
Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Relations

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Reiki stared at Kiru for a few seconds before closing the door normally and locking it using the handle he turned around and faced Arashi. He said. "Like I was saying, feel free to relax in the living room with my sisters. I'll make dinner and some snacks for everyone to munch on while I cook." Arashi had an odd expression on her face while Ketsueki shouted from the living room saying. "Reiki, who was at the door?" Reiki replied. "Just another door to door salesman." Ketsueki said. "Again? I thought they stopped after the last one woke up at the hospital." Reiki said. "The man looked new so he doesn't know."

He made a gesture towards Arashi so she could walk inside but the sound of a door being unlocked was heard behind them. Reiki's eyes widened as he turned his head around and saw the door slowly opening and revealed Kiru with a smile on her face. She said. "Pardon the intrusion." As she walked inside. Ketsueki carried Shiro in her arms while walking towards them, she said. "Reiki? Who is it-..." 

She stopped her sentence the moment she saw Kiru as a tinge of awkwardness shrouded all of them, Ketsueki said. "And who you might be?" As she seized her up and down with her glare. Kiru ignoring it had a warm smile on her face and said. "Good evening, I just moved in across the street and I was introducing myself to these two right here. And your little brother was kind enough to invite me for dinner."

She pointed both at Arashi and Reiki, who was about to turn his head saw that Kiru was hiding a folded piece of paper in her hand. He quickly said. "Yeah!" Arashi was glaring at Kiru while Shiro and Ketsueki were giving him strange looks for his sudden outburst. Turning around to face both his sisters, he said. "You always say I should be kind to everyone who treats me with kindness. It's fine right Onee-san? Just this one time." Ketsueki's eyes were narrowed while glaring at Kiru she ignored Arashi who had her back towards her. She said. "Sure... Reiki knows where we keep our spare indoor slippers."

Ketsueki with Shiro in her arms walked back into the living room while Shiro was staring at Kiru with a hint of fear in her eyes. Letting out one long sigh with the grocery bags in his hand, he passed the bags in his right hand to his left and slid open a closet, and brought out two white indoor slippers for the both of them. Kiru removed her two-inch heels while Arashi removed her running shoes as both of them wore indoor slippers, not waiting for them to speak he said. "We'll have our conversation somewhere else."

Arashi nodded and glared at Kiru using the corner of her eye, while Kiru had a smirk on her face. Letting out another sigh, using his free hand Reiki pointed at Kiru and said. "This is the first and last time you come to my home uninvited." Arashi had a gloating look on her face as Kiru was being told off. Reiki pointed at Arashi and said. "That also applies to you too Arashi." Arashi's eyes widen as she said. "Why? I didn't do anything!?" A smirk formed on Kiru's lips as she saw Arashi was also being told off.

Reiki continued. "Not a word of what happened outside..." As he stared right into their eyes. Arashi crossed her arms and turned her head to the right, eventually nodding while Kiru nodded with a smile on her face, rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand, he said. "Living room is down the hall to the right I'll bring some food out in a few minutes." Arashi said. "Need any help Lil bro?" Reiki shook his head as he was walking towards the kitchen, he said. "No, just make sure Onee-chan doesn't hate you..."

Taking a left on the end of the hallway he softly said. "And that's going to be harder than it is since she already knows both of you aren't here for just a visit." The sound of a tv turning on was heard softly in the hallway where both Arashi and Kiru were the two stared at each other using the corner of their eyes. Both of them went to the living room and saw a 32-inch flat-screen tv, white walls, warm brown carpet, a medium-size blue couch where Shiro and Ketsueki were sitting on, a light brown coffee table in front of the couch, and two large soft chairs one black and one brown on each side of the coffee table facing diagonally towards the tv.

Arashi sat on the black chair on the left and Kiru sat on the brown chair on the left. Ketsueki not taking her off while browsing channels said. "What brought the two of you around these parts?" Both the girls turned their heads to face Ketsueki, Arashi said. "I'm here because-." Kiru interrupted her and said. "My parents said I needed to see how big the world is. So the first thing on my mind was to visit a different neighborhood."

