
Chapter 217: Chapter 217: Table

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Ketsueki aggressively moved Namida’s arm around her shoulder and said. “What do you mean man? He’s only ten years old!” Sachi vanished from the couch as she appeared in front of Reiki with her hands held out, she said. “Then, if you won’t mind.” Ketsueki’s pupils faintly glowed as she glared at her friend and said. “You do know whatever he gives you, I’m going to steal it.” From the corner of her eye, she saw Namida stand up from the couch as she stood beside Sachi and said. “I’ll settle for three boxes and one of those blocks of chocolate wrapped in tinfoil.”


Reiki took out his tattered pouch from his pocket as he gave Namida an odd look, he said. “Didn’t you three say you were going to split it between yourselves?” Sachi pointed at Ketsueki who was sitting on the couch with an observing expression. Sachi said. “Your older sister still hasn’t cut the block when she threatened me to hand it to her.” Ketsueki spoke in a slightly higher tone, she said. “I did not threaten you for it.” Sachi moved her gaze onto the window and spoke in a hushed tone and said. “Whatever you say.”


Reiki took out another five boxes of familiar boxes as they seemingly warp and bend from being taken out of the tattered pouch, he thought. I’ll never get used to how the items seem to warp while I take them out. Reiki was about to hand the boxes off to Sachi as she gently pushed the case, she said. “Can I just have three boxes and a block of chocolate like that guy standing next to me?” Namida let out a scoff and said. “You say that as if you're the perfect example of being a refined lady.”


Reiki handed three boxes to Sachi and the other two to Namida while Ketseuki was watching them with a pondering gaze. Reiki said. “You two do know that I won’t be giving chocolate to either of you in the near future.” He placed his right hand inside the pouch while Namida and Sachi were all smiles. Namida used her free hand to roughly pat his shoulder a couple of times.


[System: User has received 31 Damage.]


[System: User has received 30 Damage.]


She said. “Reiki, take my advice.” She glanced at Ketsueki who was watching them from the couch and continued. “No girl would love a cheap man.”


Sachi gave her friend an odd look while Reiki took out a wooden box along with two large bars of dark chocolate neatly wrapped in tinfoil, he said. “I’m pretty sure it would also apply to you.” Sachi let out a laugh while she tapped the inside of her pocket a couple of times as the three large wooden boxes she was holding were sucked into it. Namida didn’t care for the remark as she snapped her fingers as the two boxes in her hand vanished into thin air.


She took the box and one of the blocks of chocolate and said. “Yeah, but I’ve put up with your older sister for the past year.” Sachi rolled her eyes at her friend as she took the other block of chocolate wrapped in tinfoil, she said. “And we also had to put up with you.” Ketsueki’s gaze was glued onto the chocolate her friends were holding as she stood up from the couch and made her way toward them. Namida snapped her fingers as the three boxes and the large block of chocolate vanished, she said. “With how you two treat me, you don’t deal with much.”


Ketsueki stood behind her friends as Sachi and Namida turned their heads sideways to look at her. Namida had a smirk while Sachi raised a brow at her and said. “What’s the matter, Ketsueki?” Reiki stared at his older sister, he thought. I already know what she wants. Sachi and Namida made way for her as Ketsueki stood in front of her little brother and held out her hand with expectations all over her face. Reiki placed his hand back inside the pouch and said. “I knew this would happen.” Ketseuki gave her little brother a smile.


He took out another three boxes along with a large block of dark chocolate that was neatly wrapped in tinfoil. Ketsueki’s had blurred as the items vanished from Reiki’s hands, he thought. If she didn’t did that, chances are Namida or Sachi would’ve. Reiki pocketed the pouch as he pointed at the ceiling and said. “I’m going to check on Shiro to make sure she didn’t sleep on her bed while covered in sweat.” He made his way to the staircase leaving the three girls in the living room. Ketsueki glared at her friends, she said. “How dare you two take advantage of his kindness.”


Namida crossed her arms as she raised a brow and said. “So we’re just going to pretend you didn’t do the same thing?” Sachi elbowed Namida in the stomach as she spoke in a slight whisper. Sachi said. “Don’t agitate her, I want to keep what Reiki gave to me.” Ketsueki spoke with a hint of dryness to her tone and said. “Alright, hand them over.” Ketsuekiheld out her hand while Sachi placed a hand over her pocket, her gaze slightly narrowed seeing her friend's hand. Sachi said. “Over. My. Dead. Body.”


