
Chapter 99: Chapter 99: Insult

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Revilor walked toward the table, he maintained the smile on his face, gestured at the chair next to Reiki, and said. "Do you mind?" Reiki moved his gaze back on the book he was reading, he said. "I would." Revilor let out a carefree chuckle not minding it, he said. "We got off on the wrong foot. How about we set things straight-." Reiki flipped to the next page, with a monotone voice he said. "Not going to happen." As he continued to skim through the pages while Haruka kept to herself and didn't even look in Revilor's direction.

Revilor was pretending to have a struggling smile, he said. "Then how about we negotiate-?" Reiki flipped to the next page, he let out an annoyed sigh and said. "I want all the resources, coins, and the loyalty of the Haemir household." The fake smile on Revilor's face was gone as it was replaced with a slight frown, he said. "That's impossible-."

Reiki lazily waved his hand at him, he said. "Then negotiations are over, thus you have no reason to be here anymore. Bye." Revilor was taken aback for a moment, he turned his head to look at Haruka who was casually writing in her notebook. Revilor had his signature smile on his face and said. "Can I ask for your help in trying to make him see the difficulties that his requests have?"

Haruka didn't even look up to him as she continued to jot down notes, she said. "Then how about you see it from my perspective? He has access to the second floor, I don't know when I'll be able to get my card so I'm making the most out of it." Revilor said. "I can-." Haruka interrupted him, she said. "I already asked him to get on this floor on the same day he got his card. If I were to request any more, Reiki can easily say no, besides we've only known each other for roughly a week. And most of those days the two of us have only been acquaintances, it'd be weird telling him to decide something like this." 

Revilor kept his smile, he rummaged through his pockets and looked for something. The mechanical pen in Haruka's had a small crack as her grip on it tightened, her hand was slightly shaking from anger.

Reiki thought. Talk about stepping on someone's face… Then how about a taste of your own medicine. Haruka glared at Revilor from the corner of her eye as she tried to control herself, she took deep breaths to calm down to avoid doing something drastic. Reiki closed the book which got both of their attention, With a slightly cold smile on Revilor's face he said. "Now you want to talk?" Reiki let out a chuckle, he said. "Since you want to play this type of game, I'll play."

Placed the book he was skimming through down on the table and continued. "I wonder what'll happen if I report you for trespassing here on the second floor." Revilor paused for a moment, Reiki thought. Bingo looks like they're hated to the point none of them have access to this floor. Revilor let out a chuckle, he looked down at Reiki and said. "Trespassing? I'll be nice and demand only an apology for trying to slander the Haemir name."

Reiki let out a short laugh which made Haruka forget about her temper, he said. "Then why have a thin layer of mana surrounding you?" Reiki casted. God's Eye. Revilor's entire body was outlined by a thin layer of pale blue mana, the smile on Reiki's face grew. Reiki said. "No wonder you don't smell like anything…" 

Haruka had an odd look on her face as she took a couple of deep whiffs with her nose and noticed the lack of smell. Her eyes narrowed as her suspicions of him grew, Revilor straightened his posture with a threatening undertone he said. "I can kill both of you, right here right now." His eyes looked normal but anyone could see the coldness in them. Reiki ignored his threat as he lazily stretched in his seat, not hiding the ridicule in his voice. Reiki said. "Then why don't you?" Haruka's pupils glowed as she stared at Revilor's mana.

Revilor glared at him as the mana around him slightly became chaotic and heavy as it expanded. Haruka surrounded herself with mana while Reiki didn't even protect himself as a cruel smile appeared on Revilor's face. Both of them were shocked by Reiki's lack of reaction as he placed a hand on his chin, he said. "Your method is new right?" 

Revilor's pupils slightly dilated, Reiki nodded and continued. "Thought so, that's what I expect from a household like yours. If I knew it was this easy I never would have even bothered with getting access here." Haruka looked at him with wide eyes as the corner of it slightly twitched, Reiki thought. Good, that means they haven't copied everything in this room. The mana around Revilor became visible to the naked eye and doubled in volume filling up the entire room. Reiki noticed Revilor was trying his best to avoid getting caught, Revilor said. "Keep this up and I'll-." Reiki casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki appeared right in front of Revilor as he took a step back. Reiki said. "Then do it." Haruka looked fine as her eyes were glued onto Reiki as she was in deep thought. Revilor tightened his right hand into a fist as he stared at him with his eyes full of hatred, Reiki let out a mocking chuckle and said. "Is this all you're capable of? No wonder you can only watch from the sides… Runs in your blood." 

