
Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Business

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Seijo laid down Reiki on the bed it was the very same bed Arashi threw outside in anger. For a split second, Seijo's eyes glowed as a thick layer of water coated the boy's body on the bed without dampening the bed itself. Arashi and Kiru were watching from the doorway as Seijo walked out of the bedroom and stopped in front of them and said. "He's fine. The kid just lost a bit too much blood and was able to stay awake due to adrenaline." The two girls made their way so Seijo could walk out as he thought. Madam said I'm not allowed to scan him. Too bad his adrenaline alone proves that the kid's body is in an entire league of its own... 

Walking out of the room he saw Yuko entering and the rest of the boys were missing. He asked. "Where are they?" Yuko replied. "Outside since Reiki has two girls fighting and crying for him." As she went inside the bedroom where the two girls are. Seijo let out a small sigh and went towards the front door and said. "Guys get inside. We'll be here for a day or two." Igai was sitting in a corner while both Fuitchi and Enkei were staring off in the distance. All of them walked inside the shop and sat in the living room as Enkei turned the tv on and started to browse channels.


Yuko's pupils were a glowing grey as she looked at Reiki's entire body. Arashi was holding her breath waiting for her to finish while Kiru was just standing to one side with the potion on the nightstand beside her. Yuko's eyes turned back to normal and said. "Everything is fine. Just some fractures here and there that'll heal up in a month or so. A week since... Dragon claims his body is unique." With a sigh of relief, Arashi calmed down with Kiru letting out a breath she was holding in. Yuko walked out of the bedroom and joined the others in the living room to watch what was on. 

Arashi coldly said. "What are you still doing here?" Kiru, not taking it seriously, said. "Waiting for my little brother to gain consciousness." Arashi scoffed and said. "Lil bro we'll be fine without you. So take your check and shove it up inside your ass while you walk out to the door." As she pointed outside. Kiru let out a small sigh and said. "Could you not be so loud? Little brother is too tired for your bullshit." Arashi's eyes started to spew fire before she could say anything else. 

Both of them froze in place by a voice with a hoarse throat that said. "How about both of you get out so I can rest?" Arashi sat next to him with worry written on her face. She said. "Lil bro are you alright? Is it too cold or too hot? How many fingers am I holding?" Arashi placed her hand inches away from his face. Reiki said weakly. "The temperature is fine. And don't put your hand so close to my face, three fingers... I need water and." The sound of a stomach growling was so loud that Arashi and Kiru had astonished looks on their faces.

Seijo had a pitcher of water with ice and some lemon in it with a tall glass in the other hand. He walked inside and set both of it down on the nightstand. Everyone was at the doorway staring at Reiki who's stomach rumbled. Not being flustered, Reiki said. "Hey guys, I thought you were already on your way for some training?" Arashi said. "They were. Until... You got kidnapped and I called them since it was an emergency... Do you remember anything Lil bro?" Reiki thought for a bit and searched his memories.

He remembered everything that happened when both the voice and Q were controlling his body with a shake of his head he said. "Not really. I had a strange dream though." Arashi asked. "What was it?" Pretending to think abou, Reiki said. "I was lost in a dark place that had no sun, just an endless walk towards emptiness... I met this... Person? Who was speaking in some strange language that I couldn't understand." Reiki started to cough. He slowly stood up and saw that his body was covered in a layer of water. He asked. "How am I supposed to touch the glass?"

Seijo said. "Just think-." Arashi grabbed the glass but Kiru snatched the pitcher of water. The two of them started a staring contest but Reiki said. "Seijo, could you please take both of them out of this room? They keep fighting every time they blink." Seijo had a weird look on his face as Arashi and Kiru turned their vicious gaze on him. Arashi turned to face Reiki with an innocent look and said. "Lil bro it's not my fault! The outsider just won't listen!"

Kiru calmly said. "Little brother, give me a moment. I just need to make this..." Looking at the corner of her eye Kiru continued. "Brute drop the glass." The two of them started another staring contest but were interrupted by Reiki saying. "Can the two of you not fight while I'm hurt? You guys can kill each other behind my back for all I care..." Reiki thought about how the two interacted with each other said. "Scratch that. Knowing the two of you, both of you would do it." Kiru moved the pitcher closer to the glass Arashi was holding.