Namida spread her arms as she had a provoking smile on her face, she said. “Only way your forcing me to make a slit is to have my katana in your hands.” Ketsueki’s gaze slowly went back to normal as she kept her eyes on her friends and said. “I can easily make that happen.” Namida let out a scoff and said. “So, which one of us is going to-.” She glanced to the spot Sachi was standing on a few seconds ago as she vanished. Sachi was by the dining table as she was holding onto the pocket of her elven green dress. 


Sachi said. “On second thought, I can’t afford to get my dress dirty.” Namida stared at her friend, she said. “You little fuck.” Her eyes widened as she quickly turned her head and saw that Ketsueki was gone. Namida looked around the room with alertness in her eyes while Sachi was staring at Ketseuki who was behind her as she was about to place her hand inside Namida’s jeans she was wearing. Sachi was still holding onto the chair and said. “Behind you.” Namida shaped her hand into a karate chop as the outline of it was enveloped in a thin layer of mana.


Ketsueki was about to place her hand inside her friend's pocket as she swiftly moved her hand away. Namida was a split second too late as Ketsueki had already pulled her hand away while she made a chopping motion while leaving a sharp blue trail in the air that slowly faded. Sachi watched her two friends glare at each other as she placed down the chair she was holding and sat down. Sachi thought. How she keeps up with Namida’s reflexes I will never know. She placed her hand inside a pocket on her dress.


Ketsueki’s pupils were faintly glowing as Namida left a couple of shadows after images as she repositioned herself as the two were five feet apart. Ketsueki’s lips curled into a slight smirk, she said. “I thought you wanted me to prove you wrong?” Part of Namida’s brown pupils turned black, she said. “I’m never wrong about my katana.” Sachi took out a few pieces of elven chocolate from the pocket of her green dress as she watched her friends face each other, she thought. They do realize Reiki and Shiro are on the second floor… With a house like this can you even call that a second floor?


Ketsueki’s right hand was slowly surrounded with a thin layer of mana, she admired the calm yet visible mana on her hand and said. “There’s always a first for everything.” She snapped her fingers as a crescent-shaped mana projectile quickly made its way to Namida’s neck. Namida caught the crescent-shaped projectile mid-air using her right hand which was covered in mana as she skillfully spun it between her fingertips like a knife. Namida said. “Let’s see what happens first, I slit your throat open or you riffling my pockets.”


The color of the crescent-shaped mana projectile in her hand visibly dulled as the shape slowly turned into a sphere as it floated ominously in the palm of her hand. Sachi was chewing while holding a star-shaped elven chocolate in her hand, she thought. I’ll never get tired of watching high levels of mana manipulation. Ketsueki rolled her eyes at her friend and said. “Nice party trick.” Namida let out a scoff, she said. “Sure to someone like you it’s similar to breathing.” The dulled sphere in her hands slowly turned black, Ketsueki thought. She’s going to aim for-. 


Before she could finish her train of thought the black sphere vanished from Namida’s palm as it and appeared right in front of Ketsueki’s eyes blocking her line of sight. Sachi saw Namida’s entire body blur for a split second as she appeared in the air while in the middle of trying to kick the back of Ketsueki’s head. Sachi ate the last point of the chocolate-shaped star and thought. What an idiot. Namida’s foot which was wearing white indoor slippers was about to touch her friend's head as Ketsueki glanced at her from the corner of her eye as a smirk formed on her lips.


Namida hit the back of her head against the ceiling making a loud thud as she kept a straight face and landed on the ground on her own two feet creating another loud thud. Sachi was shaking her head sideways while Ketsueki said. “Meticulous plan, but execution-wise…” Namida flipped her middle finger at her and said. “If this was the training room, I would’ve had you.” Ketsueki glanced at the ceiling and noticed a small visible dent on the ceiling that made a few pieces of wood crack, she said. “How about you hand over the block of dark chocolate as payment?”


Namida’s gaze narrowed, she said. “You wish, I’ll send someone here to fix that and you won’t even notice the difference.” Ketsueki turned her body around to face Namida while she glanced at Sachi who was sitting by the dining table eating elven chocolate while watching them. Ketsueki said. “So are you waiting for an opportunity or?...” Sachi took out a silk handkerchief from her pocket as she wiped her lips clean, she said. “Not in this dress.” Namida had a disapproving look on her face while staring at the elegant yet simple elven dress Sachi was wearing.