Reiki and Haruka heard the sound of teeth grinding together, Revilor's chest was visibly growing from the breaths he was taking. A cruel smile slowly crept onto Reiki's lips which burned into Revilor's mind without himself knowing. Revilor took a step back reflexively, Reiki said. "There's nothing for you here, elf. Go back home to suck on your father's cock to get your daily dose of milk." Haruka's eyes completely widened from what she was hearing, Revilor glanced at him one more time as he looked at the sinister smile on Reiki's face. Revilor took another step back as he turned around and vanished while taking a single step forward.

Reiki walked back to his chair and sat back down, picked up the book he closed, and continued reading as nothing happened. Haruka snapped herself back to reality, she raised a brow and placed the mechanical pencil on the table. Haruka said. "I never expected such… Colorful language from you." As she let out a chuckle and suppressed a laugh, Reiki was flipping through the pages trying to find where he left off. He had a small smirk on his face and said. "Play online games enough and yours would be as colorful as mine." 

Haruka let out a scoff, she picked up her mechanical pen with her right hand and started writing again. Haruka said. "Oh, I bet it will…" Reiki stopped flipping through the pages and said. "Call her majesty." Haruka was able to write a couple of words before stopping, she said. "What for?" Reiki placed the book on the table, he said. "We need to report him." Haruka looked at him oddly as she raised a brow, she said. "I think Revilor wasn't bold enough to kill both of us. He's from a royal household, I'm sure at least one of them has restricted access here."

Reiki lazily stretched in his seat, he said. "I doubt it." Haruka rolled her eyes at him and said. "Consider us even for making me use this." She took out a talisman from her satchel and poured some mana into it as the talisman started to glow. From the talisman Elora's voice was heard, she said. "Haruka? This is a surprise… Is it safe to assume you have found the last two things on the list?" Reiki stopped flipping through the book as he started skimming again, he said. "Your majesty." 

Elora's tone was surprised, from the talisman she said. "Reiki?! How did you get your hands on this? I gave this to her for emergencies only." He waited patiently for Elora to finish, Reiki said. "Revilor from the Haemir household has a method to infiltrate the second-floor library undetected." A moment of silence passed as Haruka had a gloating look on her face, she said. "Told ya." Via talisman Elora said. "When?"

Haruka immediately moved her gaze onto the talisman with a look of disbelief all over her face. Reiki had a small smirk on his face, he said. "A couple of minutes after Haruka and I walked into the second floor, my guess is that said method was recently made." 

Another moment of silence passed as neither of the two of them said anything, from the talisman Elora said. "Keep this information confidential, I'll reward the two of you when I have some confirmation." The talisman in Haruka's hand started to wither as it turned into dust, she stared at it with a look of disbelief on her face as she was moving her gaze from the withered talisman to Reiki.


Private Garden

Elora was sitting on a chair and holding a cup of tea as she glared at the withered talisman with cold eyes. Melanor was sitting on her right pouring herself a hot cup of tea, she said. "Who's going to die?" Elora placed her teacup on the coaster and stood up, she said. "Order the, no… Find Revilor's current position." Melanor nodded as she placed the kettle down on the table, she took the pouch that was on her waist strapped in her belt. 

She pulled out a talisman as it slightly glowed, a couple of seconds passed, Melanor said. "Revilor is currently heading back to his household and will arrive in three minutes. There's a brief window where we can abduct him with no witnesses." Melanor took a sip of tea and continued. "What did he do this time?" Elora pupils were visibly glowing as she took a deep breath to calm herself, she slowly exhaled as the air she breathed out was condensed as it started to freeze the air itself as it fell to the floor and snapped into shards.