Arashi glared at her and continued. "... I'm here because of a few arrangements from my college. It's closer here and I can keep my training regimen without my grades dropping." Ketsueki didn't listen as she stopped switching the channels on one that was playing an animated movie. Shiro's eyes brightened as she watched the movie. Ketsueki had a warm smile on her face as she ruffled her hair. Her eyes turned cold keeping her tone normal, she said. "Now why are you honestly here? The neighborhood here is terrible, the closest convenience store is a 30-minute walk, and the closest college here is a-."

The sound of footsteps hurriedly walking was getting closer as Reiki came into the room with a large plate of wedge cut fries with the skin on and a big bowl half-filled with rice crackers and biscuits that were individually in plastic. Placing it on the coffee table so everyone could reach it. He said. "What were you girls talking about?" As he took a couple of pieces of the wedge cut fries and started to eat, from the corner of his eye, he saw Shiro's eyes stick to the plate of fries but was too shy to grab one. 

Reiki gave her the other fry he took as her eyes brightened up as she took it from his hands and tasted it. Ketsueki spoke in a warm voice. "Nothing much, I was just trying to get to know them better. What's on the menu for tonight chef Reiki?" As she reached out her hand to ruffle his hair while sitting down on the couch.

Shiro was still staring at the plate of fries but couldn't find it in herself to grab one. He grabbed one and passed it to her as she happily munched on the fry Arashi reached out and grabbed a couple of rice crackers while Kiru took a biscuit and tried to guess the brand. With a warm smile on his face, he said. "Well, you're going to have to find out later. I have something special prepared for the two of you." As he took another fry and passed it to Shiro. Ketsueki tapped the spot on her right and Shiro's left for him to sit down.

Reiki sat down in between Ketsueki and Shiro, Shiro was pointing at what she wanted to eat and made Reiki reach for it. Ketsueki was watching it with a smile and said. "In all seriousness, Reiki, shouldn't you be keeping an eye on what you're cooking?" Reiki grabbed both a rice cracker and a biscuit and was unwrapping it next to Shiro who was starting to pout.

He said. "I'm waiting for the soup to simmer for about 5-10 minutes give or take." After unwrapping both the rice cracker and biscuit he passed both of them to Shiro who had her cheeks puffed up making her look cuter. Seeing that her brother unwrapped the plastic off for her she made a big smile towards him before quickly taking both of his hands as she hugged his right arm with her left. 

Ketsueki grabbed a fry to see how it tasted with her first bite, her eyes widened as she said. "Delicious..." Shiro pushed Reiki and made him lay on the backrest of the couch as she nodded eagerly to show her agreement while staring at the fry in her hand. Ketsueki brought the fry closer to her as Shiro opened her mouth and said. "Ahh."

Chewing the fry Ketsueki fed her she had a blissful smile as she enjoyed herself. Reiki said. "Back to the topic on hand, what were you girls talking about?" As he spoke to his older sister. Ketsueki shook her head and said. "Nothing special Reiki." As she ruffled his unkempt hair she continued. "Just the usual chit-chat, all those trivial things." Ketsueki stared at Shiro who was staring at the plate of food on the table in front of her. She said. "Shiro... Have you cleaned your room yet?" 

Shiro slightly twitched as she kept her gaze on the fries on the table, Ketsueki continued. "Shiro, you can eat after cleaning your room." Shiro looked down while fiddling with her own hands as she pouted. Reiki beside her patted her head and said. "Don't worry about the food Shiro, you can also have my portion. And I'll make sure there's more than enough left for you." As he softly stroked her head she eventually walked to the hallway up the stairs and went to her room to clean.

Before anyone could say anything else Ketsueki pulled out a five ¥1,000 bill and placed it near Reiki while she kept her gaze on the tv. She said. "Reiki, go get us something to drink in the convenience store." Reiki stared at the money in her hand and said. "But what about the stove in the kitchen?" Ketsueki said. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Reiki took the money off her hand and carefully placed it in his pockets as he asked. "Your preferred drink is cider, right Onee-chan?"

Ketsueki replied. "Correct, and don't forget about Shiro." As she pinched his cheek with her gaze still on the tv. Reiki asked. "And some milk tea for Shiro. Arashi-san, Kiru-san? What drink would you like?" Arashi took a few more rice crackers and a couple of fries and said. "Melon soda." Kiru, who took a piece of fry, said. "Iced green tea, please."