Arashi said. "What are you doing?" Kiru answered. "Pouring a glass of water for my little brother." Yuko, who walked outside a few minutes prior, went inside with a glass of water in hand as she carefully handed it to Reiki. With both of his hands slowly getting closer, the water near his hands started to go inside making the layer around him bigger by a bit. Gripping the glass of water with both hands, Reiki started to take small sips with Yuko by his right in case the glass fell. After a few sips, Reiki started to chug the entire glass down.

Yuko said. "How do you feel?" Reiki said. "My head feels like I just did a keg st-. Drank water upside down. Everything is sore and my arms feel numb but at the same time heavy." Yuko changed her gaze to Seijo as he nodded to indicate it was more or less accurate. Arashi and Kiru on the other hand were having another staring contest because both of them refused to give way. Yuko said. "Want anything Lil bro?" Reiki quickly answered. "Food. A lot of food."

Kiru gave the pitcher of water to Arashi and sneakily took out a phone and texted a number with the word food. Arashi acquired the pitcher before she could pour water into the glass she was holding. Reiki brought it closer to her and filled that glass instead. As she filled the glass she was also holding and drank some water. Before she could say anything Kiru said. "Don't worry little brother. I already sent someone to bring about a week's worth of groceries."

Arashi with a smirk on her face said. "You do realize that we're in a ramen shop. He has all the food he needs right here." Kiru replied. "And how would the owners react to having no stock, miss a day's worth of sales, and having their reputation being smudged?" Arashi having the reality pointed out said. "I-I can give them a heads-up. They can always have a day off." All four of them, including Arashi saw Kiru's expression had the words I am not impressed written on it. Turning her head to face Reiki she said. "Little brother, give me a few minutes and I'll have a home cook meal ready for you in bed."

She walked out of the room leaving them in the bedroom that had an awkward atmosphere. Reiki looked around and noticed the Seijo was actually gone from where he was a few seconds ago. Yuko's pupils were glowing grey again and Arashi was just sitting next to the bed on Reiki's left. After a few seconds passed Yuko made an innocent smile and left the room leaving the two of them alone. Arashi looked at him and said. "Are you sure you're fine Lil bro?" Reiki answered. "Yes, I'm fine. I just feel very hungry right now." Arashi asked. "How hungry?"

Reiki said. "I feel like I could eat a herd of cows." Arashi chuckled as she ruffled his hair and said. "So, like always." While his hair was being ruffled he thought. No... I feel too hungry... I feel like... I'm not actually hungry... It feels like something is compelling me to eat... Reiki stopped thinking and looked at her and said. "When are you going to move your hand from my head?" Arashi did not stop as she said. "Why? It's not hurting you."

Reiki let out a soft sigh as she just let her continue after thinking of something he said. "Nee-san... Can you bring everyone in here? And make sure Kiru doesn't hear it." Arashi stopped ruffling his hair and nodded as she went out and a few seconds later everyone was inside the bedroom. Arashi sat on the left side of the bed, Yuko sat on the bed on the right, Seijo closed the door and leaned on it, and the boys were at the end of the bed staring at him.

With everyone listening, Reiki said. "I'm starting my own business. There's only room for three investors who wants in?" Everyone in the room was silent staring at him with their faces filled with awkwardness. Fuitchi asked. "How much would we need to give you? And what percent would we get if we invested?" Reiki answered. "50 platinum coins (¥18,000,000) for 5% of the shares." Fuitchi asked. "So how long would it take for your... 'Business' to make a profit?"

Reiki replied. "10 years. The start would be grueling and during the development, it'll be rapidly expanding here and there." Fuitchi asked. "What type of business are you setting up for it to take 10 years to profit? And you plan to expand during those days?... What would happen to our shares won't it get diluted?"

Reiki answered. "A potion shop. The development phase won't be profitable since everything we make would just go back to the business." Seijo already left while Enkei and Fuitchi chuckled on the way out. Walking towards the living room Fuitchi said. "Goat, let's watch some sports." Igai said. "See what's on. I'll catch up." Reiki stayed silent, not caring what they said.

