Rise of an Outlaw

Chapter 2: Chapter 2- Offer you can’t refuse

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Ash sighed as he strained against the metal chains that tied him down to the chair he was forced to sit on. While Ash could enhance his strength by channeling his Mist into his muscles, it wouldn't make him strong enough to break the thick chains. 'Well, at least they gave me some pants.' Ash thought. 'But, where did they bring me?'

After Ash dove out of the hotel window, he was quickly surrounded and arrested by Unity Kingdom police. But he wasn't taken to the police station. Instead, a bag was thrown over his head, and he was taken to a dark room. He was chained to a chair with only a metal table, and a single light shone down on him. Thankfully for Ash, he didn't have to wait long as two men entered the room. Two men he knew from reputation only.

'Oliver Paris,' Ash thought as he saw the first man enter the room. The man was carrying a thick stack of papers, his name was Oliver Paris, and his reputation is well known. Oliver was a man who loved wearing bright-colored dress shirts to contrast his dark skin, while his bright smile contrasted his cutthroat nature. A man who rose through the ranks of the Explorers Union with handshakes and whispered words. Ash hated his type, schemers and plotters, the type to shake your hand while paying someone to stab you in the back. But while he disliked Oliver, the second man put a chill in Ash's spine. 

'Benson Nash, fuck.' Ash forced himself to keep his face passive as he stared into the eyes of a true monster. Benson Nash was a man born and raised in Everforst, a harsh land to the north. A land known to give birth to some of the strongest people in the world because only the strong could survive the brutal cold and fierce monsters. Nash was known for his brutality in a fight, but the gemstones embedded directly into his skin underneath his tight-fitting suit made him a nightmare. He was one of three people who could handle the pain of having gemstones embedded directly into their skin. This process would drive most crazy, but if successful would give greater control of the Mist while making the projections even stronger. Even an elderly master would be jealous of the control over the Mist embedding gemstones into your skin could give you.

Oliver was the first to speak after he dropped the stack of papers onto the table. He started flipping through the papers as he spoke. "Name, Ash, no last name on record. Crimes are numerous, but let's go for the ones you were just arrested for. Oh, oh my, illegal weapons, drugs, and a prostitute? Let's say, a twelve-year-old prostitute. What do you think? Does that sounds right?" Oliver said with a smirk as he turned to Benson.

"Hmm, let's say eight," Benson replied simply in a voice like gravel. 

Ash couldn't help but scoff as he leaned back in his chair. "That woman was in her forties, at least," Ash said with a roll of his eyes. Turning back to Oliver, Ash kicked the table as hard as he could, knocking it over and sending the stack of papers flying. "You can add that to my charges too."

Oliver let out a sigh as the papers fluttered around him. "Was that really necessary?" He asked. Benson was less kind.

"You little shit," Benson growled as he punched Ash in the face. The punch's force caused Ash's chair to tip over, sending Ash to the ground. But Benson didn't stop there. The massive man started stomping the chains that covered Ash's body. Ash was forced to grit his teeth and harden his skin with the Mist as he absorbed the pain. "What? Got nothing to say now?!" Benson shouted as he gave Ash one last kick to the head.

"You don't seem to understand your situation," Oliver said. "We already have you for the murder of poor Vince Copper. Everything else is just icing on the shit cake you'll be served. We are the only thing keeping you from being stuffed in a Unity Kingdom prison cell." Oliver explained.

"Yeah? Well, turn me over. Prison sounds better than working for the Explorers Union." Ash shot back.

"Dumbass, you already work for us," Benson said as he kicked Ash hard enough to send him flying across the room and into the wall. The impact would have killed Ash, but thanks to the Mist hardening his skin, it only caused pain to shoot through him. 

Oliver walked over to stand over Ash. "Unknown to you, you've done sixteen jobs for the Explorers Union for the past two years. Each of these could get you a nice prison sentence, but altogether, that's a death sentence. Of course, none of this can be traced back to the Union, so if the Unity Kingdom police get a hold of it-" 

"Blah blah blah, just tell me what you want," Ash spoke through gritted teeth and a glare. Ash knew he was screwed when the two Explorers Union heavy hitters walked in. He didn't want to spend the rest of the night listening to Oliver's threats or getting kicked to death by Benson. "Just tell me what the job is."

A smirk appeared on Oliver's face at Ash's words. "That's a smart boy, a survivor, just like your file says." Oliver gave Ash a pat on the cheek as he spoke. He then turned to Benson. "Nash, get his ride ready. I want him on the move as soon as possible." With a simple nod and one final kick to Ash's ribs, Benson Nash turned and left the room. 

