
Chapter 96: Chapter 96: Three Days

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Reiki stared at the golden library card in his hand and thought. The plan is going better than I expected… A lot of sudden changes but I'm more or less finished… He casually tossed the card on the table and went back to eating. Enora smiled at his gesture while it made Moranor uncomfortable as she picked it up and made sure there wasn't any dirt on it. Moranor said. "Reiki… You don't just throw something as valuable like this so easily…" Moranor nodded as she carefully placed it on the table where it won't be touched by any crumbs of the food.

Reiki picked up a rolled Tamago and stared at it, he said. "True, but it's not like anyone is going to steal it. And even if someone had the guts to do it they won't be able to use it because it has my name on it." He ate the rolled Tamago while looking up to Moranor. Moranor had a worried look on her face, she said. "But what if you lose it? Then-."

Reiki raised a finger which made her stop, he said. "On the off chance, I do lose it. The individual who finds it assuming they have common sense would do everything in their power to keep what they have to themselves while searching for me. It would give them a chance to talk to me and possibly make a good impression, hell if I like them I might just offer them an invite to the second floor with me."

Moranor had a sly smile on her lips, on the spur of the moment she said. "Then what if they cast an illusion spell on them?" Reiki had an odd look on his face and glanced at Enora who had a smirk on her lips. He said. "Then said individual would be arrested for theft, attempted trespassing, illegally casting magic inside the library, and more…" 

The sly smile on Moranor's lips stiffened, Reiki continued. "I'm surprised you even suggested that given how the rules were obediently followed." Moranor let out a scoff while Enora loudly chuckled making sure she heard. Moranor said. "Then don't listen, I was only giving my opinion-." Reiki suddenly extended his arms ready for a hug that was combined with a smile on his face. Moranor's eyes narrowed as she raised her guard all of a sudden, she said. "What are you playing at?"

Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "How about a hug?" Moranor stared at him for a few seconds as the atmosphere in the room turned completely silent. Enora was caught off guard as she stared at the two of them, Moranor said. "I'm already mad at you and this is the-." Before she could finish Reiki hugged her, Moranor's entire body turned completely stiff as she didn't know how to react. Enora kept watching with an expressionless face. 

Reiki looked up to Moranor while hugging her and said. "I know you're always looking out for me, thank you." Moranor's entire face blushed instantly, she tried her best to push him off and tried to find some leeway under Reiki's hands to remove them. Moranor said. "L-Let go! I get it! I'm not mad anymore so just let go!"

Reiki hugged her a bit tighter, he said. "A little more." Moranor was trying all sorts of ways to get him off her, Reiki let out a chuckle as he let go and went back to eating. Moranor's entire face was red as a tomato as she sat in her chair and meekly stared at the colorful container half-filled with food. Enora stayed dangerously silent as she watched everything unfold, she picked up a sandwich paper bento as the three of them went back to eating.


Queen's Personal Room

Elora and Melanor were laying down on the bed while watching a screen floating in front of them. Elora was resting her head on Melanor's left shoulder, she glanced at Melanor. Elora said. "He's good…" Melanor nodded and placed her right hand on her chin, she said. "He's making progress with my daughter, sure but… What about yours? She looks like she's ready to freeze the entire forest back into the ice age…" 

On the screen, Reiki was making small talk with both the elves in the room. Elora had a small smile on her lips, she said. "She'll be fine, Nora won't do anything too drastic since she doesn't know what emotion she has toward him. Because if Nora did know she would be very territorial." Elora coldly glared at Melanor from the corner of her eye, she continued. "Like a certain elf getting drunk every night when their…"

She let out a sigh dripping with disdain and disgust, Elora said. "So-called husband passed away and slept with another elf." Moranor slightly jolted as she slowly looked to the right and stared at the ceiling. Enora turned her head to glare at her waiting for her response while on the screen the three were eventually having a steady conversation about something. A moment passed and eventually, Moranor said. "... You knew?..."

 Enora let out a scoff as she smacked Moranor by the thigh as it made a satisfying noise, she said. "Of course, I knew. Fast forward more than five hundred years of waiting for you to tell me yourself and nothing came out of it. Even to this day you still think if they don't bring it up themselves there's no need to talk about it." Melanor turned her head to look at Enora as she had a big smile on her face.