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Ketsueki’s lips curled into a slight smirk as a few needles of mana slowly formed near her palm, she said. “I promise it won’t have a single scratch on it.” Sachi stared at her friend and spoke in a bland tone, she said. “You point those needles at me and I’ll snitch on you to Reiki.” All the floating needles above Ketsueki’s palm quickly pointed to Namida who stared at the needles and said. “That all it takes to change your target?” Sachi waved the piece of chocolate in her hand, she said. “When it comes to her, Reiki’s the answer to everything.”


Ketsueki kept a straight face from the comment and said. “Are we to going to fight-?” A black sphere appeared floating in front of her face that covered her right eye. Namida used the blind spot as she was suddenly at arm's length of Ketsueki while her right hand that was leaving a trail of mana in the air as it was a few inches from touching her friend's throat. Ketsueki took a step back as one of the needles floating above her palm pierced the black sphere floating in front of her face, she said. “The same trick won’t work twice.”


A few needles followed suit as it stabbed the floating black sphere as it had to start to leak some black smog from where it was pierced by the needles. Namida's lips curled into a smile, she said. “I wonder.” Sachi was in the middle of chewing as she covered her mouth using her hand as she spoke with a slightly full mouth and said. “It’s a smoke screen.” Ketsueki’s gaze focused on the black sphere that was pierced by her needles as it instantly released a huge gush of smog that enveloped the whole room. The black smog was slowly approaching Sachi who was sitting on a chair by the dining table as she snapped her fingers as her entire body was enveloped in a layer of mana.


Shiro’s Room


Reiki heard multiple loud thuds coming from the first floor, he thought. I can guess what their fights are about. He was using both his hands to cover his little sister's ears who was lying down on the bed and continued his train of thought. At least Shiro changed her clothes before going to bed. The sound of consecutive thuds came from the first floor as Reiki kept covering Shiro’s ears with his hands.


Shiro’s eyelids faintly moved as she managed to keep them half-opened and saw her older brother sitting on the bed beside her, she said. “Onii-chan, morning.” A hint of confusion appeared in her eyes. Reiki moved his hands away from her ears and said. “How was your nap.” Through heavy eyelids, she saw her older brother move his hands away from the sides of her head. Shiro let out a small yawn and said. “Good.” The sound of loud thuds came from the first floor as she gently rubbed her eyes.


Shiro’s eyes lit up like stars as she spoke with a hint of hope, she said. “Did you convince Onee-chan to give me a piece of choco for dessert?” Reiki shook his head sideways which made his little sister pout at him, he said. “How about the two of us ask her when we go down?” Shiro was about to grab the green tunic her older brother was wearing but stopped, she grabbed Reiki’s wrist and pulled herself up. Shiro spoke in a slightly spoiled tone, she said. “Why can’t you just do it yourself?”


Reiki reached out his hand as he was about to poke his little sister’s bloated stomach as the sound thuds that were constantly coming from the first floor were slowly getting louder. He poked Shiro’s pudgy belly and said. “We’ve already had this conversation.” Shiro slapped the hand her older brother used to poke her gut as she repeatedly softly hit Reiki with her fists, she said. “Onii-chan-!” The two of them heard something loudly breaking from the first floor, Reiki thought. Sounds like one of them broke a table. Shiro’s eyes were now wide awake from the sound she heard.


Shiro gave her older brother a concerned look and said. “Onii-chan?” Reiki skillfully bounced off the bed and said. “Let’s go check on those three.” Shiro nodded at him as she took the blanket off revealing the plain grey t-shirt she wore underneath along with blue shorts. Reiki was already halfway to the door while Shiro was sitting on the bed while putting on a pair of white indoor slippers Shiro stood up from the bed as she was about to follow after her older brother. Reiki didn’t even look behind him and said. “Shiro, fix your bed.”


Shiro turned around as she went to hastily fix her bed, she said. “Yes, Onii-chan.”

