
Chapter 215: Chapter 215: Wealth

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Cherry turned into a streak of white as she appeared on Reiki’s right shoulder as he picked up the large silver bar, he thought. Ender, is this what I think it is? Reiki slid the door closed as he placed the bar beside the large plate with a mountain of fries and his triple patty burger on top. He heard Ender’s voice inside his head. [Elven steel.] Reiki grabbed the wooden handle of the cast iron pan as he flipped the burger onto the other side and thought. In terms of weight, it’s similar to gold.


He let go of the handle as he used his right hand to pick up the burger and took a big hungry bite out of it. Reiki glanced at Cherry who was pecking something in her wing and thought. No wonder she was missing for the majority of the stay… How did she even get her talons on this? The sound of footsteps was getting closer as Namida walked into the kitchen while holding onto a half-eaten eclair, she saw Reiki taking big bites of the burger and said. “Reiki, do something about your older sister-.” Her gaze wandered onto the large sparkling bar beside the plate of fries.


Reiki placed the burger on top of all the fires as he grabbed a handful of them, he said. “Don’t worry, Onee-chan will be back to normal in another minute or so.” Namida couldn’t move her gaze away from the bar, she managed to pry her eyes away from it and said. “... I thought you’d eat more food…” Reiki turned the heat off as he flipped the burger in the pan one more time, he said. “After finishing these two, I’ll wash the plate and hide in my room.”


Namida nodded while pretending to listen to him, she snapped her fingers and said. “You give me that silver bar and I’ll make sure Ketsueki won’t lay a finger on you.” Reiki finished off the burger and wiped his mouth clean using the back of his hand, he said. “I’d rather take the beating than give you the elven steel bar.” Namida let out a fake laugh as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye and said. “Reiki, that is a silver bar. I hate to break it to you, but you were scammed.”


Reiki took out his tattered pouch from his pocket, he said. “I’ll still hold onto it since they gave it to me.” Namida felt the sting of his words and thought. They gave him an entire bar of elven steel!? She moved her gaze onto her as Reiki took out a see-through plastic with a single burger bun inside of it. He pocketed the pouch, took the burger bun out of the plastic, and placed the bun on top of the pile of fries. The sound of footsteps was getting closer as Sachi walked into the kitchen, she said. “Namida, what’s taking you so-.”


From the corner of her eye, she noticed something sparkling as she glanced at it and saw the large elven steel bar. Sachi snapped back to reality and continued. “Long?...” Her gaze wandered onto the bar as she pointed at it, she said. “I’ll give you one point two million for that bar of silver.” She watched Reiki use a knife to cut the burger bun open as he stabbed the beef patty in the pan. Reiki said. “I am well aware of the fact it’s a bar of elven steel.” He placed the knife in the sink and started stacking some fries on top of the patty.


Sachi had a sweet smile on her lips as she casually waved her hand at him and said. “Elves won’t give you a bar of elven steel. How about you consider taking my offer? Silver should be around two thousand five hundred yen per ounce.” Reiki placed the top bun on top of the fries as he made a burger made with a single patty and fries, he thought. Why does she know the current price of silver? The three of them heard the sound of Shiro’s voice that came from the living room.


Shiro said. “Onii-chan, Onee-chan went outside in a panic.” Namida and Sachi were glaring at each other from the corner of their eyes. Reiki took a big bite of the odd combination burger in his hands, he thought. Yeah… Took my teasing one step too far. He gulped down a mouthful of food and said. “The bar isn’t for sale.” Sachi was about to say something when Namida elbowed her in the ribs. Namida said. “I’ll double what she’s paying.” Sachi glared at her friend from the corner of her eye and said. “Don’t listen to the guy who likes to claim he’s a woman.”


Reiki watched the two argue while he took another big bite of the burger in his hands, he thought. How nice… With friends like them, I have one less reason to worry about Onee-chan. Namida clenched her hands into fists as she spoke through gritted teeth and said. “I don’t need to hear that from someone who’s offering the price of silver.” Sachi placed a hand on her hip as she spoke in an obviously faked tone, she said. “Sir, I think you have the wrong idea.” Reiki watched the two argue while he enjoyed his meal.