Enora let out another scoff as she adjusted her position, she moved her head away from Moranor's left shoulder and laid down on her left side. Moranor quickly sat up straight on the bed and hugged Enora from behind. Moranor said. "Honey, Angel, My love…" Enora kept a poker face as she stared at the wall, Moranor continued. "In my heart, there's only room for you." With a straight expression, Enora said. "I'm guessing this is what you say to other elves." 

Melanor inched closer and hugged Enora tighter as she wrapped her arms around Enora's waist. Melanor said. "During those dark times, I was so lonely and sad… I made time to visit but you would always claim you were tired from all the learning and training… With wine clouding my judgment, I accepted her offer…" Melanor kissed the back of Enora's neck which made her slightly shiver.

Melanor's hands slowly traveled from Enora's thighs to her stomach and were a few inches from her large breast. Enora slapped Melanor's hand before she could touch her chest, Enora said. "It's not going to be that easy." Melanor smiled as she saw a faint blush on Enora's cheeks, Melanor leaned closer to whisper into Enora's ears. Melanor softly whispered. "Then what should I do to earn your forgiveness, my love?" 

Enora's entire body shivered as the blush on her cheeks became more prominent, she said. "You could start by doing a few things for me." Melanor sat up straight on the bed and placed a hand on each side of Enora. Melanor's eyes were focused as she stared at Enora. Melanor placed her right hand on Enora's chin and gently turned her head to look up to her. Enora willingly complied as she stared right into Melanor's eyes, Melanor said. "What kind of things?"


Luxurious Dining Room

Reiki neatly stacked all the three colorful containers into one and placed it in front of him, he looked up to Melanor and said. "I don't buy it." Moranor had a look of disbelief on her face while Enora let out a chuckle. Moranor said. "How come?" Reiki pretended to think as he looked at Moranor oddly, he said. "I can't picture you cheating on a test." Enora pointed at Moranor and said. "Told you, Mora. You can't even tell a single white lie properly." 

Reiki looked up to Enora, he said. "That's rich from someone who ate a spoonful of cat food once." Moranor started laughing as she banged the table a couple of times. Enora's eyes widened, she said. "It wasn't my fault!" She pointed at Moranor who was laughing nonstop and continued. "When I was studying for the test I was having one of my servants feed me. I was in the middle of memorizing complex formations when that she-devil fed me the spoonful!"

Reiki rolled his eyes and said. "Alright, alright… Moranor I don't even know why you're laughing so hard… We weren't the ones who kept on peeing the bed at the age of one hundred." Moranor immediately blushed as she grabbed Reiki by the collar of his tunic while Enora started laughing which made her large chest jiggle. Moranor was almost shouting, she said. "I was young! You humans pee your bed all the time! In my culture, I was only considered to be a child then!" Reiki let out a chuckle as he softly patted the hand gripping his collar. He said. "I'm just messing with you… I'm just trying to lighten things between the two of you." 

Enora eventually stopped laughing as she started to listen to him, Moranor looked at him with an uninterested expression. Reiki continued. "I've noticed the… Competitive glare the two of you are sending each other all the time." Moranor placed a hand near his forehead and was about to flick it when all of a sudden the door opened.

Enrel looked at them and walked inside and didn't close the door behind her, she said. "I've been looking all over for well, anyone. Where are your mothers?" Reiki turned his head toward her direction, he said. "Busy with something. But if you wait here with us they'll probably drop by to say something before heading off." Enrel thought for a moment and nodded, with a wave of her hand the door closed itself as she sat down on a random chair. She looked around and said. "What are we talking about?" 

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Moranor let go of the collar of Reiki's tunic as both of them sat properly while Enora tried her best to put on a calm expression. Reiki had a small smile on his face, he said. "We were talking about-." Before he could finish Enora vanished from her seat and appeared on his left while Moranor placed a hand on his lips while hugging him. Enora also placed both her hands on his lips, she said. "Nothing. We were talking about nothing."

