
Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Cause And Effect

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Reiki using his chopsticks tried to reach for another slice of meat but was taken by Arashi again. Trying once more Reiki aimed for a bite-size shiitake mushroom but before even moving his arm Arashi already stole it right under his nose. Reiki stared at Arashi and saw her elegantly eating with an indifferent expression. The other four who were eating pretended not to notice Arashi throwing a silent tantrum.

Igai said. "Enkei pass me some more beansprouts." Enkei replied. "Pass me a whole napa cabbage and half an onion." As the two traded and went back to gorging themselves.

Fuitchi said. "Yuko pass me some tofu." Yuko reached for the plate of tofu and said. "Pass me the negi and carrots." The two traded some platters and went back to eating. Both the meat and vegetables were being devoured at a steady rate. Reiki just noticed that Fuitchi was the one who was piling more ingredients onto the empty plates that were coming from the door behind him. And left the plates outside the door and a waiter replaced the empty plate with another one that had more meat and vegetables on it. 

Reiki thought. Seriously, no one's gonna help me out here? Fuitchi, Yuko, say something to her! Hell, I'll be happy if either Igai or Enkei helped me out. Reiki looked towards the two who were gorging themselves. Both Igai and Enkei avoided making eye contact with him. Reiki thought. Wait a minute. He shifted his vision towards Fuitchi and Yuko. Fuitchi was busy cooking beef while Yuko was staring at her glass of iced tea on the table. Right before Reiki changed his line of sight he saw both Yuko and Fuitchi smirked. And using the corner of his eyes he saw a sly smile from both Igai and Enkei.

He thought. They are messing with me... They don't want to deal with Arashi so they gave me the duty to pacify her... Fuck me, man... All the while enjoying my misery. Reiki let out a small sigh. Arashi, hearing him made a smile in victory. Expecting him to talk to her, Reiki slightly tightened his grip on his chopsticks and with one swift motion was able to successfully take a few pieces of beef. Everyone seeing this had their eyes widen for a few seconds before smiling.

The four of them thought the same thing. A good show is about to start. Arashi seeing this narrowed her eyes as she started to eat faster. Reiki, not missing a beat, started to eat as fast as he could. Fuitchi said to the waiter who was about to take the plate. "Can you guys serve the food faster? We're kinda hungry today." Fuitchi pointed at the two who were speed eating. The waiter, seeing this nodded silently as he walked away while carrying empty plates.

Both Arashi and Reiki ate as fast as they could while the others were eating and watching using the corner of their eye. Reiki didn't notice it but everyone one of the four had an evil smile on them. Fuitchi, not saying anything, kept filling the table with meat and vegetables. While the others eat in silence watching the two fighting amongst themselves.


In The Bathroom

Seijo was washing his hands as the bathroom was turning darker. Soon the mirror had a rippling effect and suddenly the image of a woman sitting crossed legs on a bed was in the mirror. You couldn't see her face due to the shadows but her figure was voluptuous. She was wearing a red bathrobe with flames as accents. With her breast being both on the large and bouncy side there was barely any space in her middle cleavage. Seijo didn't say anything after he finished washing his hands, he kept his eyes to the floor and his hands behind his back.

The woman in the mirror kept silent for a few seconds and said. "Seijo... Why am I being disturbed?" Seijo, keeping his eyes on the floor, made a nervous gulp and said. "Madam I have found a possible candidate to be the 4th generation dragon." The woman at the window was quiet for a while and curiously said. "Ohh?... What information do you have on him?" Seijo let out a sigh of relief but still kept staring at the bathroom floor. He said. "He's a child."

Soon the woman from the windows her eyes started to subtly change from the darkness. You can see her pupils had a faint fire in them but the fire didn't emit any source of light keeping her face covered in shadows. Seijo hurriedly said. "He can use internal force." The back of his clothes started to absorb some of his cold sweat. The woman's eyes turned back to normal as a few seconds passed to what Seijo felt like an eternity she said. "Interesting... So young yet he uses internal force... How old is he?"

Seijo replied. "10-year-old Madam." This time the woman instantly replied saying. "Ohh. Very peculiar... This child was the same age when I was using it... How capable is he?" Seijo said. "From what I observed he knows. Jeet Kun Do, Boxing, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, and Boxing. And he was able to fight Fuitchi to a draw by somehow incapacitating him." The woman replied. "Now I'm very interested to meet this child... I hope you remember what you're required to do when a potential dragon is found."

Seijo immediately said. "Yes, Madam the memory crystal is being delivered to you already it should be in your hands in three hours along with all information regarding him." The woman replied. "How nice for you mage class to freely record what you see... Others on the other hand need an observer class familiar... If that is all be on your way while I'm still in a good mood."

