
Chapter 55: Chapter 55: Minor Detail

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[System: User has received debuff Muscle Twitch.]

Moranor was sitting on top with her arms crossed, Reiki who was laying on the floor face down, his entire body was constantly twitching, there was some drool on the left side of his face as he gritted his teeth to keep himself awake. Moranor was sitting on his back still had some small sparks of lightning around her, she said. "Now… Say it again, slowly." As the lightning around her started to crackle louder and was getting closer to him.

[System: User has received 321 lightning Damage.]

Reiki was enveloped by a thin layer of lightning around his body, he clenched his fists as hard as he could and his hair was standing up and had a few strings of lightning coming off of it. He took a couple of deep breaths and said. "I'm sorry." Moranor made a small nod of approval, she said. "And?" He took another deep breath to control his breathing and said. "Please forgive my ignorance." Moranor had a small smirk on her face as she let out a soft scoff and said. "I'll let you off this time." He tried to move his right hand that was somewhat twitching closer to his face to wipe off the drool on his cheek, he said. "Was the lightning necessary?"

As he wiped the drool off his hands using the green tunic he was wearing. Moranor let out a chuckle and said. "This is how relationships work. I see you doing something I don't approve of, I make sure to get the message across." Using her thumb and her index finger she replicated the letter 'C' using the two fingers and moved her hand closer to his face. From the tip of her fingers, a string of lightning was crackling right in front of his eyes, he let out a sigh as he placed his head on the cold floor sideways and said. "That's not how relationships work… And what kind of relationship is that?"

Moranor moved her hand away from his face and crossed her arms again, she said. "That's how mom treated dad, so that's how I'm going to treat you." Using the corner of his eye to look at her he said. "But weren't they-." The air around Moranor was crackling lightning once again as it instantly reached him.

[System: User has received 289 lightning Damage.]

Reiki felt the lightning travel around him, he gritted his teeth as he felt some of the stray strands of lightning graze him. When it finished he took another deep breath as he tried to relax, Moranor closed her eyes and said. "Don't worry about the small details." Reiki stared at the floor and thought. Your parents being married is not a small detail. He tried his best to regulate his breathing by taking long deep breaths and slowly releasing the air out from his nose, he nodded his head and looked at the corner of his eye to look at her. He said. "I got the message, now can you…"

Moranor slowly grew a sweet smile on her face as he was talking mid-sentence and stopped himself, he thought. I know that smile! He faked a cough and continued. "Now can you please get off me?" She rolled her eyes at him as she slowly stood up but kept both her feet on his back as the sound of joints cracking was made, she took a step off and walked towards the door where both her boots and a pair of socks were thrown. 

She squatted and picked up her socks and her thick leather boots and walked towards the bed and sat on top of it. Reiki slowly stood up from the floor as he almost lost his balance but managed to stand on his own.

Moranor was already tying her shoelaces and said. "Now, onto other matters. We'll-." A knock coming from the front of the house was heard as Reiki's eyes lit up as he suppressed a smile from forming on his face, he hastily said. "I'll get it!" As he turned around and wobbled his way to the door leading out of the room he didn't see her pointy ears twitch, Moranor who was tying her shoes while sitting on the bed forcefully pulled her shoelaces making an audible snapping sound that made Reiki freeze the moment he touched the doorknob. She said. "You just thought, that was your saving grace. Didn't you?"

He slowly opened the door and started sprinting towards the front of the house and was being followed by Moranor, going down the stairs he said. "Didn't you injure your leg?! Then shouldn't you be prohibited from doing any intense exercise!?" He spun around and barely dodged the hand that was about to grab his tunic, Moranor was only an arm's length away from him and said. "I already drank my dosage of potions. I need to check my condition and if I'm able to run." Moranor kept her eyes on him as she was trying to predict how he'd dodge next, her right hand starting to crackle with lightning as she was reaching towards him.