Enrel stared at all three of them, she said. "Reiki wanna hear some things about your… Elves done from the past?" Moranor and Enora's eyes turned cold as both of them glared daggers at her. The smile on Enrel's lips grew, she said. "There was this one time when-." Moranor and Enora screamed at the top of their lungs, they simultaneously shouted. "STOP!!" 

Enrel plugged her eyes with her fingers while Reiki heard both of them scream next to him, he thought. That was loud… I'm surprised they didn't break any glass with that… Enrel smiled at both of them, she said. "I was only going to talk about the cat food and the peeing the bed story." Moranor and Enora let out sighs of relief and moved their hands away from his mouth. Moranor used Reiki's tunic to wipe away some saliva that was on the palm of her hand.

The smile on Enrel's lips turned cruel, she said. "But I could pick something more interesting." Reiki smiled, he placed both his hands on the table and said. "There's more?!" Enrel placed her elbow on the table and rested her head on the palm of her hand, she said. "So much more." Both Moranor and Enora froze, they glanced at each other and started having a conversation using facial expressions. 

Enrel started thinking as she stared at the ceiling, she said. "Would you rather hear about baby Mora throwing food all over the room? Or baby Nora crying every time her mother would leave her side?" Reiki was about to say something as the door suddenly opened, all four of them looked in the direction and saw both Elora and Melanor looked refreshed and more relaxed. Elora had a small smile on her face, while Melanor was slightly limping on her right leg. Reiki smelled something off about them and took a small whiff, he thought. These two… Smells like musk with a hint of sweat... 

Before any of the elves in the room could say anything, Reiki said. "Can I be excused for a moment?" As he immediately walked past both the elves and through the door and closed it, everyone in the room looked at him oddly like the sound of him laughing as a madman came from the other side. For a solid few seconds, only the sound of Reiki laughing like a complete idiot from the other side of the room. 

He opened the door with his usual expression and walked back to his seat, he looked up to Melanor, and with an underlying smile. Reiki said. "I'm glad the two of you made up." Elora and Moranor were completely confused while Enrel instantly figured out what he meant. Elora and Melanor's expressions didn't change, Elora rolled her eyes at him as she took a seat and pulled the seat on her left for Melanor.

Melanor sat next to Elora, while sitting down Melanor said. "It's not like we would've never made up." With a slight smile on his face, Reiki said. "What happens if the two of you have a big fight?" Enrel started laughing as she smacked the top of the table, while Enora and Moranor looked at each other. Moranor said. "Has anything happened recently between those two?" Enora shook her head and said. "Nope, I can guarantee you nothing happened… That I know of…" 

Enora cleared her throat which got everyone's attention, she said. "Topic aside, I have a question for you, Reiki." Enrel eventually managed to stop laughing while Reiki lazily stretched on his seat, he said. "Hit me." Enora let out a small yawn, she said. "I'll skip the pleasantries then, when are you planning to leave?" Enrel was wiping a tear from her eye while both Enora and Moranor who was sitting beside him froze.

Moranor immediately looked at her mother as the two had a private conversation while Enora suddenly stood up and placed her hands on the table. Enora said. "M-Mom!?" Enrel and Elora stared at her which made her calm down and fake a cough, Enora continued. "It's not like he did anything wrong, right? So why are you in such a hurry?" 

She emphasized the last word as if she was trying to get a message across. Elora lazily waved her hand, she said. "I'm not trying to kick him out nor has he overstayed his welcome-." Enora interrupted her and said. "Then why-?" Enrel raised her hand and was about to say something but from the corner of her eye saw Elora raise her hand which made her stop. Elora said. "Dear let me finish."

Enora looked down at the table, she said. "I'm sorry mom…" Elora let out a chuckle, she said. "It's fine dear, I've noticed you've been quiet… Agitated with him recently…" Elora gave her daughter an enigmatic smile that confused her, she continued. "I'm just reminding him, Reiki's young and a child no less. He should have a family, people who care about him waiting for his safe return." Enora sat back down on her seat, she looked at her mother and said. "Doesn't seem like an important reason to me…" 

Elora let out a short laugh which made her chest jiggle, she said. "You always play that card when you want it to go your way… But on a serious note, he is young. Reiki still needs his diplomas and a means to provide for himself and his family that he'll have to take care of. We can't just give them a certain amount of coins every month, let alone expect them to agree with us not letting him leave the forest."