Living Room


The smog was slowly clearing from the room as Sachi was sitting on a chair while holding onto a half-eaten heart-shaped chocolate, she stared at Namida whose standing posture was visibly unstable. Namida had a smile on her lips as she pointed at Ketsueki in victory and said. “I win!” Namida started tilting to the right as she was forced to adjust her footing to stand up straight. Sachi glanced at the dining table that was in pieces.


Ketsueki had an amused look on her face as she watched her friend trying her best to stand on her own two feet, she said. “Yeah, you won.” Namida nearly fell onto the floor as she placed a hand on the nearest wall and leaned on it, she said. “Even after all that effort, you went through. You still failed to get your grubby hands on my katana.” Sachi took a bite of the heart-shaped chocolate she was holding and thought. And all it cost you was a one-sided beating. The smog in the room was nearly gone while Sachi and Ketsueki’s ears perked up.


The two of them heard two pairs of footsteps making their way to the stairway. Ketsueki pointed at Sachi and said. “Get rid of the broken table.” Sachi snapped her fingers as the smashed table lying in front of her on the ground vanished as the layer of mana around her dissipated. Namida had a proud smirk on her lips as she gave herself a pat on the back and felt a sharp pain from it, she forced herself to grin and said. “Next time think about your opponent before stepping up to the plate.” Her legs slightly shooked as she managed to keep leaning on the wall.


Reiki reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Sachi sitting on a chair, he thought. They broke the dining table. Ketsueki gave her little brother a smile and said. “Reiki, what’s wrong?” He turned his head to face his older sister, Reiki said. “Shiro and I heard something break.” Namida let out a scoff which got his attention as Reiki saw her leaning on a wall. Namida said. “The only broken thing here is your older sister's pride.” The sound of light footsteps came from behind him.


Shiro lifted his left arm to look inside the living room and said. “Onii-chan, did you find the-.” Her gaze focused on Sachi who gave her a wave paired with a smile as she noticed the missing table. Shiro turned her head onto her older sister and said. “Onee-chan, our table is missing.” Ketsueki gave her little sister a smile, she said. “Don’t worry, Shiro. It won’t stay gone for long.” Reiki made way for his little sister as Shiro quickly trotted her way to Ketsueki as she grabbed the edge of the jacket she was wearing and said. “Onee-chan…”


Ketsueki glanced at Reiki who was staring at Namida who was pretending to be fine as she stopped leaning on the wall and gave him a small smile. Sachi was watching everything from her chair and thought. This is better than any tv program can bring me. Ketsueki moved her gaze onto her little sister, she said. “Is something wrong, Shiro?” Shiro had a hint of shyness on her expression as she had an embarrassed smile on her face and said. “... Onii-chan has something to say to you.” Shiro gave her older brother a look of expectation as Ketsueki had a helpless smile on her face as she moved her gaze onto her little brother. 


Ketsueki said. “Reiki, what’s so important that you even made Shiro say it in your place?” Namida gave Reiki a thumbs up as he moved his gaze onto his older sister and said. “I was planning on using some elven chocolate to use as a dessert.” Namida and Sachi’s ears perked from hearing what he said while Shiro’s eyes lit up like stars. Ketsueki noticed the expression on her little sister’s expression as she glanced at her bloated stomach, Ketsueki said. “What about Shiro?”


Reiki pretended to think and said. “I’ve thought about it and decided to go with giving her a piece of elven chocolate.” The light in Shiro’s eye slightly died as she pulled on her older sister’s jacket, Ketsueki pretended to be confused as she moved her gaze onto her little sister. Ketsueki said. “Shiro?” Seeing the confused look on her older sister’s face made her pout as she let out a soft hmph. Reiki made his way closer to Ketsueki and said. “Onee-chan, are those two also going to freeload for dinner?” Sachi took out a silk handkerchief from the pocket of her green dress and wiped her lips clean.


She spoke in an exaggerated tone, Sachi said. “I’ve not once mooched off Ketsueki.” Namida let out a chuckle as she crossed her arms as she felt a sharp pain in her left shoulder and said. “If anything she’s the sponges off us.” Ketsueki gave her friends a straight look as she moved her gaze onto her little brother, she said. “No matter how much I would love to kick them out, chances are they’ll stay for dinner. What’s the question for?” Reiki pointed at Sachi who was sitting on a chair, he said. “That’s because we have no table to eat on.” Ketsueki followed the area her little brother was pointing at and thought. Oh…

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