Making a sudden turn at the end of the hall he immediately opened the door towards the kitchen as he used his hands to jump over the countertops in one motion, and opened the next door as he saw a shadow underneath the small crevice of the door. The air around Moranor started cracking louder as she was enveloped with lightning as she immediately caught up with him and touched him with her index finger, he let out another scream as he fell to his knees as a thin line of drool started to come out from the side of his mouth.

[System: User has received 709 lightning Damage.]

[System: User has received debuff Muscle Twitch.]

Reiki turned his head to face her and said. "That hurt!" Moranor let out a small scoff and said. "And there's plenty of more where that came from, I was holding back when we were in the guest room…" She narrowed her eyes as the lightning around her started to disappear, she continued. "Keep acting like that and you'll reek of burnt flesh." Reiki's foot was visibly twitching as he tried his best to prevent himself from falling onto the floor, taking a deep breath to try and ease the pain he said. "... And shocking me with lightning that could potentially put me into cardiac arrest is your solution for everything that I do, that you don't approve of?"

Moranor placed her hands on her hips as she flaunted her chest that barely jiggled, Reiki stared at her chest and thought. I liked Arashi's more… He slowly moved his gaze to see Moranor's eyes turned cold, she said. "I have a feeling you just insulted me." Reiki closed his eyes and let out a small sigh, he slowly walked to the door and said. "I was just thinking I needed to be careful of what I do and what I say around you."

Her eyes narrowed as she watched him trying to keep his balance while walking towards the door, Moranor hurriedly walked next to him and placed her left arm on his waist to help him stay up. He used the corner of his eyes to look at his right and looked back to the door that was only a few steps ahead, he said. "Thank you."

Moranor let out a small scoff and looked at the wall of the room, she made a small nod as both of them walked in sync towards the door. He reached out for the doorknob with a couple of his fingers slightly twitching, opening the door both of them saw Enrel who was wearing a brown robe with the hood down. Enrel said. "Can you lovebirds keep it down? Both of you are disturbing the neighborhood, I heard his scream from my bedroom." Moranor's pointy ears slightly twitched as a faint blush appeared in her cheeks, she said. "Please! He was being unreasonable so I needed to teach him a couple of things!"

Enrel looked at the hand of Moranor's that was at Reiki's waist, carefully holding him up with her fingers gently on his ribs just like she was holding a fragile glass that could break any moment. Enrel kept her gaze on the hand around his waist and said. "Unreasonable…" 

The blush on Moranor's cheeks grew as she moved her hand that was around his waist and pushed him away from her, Reiki fell flat on his butt on the floor as he looked at Moranor with a confused look, he turned his gaze to see Enrel was giving him a pitiable look and said. "I feel sorry for your misfortune… Both the mother and daughter… Are how you say 'tough love' and are never honest if they're someone else around." Enrel walked inside and whispered to herself. "This might be a good experience for the girl… Since she's experiencing a new emotion, even for a short period of a few days..."

Moranor froze on the spot as Reiki pressed his back against the wall as he tried to stand back on his two feet using the wall as a support, dusting off some dirt on his clothes he turned his head to look at Enrel and said. "What brings you here, Enrel-san?" He tried placing one foot in front of the other and almost lost his balance, taking slow steps as Enrel slowly walked deeper into the house while he was trying to catch up with her. When he reached the door he stopped and turned around and saw Moranor was still frozen in the same spot, he said. "Moranor?..." 

She didn't reply as her gaze was still glued to the wall, he spoke again saying. "Moranor!" That was followed by a loud clap, Moranor snapped back to reality as she looked towards the door that was closed, she turned her head around and saw him with a concerned look on his face. He said. "Anything wrong? Your head was above the clouds there for a minute." She faked a cough and said. "I was just thinking about… Tomorrow."

As she started walking towards the door behind him, he took a step to the side as Moranor went into the kitchen and saw the door leading to the bedroom was left slightly open, she started heading deeper into the house with Reiki by her side as she searched for Enrel who was somewhere in the house.

