
Chapter 67: Chapter 67: Haru Netsu

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Reiki opened the front door of the house as he walked towards the fridge in the dining room, with matted hair and his clothes drenched in sweat as a few droplets fell to the floor as he made his way to the fridge. He opened it and picked up the plate of lasagna, Reiki looked around the room and saw no one was there as he used his hand to pick up the piece of lasagna and took a bite of it.

Reiki turned around and closed the fridge using his foot. He took a couple of bites of the lasagna as he walked towards the sink. Reiki ate the rest of it in one bite while reaching out for the faucet handle, he froze on the spot when he heard the sound of giggling behind his back.

Slowly turning around he saw Moranor wearing her usual attire, she started laughing as she pointed at him while placing a hand on the couch to keep her balance. Through Moranor's laughter, she managed to say. "Y-Your face! Haha! I-It's covered I-In sauce!" She continued to laugh as she fell on the couch. The sound of a pair of footsteps getting nearer was coming from the stairway Melanor and Enrel gaze fell onto Moranor who was laughing. 

Enrel had an odd look on her face while Melanor looked at her daughter weirdly. Reiki raised his right hand in the air and waves at them, he said. "Good morning, did you two sleep well?" Melanor turned her head to face him, she said. "Why yes I-I…" Melanor saw there was tomato sauce all over his lips and some on his hand that was raised, she barely suppressed her smile and continued. "I did, thank you for asking…"

Enrel was still staring at Moranor who was still laughing on the couch while hugging a pillow that was slightly singed. She turned her head towards Melanor who had a hand covering her mouth. "What's so…" Enrel's gaze wandered to Reiki, she pointed at him and started laughing herself. Reiki blinked his eyes a couple of times, he looked at Melanor and said. "Do I have something on my face?" 

Melanor nodded as the two elves continued with their laughter. Reiki turned around and reached for the faucet and twisted the handle, the sound of water splashing was made as he washed his face, he turned around to face Melanor. Reiki said. "Did I get it?" Melanor nodded as the smile on her face grew, she started chuckling as she placed a hand over her mouth to muffle her laughter.

Moranor's laughter eventually stopped as she set aside the pillow on the couch, she stood up and looked at him, and started giggling. Enrel wiped the edge of her eye and was trying to stop, Melanor managed to stop her laughter as she took a deep breath and turned to face him. Melanor was about to say something when Enrel interrupted, she said. "I bet your pride took a big hit from that." 

Reiki shook his head as a small smile appeared on his face, he said. "Nope, I managed to make two beautiful elves laugh and I got to see them smile. I'll take that as a win any time." Enrel smiled, she said. "You're more mature than I thought-." Enrel's gaze wandered to Melanor on her right, she looked at Moranor who was trying to stop herself from giggling on the left. Reiki walked towards the staircase but was stopped by Enrel who grabbed him by the tunic's collar.

Enrel grip on his tunic wrung some sweat, making a few splashes on the floorboards. With a sweet voice and a cold glare, Enrel said. "Where are you going?" Reiki turned his head to look at Melanor, he said. "Melanor-san I need a set of clothes, I'll leave this in the bathroom." Melanor nodded as she vanished on the spot, Enrel kept her glare on him but Reiki was unfazed.

He tried to take a step but Enrel wouldn't let him budge, he looked behind him and said. "Is there a problem Enrel-san?" A smile slowly formed on Enrel's face, she said. "When you said two beautiful elves… You were talking about me and Moranor, right?" Reiki stared at her without flinching, he said. "Oh that… Just use your imagination to satisfy your thoughts. I don't want your pride to take a big hit." Reiki let out a chuckle, he casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Enrel felt his tunic disappear from her grip as he appeared on the third step of the stairs, while walking up the stairs, Reiki said. "I saw the parfait Moranor made me in the fridge. Don't touch it." When he reached the second floor Melanor was holding a fresh set of clothes and a white towel, she handed it to him. Melanor said. "You can use this."

An enigmatic smile slowly formed on her face, she continued. "Moranor won't mind losing this. She hasn't used it in forever…" Melanor walked down the flight of stairs as Reiki stared at her back. He thought. Fuck… Escape plane it is then… Reiki went towards the bathroom and opened the door he stripped naked as he placed his clothes drenched in sweat on the side. 

