
Chapter 53: Chapter 53: Dreams

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Melanor kept her gaze on him, Reiki blinked twice and said. "Melanor-san, can you say that again? I think I heard it wrong." He used his hand to stretch the collar of his green tunic as it felt constricting all of a sudden, Melanor said. "If you had a last meal, what would it be?" He opened his mouth for a couple of seconds and said. "M-My last meal?..."

Melanor nodded as she kept her eyes on him, he said. "My last meal would be… Deep dish pizza, paella with lots of chilies on top, freshly grilled eel on top of hot rice, two large portions of rigatoni with some meat sauce,  a whole roasted turkey, and a gallon of vanilla ice cream… Now it's my turn. What's with the foreshadowing question?"

Melanor flashed him a small smile and said. "Nothing in particular." He thought. I do not like the sound of that… Moranor came back into the room with a green pouch in her hand, she passed the pouch to her mother as she leaned on a wall and watched the two of them in silence. Melanor rummaged through the green pouch and took out two small porcelain containers with a cap that was made out of the same material, as she was twisting it open inside of it was a light green paste while the other one contained a dark green powdery substance.

He thought. Those smells like a garden. Reiki took his hand off the wound under his eye left as it started spewing blood like a fountain as his clothes were catching some of the blood that was dripping down the floor.

[System: User had bleed 432 Damage.]

Melanor took a small pinch of the dark green powder and applied it as deep as possible in his wound, Reiki clenched both his fist and placed them behind his back, and gritted his teeth as his left eye was slightly twitching. After she was done trying to seal the wound it stopped bleeding as she used her pinky and dipped it into the light green paste and slowly smeared it all over the wound. 

Melanor closed both of the small porcelain bottles with the lid and placed them back into the green pouch, she turned her head to face Moranor and said. "Can you clean the floor for me, dear? You should know how to wipe the blood off while making sure there aren't any traces left." Moranor lazily nodded and said. "Yes…" As she left the living room again, Reiki looked around the room and said. "Sorry about the damage."

Melanor shook her head sideways and said. "It's fine, it isn't your fault. Accidents happen and besides, it's an easy fix believe it or not." As she let out a chuckle and continued. "Reiki, I hope you don't mind being in my house until tomorrow. I would've loved to show you more of the town… But the queen came to a decision. You'll be able to visit the most important place and some elves say it's to die for." Reiki nodded and said. "Y-Yeah, meeting the queen tomorrow all of a sudden shook my nerves a bit. So I need some time to calm myself and think about how to introduce myself to her majesty." Melanor eyes slightly narrowed and said. "Her majesty?..."

Carefully touching the wound under his left eye with his hand, he said. "Oh, I asked Moranor-san what type of queen her majesty is. When she was explaining a few things she called the queen, her majesty so I thought that's how she's called by the elves." Melanor nodded and sat down on the couch in the center of the living room, she snapped her fingers as a book came out of the shelves and went towards her as she crossed her legs. She flipped the pages open and said. "Feel free to look around the house and jog using the same route last night."

Reiki said. "Thank you very much." And started to head for the stairs to the second floor, he stopped mid-step and turned his head sideways to face Melanor and said. "Can I read one of your… Literature?..." Melanor didn't turn her head to face him and said. "Take your pick." As she lazily waved around the bookshelves that reached the ceiling, Reiki walked towards the hallway and took a random book that was closest to him. While walking up the stairs he stopped mid-way and thought. Now what… And continued his way up, he walked down the hallway as he took a left passing by both Moranor and Melanor's room.

Opening the door to the guest room he walked to the bed and sprawled over it with his back hitting the floor as he softly bounced on it while keeping his shoes off the bed, he let out one long sigh as the book he took off the shelf was beside his head. He looked at it using the corner of his eye and saw it was fairly thin with a brown cover. He set himself up on the bed and randomly opened the book somewhere in the middle, and started reading. "Two bodies intertwined with each other as they let out hoarse and raspy breaths, the bed was absorbing all of the fluids as they continued to please one another through the night…"

He closed the book with one hand and placed it on the nightstand by the bed, he placed both his arms behind his bed as he stared blankly at the wooden ceiling. He let out another sigh as he sat himself up again and took off his shoes along with his socks and placed them aside, he laid back on the bed as he made himself comfortable.