The bathroom started to light up again as Seijo let out a sigh of relief. He cast a spell on himself as the water on his clothes was somehow pushed away and Seijo using his hand led the water to the sink. He walked outside the bathroom to join the others who already started eating without him.


Back At The Guild

A couple of female receptionist we're observing two corpses in the private room. Two people were questioning some of them. One of them wore simple clothes while the other was wearing an expensive suit. The one in the suit asked. "Did any of you hear any fighting? Did you see any suspicious or new faces that visited this branch?" Hana was next to Hime who Reiki met before replied. "No. Other than two people everyone else we're regulars." The man in the suit asked. "What business did they have here?"

Hime answered. "The older one wanted a guild card for his younger brother." Before the man in the suit asked anything else the door was kicked open. Everyone in the room looked at a woman wearing a suit with pants was holding an array of files in her hands accompanied by two bodyguards. The man in the suit shouted. "Hey! This place is-." But was interrupted by the woman coldly said. "Shut it. This case is officially closed. If any information is leaked or if any of you decide to investigate further. You will be relieved of your position and charged with insubordination."

The one wearing simple clothes said. "And who are you to command us?" The woman pulled out two white envelopes and threw it to them at high speed. The two men caught them and started to read. After a few seconds, the man in the suit ripped the letter in half and shouted. "What the fuck is this?! We didn't sign this!"

The woman indifferently said. "You didn't. It's being forced on both of you." The one wearing simple clothes kept on reading. The one in the suit said. "A guild master and the head receptionist died we already had someone analyze the two." Right after he finished another man walked inside the room and said. "They died by-." The woman interrupted. "Internal bleeding. All of their organs were hit accurately. Resulting in them dying a few seconds after. The so-called guild master only lived a few more seconds after due to using a forbidden spell."

The man who recently entered wore clothes that looked like he was ready for a date. He was holding a file and some blood samples. The woman seeing this snapped her fingers and pointed at it. One of her bodyguards stole both of them as he burned the file and broke the test tubes with his bare hands. The man in the suit said. "How do you know that?" Seeing the woman stay silent he got angrier and said. "You think we'll stop because of some letters-." The woman interrupted a third time saying. "Shut it. Go back to all of your lovers who you gave STD."

The man wearing a suit paled as his body lightly trembled, he said. "I don't have STD." The woman replied. "Not until a few days ago. That one night fling with a foreigner from the club caused it... And I guess being sexually active didn't help your lovers and your wife in this regard." At this point, the man in the suit had his hands in his hair thinking of a way to solve his sudden predicament. 

The woman turned her gaze to the one wearing simple clothes. "And don't think we've forgotten about you. We don't care who you kidnapped via charm and persuasion spells just make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew... And if I were to give you a word of warning it would be. Don't get caught selling forbidden spells and cursed items. If any politician or anyone with high-status children got involved with those... You'd be a fugitive. And it would be a shame to die in a prison on your first day."

The woman turned her gaze to the man who recently entered the room. She said. "You on the other hand are clean. Faithful wife, two children with a good head on their shoulders, one girl and boy, and a high paying job. My advice. Stay away from these two." The man wearing simple clothes attacked the moment he had the opportunity. He was punched by one of the bodyguards in the face resulting in him losing a few teeth. He spat out blood and tried to get up but was kicked in the stomach by the one who punched him.

The bodyguard said. "Your orders ma'am?" The woman indifferently replied. "Just cripple one of his arms." The bodyguard stomped on the ground hitting his left shoulder resulting in a loud breaking sound. The ground beneath him broke and made a small hole. The man gritted his teeth so hard blood was seeping out of them he said. "I'm gonna!" But one more loud stomp was made once again this time aimed at his wrist. Another loud cracking sound followed by the bodyguard grinding his wrist for good measure. The man wearing simple clothes let out an inhumane scream from the top of his lungs and yet no one dared to help him.

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The woman walked outside the door with the two bodyguards in tow before closing the door. She shifted her gaze every time she called out a name, staring at them saying. "Kakudai, Teishi, Soji, Hana, and Hime. Don't say I didn't warn you. And trust me when I say this. You either ruin your lives and escape from Japan or die without a trace. And it doesn't seem like it but... You should be thankful that I got here first and not them."

As the three walked away fading from their view as they took a left and after a few steps a man wearing a black hood said. "Aww, you got here before me." The woman coldly said. "No need for bullshit. We arrived here at the same time... Tell me this, which of the eleven sent you here? Rat, snake, or bunny?" The man in the black hood chuckled and said. "Dragon." The woman lost her cold expression and was replaced with fear. She tried to move her lips to talk but failed. The man wearing a black hood seeing this let out his killing intent for half a second.