He turned the shower on and thought. But how am I exactly going to escape?... Two elves have teleportation spells… All of them are knowledgeable and experienced in archery… And that's not even adding the fact they can use magic…  

Reiki looked at his right hand, only half of his palm and part of his thumb was healed, his four fingers and the upper part of the thumb with the nail turned into inky black. Reiki lifted his left leg and saw his toenails and roughly three inches turned inky black. 

He thought. I expected it to heal slower... Then again Ender did say it was because the elves were feeding me food with an abundance of mana… The parts where Q was trying to heal turned back to normal. Reik continued his train of thought. I need something to convince the queen to spare my life… 


Living Room

Melanor walked down the flight of stairs she saw her daughter was sitting on the left of the couch hugging a pillow, while Enrel was reading a book on the right with an emotionless expression. Melanor walked to the front of the couch and noticed Moranor was lost in thought while staring at the ceiling. She waved her hand in front of her daughter but got no reaction. 

Melanor turned her head towards Enrel. Enrel flipped to the next page, she said. "Don't look at me, I didn't do anything to her." Melanor poked her daughter's forehead which snapped her back to reality. Melanor blinked a couple of times as her gaze wandered to her mother, Melanor said. "Moranor is something bothering you?"

Moranor lightly shook her head, she said. "No, I was just thinking about… Things…" Melanor raised a brow and said. "You were thinking about things?..." Moranor quickly looked down to the floor, she said. "Y-Yeah, I was thinking about… The usual training regimen, how to improve some tactics…" Moranor kept taking peeks of the stairway while talking to her mother. Melanor placed a hand on her hip, she said. "Uh-huh…" 

Melanor stared at her daughter which made her fidget on the couch she was sitting on. Enrel was watching the two of them from the corner of her eye. Moranor was playing with the sleeve of her tunic, she said. "So… Uh… What's uh… What's for breakfast?..." Moranor took another peek at the stairway. Melanor was giving her daughter an odd knowing look, she said. "I'll be the one choosing the menu for today."

Moranor's pointy ears slightly plopped down, she said. "Oh…" The corner of Melanor's eye twitched, Enrel let out a chuckle which made the two elves turn their heads towards her. Enrel kept a calm expression as she flipped to the next page. Melanor let out a helpless sigh, she said. "Reiki will still cook with me and you'll still have to make his meals for him."

Moranor's pointy ears straightened, she said. "I-I didn't ask." The sound of footsteps was coming from the stairway, all three elves looked at the source of the sound and saw Reiki in a fresh pair of clothes and his damped hair dragged back. He walked towards where the three elves were and said. "What did I miss?"

Reiki looked up to Melanor while Moranor faked a cough and placed a calm look on her face as she crossed her arms. Enrel placed her book above her mouth to cover the smile that was growing on her face.

Melanor looked at him oddly, she said. "Nothing of importance. I'll be going to the kitchen to prepare the ingredients and write the recipe." She nodded at him and vanished on the spot. Reiki looked at Moranor who kept a straight face and then to Enrel who was reading another erotica. Reiki walked towards the fridge and took out the small glass of parfait, he opened a drawer and picked up a spoon.

He turned around and noticed that Moranor was sitting in the middle of the couch while Enrel was staring at her using the corner of her eye. Reiki walked towards the couch and sat on Moranor's right and tasted the parfait, he thought. Yep, these are the same ingredients I made. He scooped up some ice cream and some whipped cream when Moranor, who was staring at a wall said. "How is it?" Reiki looked at her from the corner of his eye and looked at the spoon, he moved the spoon closer to her face and said. "You can judge for yourself."

Enrel raised a brow as she nodded in approval, a faint blush appeared in Moranor's cheeks as she slowly moved forward as Reiki fed her. Moranor savored the ice cream, trying her best to keep a straight expression, she said. "O-Of course it is, I made it…" 

Reiki chuckled as a big smile appeared on his face, he said. "Agreed." Looking at the ceiling, Reiki continued. "Enrel-san… Can you not watch us? Are you a pervy old man by any chance?" Enrel's eyes widened, with an exaggerated tone she said. "I am not! You children and your imaginations, I'm stuck here reading… Literature and then there are the two of you destroying… The silence that I enjoy." Reiki scooped some more ice cream and whipped cream using the spoon, he said. "No one uses their mouth to read."