Speaking to himself he said. "That book was lame… Is all her literature like that?..." He turned his head to look at the window and thought. Noon is not even close… He let out another sigh as he stared at the ceiling and kept his thoughts to himself.


At The Same Time At Melanor's Room

Melanor was sitting in the chair from the workbench while looking at a circular screen that was spewing mist all around it. Inside of it was Reiki who was lazily resting on the bed while staring at the ceiling. Moranor was leaning next to the door staring at the screen with interest, she said. "What's the verdict?" Melanor's long pointy ears slightly twitched, she said. "You'll know by tomorrow an hour after lunch…" She turned her head sideways to face her daughter and continued. "This is a first, you've never asked me this question with all the other ones before."

Moranor turned her head to face the wall and said. "Those other humans we're all after something else… No matter how sly they think they're, they all end up full of arrows or worse, frozen and kept them as a mana battery or stuff herbs down their throat and use their blood for medicine refinement…" She was tapping her foot on the wooden floor as silence once again enveloped the room, she turned her head to face her mother and continued. "If he dies tomorrow can you convince the queen to ready a firing squad?"Melanor kept her eyes on her and said. "This isn't like you, are you planning on helping him escape? You remember what happened last time someone did it." 

Moranor let out a chuckle and moved her gaze to the ground as she stared at her foot that was tapping the floor. She said. "Both of them were executed." Melanor stood up from the chair and walked next to her while the screen stayed above the workbench, she said. "Any particular reason why you're pushing this sentence onto him?" Moranor stopped her foot tapping the floor and moved her gaze onto the screen by the workbench, she said. "I want to be in it, elves who willingly volunteer always make sure the targets survive for as long as possible. They always avoid the organs and see how many arrows they can shoot into their bodies, they also place a bet to see if he dies by blood loss or by a stray arrow."

Melanor placed a hand on her cheek and said. "And here I thought you were growing attached to the boy." Moranor said. "I'll give him a quick death and aim for his head…" She turned her head to face her mother who was right next to her and said. "Can you ensure that?..." Melanor walked back to the chair by the workbench, Moranor kept her gaze on her mother as she sat down and stared into the screen, without turning her head back to face her she said. "I can do at least that much." Moranor walked closer to the workbench as both of them watched Reiki in silence.

Melanor was staring at the screen and said. "There is one thing that bothers me though…" Moranor turned her head to face her mother, Melanor continued. "I never expected him to call literature lame." The corner of Moranor's eye twitched as she said. "Those are not literature! And stop calling those things literature!" Melanor ignored her daughter as she was staring at the screen, and it was showing Reiki was still lazily sprawled across the bed, she said. "I expected him to be more of a hard worker since he got into Ishin Academy with his efforts-." Both their eyes were suddenly glued to the screen by what he conjured in mid-air.


Back At The Guest Room

Reiki summoned kaita, the plain blue notebook popped mid-air and started falling, he easily caught it while laying down on the bed and started flipping through pages. He thought. Now, where was I… After a couple of moments of flipping through the endless pages, it finally stopped as he started reading.

He thought. When combining two metals make sure to note down every minute changes when forging. A small reaction will affect the quality of the finished product or worse, the two metals might spontaneously combust at the next very moment. This does not apply to each metal's characteristics, it is possible to create a new ore from odd combinations, such as dark and light magic… Making a sword that's powered by both light and darkness?... I've heard of the yin and yang but this is the first of a single item having both light and dark… Then again comparing these two with each other is grasping at straws… 

He continued reading. Characteristic of said mixture of ore is its unpredictability, one swing of the sword could unleash a dark streak of black capable of creating an everlasting plague, the next swing it could fully heal the target's old wounds that go back more than 500 eons. Countless tests have been conducted but this oddity has been the most noteworthy, other prime examples are a holy scythe, a dark Excalibur, and a pair of black and white gauntlets. Like the first one, these few examples have their own set of oddities, the holy scythe needs a dark magic user while the dark Excalibur needs a holy user.