The three being in the radius of his killing intent the two bodyguards hurled mouthfuls of blood and stopped after a few seconds. The woman stood strong but had blood coming from both the end of her lips. The man in the black robe said. "Well, like you said those people in that room were very lucky. Very lucky indeed. My orders were to kill everyone in this branch... But now that you're here. I have to report this back. The last thing we need is you outlanders demand compensation for killing you…"

The black robed man pointed at the woman and continued. " But let me tell you this. The reason you're alive and well right now is not because I'm afraid to kill you nor the force behind you is a joke that keeps bothering us. No no no, the reason you're still breathing is the fact the dragon said 'it would be too bothersome to sweep someone of your status under the rug' so count yourself lucky. And me hurting the three of you... Consider it a warning for asking a question you shouldn't know the answer to." As he disappeared like a ghost.


Back At The Restaurant

Seijo walked inside the private room to see a mountain of plates and rice bowls in front of both Reiki and Arashi all the while stuffing their faces with food. Fuitchi was counting Arashi's plates and Enkei was counting Reiki's. Seijo, seeing this, shrugged his shoulders and sat on the empty zabuton and started to eat his fill.

Reiki was grabbing anything he could get his hands on negi, tofu, and some beef and pork. Arashi on the other hand was mostly eating meat and some vegetables when the plates were being refilled. As both of them were emptying their bowl simultaneously they looked at the corner of their eye to stare at each other. They placed their bowls on the table nearly at the same time. Arashi let out a small burp and said. "Pardon me." As she took a sip of water with ice. Reiki on the other hand let out a loud belch that lasted a good three seconds before saying. "Excuse me."

The two using the corner of their eye to look at each other and simultaneously said. "I want some more.." Fuitchi smiled as he passed them both with bowls with a mountain of rice each. As the two continued to gorge themselves again. With a sly smile on his face, Fuitchi said to the others. "I think we know what we need to do... I bet 5 platinum (¥1,800,000) on Arashi." Enkei happily joined in saying. "Same, I bet 5 platinum on Arashi." Igai followed up and said. "I want a piece of this action. I bet 5 platinum on Arashi." Even Seijo joined in saying. "Someone put a bet for me on Arashi." 

Everyone else looked to Yuko with expectation in their eyes. Fuitchi said. "Well, it looks like you have to bet on Lil bro. And with our rules, you have to match the amount of how much we bet in total and vice versa. And as you know it's not considered a bet if everyone has all the chips on one side." Yuko indifferently stared at him and started to pull out 5 platinum coins from her pockets every time she reached out to grab some. One, two, three, and four everyone was smiling around the table as Yuko pulled out her bet.

The four who bet on Arashi put the 20 platinum coins (¥7,200,000) in front of her plates. While Yuko placed down 20 platinum coins in front of Reiki's plate she pulled out another 20 from her pockets and placed them all on Reiki. Yuko placed 40 platinum coins (¥14,400,00) forcing the pile to a total of 80 platinum coins (¥28,800,000) Yuko said. "5 platinum coins? And you guys call yourself men. I raised 20 platinum coins." Everyone was shocked when they heard it but smiled afterward. Fuitchi, Igai, and Enkei placed another 5 platinum each and placed it in front of Arashi's plates.

Seijo said. "Make sure you guys don't forget about mine." Yuko stared at him and bluntly said. "Shouldn't you be ashamed of gambling in front of us?" Seijo replied. "Even I have expenses to pay for. And it doesn't hurt to earn as much as possible... By legal means." Fuitchi said. "Please! Everyone here knows you're loaded thanks to your family business and it doesn't help that you started your own and it ended up being as successful. Losing a bet won't make a difference, compared to us who can't even afford some things."

Yuko said. "That's because I don't spend all of it on alcohol, brothels, and or buying resources for girls just to get them into bed yet failing." Igai said. "I only have 2 on me." Enkei said. "I have only 1 left." Fuitchi smiled and said. "Perfect. I also have 2 left on me." Changing his sight to Yuko Fuitchi said. "But don't worry. This time we'll be responsible for the money that you gave us."

~29 Minutes Later~

Reiki and Arashi putting down their empty bowls on the table once again. Arashi after placing her bowl down also puts her chopsticks on top of it with her left hand on her stomach and her right hand on her mouth to prevent herself from puking. Reiki, on the other hand, held his bowl out and said. "Seconds." Arashi's cheeks puffed with air the moment Reiki talked about eating but she managed to hold it in and softly said. "I-I'm full." And just sat in place carefully. Yuko had already claimed her earnings was counting them one by one with a smirk on her face.

