on people as I pretend I didn’t notice their expressions.” Reiki made his way to the living room while holding a tray with a plate of sliders with cheese, a pitcher of water, and three tall glasses. He stood beside the couch as he placed everything on the tray onto the coffee table so they could easily reach it, Reiki said. “I made some snacks while making lunch.”


Ketsueki pretended to be indifferent as she spoke in a bland tone and said. “You mean late lunch.” A nervous smile formed on Reiki’s face, he said. “I-I’m making them as fast as I can.’ Ketsueki moved her gaze onto the tv as she spoke under her breath and intentionally let everyone hear her, she said. “Not fast enough.” Namida’s eyes lit up as she picked up a slider and said. “What’s in the patty?” She took a bite out of it as the melted cheese stretched.


Reiki pulled on the collar of his shirt, he said. “Nothing special, beef, breadcrumbs, finely crushed garlic, minced onion, and an egg to hold it together.” Sachi picked up a slider as she noticed the melted cheese slowly dripping down, she said. “Reiki can you get me a small plate? I don’t want anything to get on my dress.” Reiki gave her a nod and said. “Sure.” He looked at the other two girls and continued. “How about the others?” Ketsueki ignored him as she kept her eyes on the tv while Namida gave him a thumbs up and said. “I’m good.” Reiki hastily made his way to the kitchen while Sachi was staring at the melted cheese on the slider she was holding and said. “And that is what I call a toxic relationship.”

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