
Chapter 87: Chapter 87: Questions

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Enora's eyes slightly glisten with a thin layer of tears as she quickly moves her gaze onto her mother. Elora had a clueless look on her face which made Enora in complete disbelief, Moranor was trying to hide the smile on her face but failed. Enora looked at Reiki angrily with her eyes on the verge of tears, he said. "Your answer?" 

Enora took a deep breath to organize her bearing, she said. "Then I just hand over the problem to-." Reiki slowly raised his right hand which made her stop mid-sentence. Enora faked a cough and said. "I try to solve the problem on my own?..." Reiki placed his hand back to his side, he said. "What happens if the problem is too much for you to handle on your own?"

Enora stomped the ground beneath her, she angrily said. "This isn't fair! You keep adding more to the pile! Does this even have a purpose!" Reiki crossed his arms as he had an indifferent expression on his face. He said. "That right there, the moment something doesn't go your way you immediately start whining. Do you honestly think that's going to help?" Enora pointed a finger just a couple of inches away from his nose, she said. "It hasn't failed me once-." All three elves saw him jump.

[System: User has dealt 12 Damage.]

Reiki flicked Enora's forehead, he said. "Don't point at other people, that's also bad etiquette." Enora placed a hand on her forehead as she was on the verge of bursting into tears, she turned her head to look at her mother. Enora pointed at Reiki and said. "Mom, do something!" Elora pretended to think for a couple of seconds and said. "I could… But he does have a point." 

The hand that she used to point at him limped back to her side as Enora stared at her mother. Moranor had bright eyes as she watched Enora who was facing hardships. Reiki crossed his arms again, he said. "Your answer?" Enora raised her guard, she looked at him with narrowed eyes and said. "Then if everything won't go my way then how about you give me an answer." Reiki flashed her a smirk, he said. "Discover who they are under the mask of who they claim to be…"

All three elves were stunned by what he said. Reiki continued. "It's true, you have power, authority, and wealth. But that won't get you far if you don't know who to keep an eye on." Elora and Moranor faintly nodded in acknowledgment. Enora hesitantly said. "W-What does that have to do with the question?..." Reiki blinked twice as a few seconds of silence passed, he said. "Nothing." 

Moranor let out a chuckle while Elora almost laughed but managed to stop herself. Enora stared at him for a couple of seconds before parts of her hair started floating as her pupils started to glow a faint icy blue color. With a wave of her hand the temperature in the room suddenly dropped, she lifted him using his tunic. Enora calmly said. "Do you think this is funny?"

[System: User has dealt 43 Damage.]

Reiki karate chopped the top of Enora's head, he said. "Hilarious. But it is my fault for being vague about the question at hand. What would you do if you have a problem you couldn't solve but the elf you can ask for help are, her majesty Elora-san, Moranor, and Enrel-san." Enora's hair fell as the glow in her pupils slowly dissipated, she glared at him and said. "Stop changing-." Reiki placed his index finger on Enora's forehead, he said. "Answer the question."

Moranor had a worried look on her face and tapped on Elora's shoulder. Elora turned her head to face Moranor and gave her an assuring nod as both of them continued to watch. Enora let her hand free from holding the collar of his tunic and tried to swat his hand on her forehead. 

Reiki quickly moved his hand away which only made her more annoyed, Enora took a deep breath and said. "I'll-." Reiki interrupted her and said. "Solve it all by myself." Enora's pupils started to glow again as her hands were enveloped by a thin layer of light blue mana. Her hand that was gripping the collar of his tunic started to freeze the fabric. He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki vanished from her hands and appeared at arm's length in front of Enora, he said. "That is the very reason why most of your relationships are strained." Enora was about to grab his entire face with her right hand but was stopped by her mother Elora as she grabbed her daughter's forearm. Moranor placed a hand on his shoulder as she was about to pull him out of the way. Elora flashed her daughter a smile and fixed the few strands of stray hair, she said. "He may have raised his hand at you but that is no excuse to take his life. Use your words, dear." 