Everyone else was staring at Reiki wondering how he could eat so much. Seeing no one was serving, Reiki Yuko herself took his bowl and filled it again with a mountain of rice. Once Reiki had his bowl again he started to eat again not minding any of them. Yuko said. "Well, well, well, how the tables have turned. If it makes you feel any better I won't be investing the money I won today because let's face it. This amount of change can't be used to invest anything in my family's business or mine. Instead, I'll just buy a lower quality perfume, just think of it as you guys pooling your money together for my birthday. But this time It's somewhat decent."

Seijo didn't mind and asked. "How many bowls of rice did they ate? Before I got here." Igai gloomily said. "One per plate." As he let out a small sigh. Seijo started counting the plates and said. "Arashi ate a total of 57 plates. And that means Reiki is eating number 58... Were all of their rice servings that big?" Enkei made a small nod thinking about how much he just lost. Fuitchi said. "Seijo... Do you know the reason why he eats so much? Arashi in our group is the one who eats the most, even more so than Enkei. How come his stomach hasn't exploded yet?" 

Seijo said. "Simple, his body burns more energy. When a bodybuilder eats he needs a certain amount of protein, calories, and a small amount of fat daily. When they exercise they burn more energy than the average person who works a simple 9 to 5 job with a thirty-minute exercise window. Bodybuilders, powerlifters, and athletes with an intense exercise regimen, they would need more calories or energy to support their own body. If a bodybuilder and an average man stood for one hour doing nothing the bodybuilder burns more energy than the other. Then what about you guys. There no need to hide it we all know we eat tons of food daily when it's meant for the civilians to eat. But when we eat a monster that is stronger than us we usually eat like the average person."

Fuitchi said. "Then did the effects of your healing spell affected him? No offense Lil bro but I did rough you up a bit." Arashi shoots Fuitchi a glare which he ignored. Seijo replied. "No. My healing spells might be good but some of them take a few minutes to take effect. That bubble that I used on him was supposed to just speed up his natural healing in 10 minutes by using his energy. But he barely even stayed inside it for 2 full minutes. Meaning his body burns more energy than Arashi in a single day but also in exchange his body has its advantages."

Fuitchi asked. "How is eating so much an advantage?" Seijo smiled and said. "That's because the first dragon eats just like him when she was younger. When going to restaurants meant for civilians she usually eats the entire stock before lunch hour. And it also means he needs a lot of nutrition to grow plus adding the fact he uses internal force it would've surprised me more if he ate so little." Seijo looked at Reiki stuffing himself with Yuko happily refilling his bowl. He continued and said. "But this... I need to report this to madam right now exactly." As he stood up and left the room.

Fuitchi was in deep thought for a moment before realizing Seijo left without telling them where he'll be to pay for them the 10 platinum coins he owes them. Fuitchi said. "Son of a bitch! He left without paying his bet!" Yuko spoke with a smirk. "Doesn't matter to me I just won some chump change." Before Fuitchi said anything Reiki said. "So... What do you guys do anyway?" As he continued to eat while listening. Yuko said. "I guess we keep a few things in check in simple terms."

Reiki asked. "Like what?" Yuko said. "If any forces decide to wage a war on one another if it's too likely to become true we stop them before anything happens to the civilians. If an adventure regardless of rank, status, and wealth once they have been reported to any branch of the guild with sufficient evidence of harming citizens of any country. The person will be banned in all guilds even in different countries."

"The person guilty of this crime will have a bounty on his head and will be made a kill on sight target. If they go to a different country they would have to live their life as an immigrant to lay low and if they're caught by another countries guild branch. By that time he or she already has their bounty around the globe. Of course, not all of them bother to catch them for the reward, only the ones who can barely make ends meet."

"And trust me when I say this, there are a lot of adventurers who can barely make ends meet on their own. And as you know civilians are... Fragile unlike us who can be hit by a 100mph vehicle and still be able to walk away... Long story short there was a movement about this decades ago. Adventurers were suppressing civilians and raping, killing, and trafficking them as they pleased. Needless to say, all of them worldwide stopped going to their jobs and the economy was on the verge of crumbling. After negotiations, adventurers and civilians are not allowed to intentionally harm each other... We also gather information about all the forces, even the smallest unknown ones and the forces who have a good part of the country under their territory."

Reiki said. "Got a list of forces here that you could give me?" Yuko pulled out a white notebook with nothing written on it. Yuko said. "You can keep it. It's just a summary of mostly medium size forces and a few large ones here in Japan," Igai said. "Alright alright now that we have that covered it's time to introduce ourselves to bro here."

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