By this point, Yuko was already standing and staring outside the window she thought. It doesn't add up... It can't be a scam since if he was after money he would try to convince all of us to invest... And 10 years is a long time... To top it all off a potion shop... The deepest pit to fill... My family tried it but seeing the expenses for the first month they decided to drop it without hesitation... Arashi next to him said. "Lil bro I don't think asking other people for money is the answer to solve your... Situation." 

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Reiki said. "It's not. I plan on starting my own company. Nee-san you can pick to invest too even if you don't you'll still have 5% of the shares because... Of our agreement." Arashi with a small frown on her face said. "But a potion shop?... That's a very, very, very high-risk Lil bro. I've seen potion shops close on the next day because they couldn't afford to pay for either ingredients or the salary of their alchemist. You have to understand that you're trying to fill a chasm."

Reiki said. "You don't have to worry Nee-san. I can make you rich regardless of whats your choice today." Staring right into her eyes. Yuko pulled out the pouch when she gambled against the boys and said. "Is there any chance you can increase the shares?" Reiki answered. "No. 5% is already me missing out on a fortune." Yuko stared right into his eyes. Reiki not being intimidated kept the stare after a while she said. "Alright-." Reiki raised his hand and asked. "Before we make this deal... Tell me this."

Reiki's eyes turned semi-hollow, giving it a sharp glare as his voice turned slightly cold saying. "Are you a merchant? Who would do anything for a quick profit? Or are you a businesswoman? That weighs the cons and pros?" As she tried to pass the pouch in her hand to him she felt something was judging her. Staring at her entire being knowing whether she told the truth or not with a deep breath to calm herself down she said. "I always make logical decisions when it comes to business... I would rather cripple myself than sell my friend for something. And even if I did my answer to them would be. 'You guys really think they're worth that little?'."

Keeping Reiki's stare as his eyes slowly turned back to normal he said. "Then you have a 5% share." Yuko placed her pouch on the bed Reiki was on near his hand. She walked outside the room but Igai was still thinking of something and pulled out a green pouch and said? "Here's my life savings." The water on Reiki's hand slowly went to his shoulders when he reached out his hand but before Igai gave it to him he said. "You claim you can make money... My question is. If I give you this, what do I gain in exchange for my loss?"

Reiki said. "My gratitude and trust." Igai gave the green pouch to him and said. "Fine I'll trust you regardless if you succeed or not from now on you'll be my bro. If you have any problems feel free to call me." As Igai gave Reiki's back a hard smack that made him shudder. Arashi seeing this stood up in anger and screamed. "Igai!"

As he left the room chuckling to himself. Arashi pondered for a moment before bringing out a pouch that looked the same as Yuko's and gave it to Reiki. She said. "Lil bro I already gave you money once. Why stop now?" Letting out a chuckle as she ruffled Reiki's hair. Reiki said. "It's fine, Nee-san. I'll make you rich to the point that even if you have a gambling addiction you won't be able to spend it all."

Kiru came inside the room with a new butler that was nervous and kept his gaze to the ground as he kept silent. Kiru said. "Little brother. The groceries are here. I'm here to ask you what type of dish you prefer." She was holding a bag in each hand and the butler had dozens of bags in his Reiki slowly stood up and said. "I'll make my meals if you don't mind." The layer of water on Reiki started to turn into steam as it vanished while the two girls were watching. Arashi's eyes had horror on them as she screamed at the top of her lungs. "DRAGON!!"

Seijo was suddenly inside the room and was about to ask Arashi when he saw Reiki was already on his feet. Yuko and Igai came running back to the doorway as the butler with Kiru went outside to wait. Seijo gave Yuko a meaningful look as the two of them gave a small nod. Yuko's pupils started to glow grey as she looked at Reiki's entire body. A few seconds passed and the grey glow slowly disappeared. Yuko with wide eyes struggled to say. "H-He's fine." A weird vibe started to envelop the atmosphere in the room as Reiki said. "Isn't that how healing spells work?" Yuko shook her head as she and Igai left once again as Seijo gave him a discerning look and vanished on the spot.