Enora was trying to think of something while scratching the back of her head, she said. "Can't we at least… Try it or something?... You never know they might agree… They'll have one less mouth to feed and we'll even send them some money their way." Elora gave her daughter a helpless smile, as the conversation between Melanor and Moranor finished. 

Moranor's mood was a bit gloomy as she crossed her arms and rested on the backrest of the chair. Elora said. "Dear, we can't do that." Enora was trying her best to think on her feet, she said. "Why not?" Elora let out a helpless chuckle, Melanor vanished from her seat and appeared behind her daughter's chair. Melanor tapped on her right shoulder which made Moranor look up at her.

Melanor nodded at the door and gave her a meaningful look, Moranor's eyes brightened up for a second, and were quickly replaced with a hint of sadness. Melanor tapped twice on her daughter's shoulder as she stood up from her seat as both of them started walking toward the door with Enrel behind them. Reiki stood up from his seat but was stopped by Enora who grabbed him by the back of his tunic's collar. 

Elora started massaging the temples of her head, she said. "Because we can't force him to spend his entire life here. Reiki needs to say it for himself." The three elves vanished reaching the door, Enora pressed Reiki's face against the left side of her large chest. He thought. Eh, still a win for me. 

Enora took a deep breath to calm herself, she said. "How about I ask him then?" She looked at him who had half his face buried into her boobs. Enora said. "Do you want to go back home?" Reiki made a small nod, he said. "Yes, I still have to-." Enora placed a hand on his mouth, she said. "You heard him, mom. He wholeheartedly agreed, I did nothing to influence his decision whatsoever." 

Elora stared at her daughter who had a bright smile on her face, she let out a sigh. Elora said. "Dear let go of him and let Reiki finish his sentence." The smile on Enora's face slightly faltered, she said. "But… He already gave his consent…" Elora gave her daughter a helpless smile, she said. "Dear."

Enora moved her hand away from his mouth as she started strangling him. Reiki quickly tapped on her forearm and tried to escape. Enora said. "H-He-." Elora interrupted her and said. "Dear, don't be unreasonable." Enora let go of him as he took in a big breath of fresh air, he thought. It wasn't really painful, it felt like I was laying down on a large soft marshmallow. 

Reiki pushed aside a few strands of stray hair that was blocking his vision, he said. "I'll be enjoying my stay for three more days." Enora's entire body froze, her right hand was slightly shaking. Enora said. "Reiki doesn't know what he's talking about. The blow to his head needs some time to heal so-." Elora raised a finger which made Enora stop, Elora said. "You can either accept the fact he's only staying for three more days and make the most out of it. Or we can spend the remainder of his stay arguing this same topic over and over again."

Enora was at a loss for words as she started stomping the floor beneath her in place making her large chest jiggle, she said. "Why does he need to go?!" Elora pinched the bridge of her nose, she let out a long sigh and said. "We're having the conversation…" Reiki looked at Enora and thought. I wonder… Enora was trying to come up with something, she said. "But what if-." 

Reiki walked beside her and softly pinched her long pointy ear. Enora let out a high-pitched scream as she suddenly started blushing as Reiki quickly let go. Enora stared at him with disbelief all over her face, Reiki said. "Will you miss me?" Both Elora and Enora stared at him for a moment, Enora said. "What?" Reiki had a serious expression on his face, he said. "When I go back home will you miss me?"

Enora turned her head and looked at her mother, Elora gave her a meaningful look and nodded in his direction. Enora turned her head and looked back at him, she said. "I… I don't know…" Elora raised a brow in surprise, Reiko nodded and said. "Understood." As he let out a yawn and turned around, Enora stopped him by grabbing his shoulder. She stared at him for a moment before she hesitantly said. "H-How about you? Would you miss me?" Elora had an impressed look on her face. Reiki smiled at Enora and said. "I'll answer if you answer my question first."

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