
Chapter 85: Chapter 85: Revisions

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Enora had a visible frown on her face as she started thinking, Moranor grabbed the collar of his tunic and made sure he didn't touch it. Reiki's stomach let out a loud grumble that reverted in the entire room, on the corner of his lips was a string of drool that he wiped off using his tunic. Moranor moved her gaze onto Enora, Moranor said. "What do we do about this?" Using her thumb she pointed at the plate of dragon meat on the trolley, Moranor continued. "This has to be a mistake, the only elves capable of eating those are in a different room."

Moranor snapped her fingers as a talisman appeared in her palm, she said. "I'll ask." The talisman faintly glowed while Moranor still had her hand on the collar of Reiki's tunic, she moved her gaze onto him as he had both his hands placed on his stomach. Reiki had a painful expression on his face as his stomach let out another loud grumble, he thought. Q, give me a minute. He gritted his teeth as more drool started to seep from the corner of his mouth, something black in his right eye started to slowly spread.

[System: Queen is attempting to control the host.]

[System: A third party suppressed Queen.]

Moranor had a concerned look on her face, she said. "Reiki… Are you okay?..." Reiki nodded as he closed his right eye, he took a deep breath and slowly straightened his posture, and wiped the drool on his mouth. He said. "I-I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" As he flashed her an assuring smile.

Moranor turned her head towards Enora who was putting away the talisman into her pocket, Moranor said. "Enora what did your mother say?!" Enora had a look of disbelief on her face, she said. "There wasn't any kind of mistake… That entire thing is… For him…" The corner of Moranor's eye twitched, she said. "There must have been some kind of miscommunication-." Moranor suddenly felt the lack of fabric in her hand, she turned her head and saw Reiki had devoured half of one of the large slices of dragon meat. 

Moranor appeared behind him as she lifted him and took a couple of steps away from the trolley, Enora snapped her fingers as the meat from his hands appeared back on the plate. Both of them had worried expressions on their faces as they tried to discern anything wrong, Enora slowly said. "He ate a kilogram worth of meat like he was breathing air…" Moranor's pupils glowed as she seized his entire body up and down as she looked for any signs of rejection, she said. "That doesn't matter right now! Call an elf well versed in medicine or something!"

Reiki let out a long, loud, and satisfied burp. With his right eye back to normal, He said. "Excuse me." As his stomach started rumbling again. Enora had a look of disbelief on her face as her pupils started to glow as he inspected him, she said. "H-He's fine…" Reiki's stomach let out another rumble, he looked up to both of them and said. "Can I continue with my meal?" Moranor set him back down on the ground as he walked towards the trolley and picked up the meat that was half-eaten. The two elves in the room saw him inhale the food on the plate as both of them had bewildered expressions on their faces.


Queen's Personal Room

All three elves had an odd look on their faces, Enrel said. "H-He won't die from overeating, right?" Melanor's eyes were as wide as possible, she couldn't move her eyes away from the screen. Melanor said. "Not if he implodes first…" On the screen, Reiki had already eaten four kilograms of meat and only started to show signs of slowing down. Elora placed a hand on her chin, she said. "Is he completely human?..." Elora somehow managed to pry her eyes away from the screen, she looked at Enrel and said. "Did you collect what I asked you?" 

Enrel snapped her fingers, a glass tube that was half-filled with blood appeared in her hand, she said. "Will know, right about… Now." A few seconds passed as nothing changed, Elora narrowed her eyes as she started thinking. Melanor took the glass tube out of her hands and raised it higher beneath the sphere of light to try and see if there were any minute differences. Melanor said. "Did you-."

Before she could finish Enrel spoke with a tone of calm anger saying. "You two can laugh at me, question the way I live, and even play a joke on me. But if you think I'll let you question my research, something that I've been doing since I could remember, we're going to have a problem on our hands." The room went silent, with a serious tone of voice Melanor said. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to question you, I just said it out of surprise…" 

Melanor glanced at the screen to see Reiki ate five kilograms of meat while Enora and Moranor just watched. Melanor moved her gaze back onto Enrel, she said. "Can you make sure?" Elora stood up from the chair, she said. "Do a double-check, use what you have on hand. I'll pay for the items you used." Enrel nodded, she said. "That I can easily do." With a wave of her hand, the blood from the glass tube moved towards her. The blood turned into a small ball that floated above her hand, with her free hand Enrel grabbed her pouch out of her pocket and rummaged inside it, and took out three mini basters.