Elora coldly said. "The Haemir household has a spell to enter the second floor…" Melanor froze as she was taking another sip of tea, her eyes turned immediately cold. Melanor said. "I'll make it quick." She placed down her teacup and stood up from her seat, Elora appeared beside Melanor. Elora said. "I'm going with you." Melanor nodded as she reached for Elora's right forearm as both of them vanished from the room.


Somewhere At The Village

Revilor was silently walking, with his eyes stone cold he bottled up his anger from being insulted a few minutes ago. He didn't the area around him slightly distort as Melanor and Elora appeared right in front of him. Revilor took a step back, immediately gave both of them a respectful bow, and said. "Your majesty, Lady Melanor-." Before he could finish Elora had effortlessly lifted him off the ground using her left hand. Revilor struggled, his left hand was surrounded by a thin layer of mana as the ground beneath them turned red hot. 

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Dozens of wind blades were spinning in the air as it was aimed at both of them along with trying to adjust the moisture of the air. The mana around Revilor turned heavy as his entire body was surrounded by a thick barrier of mana, he threw a couple of fists at Elora's face but before they could connect it was stopped by thin layers of ice.

Melanor waved her hand as the spells Revilor casted were immediately deflected by a gust of wind as it destroyed every spell. Elora's hand that was holding his face glowed, starting from his face the water inside of Revilor's body froze. Parts of his body turned pale as you could see the ice seep from his skin from the frostbite, Elora's pupils glowed as she searched Revilor's memories. Melanor was standing beside her as she kept her guard up and looked around their surroundings.


Second Floor Library

Reiki was placing the book he skimmed through where he found it while Haruka was reluctantly placing the books she read back on the shelves. He walked toward the door, Haruka let out a sigh and caught up with him, Reiki said. "Don't worry, you'll get access soon enough." Haruka looked at the ground and kicked an invisible can in front of her and said. "That'll be in six months if I'm lucky… A year and a half if things go south for me…" 

Reiki opened the door as both of them walked out of the room as Haruka gently closed the door and let out another sigh. Reiki thought. Not a single thing caught my eye… Everything I skimmed I've already read thanks to my book... He let out another yawn and patted Haruka's right forearm and said. "I'm assuming you're going back to your temporary room on the first floor."

Haruka nodded as the two of them walked down the stairs, she said. "Yeah, I still have a couple more books to read up on then I'll continue my research." The two of them reached halfway down the stairs as the wall already started to fade. Both of them walked past the wall as it quickly reappeared along with the shelf, Reiki glanced at the counter and noticed Morthil sitting with a bored expression. His eyes widened when he saw both of them appeared from the second floor, Morthil stood up and pointed at Haruka, and said. "Y-You finally got access?!" 

She shook her head and pointed at Reiki beside her, Morthil moved his gaze onto him who was yawning, and slowly made his way out of the building. Haruka walked toward the room she rented while Reiki made his way out of the building and closed the door behind him.


Somewhere At The Village

Revilor was frozen in a block of ice while Elora and Melanor were standing beside each other staring at it. Elora said. "Good news, only he and his father know how to cast the spell." Melanor was rummaging through her pouch on her waist, she said. "Anything else?" Elora crossed her arms making her chest pressed against each other while Melanor sneaked a couple of glances. Elora said. "Put the Haemir name under the list of cleanse." Melanor nodded as a cruel smile grew on her lips, she said. "Finally I get to eliminate his entire household, I'll make him watch as I kill every elf affiliated with him one by one saving his son for last." 

Elora tapped on Melanor's left shoulder and said. "Your cruelty is slipping." Melanor faked a cough, she said. "I'll make sure the torture won't be that long… No promises…" Elora looked at Revilor who was completely frozen, she rummaged through her pocket and pulled out a black talisman with red writing.

It started glowing a bright red as Elora started thawing Revilor out of the ice at a visible rate. Elora said. "Get ready to disappear." Melanor nodded as she started rummaging through her pockets for something while Elora had already melted the entire ice. With a wave of her hand, she surrounded him with a layer of mana and controlled him like a puppet.