Enrel’s Laboratory


Enora was staring at one of the preservation chambers that had half a dozen herbs inside that were meticulously taken care of. Moranor stared at the large stainless steel in the middle of the room that was littered with test tube racks, at least a dozen mortar and pestles along with herbs or plants that were either dried, made into a paste, or ground into a fine powder on top of thick parchment. Moranor pinched some of the green powder using her thumb and index finger and thought. How many plants did she waste today?


Enora moved her gaze onto the large metal table, she said. “Can you remind me again why you're supposed to be the poorest among our mothers?” She made her way to the table and stood beside Moranor who was examining some of the items. Enora continued. “This room alone should rival what we have in the vault.” Enrel was standing by a cabinet as she opened one revealing half inside was filled with cylinder-shaped metal that was completely solid while standing upwards. Enrel said. “In terms of assets, I’m easily more wealthy compared to those two.” The other half of the cabinet was filled with wooden containers as she took one out.


Enrel closed the cabinet as she made her way to the table as her expression slightly soured seeing the two young elves touching the ingredient with their bare hands, she said. “Tell me what you two touched so I can throw those into a bin.” Moranor’s eyes widened as she sprinkled the green powder back on the same one she picked some up, she said. “All we did was touch them.” Enora used the edge of the mortar to wipe off the thick purple slime-like consistency from her fingertips.


Enrel had a hint of disapproval on her expression, she said. “And I spent two hours on each of those.” She pointed at the ingredient the two elves touched and continued. “What you two did right there, costed me at least seven hundred platinum.” Enora glanced at Moranor who wasn’t paying attention to her as she grabbed the edge of her sleeve which she used to clean her hand. Enora’s lips curled into a smirk while Moranor stared at Enrel and said. “Again, you're supposed to be poor with herbs like this scattered around a room?”


Enora looked at all the herbs on the table, she said. “How much money do you go through a single day?” Enrel’s brow furrowed as she scratched the side of her head and said. “It depends on my mood… On a slow day about twenty thousand platinum.” Moranor glanced at the table again as she moved her gaze back onto Enrel. Moranor said. “Can’t you sell one of these and buy me a gift or something? At this rate, I’ll settle for a meal at one of the restaurants.” Enora had an intrigued expression, she said. “On busy days?”


Enrel’s lips curved into a big smile as she placed her hands on her lips while puffing her average-sized chest, she said. “Easily seventy to a hundred thousand.” Enora’s gaze was on Enrel’s chest as she shook her head sideways and said. “Yeah, that pose only works if you have a large chest like mom.” Enrel’s pupils faintly glowed a deep red as she spoke in a slightly cold tone, she said. “Oh, sorry that I’m not fat enough for your standards.” Moranor pointed at the box and said. “Moving on, a box you got inside a cabinet isn’t evidence.”


Enrel’s expression turned back to normal as she wagged her index finger at Moarnor and said. “This isn’t an ordinary box.” She placed her hands on the side of the wooden box and turned it around. The two elves saw three slanting claw marks with the middle being the longest that was aimed at the lock and latch. Enora moved her gaze onto her, she said. “Are we done yet?” Enrel’s brows furrowed as she gave the young elf a peculiar look, she said. “I am curious to know why this is the kind of attitude you give me.” Enora had a straight face and said. “You’ve made one too many empty promises.”


Moranor nodded in agreement while a look of surprise formed on Enrel’s expression. Enrel said. “That’s it? If you two give me a few more years I’m confident-.” Moranor and Enora rolled their eyes in sync as the two spoke simultaneously, they said. “Of a breakthrough happening, giving me all the time and money in the world.” Moranor let out a chuckle as a hint of nostalgia appeared in her dark blue eyes. The corner of Enora’s lips curled into a small smile, she said. “Don’t you get tired of repeating yourself?”


Enrel placed her elbow on top of the box as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand, she said. “It’s not like I keep saying that phrase every year.” Moranor gestured at the box Enrel was resting her hand on and said. “Alright, show us what’s inside.” Enrel had a hint of confusion on her face as her eyes slightly widened, she said. “I almost forgot, that bird Reiki dipped in white paint stole a bar from me.” She opened the box revealing a row with three large bars of elven steel while revealing the second row below it due to a missing block.