With another small wave of her hand, the ball of floating blood thinned down into one long rectangle and separated, turning into three equal squares. Enrel said. "These three basters have one drop of concentrated monster blood." She carefully put a drop on each floating square as all of them immediately turned black, Enrel waved her hand as the black blood went back inside the glass tube. Enrel placed her pouch back in her pocket and said. "He's human, pure to the point that he doesn't even have a body tempering method…" 

Elora took the glass tube out of Melanor's hand as her pupils glowed and started to analyze it, she said. "You mean to tell me, a ten-year-old human almost had a draw with my right-hand woman? To top it off he didn't even temper his body in any way?" Elora passed the glass tube to Enrel, she stared at the glass tube in her hands. Melanor let out a chuckle and said. "Almost? If I didn't use a lightning enhancement spell, my body wouldn't have time to react to his punch."

Enrel was still busy staring at the glass tube in her hands as she had a pondering look, she said. "Then the most logical conclusion is that his… Unique…" Elora and Melanor stared at her oddly. Enrel's grip on the glass tube slightly tightened, she said. "Don't look at me like that! This is the first time I'm seeing this kind of result! Humans are weak and barely have any affinity for magic, period! Don't expect me to be nearly all-knowing just because of the fact I dedicate most of my time doing research!" 

Melanor crossed her arms as she moved her gaze onto Elora who had a smile on her face, Elora said. "At least this can assure us we won't be needing to shove herbs and potions down his throat to extend his lifespan." Enrel was glancing at the glass tube in her hands, she said. "I'm keeping this for research." As the glass tube in her hands vanished. All three of them heard Reiki let out a loud burp that got their attention.


Guest Room

[System: Queen used Devour.]

[System: Queen used Devour.]

[System: Queen used Devour.]

[System: Queen has gained 15 Hunger.]

Reiki let out a loud satisfied burp as he picked up a knife and fork and sliced the last two kilograms of meat into three equal sizes. He walked towards his bed and pointed at the steak using his thumb and said. "That should help you in some way." Reiki sat on the bed and took his shoes off, Moranor stared at him with a hint of concern on her face while Enora looked at him oddly, Enora said. "This isn't your first time eating dragon meat, isn't it?" Moranor was surprised as a look of realization appeared on her face, she vanished on the spot and appeared next to him.

[System: User has received 68 Damage.]

Moranor hit him right in the stomach as he almost let go of the meat in his hands. Reiki rubbed his abdomen as he looked at Enora and said. "How did you know?" Enora gave him a scrutinizing glare, she said. "If an individual eats something with a high amount of mana for the first time. They either A. Explode from eating too much. Or B. Their bodies have adjusted to a certain extent…" Reiki ate the meat in his hands as he groggily nodded as his eyes started to feel heavy, he said. "... C-Correct…" he let out a yawn as he laid down on the bed completely flat on his back. Elora walked towards him and violently tried to shake him awake, she said. "Reiki, don't go to sleep now! I still have questions that need to be answered!" 

Moranor walked towards the trolley as she stared at the leftover meat, she took a deep breath as a look of resolution appeared on her face. Moranor picked up the slightly larger piece and started to chew, her eyes widened in how tender the meat was. Enora let out a long sigh as she turned around and looked at Moranor who was swallowed, she had a baffled look on her face. Enora said. "What are you doing?! Are you trying to get killed!?"

Moranor let out a small burp, she said. "Excuse me, and no I'm making sure I don't get left behind." She walked toward the bed Reiki was sleeping on, Moranor sat on the edge, undid her shoelaces, and took her shoes off. With her legs crossed she slowed down her breathing and started meditating, Moranor's skin slowly turned to a visible pinker shade as she had a few strings of steam coming off the top of her head. Enora started to coldly laugh, she said. "Trying to one-up me, huh? Well, two can play this game." 

Enora waved her hand as the last piece of dragon meat flew towards her, it floated right in front of her. Enora's right hand blurred as the meat in front of her was cut into multiple-sized bites. Enora walked towards the bed Enrel laid down on, taking off her boots she sat on it with her legs crossed and started meditating, one of the dragon bite-size meat flew into her mouth as she started eating.