He adjusted his position on the bed and continued. Prolonged usage or exposure to these three weapons would cause drastic changes to the user's mind. This also applies to the pair of gauntlets, though usage of both of them simultaneously would require the user to be able to use light and dark magic, which is impossible, until one individual showed himself. He flipped the page and continued reading as he sat up in the bed to get more light on the pages.

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Back To Melanor's Room

Melanor's eyes were glued to Reiki's notebook that he was holding, Moranor's expression had shock written all over it. Moranor said. "Did I just see that correctly?... It's a-." Melanor interrupted and said. "Soul item…" Moranor took a deep breath and said. "How many soul items are there? Including the mainland." Melanor placed a hand over her lips and thought for a few seconds, she said. "Only twelve were officially documented and are known to the public, including items from the mainland only adds up to twenty-five. Whatever is in his hands… Makes it number twenty-six."

Moranor's head was a dozen inches away from the screen, she said. "What do you think it contains? Does it have any sort of secret knowledge? Or maybe it contains magic beyond our imagination. Maybe it even has answers to questions we haven't even asked yet, or possibly-." Melanor interrupted her and said. "Dear, calm down. If it even contained one of the things you said then…"

Both of them had their eyes glued to the screen as Reiki was reading from the blue notebook, Moranor kept her eyes on the screen and said. "I'm right, aren't I? It would explain how he was able to attain the scholarship at Ishin." Melanor was tapping the workbench with her finger and said. "It would explain some things… But it would have been exposed by the scanner when he was taking the exams…"

Moranor was stretching her hands upwards and said. "Any chance it slipped past them?" Melanor shook her head sideways and said. "Not likely, Ishin always buys the latest models. They even have a team of their best mechanics, do a few alterations on it to change a few things." Moranor was stretching her arms towards the ceiling and looked at the back of her mother's head. She said. "Wouldn't that invalid one of those warranty thingies?"

Melanor waved her hand towards the screen as it suddenly vanished without a trace, she stood up from the chair and turned to face her daughter and said. "Doesn't matter to them since they can afford to keep buying the new one every two months that have little to no difference except for the name…"

Melanor walked towards the door and said. "I need to be somewhere for a few minutes, try and see what he'll talk about that notebook in his hands." Before she was even three steps near the door she disappeared from the spot leaving Moranor in the room, she looked towards the workbench as she turned around and walked towards the door.


Guest Room

The door was suddenly opened as Moranor barged inside the room, she walked to the end of the bed with her gaze stuck on the notebook in Reiki's hands. He said. "There's a thing called knocking, you might want to do that every time you're entering a room." Moranor let out a scoff and said. "It's my house, I don't need to knock when entering a room."  He flipped to the next page as he kept his gaze on the notebook and said. "Fair enough, but you might want to note it down in case someone else stays the night, might save you from seeing something you shouldn't."

Moranor let out a long sigh and said. "You sound like my mom…" As she rolled her eyes at him, she continued. "You were also reading that book back in the kitchen… Are you going to explain what's in it?" Reiki kept his eyes on the contents of the notebook and said. "This is where I keep all of my findings, records, and a few failed experiments here and there. Other than it being older than me there isn't anything special about it." Moranor narrowed her eyes and said. "Older than you?... To me, it looks brand new-."

She stopped as she saw Reiki tapped the notebook twice as its cover turned from a plain blue notebook to an old leather that looked like it was about to crumble into dust. She said. "Where did you get it?" Reiki flipped to the next page and said. "I got it from a library." Moranor placed a hand on her chin and said. "A… Library…" 

He closed the notebook as he placed it down beside him on the bed and said. "When I lost my scholarship, I went to the cheapest library to buy a few things. One of them was an old book that looked like it could fall apart from just touching it… I asked the librarian if I could have it, he gave it to me since it could save him the trip of going to the recycling bin. I went back home to read some of them and when I was flipping through the pages of the old book I saw this notebook was inside of it, some of the pages were cut out making just enough room for it. When I touched it everything turned to black while I had a… I'll call it a strange dream… When I woke up I was on the floor and it was almost three in the morning."