The voice said. [Well, your body is fine but your right arm and left leg... Still need some time to grow and that ogre should take a day or so to 'heal'. Other than that you'll live.] Reiki thought. What do you mean a day or so? Arashi poked Reiki's shoulder and said. "Lil bro you okay? You're spacing out again. I could call Yuko to give you another search in case she missed something." Reiki gaining focus said. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just feeling light-headed from my hunger."

He started to walk out of the bedroom and saw the butler carrying all the groceries. Reiki said. "I'll take those off your hand if you don't mind." The butler became a bit nervous and looked at Kiru and saw her face with a meaningful look giving the bags to Reiki. The butler gave a slight bow and started to leave the house. Going straight to the kitchen Reiki raided the fridge and brought out a handful of large potatoes, carrots, milk, and heavy cream.

Preheating the oven, Reiki made different scoring marks that almost reached the bottom using half of the potatoes and searched the contents of the bags. He brought out olive oil, a large piece of sharp cheddar, mozzarella, different cuts of meat, and bacon. Searching the cabins he took out a baking tray, a large deep pot, and some tinfoil. Coating the potatoes with the scorings with olive oil he started to slice the cheese and the bacon and stuff inside the scorings of the potatoes.

Covering the potatoes with the tinfoil as he placed them on the baking tray and in the oven. Using the knife to peel the skin of the carrots he sliced both of the ingredients into roughly the same size with a drizzle of oil on the deep pot he started to brown the meat. While the meat was browning Reiki started to prepare lamb chops, venison, veal, and there was a lot of A5 wagyu beef that he hid most in his pouch when he had a chance.

~45 Minutes Later~

All the boys were watching from afar when they smelled something coming from the kitchen. Both Kiru and Yuko's eyes were in a daze recalling what happened in the kitchen Arashi was on the right of Yuko not being fazed by what just happened. The three of them were sitting on a chair with a table filled with five pieces of medium-rare wagyu steak, a large bowl of meat and potatoes, pan-seared lamb chops, both the veal and venison were butter-based and sliced elegantly onto a plate, and Reiki pulled out a tray with filled with potatoes wrapped in tinfoil on one hand and a large serving bowl of rice in the other.

Reiki said. "Igai wanna join us? I made extra for another person." Running towards the pair of empty chairs he sat down as Reiki somehow managed to place the potatoes wrapped in tinfoil on the table. Sitting down next to Igai, he said. "Itadakimasu." As everyone did the same they started to eat their fill for a good few seconds no one said anything and just ate in silence. Enkei, staring at the food, swallowed hard and asked. "Igai... How is it?" He turned his head and said. "It's so good!"

As he stuffed himself like Reiki. The girls were still eating with etiquette but you can see they were eating at a fast pace. Reiki was the only one who got some rice as the others went for the meat grabbing one of the potatoes wrapped in tinfoil he revealed a fragrant smell when he revealed a baked potato topped with melted cheese and slices of bacon. Arashi and Igai seeing this both grabbed one as they were stuffing themselves like no tomorrow.

~One Meal Later~

Kiru was staring at Reiki with a knowing look and a smirk on her face indicating she knew that he hid some of the food but didn't care. Arashi was sitting on her chair with a satisfied smile while Yuko was doing the dishes. Fuitchi said. "You could have at least left some for us." Kiru gave them a sideways glance which made them shiver as he turned his head and walked back to the living room with everyone else.

Igai was sitting on his chair with a smirk on his face while tilting his chair back everyone heard another loud gurgling sound coming from Reiki's stomach. Arashi said. "Still hungry Lil bro?" Igai chuckled and said. "Of course he is! I didn't expect anything else." Reiki had his hand on his stomach and thought. Why am I still so hungry?... Kiru pulled out a black mini cooler that looked like it was used to preserve organs from her purple pouch.

She said. "I knew something like this would happen so I brought something special." Arashi and Igai had their eyes glued on it even Yuko stopped doing the dishes and was staring at the black cooler. Reiki asked. "What's in it?"

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