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They walked into the living room with Enrel holding a brown robe in her hands and was browsing one of the tall bookshelves. She took one fairly thin book with a white cover and simple red writing on the front and sat on the large couch, and started reading. Both of them walked into the room and as they simultaneously looked at each other, Moranor looked at him as she used her head to point at her by nodding, which Reiki answered with a shrug of his shoulders. Moranor frowned a bit and smacked the back of his head, his eyes widened as he gave her a look that said, 'what do you expect me to do?'

Moranor pointed at Enrel using her head by nodding once again but this time she gave him a meaningful glance. Enrel kept her eyes on the notebook and said. "You kids don't need to attend to me, just tell me where your mother is and I'll wait for her return." Moranor placed her hands on her hips while she gave him a narrowed glance, he let out a short sigh and said. "Melanor-san went out somewhere, she didn't tell us anything. 

Moranor was about to make me something for lunch while I would also make something for her. Would you like to join us? I'll make your portion-." Moranor smacked the back of his head again as she crossed her arms and was staring at the wall to her left, Reiki turned his head to see she was entertaining herself by looking at the wall and whistling a tune.

Enrel flipped to the next page and placed her left hand on her chin and said. "Now that you've mentioned it, I am rather famished… What is on the menu for today's lunch?" He stared at Moranor for a couple of seconds and turned to look at the back of Enrel's head and said. "I'll do a simple side salad, baked mushroom ziti, and some garlic naan as a substitute for bread." 

He crossed his arms and turned his head again to look at Moranor and said. "Do you have any vanilla beans, strawberries, marshmallows, cream, and chocolate? Preferably sixty percent dark." Moranor stopped whistling and thought for a moment and said. "We have all of them somewhere in the fridge, no promises about the dark chocolate though, mom likes her dark choco." Reiki made a small nod and said. "Then this would be easy."


Back At The Lavish Room

Elora was in the middle of changing her clothes, she was wearing a baggy white t-shirt that was a bit see-through exposing her black undergarments that were underneath it, it had a simple flower pattern as she was rummaging through a closet. She took out a long green dress that had a long slit on the side for an easier time to move. On her bed was a pair of long white knee socks, she threw the green dress towards the bed as it slowly floated down and landed next to the white socks. 

Melanor suddenly appeared in the room sitting on the bed right next to where the green dress was located, Elora's eyes brightened up as she happily walked towards her with her arms open and hugged Melanor while she sat on her lap. Elora said. "And here I thought I would be tired for the whole day." As she nestled herself in Melanor's arms. Melanor said. "Your majesty-." Elora placed a finger on Melanor's lips to stop her from talking, she made herself in Melanor's embrace as she let out a content sigh.

Melanor let out a long sigh and said. "Elora… I have a few things to share with you, the boy-." She stopped mid-sentence as a talisman flew out of her sleeve and slightly glowed in her hand, her eyes slightly narrowed as she hid it back into her sleeve and continued. "Like I was saying… I learned a few more things about the boy… And a few more dishes to bring back here around lunch…"

Elora lazily leaned her head onto her shoulder as she barely nodded in acknowledgment, she closed her eyes and said. "Did he finally expose himself somehow? Oh, and make sure to tell the staff I would be eating with you in about half an hour so they wouldn't need to prepare my meal." Melanor nodded and continued. "No, I just discovered something… Unique about Reiki..." Elora opened her eyes as she moved her head from Melanor's shoulders and lazily stretched unintentionally making her chest jiggle, she took a deep breath as her face turned serious and said. "Explain."


Arashi's Apartment

She was doing a headstand while putting pressure on her neck to strengthen it, while in the middle of the room while watching a flat-screen tv, the walls were painted a simple white, along with a simple coffee table and a large comfy brown couch that was moved aside, a small window on the left side of the tv, to get near the queen size bed there a small case of stairs made out of cement that was part of the room, the bed had grey blankets and two large pillows, and on the opposite side of the bed was a pc with two monitors and a large black CPU case.