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Reiki walked to the hallway to the front door as he looked towards the living room he thought. I have a bad feeling about this... He said. "I'm off." As he opened the door, Ketsueki said. "Have a safe trip." The moment the door closed Reiki started to sprint towards the nearest convenience store as he avoided collision with other people Reiki took a few turns using an alley and barely crossed a street with a street light that was about to turn red.

Ketsueki lowered the tv volume and said. "Now... Why are the two of you really here?" As her eyes turned cold as she gave both of them a threatening glare with her arms crossed. Kiru kept her smile and said. "Like I said I'm-. Ketsueki interrupted her and said. "I'm guessing you're the one who bought him the clothes he's wearing... Give me the cost I'll pay you in installments." Not faltering, Kiru said. "Are you sure this is the road you want to go down?"

Ketsueki stared at her with her cold eyes for a few seconds before she turned her head to look at Arashi. Before she could say anything Ketsueki said. "And you're too old to have any thoughts on my Reiki, Arashi-san." Arashi's eyes widen as she starts to become flustered. Arashi said. "I don't have-." Ketsueki stood up from the sofa and interrupted her, saying. "I'm not interested in what you have to say..." As she went to the window and undo the curtains so no one could see inside. She continued. "Because neither of the two of you is a good fit for him. So we could save all of our breath as the two of you disappear from our peaceful lives."

Kiru sitting on the chair with a small smile on her face said. "Peaceful?... Far from it, your debt alone would cripple both of them in the future." Ketsueki turned around near the closed curtains with both her hand behind her back, with a dangerous glare she coldly said. "Where did you hear that?" Ketsueki's hand behind her back, a knife made of mana was slowly solidifying.

Kiru with a growing smile said. "A yellow bird told me." As she looked at Arashi from the corner of her eye. Ketsueki looked at Arashi with her glare as she was panicking for a moment as Arashi blurted out. "She said he might be adopted." As she pointed at Kiru with the wedge cut fry in her hand. Arashi covered her mouth with both her hands with a look of fear on her eyes as she processed what she just said.

Both Ketsueki and Kiru had wide eyes for a split second, suddenly the mana around the room became heavy as Ketsueki was about to do something a voice said. "I'm back!" The mana surrounding the room instantly vanished as the sound of a door was opening with Reiki breathing heavily.

The sound of footsteps coming closer Reiki was in the living room with his clothes drenched in sweat as it stuck to his body. Speaking each word after breathing, he said. "I... Got... All... The... Drinks..." As he rummaged through the insides of the plastic bag, Reiki placed the drinks on the coffee table near them. Melon soda for Arashi, Iced green tea for Kiru, Cider for Ketsueki, Milk tea for Shiro, and a can of black coffee for him with three large bags of salt flavored potato chips.

Placing his hand on a wall to catch his breath, he said. "So... What did... I... Miss?" Sweat slowly dripped from his face and arms as he tried to regulate his breathing. The knife behind her back that was made out of mana slowly disappeared as a look of concern was on Ketsueki's face as she walked towards him.

Moving some hair that was soaked in sweat from his face, she said. "Reiki... You didn't have to run all the way." As she wiped some sweat off with the sleeve of her jacket. Reiki taking a couple of deep breaths said. "Well, I didn't want to make three beautiful girls wait." As he tried to smile. Ketsueki had a warm smile on her face as she ruffled his hair drenched in sweat, she said. "I'll draw a bath-."

Reiki shook his head and said. "I'll just take a quick shower. I still have to cook dinner later." As he slowly walked his way back inside the kitchen, without looking back or stopping he said. "Don't do anything dangerous. Okay, girls?" Eventually disappearing in their sights the girls looked at each other in complete silence. Arashi was staring at the ground nervously, Kiru was calmly eating a rice cracker with the plastic wrap around it, and Ketsueki was glaring daggers into both of them.

Letting out a sigh full of frustration opened two of the large bag of chips as she was about to say something, Reiki tapped her forearm as he passed her a large bowl. He said. "I thought you might need this." Ketuseki took the bowl off his hands as she lovingly pinched his cheek. She said. "Thank you, Reiki." Walking back into the kitchen he said. "Anything for you, Onee-chan." Emptying the two large bags of chips into the bowl she placed the bowl on the coffee table so everyone could reach it. 