Queen's Personal Room

Elora was sitting on the chair while staring at the screen, she said. "No matter how you look at it, this is a strange sight to behold… Both our daughters are meditating and are barely managing to stay silent." Melanor who had her arms crossed and stood on her right said. "And then there's Reiki, who seems to enjoy how comfortable the bed is…" Melanor slightly turned her head sideways towards Enrel who stopped watching the screen mid-way and was back to inspecting the glass tube filled with black blood. 

Melanor said. "Enrel we need your opinion on… Whatever phenomenon this is…" Enrel held the glass tube in her hand as she walked towards them, looking at the screen she saw Moranor and Enora who were both slightly pink and in the middle of meditation. Enrel said. "Appears normal to me."

Elora let out a short laugh while Melanor pointed at Reiki, Melanor said. "We know that, we're talking about him." Enrel saw Reiki who was sleeping comfortably, she said. "That's very interesting indeed…" Enrel looked over at Elora and said. "Can I get a few more blood samples?" Elora casually nodded, she said. "That's fine, just make sure to leave a note so Reiki's aware."


Inside Reiki's mind

Reiki appeared in the middle of nowhere as he stared at how far he could see, a shadowy figure appeared a couple of meters behind him that was holding a black ball in one of his hands. Reiki said. "How's your day going Ender?" Ender stayed silent for a couple of moments, he said. "You need to increase your training." 

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Ender was about to take a seat as a large throne appeared behind him as he sat down on it. Reiki also took a seat as a reclining chair appeared, with a wave of his hand the chair turned around as he faced him. Reiki said. "We're on the same page then, thanks to that fight with Melanor I remember that I'm not as flexible as my old body was… I already have my training regimen all set up, here you go." 

A piece of paper with writing on it appeared in front of Ender, he stared at it as the paper floated in mid-air and started reading. Ender spoke to himself and said. "Triple the amount of training I've done daily. Thirty minutes of stretching. Two of sumo's shiko, four minutes on each leg, a total of two sets. One hundred ax chops the ax and logs are replaceable with a hammer and car tire. A hundred slow push-ups, squats, and sit-ups. Note: find wrist and ankle weights. Start with five kilograms and add one kilogram every three days until fifteen kilograms. Weights WILL be worn during training."

Ender mumbled. "It's a start…" The paper in his hands vanished, he continued. "Find two or make two heavy greatswords, it doesn't matter what quality it is as long as they're at least two hundred kilograms heavy. A thousand vertical, horizontal, and slanted full power swings on each arm and then do the same on each arm but with slow swings while making sure you're doing the full motion on each swing." Reiki stared at the grey roof that was somehow bright, he said. "Two hundred kilogram greatswords… I'll ask Arashi… Is that all?" 

Ender nodded, the black ball on his lap managed to somehow crawl onto his shoulder as both of them slowly faded along with the throne he was sitting on. Reiki stood up as he looked around and around the barren grey land around him, he let out a yawn and said. "Time to wake up."


Guest Room

Reiki slowly sat on the bed he was on and saw Moranor was still meditating, he looked to his right and saw Enora was doing the same. He let out a yawn as he stood up from the bed, put on his shoes, and tied his shoelaces. 

Reiki let out another yawn as he started doing some light stretches, he looked out the window and saw the moonlight was coming from the top. He thought. Midnight… His eyes slowly adjusted in the dark as he saw the clothes Moranor brought him were on her left. Reiki picked up the new tunic and pants and placed them inside his pouch. He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

He appeared outside the room as he was falling from the third floor while both his tattered clothes and his hair fluttered in the wind.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Just when he was about a few feet above the ground he suddenly appeared a few inches in front of him and softly landed. Reiki looked around the area and said. "This should be good enough." He immediately started doing push-ups.

He said. "One. Two. Three. Four."

~One Hour Later~

"Two hundred and ninety-eight." Underneath Reiki was a pool of sweat, his arms were visibly shaking as he tried to slowly push himself up. Reiki slowly lowered his body and continued. "Two hundred and n-ninety…" His arms were rapidly shivering as his own body refused to listen, he took a deep breath and forced himself. He said. "Ninety-nine." 