Next to Arashi was her new phone with a black cover, after a couple of seconds, it started ringing as she slowly exhaled, still doing a handstand she slowly moved her head sideways, she tapped her phone to start another timer. The talisman she got from Asami floated above the tv and said. "I got some new information about the boy." Her eyes focused on the talisman as she continued to do her training and said. "Lay it on me." Through the talisman Asami said. "You might want to sit down for this… And use something to… Prevent yourself from disturbing your new neighbors."

She lifted herself using both her hands and slowly maneuvered as she sat on the floor and rummaged through her pockets and threw a talisman as it emitted a bubble of mana around the room, she said. "It would've been fine since I wasn't doing anything important." She wiped some sweat off her cheeks using the edge of her t-shirt. Using the talisman Asami said. "How much do you know about Ishin Academy?"

Arashi lazily laid down on the floor and said. "You mean the coward? His strength doesn't amount to anything over there but here he's… Something, but he was taught by a decent teacher, what the old man is doing over here is what he was taught. The only reason he is famous now is when he was still over there and stole other clan's resources and ran… Anyway, you wanted to talk about the 'school' he made for himself?

The talisman slowly floated on top of the coffee table, Asami's voice said. "He is senile, I'll agree with you. Their methods may be unorthodox but it does get them results… From time to time we do send someone to keep one eye from those to whom he gave a scholarship." Arashi lazily nodded as she started planking on the floor, and said. "They show promise… But other than that nothing else." Via talisman Asami said. "And Reiki used to have a scholarship over there." 

Arashi stopped planking as she stood up and did some light stretches, with a smile on her face she said. "I wouldn't have expected any less. What was his overall score?" The talisman didn't say anything for a few seconds as Arashi wiped some sweat off her forehead using her t-shirt revealing a blue sports bra underneath, through the talisman Asami said. "What was your overall score?" While hopping in place while shaking her hands her breast jiggled, she slowly stopped and stood in place while taking a deep breath, slowly exhaling she said. "The old man's teacher gave me a score of eighty-six over a hundred. I got the highest score in my generation."

Her tone had a hint of pride, Asami spoke through the talisman saying. "Getting a eighty-six is good, it's even more impressive if you know the next highest was a seventy-one." Arashi rolled her eyes as she searched through her pockets, took out a pouch, and rummaged through the pouch, and took out a clean sleeveless grey t-shirt. She said. "Madam, since you know why ask in the first place?" Asami's laugh was coming from the talisman, she said. "Aren't you curious what score the teacher's old man gave me?"

Arashi scratched her cheek using her hand and said. "Madam that kind of knowledge we're not allowed to know." A sound of a cork popping off came from the talisman followed by a liquid pouring into a glass, Asami said. "Oh yeah… Anyway, I got a score of ninety-one. Your… SO got a score of ninety-seven, he was short by three from getting a perfect score." Arashi took off the shirt that was soaked in sweat and threw it on the floor and changed into the sleeveless grey t-shirt, when she was pulling the shirt down a sound of fabric being ripped was made.

The shirt had a large tear in the middle as she stared at the talisman in shock, while taking off the grey t-shirt she threw it on the ground next to the shirt that was soaked in sweat and excitedly said. "N-Ninety-seven?! Wouldn't that make him a-... Wait a minute madam, if that's true how come he's enrolled at that infamous trash academy?" Her left hand took the pouch out of her pocket as it fell to the flow by her feet, her eyes turned cold while she clenched her hands into fist hard enough to make the joints in it crack, a thin layer of gold started to shine around her as she calmly said. "Who set him up?"

The sound of someone drinking wine was coming from the talisman, Asami said. "I have two speculations. One. The others felt threatened by his score, and when he wasn't able to go on the first day, they spread rumors of him cheating. Which has a very high chance of being true. Two. The old man wanted a way to get back over here and decided to give him to his teacher, but judging by his lack of knowledge and how I wasn't able to find any movements from him makes it unlikely."

Arashi took a deep breath to calm herself and said. "Madam I-." But was interrupted by Asami saying. "Listen to what I have to say, Tora." Arashi immediately answered. "Madam!" The sound of something gulping down more wine followed by more being poured into a glass, Asami said. "What do you think of this? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

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