Moranor already walked towards a wall near the bed and leaned onto it, she said. "A strange dream?" Reiki placed a hand behind his neck and nodded, he said. "I think it was… I saw a shadowy figure of something that was speaking different languages and had a thing blue ring in its eyes that was changing ever so slightly…"

Moranor's pointy ears slightly twitched and said. "What kind of language? What did it sound like?" Reiki looked up towards the ceiling as he placed the same hand he placed behind his neck to his chin and said. "I don't know… One night it would be something gibberish the next it would be growling… Sometimes it would speak some sort of forgotten language, one time it spoke common tongue, which I thought of as an opportunity to ask it a few questions…"

Moranor's eyes brightened up as her upper body was slightly leaning towards him and said. "What did it say?" He scratched his cheek and continued. "It just continued to talk… Though it's slowly gotten less frequent, it used to be every day, now it's every two to three days or so." The door suddenly swung open as Melanor walked inside and said. "What happens every three days or so?" She walked towards her daughter who was leaning on the wall and stood next to her. He said. "The strange dreams I've been having. Like I was telling Moranor-san I found a-."


At The Same Time At Osaka

Arashi was walking back to the apartment complex next to Reiki's house, she was wearing a white baggy t-shirt and black pants that were clinging to her figure due to her sweat. She used the back of her hand to wipe some sweat off from her cheek as she was getting closer, a group made out ten of guys was waiting inside an alleyway, most of them wore normal clothing while the in front and was wearing brand clothing with a watch that had some gold gilded for a design for a total of eleven. The closest guy next to him said. "You were right, that blond is a bombshell."

As he took another peek at Arashi, the man wearing the luxury clothing said. "As long as you guys do everything according to the plan, I'll be able to blackmail her and force her to be my girlfriend." One of the guys who was wearing a grey hoodie walked towards him and said. "About us taking turns… That's still on the table, right?" The man wearing luxury brands of clothes let out a chuckle and said. "Sure, after I'm done with her. But by then she won't even have the will to resist and would be no different from those whores at-."

A sound of loud crunching was made behind all of them, the nine guys turned around and saw Arashi smashed a guy's head into a concrete wall with enough force for the wall to crack. She held the guy by his hair and slowly pulled it back and smashed it again in the same place, as the guy hit the wall bits of concrete started to fall to the ground as a large amount of red stained the wall. Blood started to drip from his face to the ground, the guy's face was bashed in as she let go of him as he fell to the floor without moving, Arashi slowly moved her head to the left to face them and started walking.

Towards them, one of the guys said. "R-Rush her! We can overwhelm her with numbers!" Seven of them sprinted towards her and tried to capture her, one of them tried to tackle her and leaped in her direction, Arashi effortlessly side-stepped him as she moved her left arm for a split second and returned to the side of her body. The man's head turned a complete 180-degree turn as he hit the floor with his body on the ground and his head on backward while facing the sky, all of the guys who were rushing stopped dead in their tracks as they stared at the dead body.

Before they could process what happened Arashi was suddenly eight steps away from the other three who didn't rush towards her, Arashi's left hand was soaked in blood that was dripping to the floor as the seven men behind her started vomiting blood as their clothes instantly turned red from the punches they had on their torso. All of them fell to the floor as puddles of blood slowly turned into one, the one wearing a grey hoodie pushed the wealthy man next to him towards her as he tried to run, the wealthy man fell to the ground as the other guy also took the opportunity to run, they took two steps as the stopped the one without a hoodie placed both his hands on his mouth as blood came out like a fountain

 His legs suddenly gave out as he sat on the ground, he tried to say something as more blood came out as he started to choking and tried to pat himself on the back, he turned his head and saw that the one wearing a grey hoodie was on the ground with a large growing puddle underneath him. The wealthy man saw everything and was starting to hyperventilate, he slowly turned his head and saw Arashi was holding two tongues with his left hand, she let them go as both of them fell to the ground and made a soft splat on the ground. She said. "One died from choking from his blood with a shattered jaw."

The other man who had both his hands on his mouth started to slightly move left and right and fell to the ground with a soft thud. She continued. "The other died from blood loss. Not as bad as those behind me though." The wealthy man's eyes wandered to the guys behind her and saw that they were clutching their stomachs and were trying to groan. "They're still alive, for the time being." Using her right hand that was clean she moved some stray hairs that were blocking her view, her eyes were cold as she blandly said. "I'm guessing you're their ringleader."

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