Melanor took out a couple of talismans and held onto them while Elora was trying to manipulate Revilor into standing, she placed the black talisman near his face as it vanished. Elora nodded as Melanor passed her one of the talismans as both of them disappeared.


At The Front Of The Palace

Reiki stared at the dark wooden door, reached for the doorknob, and turned it. The doorknob turned normally as a surprised look appeared on his face, he thought. So individuals without permission can't open doors… He slowly opened the door and saw the same never-ending hallway, Reiki said. "I need a map of this place, it's so confusing." Moranor appeared behind him, Reiki noticed a shadow cast over him and turned around, he looked up and saw both the elves. He said. "Yo, what did I miss?"

Moranor walked into the building and closed the door behind her, she said. "Other than Enora blowing a fuse, nothing much. I figured you still didn't know your way around this house and brought it upon me to show you the way." Moranor let out a playful scoff and continued. "You should be thankful." Reiki looked into her eyes and said. "I am thankful that I have such a kind elf looking out for me. And that's not even adding the fact she's mine-."

[System: User has received 98 Damage.]

Moranor slapped him right in the face as the outline of her hand was imprinted into it, with some faint blushes on her cheeks she said. "That's enough talk, follow." She quickly started walking with him on her right, while walking down the hallway Reiki looked up to her and said. "So, where did you teleport her?" As he reached into his pocket and took out the pouch that was made out of patches and took out the brown paper bag she bought for him.

Moranor noticed the bag was already more than half empty and let out a helpless smile, she said. "I teleported her to the bathroom." Reiki took out another burger wrapped in thick tissue and unwrapped it as both of them took a left, he said. "How bad did she-?"

A familiar female elf shouted. "I knew it!" Enora appeared in front of them and continued. "I knew you were lying about your period!" Reiki immediately thought. How would that work? Is it a monthly thing like humans? Or a yearly thing?... Moranor waved dismissively at Enora using her hand, she grabbed Reiki by the arm and started walking faster. 

Moranor was dragging him and was about to take a right when Enora appeared in front of them. Enora said. "Where do you think you're going?" She glanced at Reiki who was eating at his own pace as he watched the two of them bicker once again. Before any of them could say anything, Melanor and Elora appeared beside them. Melanor carried him like luggage as she held him with her left arm alone, both of them walked down the hall. Elora said. "Girls, follow." Moranor and Enora looked at each other and noticed the serious tone in Elora's voice, both of them walked behind them while Reiki was still eating his burger like usual.

Melanor glanced at him while eating, Reiki slightly raised the burger in her direction. He said. "Want one?" Melanor let out a chuckle which calmed their daughter's nerves as she shook her head. He practically inhaled the burger in his hands, swallowed, and said. "Why am I being carried like a briefcase?" Reiki pocketed the tissue and placed the brown bag back into his patched-up pouch. Elora placed a hand on her chin, she said. "Don't know, Mela just picked you up all of a sudden." 

Reiki and three elves moved their gaze onto Melanor who faked a cough, she said. "I only did it because these two were fighting again." She placed him down as Reiki stood on his own two feet, he leaned on a wall while Melanor pulled out a talisman from her pocket as all of them were surrounded by a bubble of mana. Enora had a small frown on her lips, she said. "Mom, what's the-." She stopped when her mother raised her hand.

Elora stared at him for a couple of seconds as Reiki let out a yawn, she let out a sigh and said. "Can't you at least pretend to be intimidated?" He let out a chuckle and said. "Nope." Elora rolled her eyes at him, she said. "You're right." Which surprised both Enora and Moranor who didn't know what was happening, Elora continued. "The Haemir household does indeed have a method of entering the second floor of the library undetected." 

Elora and Moranor observed him for any signs while their daughters were in disbelief. Melanor eyes slightly narrowed, she said. "You don't seem surprised at all…" Reiki looked at the ceiling as he saw two light spheres that were about to collide with each other phase through, he said. "I'm surprised how fast you two reacted." Elora let out a chuckle, she said. "Mela don't force it, if I can't even get a reaction out of him. What makes you think you can?" Melanor shrugged her shoulders and said. "It was worth a shot." Elora clapped her hands and said. "On a serious note."

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