Enora pointed at the box and said. “How many bars are inside a box?” She glanced at the cabinet it came from while Enrel replied. “Only twelve.” Enrel noticed the odd looks she was receiving from the young elves and continued. “Don’t look at me like that.” She closed the box while Moranor crossed her arms, she said. “What do you even use bars for?” Enrel gave her an odd look and said. “To test the potion, I either shave some off or grind it into powder and place them into a tray along with a few drops of the brewed potion.”


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Enora’s brows furrowed, she said. “What kind of potion are you making to use elven steel?” Enrel extended her index finger and said. “Potions. I’m trying to make something acidic to melt the armor, using pheromones from monsters of the opposite sex to lure them, and I am curious to see if I can make something close to bottled fire.” The atmosphere was slightly awkward while Moranor gave her an odd look and said. “Why can’t you just make normal potions?” Enrel let out a soft sigh, she said. “Oversaturated market.”


Enora nodded in agreement as she slightly turned her head sideways and moved her gaze onto Moranor. Enora said. “She’s right, not just in elven territory. Humans, half-beast, dwarves, and others have their own recipe that there’s too much supply.” Moranor lightly scratched her cheek, she said. “Then why are potions still so expensive?” Enrel and Enora moved their gazes onto her as they gave Moranor weird looks. Moranor’s pupils had a few strings of lightning travel in them as she spoke in a slightly cold voice and said. “What? Never heard a question before?”


Enora moved her gaze onto Enrel, Enora said. “It’s moments like these that make me question if she did learn anything from Melanor.” The strings of lightning in Moranor’s pupils became more prominent while Enrel tapped her shoulder a couple of times. Enrel said. “Let’s say you win a lifetime of health potions but it comes with a condition of no selling.” Moranor had a pondering expression on her face as the strings of lightning in her eyes slowly faded, she said. “It has a lot more pros than cons.” Enrel glanced at Enora using the corner of her eyes.


Enora raised her hand and wagged her index finger and said. “But all the potion has a tiny side effect.” Moranor raised a brow at her, she said. “What kind? Nausea? Loss of appetite? Loose bowel movement?” Enrel gave the young elf a slightly grossed-out look and said. “Even if the bowel movement is a rumor, I’ll never go to that store.” Enora had a look of complete disbelief on her face, she said. “Seriously?...” Moranor shrugged her shoulder and said. “When mom was in the middle of traveling she witness the side effects first hand.”


Enora’s brows furrowed, she said. “I’m guessing the bowl thing was from the half-beast tribe.” Moranor nodded and continued. “Yeah, one of them slapped her butt which she returned by nearly frying him alive.” Enrel placed a hand on her chin as a pondering look formed on her face. Enora shook her head sideways and said. “I don’t see how a potion was involved.” Moranor rolled her eyes at her, she said. “She was on foreign land, she didn’t the image of elves being smeared so she went to the closet shop and bought the strongest potion.” She let out a chuckle and continued. “I won't get too graphic, but the back part of the wolf-man pants turned browned.”


Enrel moved the hand on her chin away as she pointed at Moranor and said. “Is that when we went to negotiate with them for more ore in exchange for meat?” Moranor gave her a nod, she said. “Yeah, even now they still can’t a grip on their food situation.” Enora let out a chuckle and said. “It weirds me out that their king isn’t obsessed with strength and looks out for the weak.” Enrel glanced at Enora from the corner of her eye. Enrel said. “Which is the first reason why Lora, Mela, and I decided to drop in their territory.”


The three elves had smiled on each of their faces. Moranor had a hint of puzzlement on her expression and said. “What were we even talking about?”


Ketsueki’s House By The Kitchen


Reiki was drying a large plate while using a clean cloth, he placed it on the rack along with the others. Namida was giving Sachi a nasty glare and said. “If you’d have kept your mouth shut, I would’ve got a bar of elven steel.” Sachi rolled her eyes at her friend, she said. “The deal you offered him was a promise that Ketsueki won’t smack him.”


Reiki turned around as he watched the two girls arguing, he thought. These two quarreling reminds me of my little elves. He placed a hand on his stomach and continued his train of thought. Yuki and Onee-chan asking for more left me with eight burgers… Namida let out a scoff, she said. “At least I was offering him a fair deal, compared to you who planned to scam him.” Sachi shook her head sideways and said. “I never had any intention of fooling him. If he received such a high amount at a young age who knows what Reiki would buy.”