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Moranor slightly turned her head sideways and saw that Enrel was holding a book over her mouth. Moranor started to blush even more as she stood up and walked towards the kitchen, Enrel watched Moranor's reaction. The moment the door was shut she closed the book with one hand and tapped Reiki's shoulder, Enrel said. "You are a natural-born lady killer, I feel sorry for the two of them."

Reiki thought. Two of them?... Enrel moved closer to him and continued. "Which one are you?" Reiki had a spoon on his mouth as he looked at her weirdly. Enrel rolled her eyes and said. "Do you just go with the flow? Or do you plan everything out beforehand?" 

Reiki moved the spoon out of his mouth and scooped some whipped cream, he said. "I don't plan anything." Enrel nodded, she said. "So you like to keep them on their toes, I get it." She leaned closer to him and placed an arm around his shoulder. Enrel continued. "How do you like them?"

Reiki thought. I don't like where this is going. He said. "Huh?" Trying to act oblivious. Enrel moved him closer towards her and whispered in his ear, she said. "You know them. Do you like melons or coconuts…" Enrel looked around the room, she continued. "If you prefer the first one you're going to love-."

The sound of two deafening crackling was made from behind the couch, both Reiki and Enrel turned around and saw both the mother-daughter pair's eyes were cold as a string of lightning was traveling around them. 

Enrel held onto Reiki as she snapped her fingers as a bubble of mana surrounded them. Moranor held her hand up as the string of lightning traveled to her palm as she threw it like a baseball hitting the mana shield, Melanor stared coldly at Enrel as the string of lightning just leaped towards the mana shield as it looked like it had a mind of its own.

Enrel frantically waved her hands and hastily said. "Wait! Wait! Wait! Why are the two of you so charged?" She let out a chuckle from her joke as she looked at Reiki to see his reaction. He kept a straight face as he tried to move her arm away from his shoulder. Enrel rolled her at him as her gaze fell on the two elves who were furious. Enrel faked a laugh, she said. "Can't the two of you take a joke?"

Moranor just coldly glared at her while Melanor held her hand out as a string of lightning was being made into a ball of plasma. Reiki saw what she was doing and was trying to get Enrel's hands off him. Enrel grip became tighter as she leaned closer to him, she said. "What do you think you're doing!?" Reiki was trying to pry her hands off, he thought. She's stronger than she looks. He turned his head to look at Enrel, he said. "What does it look like? Trying to see another day."

Enrel moved closer as she embraced him with her arms wrapped around his torso. Moranor's eyes turned colder as she held out her hand as multiple strings of lightning appeared, the sound of crackling was continuous as it slowly became louder. Enrel said. "If you go I might die!" Reiki saw Moranor's glare, he turned his head as a smile formed on his face. He said. "And that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make." He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki vanished from her grasps as he ran up the stairs holding the parfait and the spoon. Enrel had a look of utter disbelief on her face, she turned her head to look at the stairway and said. "If you stayed they might have gone easy on me-!" The lightning on their palm was shot towards Enrel's bubble of mana as cracks quickly spread around it.


Second Floor

Reiki sprinted to the top of the staircase as the sound of Enrel's scream was heard. He looked down the staircase as he let out a sigh of relief, Reiki scooped some ice cream and said. "She'll live." A hand suddenly touched his right shoulder which made him freeze on the spot, slowly turning his head Reiki saw Moranor with a bright smile on her face. Reiki let out a sigh, he said. "So you do have the ability to teleport."

As he let out a nervous chuckle, Moranor just coldly stared at him not saying anything. Reiki blinked a couple of times as he looked around the hallway, he took a bite of the ice cream as a few seconds passed. He scooped some more ice cream and held the spoon close to Moranor's mouth as he tried to get a reaction.

Moranor stared at the spoon as her gaze went back to him, she said. "What did you think?" Reiki had an odd look on his face. Moranor continued. "During the conversation, you had with her. What did you think." Reiki shrugged his shoulders, he said. "I thought she was being a pervy old man, well old woman." Moranor reached for the collar of his tunic and dragged him closer as she stared right into his eyes as they were a couple of inches apart. She said. "Really?"

Reiki's eyes widened as he subconsciously gulped, he said. "Y-Yeah, honest." Moranor just stared into his eyes for a few seconds before she let go, a smile slowly formed on her face. She said. "Alright." Moranor turned around and was about to walk down the stairs and stopped and turned her head to face him when she heard him talk. Reiki said. "Moranor." He moved the spoon with some partially melted ice cream closer to her mouth, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks as she ate the ice cream.