Enora looked to her mother as both of them exchanged glances at each other. Moranor slightly crouched down to level with him as she pulled Reiki closer to her. Moranor spoke in a whisper. "What are you doing?" Reiki turned his head and flashed her a smile, he whispered. "It'll be fine, the fact I was able to chop her head with her mother in the same room means she's allowing it as long as I have a valid reason."

Moranor looked at him oddly and before she could say anything the exchange of glances between the mother and daughter elves had already finished. Enora looked a lot calmer than she was a moment ago, she said. "Care to explain yourself? You don't expect me to believe everything you say, especially since you don't even know the opinion of my elves here." Moranor was still crouched beside him as he flashed her a confident smile to which she reluctantly stood up. 

Reiki looked up to Enora with an indifferent expression on his face, he said. "Look at your elves around you and see how they react, maybe then you'll wake up from your dream. And that's not even adding the elves you spend time with." Enora sweetly smiled at him, she said. "These claims are established on?" Reiki rolled his eyes at her and said. "Find out for yourself. No amount of words can help you if you can't see what's wrong." 

Enora was about to say something when her mother, Elora raised her hand. Elora said. "We'll end this debate here and now. Nora, little Mora head to the dining table. Reiki and I have a small talk we need to have in private."

Enora had a smug smile on her face as she taunted him, Moranor grabbed the sleeve of Enora as she dragged her out of the room. As the door was closing both of them vanished leaving the two of them alone, Elora seized him up and down with a scrutinizing gaze. Elora said. "I could cut you down for what you've done to my daughter." Reiki let out a short laugh, he said. "Let's be honest your majesty, your daughter right now isn't fit to be called young majesty. At least not how she is right now." 

Elora placed a hand on top of his head, she let out a chuckle and said. "Know it all brat. At least pretend that you're being scolded… But it is true, Enora, as she is now, isn't suited to be called young majesty. I could never find it in myself to raise my hand at her and discipline her. And every time I did it would be half an hour of me lecturing her as she stared at the sand hourglass to finish… It got to the point where we would just sit in silence and stare at each other…"

A moment of silence passed, Elora stared at him while Reiki kept a straight face. Elora said. "I've tried everything I could think of, as a mother who's worried about her daughter I would like to ask for your help in any way." Reiki let out a big yawn while Elora patiently waited, he said. "After breakfast, let her sit by the fountain in the shopping district at the busiest hour for five minutes." 

Elora raised a brow and pondered for a moment, she placed a hand on her chin and said. "That's it?... Five minutes of sitting in public?... How about half an hour?" Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. "Five minutes, anything more and she'll resent you for doing it. And believe me, those five minutes are all you need." 

Elora scratched the back of her head, a few seconds passed as she tried to follow his thinking process. Elora said. "Five minutes it is then." Elora was about to turn around and took a single step forward, she turned her head sideways to look at him and said. "You need to hurry, Nora is spending afternoon tea with a… Certain elf." As she flashed him an enigmatic smile.

Reiki let out a yawn, he said. "It doesn't matter." Elora was surprised to hear his answer, he continued. "If she does learn something from those five minutes, Enora will be the one to cut off their relationship." Elora raised a brow, she said. "What makes you so sure?" Reiki moved his gaze onto the ceiling as he saw two light spheres collide and softly bounce off from each other, he said. "If she loves placing her hand where it doesn't belong… Enora will feel the recoil from having such an unsavory hobby." 

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Reiki lazily stretched in place and started walking towards the door with Elora on his right. He reached for the doorknob and opened the door and held it in place for Elora to walk. Elora walked out of the room while saying. "How virtuous of a gentleman." Reiki rolled his eyes at her and closed the door, Elora started walking down the hallway with Reiki behind her.

The two of them walked in silence, Elora glanced at him occasionally as Reiki let out a yawn. Elora said. "Are you confident that you're human? No ancestor that was half beast or?..." Reiki kept his gaze in front of him and said. "Nope, I am one hundred percent human. No form of body tempering, nor am I half of any species. Not even a mana pool absorbing method and yes, I can read any language at least I think so. I don't have the opportunity to try and test it on all languages yet."