Reiki took a few steps toward the living room, he thought. If I did give this bar away I’d be in a world of trouble. Namida and Sachi simultaneously placed a hand on each of his shoulders which made Reiki stop. He turned his head sideways to look at them and said. “I need to lock my room before Onee-chan decided to give me a beatdown.” Namida spoke with determination in her tone, she said. “With me here she won’t lay a finger on you.”


Sachi spoke in a similar tone and said. “Reiki, I know that you know Ketsueki isn't mad at you.” The two of them slowly pulled him closer, Sachi continued. “If she was you’d immediately get a beating from her.” Reiki was slightly impressed by them and thought. They do know her well. The three of them heard Shiro’s voice from the living room, she said. “Onee-chan, welcome back.” It was followed by her older sister who spoke in a slightly hasty tone, Ketsueki said. “I’m back and this is for you three to share.” Reiki had a look of confusion on his face as he looked up to Namida and Sachi who also had confused expressions on their faces.


The three of them heard Yuki’s voice which was bursting with excitement, she said. “Aneki, thank you!” Followed by the sound of Ketsueki’s concerned voice, she said. “Shiro, you only get one slice if you want to have anything for dinner.” Shiro’s tone was completely distraught, she said. “... Yes, Onee-chan…” Reiki took a couple of whiffs using his nose and thought. Slightly acidic and cheesy… Pepperoni. Ketsueki suddenly appeared in the kitchen with a smile on her lips while carrying a tall stack of pizza boxes, she said. “Reiki, I went out and bought some pizza-...”


She stopped mid-sentence and saw both her friends with a hand on her little brother’s shoulder, Ketsueki continued. “What are you two doing?” Reiki opened his mouth and was about to say something when Namida’s hands turned into a blur as she covered his mouth. Namida said, “We were trying to shake down your little brother for more chocolate.” Sachi pretended to elbow Namida in the shoulder and said. “Next time, I’ll do the talking.” Ketsueki examined her friends with a narrowed gaze as she glanced at her little brother, she thought. … Reiki’s fine…


Ketsueki spoke in a slightly cold tone and said. “As if you two had the guts to try anything like that, tell me the truth now and I won’t dock your pay.” Namida moved her hand that was covering Reiki’s mouth as she pointed at Ketsueki. Namida said. “You can’t do that!” Ketsueki smirked at her friend, she said. “Can’t do anything since I’m the one leading the group.” Reiki’s gaze was glued onto the boxes of pizza, he said. “I have a bar of elven steel on me and they’re trying to get their sticky hands on it.”


Ketsueki rolled her eyes as she let out a sigh and said. “That’s it? You two are making a mess over a bar of elven steel?” She let out a chuckle while placing her left hand on her hip as she processed what she and her little brother just said. Ketsueki’s eyes suddenly widened, she thought. Wait a minute… She noticed her two friends refusing to make eye contact with her as Namida stared at a wall while Sachi was staring outside the window. Ketsueki moved her gaze onto Reiki and said. “W-Why do you have an elven bar on you?”


Reiki somehow managed to move his gaze away from the boxes of pizza his older sister was carrying, he said. “It’s not mine-,” Sachi and Namida immediately turned their head to look at him as they spoke simultaneously, they said. “Then can I have it?” The two of them glared at each other from the corner of their eye but stopped when Ketsueki spoke in a cold tone, she said. “You two, living room.” Sachi instantly vanished while Namida turned into a blur as a couple of boxes of pizza went toward the living room.


Ketsueki opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the sound of Reiki’s stomach letting out an audible grumble. She noticed her little brother staring at the boxes of pizza she was carrying with her right hand and passed him the one at the top, Ketsueki said. “... Reiki, you hungry?” Her voice had a hint of nervousness in it as she anxiously watched her little brother. Reiki opened the box his older sister was holding and took a couple of sliced and pressed them against each other with the toppings in between, he said. “I could eat.”


Ketsueki’s expression slowly turned into relief as she made her way closer to him and placed an arm around her little brother’s shoulder, she said. “Then make sure to eat your fill.” Namida was holding onto a slice of pizza as the cheese on it slightly dripped, she was peeking from the corner and said. “Physical proof that love is dumb.” Sachi did the same as she stared at the two while holding a slice, she said. “This would never happen if she hadn’t pretended to be mad in the first place.”

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