His hand slipped from the puddle of sweat under him as he somehow managed to avoid face-planting on the ground. He dug his fingers into the ground as he slowly tried to break his limits, Reiki slowly did the final push-up while counting. "T-Three hundred." His arms went limp as he landed on his sweat on the ground making a mini splash, Reiki tried to turn around on the floor and started to regulate his breathing.

Using the building as support he slowly got up on his own two feet and started doing squats.

He said. "One. Two. Three."

~One Hour Later~

Reiki's legs were shaking as the puddle of sweat under him grew bigger, he was in the middle of squatting as he took a big breath and slowly stood up. He said. "Three h-hundred." His legs went limp as he laid on the ground, he was panting for breath as he stared at the moon in the sky, Reiki thought. A little over two hours… He slowly sat up straight and tried to move his hands, he said. "They feel heavy…" 

Reiki placed both his hands on the building as he tried to stand. He slipped on his sweat as he hit the floor with a wet thud, his eyes turned hollow as he started crawling to the nearest tree and used it to lift himself. When he managed to stand up his legs gave in as he leaned on the tree while breathing erratically.

Reiki looked around and saw a large rock, he slowly moved his way over there and sat near it. He dug a few inches of the dirt by the edge and placed his rubber shoes in them and started doing sit-ups.

~One Hour Later~

Reiki said. "Three… Hundred…" He was laying down on the ground while he stared at the night starless sky. His breathing was out of control as he tried to slowly inhale from his nose and exhale using his mouth. Every inch of Reiki's body was constantly twitching in pain and agony as he tried to sit up straight by using the rock, looking at the two large puddles of sweat he made, he thought. I'm going to need a lot of water after this… 

Reiki slowly stood up while his legs were shaking, he looked at the moon that was just above the trees and thought. Now that I've managed to make the deal… I guess it's about time I head back home... Reiki removed his tunic that was soaked in sweat as it stuck to his skin, he wrung it dry as the sweat absorbed by it fell to the ground. Putting on the ruined tunic he slowly started walking and soon started running which turned into a full-on sprint.

~Two Hours Later~

Reiki was jogging as his body couldn't handle the stress, he ran around the gigantic house a total of forty-seven times before he stopped sprinting. He slowed down as he stopped at the same place near the two puddles of sweat as he started doing some simple deep side-to-side lunges. With a deep breath, he slowly raised his left leg into the air while balancing on his right. Reiki managed to lift his left foot roughly on the same level of his shoulders as he slightly tilted his body sideways.

~Four Minutes Later~

Reiki was still in the same position after one more breath he slammed his left foot he was lifting to the ground making a loud thump, he raised his right leg and was halfway to finishing his first set.

~Twelve Minutes Later~

Slowly slamming his right leg onto the ground he felt his thighs burn as he immediately sat on the ground. He positioned himself into a push-up as he slowly extended his arms, Reiki said. "One. Two. Three. One." He slowly lowered his body and said. "One. Two. Three. One." Slowly pushing himself upwards he continued to count. "One. Two. Three. Two." Reiki repeated this process in squats, and sit-ups all the while slowly counting.

~Three Hours Later~

Reiki was in a squatting position as he slowly stood up, he said. "One. Two. Three. One hundred." He instantly felt his entire body turned numb as he laid on the wet ground and stared at the sky. From the corner of his eye, he saw the first crack of dawn. Reiki slowly sat up straight as he started to calm down his breathing. Reiki placed both his hands on the ground as he tried to stand up, he looked around and started doing some simple yoga starting with a downward-facing dog.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Reiki was doing a bridge pose as he slowly exhaled, he quickly stood up as he slowly tried to do a split. He managed to do a half split and thought. I need more training… Reiki sat on the floor with his legs as wide as possible, tilting his body sideways as he tried to reach his right arm to his left leg and doing the same vice versa. He slowly moved his upper body forward while keeping his leg locked in place, holding the same position he looked to his left and said. "Any chance there's a lumber mill nearby?" Five elves appeared with different expressions on their faces. They were Melanor, Elora, Enrel, Moranor, and Enora as they stood in a horizontal line a few feet beside him.

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