Elora stopped as she turned sideways and looked at him with a narrowed gaze. Reiki also stopped walking and was still a step behind her. Elora said. "The more I know about you the more it just doesn't make sense…" Her pupils started glowing as she started to search his entire body again. Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "I go to that infamous trash academy, you can turn the world upside down and you won't find anything out of the ordinary." He thought. At least not in this life…

The glow in Elora's pupils started to dissipate, she continued walking as Reiki followed suit behind her. Elora said. "Is it true you managed to score an average of ninety-seven on the scholarship from Ishin?" Reiki lazily nodded, he said. "Apparently, but it's better to not speak about the past too much. There's nothing I can do to change it." The two of them took a right. Elora glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and saw his carefree expression, she said. "You're relaxed for someone who's lost a bright future." 

Reiki placed both his hands behind his neck, he looked up to Elora and said. "Did I lose a bright future?" Elora stayed quiet as she let him continue, Reiki looked at the light spheres by the ceiling that was slowly moving. He continued. "Other people may think I've lost everything, but to my eyes. My future is too bright that I have to look away." A confident smile appeared on his face as he spoke with an undertone of arrogance.

A small smirk crawled onto Elora's lips, she said. "Then forget I've said anything…" The two of them came to a halt in the middle of the hallway, Reiki looked around and let out a sigh. He looked up to Elora and said. "Your majesty… We're lost, aren't we…" Elora lazily waved her hand, she said. "No, we're not. I'm just… Taking the scenic route." 

Reiki stared at Elora who was admiring a painting on the wall, he said. "This is your house. How are you, the woman of the house got lost?" Elora ignored him as she slightly adjusted the painting, she said. "There, this is better right?" As she glanced at him and gestured at the painting. Reiki let out a sigh and said. "This is what you get for teleporting all over the place." 

Elora waved her hand in dismissal, with a calm expression she said. "It's fine, it's not the same as being lost in the middle of nowhere. We're in my house, how bad could it be?" Reiki turned his head and looked down the hallway, he said. "Enrel-san I know you're watching and eavesdropping for the last few minutes." Elora rolled her eyes at him, she said. "Enrel doesn't have any-." Enrel appeared between the two of them, she let out a carefree chuckle and said. "Aww, come on. It was just a bit of fun and I didn't even hear anything classified so no harm done."

Enrel placed her arm around Elora's shoulder. A loud thud was made when Elora elbowed Enrel right in the stomach and made her bend over with both her hands on her stomach. Enrel was trying to breathe slowly when Elora crouched down, she grabbed Enrel by the hair and threateningly said. "Not one word to Melanor." 

Enrel let out a chuckle and suddenly stood up straight, she happily said. "Sure. I'll lead the way." Enrel started walking with the two of them following behind. Enrel took a step back and walked beside Reiki, she said. "Reiki, so how's your day?" Reiki kept a straight face and with a monotone voice said. "The answer is no." 

Enrel froze in place as the two of them continued walking past her. Elora glanced at him strangely while Enrel suddenly appeared on his right. Before she could say anything, Reiki said. "Shouldn't you be finalizing your speech for today or something?" Enrel turned her head and looked at the right turn of the hallway, she said. "I decided to hold it after breakfast, to avoid all the elves being all hungry and cranky."

Reiki looked up at Elora, she said. "It'll take some time to push back their schedule. But it'll start a little after breakfast is over." Enrel, who was looking all over the hallway, avoided staring in his direction, she said. "And I may or may not need your… Theory to present something, so-." Reiki lazily waved his hand and said. "Give me some parchment, a quill, and a small bottle of ink. I'll write it before I eat before breakfast." 