Sitting down on the couch as she rubbed her eyes for a couple of seconds and reached for her cider on the table. She looked at the can of black coffee on the table as she thought of something for a bit, letting out another sigh she said. "I know at least one of you has something to use for... Private talks." Kiru pulled at a blank talisman and said. "I'll do the honors." The talisman glowed some encrypted writing as the three of them were in a cube.

Ketsueki was chewing on a potato chip with a faint of a nervous expression in her eyes that couldn't be easily discerned. Twisting the cap of her cider open with a small sip as she placed it back on the table. She said. "How much does he know?" As she shifted her gaze onto Arashi who was still staring at the ground. Taking a deep breath Arashi said. "All in all? Just some speculation." Ketsueki had a small frown and said. "That's it? Tell me everything he thought about."

Arashi thought for a bit as she reached for the bowl of potato chips, she said. "He just said some things about the difference between both you and Shiro's height, hair, and eye color." Kiru said. "I mean, isn't it obvious? I can see Shiro becoming like her sometime in the future. But when I compare them with Reiki... It's like he came from a different puzzle set." As she took a potato chip from the bowl. Arashi said. "Couldn't he just inherit more from his father's side?"

Kiru answered. "Not possible, he should've at least retained some genes from his mother. He should have at least somewhat straight hair or at least brown eyes like them." Arashi chugging down half her melon soda in one go while relaxing in her seat said. "So you're jumping to a conclusion with so little evidence? And here I thought Ox was headstrong."

Kiru took a small sip of her iced green tea and said. "I only conclude with enough evidence at my disposal." Arashi who was unwrapping another rice cracker said. "We can argue about this all day, but we do have someone here who can answer our question." As she looked at Ketsueki at the corner of her eye while eating the rice cracker she unwrapped. Kiru, who ate a wedge cut fry and was reaching for another biscuit, was looking at her directly.

Ketsueki let out a long sigh and said. "He's adopted..." Arashi's eyes slightly widen as Kiru wasn't even fazed, She continued. "Roughly 9 and a half years ago he appeared on our doorstep with a card that had the word, Reiki. Mom saw him and couldn't find it in herself to put him in an adoption home. My disgrace of a father didn't want to keep him because it would add more expenses... But after a few days that mom took me, Shiro, and him away to live somewhere else he decided to agree to keep him if we came back home. So a couple of days of paperwork he was finally a member of the Akihito family." As she drank half the bottle of cider in one go.

Her eyes turning cold as the mana inside the cube suddenly started to feel heavy for both Arashi and Kiru. Arashi reflexively stood up from her seat and was standing near the tv while Kiru was still sitting in her chair completely relaxed. She said. "Not. One. Word. To. Him." Arashi, seeing that she didn't have any intention to attack, sat back on the chair, Kiru rolled her eyes and said. "Yeah yeah, cross my heart and hope to die..." Her eyes narrowed, she said. "What exactly do you do for a living? I find it odd that an 18-year-old, fresh grad from college, and no work experience can support two growing children and pay off the interest in your debt." 

Arashi, who was eating again, stopped with a few pieces of potato chips in her hand as she waited for her answer. Ketsueki answered. "Use your imagination, even with the money you have, you won't find anything." Kiru thought for a bit as Arashi's eyes widen as she understood something. Kiru saw the small detail and said. "Judging by your reaction you know something." Ketsueki looked at her with an expressionless look. Arashi with a small smirk said. "Nothing." She thought. I found nothing when I searched for him last time. Now it makes a few pieces clear... She continued. "Now... How would you feel about Reiki dating someone?"

Ketsueki's eyes turned cold as she plainly said. "I already said, neither of you is good enough for him. If he did plan on seeing someone she needs to check a list of boxes on my list." Kiru let out a sigh and said. "I cannot believe there are still people who aren't aware they're in love." Arashi's eyes brightened as she was suddenly in front of Ketsueki as she held her hand with both of hers as she shouted. "Finally! Someone with good taste!"

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