Reiki walked beside her as the two of them walked down the stairs and saw Enrel's hair was disheveled as she was leaning on a wall to keep herself up. She had a red potion in her hand with a golden ring on the neck, taking off the cork and downed the entire potion in one go. Some fern marks on her body were fading as her breathing turned back to normal, Enrel said. "You could have killed me!"

Melanor crossed her arms and let out a scoff, she said. "And here you are, alive and well." Enrel placed the glass of the potion in her pouch as she shouted. "That's your reaction!? You could have potentially killed one of your kind and that's all I get?!" Melanor rolled her eyes, she said. "You're being overdramatic. I've shocked you worse back in the day compared to this one." Enrel grits her teeth as her hand slowly clenches into a fist, she said. "Explain why I used a good potion!"

Melanor let out a sigh and said. "You hate feeling pain. The last time you dueled against someone and managed to inflict pain on you, you immediately drank a potion and cast a fourth-tier spell." Enrel stomped her feet on the floorboards, she said. "He started it!" Melanor had a deadpan expression, she said. "It was a flesh wound."

The elf needed urgent medical attention and was on the verge of dying." Reiki ate a spoonful of strawberry and whipped cream, he swallowed and tapped Moranor's forearm using his shoulder. Reiki said. "Is the fear of pain common among the elves? First, there's you and now Enrel-san." Reiki scooped some ice cream and strawberry and moved the spoon closer to Moranor. Moranor crossed her arms as she stared at the two elves fighting, she said. "I have a good reason for that… Her on the other hand I don't know…" She leaned closer to the spoon as she let Reiki feed her.

Reiki scooped some whipped cream using the spoon, he stared at the two elves and said. "How bad was the elf's injury?" Moranor walked to the closest wall and leaned on it, she said. "From what I've heard it's pretty bad…" Using the corner of her eye she stared at the spoon Reiki was holding. Moranor continued. "They said he'll live but he has to walk with a cane for the rest of his life, and uh…"

A faint blush appeared on her cheeks as she turned her head to look away from him and stare at the wall, Moranor said. "If he didn't have a brother the family name would have died with him…" Reiki mixed the parfait in the glass as he took another scoop with a bit of everything and moved it closer to Moranor. Reiki said. "Ouch. That, bad huh? Remind me to not push her buttons to a certain degree." Moranor leaned closer to the spoon and took a bite of parfait while chewing, she nodded in agreement.

Using the spoon Reiki scooped up some dark chocolate while staring at the two fighting elves he said. "How long does an argument between the two of them last?" He scooped some more chocolate and moved the spoon closer to Moranor, she said. "Five to eight minutes tops, sometimes fifteen minutes." She leaned closer and ate some dark chocolate from the spoon. Both Enrel and Melanor's breathing was ragged.

Enrel inhaled deeply and said. "And another thing… I didn't lose that time." Melanor slowly inhaled as she rolled her eyes at Enrel. Melanor said. "Is that what you tell yourself every day when you go home to your stone house and iron bed frame?" Enrel blushed as she pointed a finger at Melanor. Enrel shouted. "Don't bring up wealth in this conversation!" With a spoon in his mouth, Reiki poked Moranor's hand, getting her attention. Removing the spoon from his mouth using a hand, he said. "I think we should take a seat."

Reiki walked beside Moranor as they headed towards the couch when all of a sudden Melanor grabbed Reiki's shoulder. Melanor turned her head to face him and said. "Reiki time to meet the queen." Reiki had a confused look on his face, he said. "Wasn't it supposed to be around lunchtime?" Enrel took a couple of steps closer towards Melanor, Enrel said. "Hey! About our little squabble."

Reiki passed the parfait and the spoon to Moranor, he looked at Moranor and with a smile on his face. Reiki said. "Wish me luck, Moranor." Melanor grabbed his shoulder and for a split second everything he saw stretched, as Reiki's vision returned he saw an elf with long golden hair and sky blue eyes sitting on a golden throne with a scepter on the side.

Elora stared at him, she said. "So you're the one who destroyed a part of the forest during your travels with the princess." Reiki froze for a split second, he raised his hand and said. "Your majesty I can explain-." Elora lazily waved her hand which made him stop. Elora continued. "Should I call you Akihito Reiki? Or Netsu, Haru Netsu?"

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