Enrel smiled, she stopped walking and reached for a doorknob. Enrel said. "We're here." She opened the door and revealed the luxurious dining table where they had dinner last night. Elora vanished and appeared at the head at the table, she pulled back the chair and sat on it as she started to take a breather. Enrel held the door for Reiki as he walked inside the room toward the same chair he sat on last time. Enrel sat on his left as she pretended to have a casual expression on her face as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

Reiki let out a sigh, he said. "Give me the bloody parchment." Enrel movements were a blur, in front of Reiki were a few pieces of high-quality parchment, a small bottle of ink, and a lone white feathered quill. He dipped the quill in some ink and carefully tapped it, removing the excess, Reiki said. "Don't disturb me unless you want a mistake in the writing." Enrel let out a hearty laugh and said. "Me? Never." Elora rolled her eyes at her and took out her pouch from her pocket. She grabbed a canister that was made out of some sort of darker metal similar to what Enora lent him. 

Elora raised the canister at Enrel to which she refused by shaking her head sideways. Enrel took a sip and let out a soft refreshed sigh, the doors suddenly swung open as Enora and Moranor walked in with both of them in a terrible mood. Neither of them noticed the three who were already in the room, Enora pointed a finger at Moranor and said. "And another thing-!" Enrel appeared between them, her eyes were narrowed and with a soft and sweet voice, she said. "Quiet." 

As the two elves instantly turned silent. The only sound you could hear was a quill scribbling and from time to time being dipped in ink. Elora, who had already grabbed a glass from her pouch, filled it with water from the canister as she held it in the palm of her hand.

Enora's and Moranor's pointy ears slightly twitched when they heard Reiki writing. They turned their heads and saw him sitting on the chair by the table with Enrel standing behind him watching. While he was writing Enrel's eyes slowly widened in realization, she placed a hand on her chin and started to nod while reading. 

Enora and Moranor took one step simultaneously in the same direction to where Reiki was sitting. The two glared at each other from the corner of their eyes while Elora was taking a sip from her glass watching them. Melanor appeared in the room and noticed the somewhat tense atmosphere, she walked towards the chair on Elora's left and sat on it. Melanor softly spoke. "Why is everyone so quiet?" Elora used the glass in her hand to point at Reiki writing on parchment. Melanor nodded as she moved her gaze onto the two elves who were glaring at each other.

Reiki held the quill in his right hand as he picked up the large parchment and reviewed what he wrote. After a thorough read he passed the parchment to Enrel who was standing behind his chair, he said. "Here, it's split into three sections. One for the majority to understand meaning just the basis of it. One for discussion the more technical uses and one in-depth explanation of how it works. Such as the mana crystal exploding, its behavior, and what makes it tick." Enrel quickly took the parchment off his hands and started understanding it. Reiki tidied up the small ink bottle as he placed the cork back in and cleaned the quill by using the fabric inside his pockets.

Enrel said. "I won't be needing breakfast." As she vanished, Reiki said. "She didn't even take back her quill and bottle of ink." He looked around and saw Moranor and Enora walking towards his side of the table. Moranor sat on his right while Enora sat on his left, Reiki looked up to both of them and said. "I can understand why Moranor is sitting next to me. But why are you? Didn't we just argue?" Elora clapped once which got everyone's attention, she cleared her throat and said. "Nora, I have something to say to you after breakfast." Enora lazily stretched and said. "Understood." She accidentally hit Reiki's left shoulder.

[System: User has received 47 Damage.]

Reiki thought. That's why… This is going to be one long breakfast… He let out a short sigh and rubbed his left shoulder using his right hand. Moranor pulled his seat closer to her seat as she glared at Enora using the corner of her eye. Elora and Melanor had a small smirk on their faces as they pretended to not notice their exchange. Melanor slightly tilted her head sideways, she said. "Not going to ask to be credited for helping discover the theory?" 

Elora pulled out four more glasses from her pouch and filled them with water from the canister, she started passing them around. Reiki shook his head and said. "I'm not interested in fame. Being as young as I am would bring more dangers than benefits for having a hand on something like this, let alone creating it." Elora passed a glass to her daughter Enora as she gave it to Moranor. 

Enora was passed a second glass as she accidentally emptied half of it onto Reiki's pants. He thought. I was wrong… It's going to be longer than I thought… Moranor glared at her while Enora acted like normal. Elora clapped her hands as the door opened and elves with cloches on their hands walked inside the room and placed it on the table.

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