"Well, your boyfriend's gone. What sweet nothings do you want to whisper to me?" Ash asked. Oliver didn't reply right away. He simply turned and picked up a few files scattered on the floor.    

"We have a job for you. Only someone like you can do."

"Someone extremely handsome?"

"Someone extremely disposable." Oliver turned to Ash and showed him a photo. The photo was of a hole in the dirt with a group of people with weapons surrounding it. "This is a photo of a newly discovered dungeon near the small town of Bramblethorn. Have you heard of it?" 

Of course, Ash knew about the dungeon. It was big news. But the dungeon's location was never announced in the paper or on the radio. "Bramblethorn? Isn't that the place out in the ass end of nowhere?"

"The furthest town settled on the western frontier of the United Front of the North Americas. That is, a town with little to no value until they found this dungeon." Oliver explained. Ash knew what finding a dungeon meant. They were often full of ancient technology and relics. Everything in the known world was built on the back of ancient technology found in dungeons. Dungeons were the main reason the Explorers Union was founded. 

"Yeah? What's that got to do with me? I'm no dungeon crawler, never been a fan of tight spaces."

"As I said, Bramblethorn is a town that never held any value. Because of this, the Explorers Union never built a proper base in the town, and the UFNA gave them minimal support with trade. It's a town lost in time, left to fend on its own, a town currently surrounded by two major bandit clans. The Desert Hounds and the Mountain Breakers. We are sending you in to deal with these bandit clans." Oliver stated.

"I'm sorry, I think that big bastard Benson broke my eardrums and gave me a concussion because it sounded like you just said something stupid. Need me to take someone out, sure, but clans? Why don't you send Benson in to be your one-man army." 

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"Come now, no need to be modest. I've read your file, and I have to admit, I was impressed. You're like… A vicious roach, when you get backed into a corner, you bite, and no matter how hard you get stomped, you somehow survive. That's why you were chosen."

"Sending me to fight some psychopath with a homemade power suit is one thing, but two clans?" 

"Relax, we don't expect you to kill everyone. We simply want you to go in and kill the leaders and cause some problems. As I said, we don't have a real base set up in Bramblethorn, so our few members out there are busy protecting the dungeon. Also, we can't send in a large group of Explorers Union members because they have no balloonport. The only way to get there is by car and train. If we try to send an army, those bandits will be ready and ambush us. We cannot risk that. That's why you are being sent ahead of us. We want you to soften them up while a balloonport is being built. See, it's a simple job." Oliver explained with a smile.

"I suppose I can't refuse?" Ash asked with a sigh. If he wasn't covered in chains, he would have attacked Oliver and tried to make his escape.

"No, but this is a great opportunity for you. If you succeed, you'll be able to join the Explorers Union. We are always looking for skilled fighters, and a killer like you would rise in the ranks. Joining us will make your criminal past vanish."

"Great, if I survive your suicide mission, I will be a slave to the Union. I look forward to it."

"That's the spirit, now be a good boy and wait here." 

"What about my weapons? Those cost a lot of money, you know."

"They were generously donated to the Explorers Union. I'll return for you once your ride is ready." Oliver said. With no other words, Oliver left the room. Leaving Ash alone on the hard floor.


It took two balloon rides, one overseas ship ride, two more train rides, and now nearly two full days of driving, but Ash was finally in the western frontier. He was currently stuffed into the back of a small car with three other Explorers Union members. Two were sitting in the front, and one was next to him, but none would talk. Fortunately for Ash, the Explorers Union gave him some clothes. But unfortunately, they gave him a black long sleeve shirt in the desert, a pair of jeans and boots.   

"How much longer is this gonna take? When are we going to get to Bramblethorn? Pass me the piss bottle." Ash rambled as he was starting to lose his mind. All Ash had been doing during the two-day drive was staring out to the rocky desert. All the rocks looked the same, some times he saw a shrub, and if he was really lucky, he'd see small monsters running away from the car rumbling down the dirt road. While Ash didn't want anything to do with the Explorers Union or their mission, he was ready to storm the clans head-on if it meant getting out of the stuffy car.  

Thankfully for Ash, his boredom was interrupted by the sound of beeping. Without a word, the Driver picked up the radiophone off the car's dashboard. "Yeah?" The Driver's deep voice filled the car. It was the first time Ash had heard the man speak. But unfortunately for Ash, he couldn't listen to what the voice on the other end of the call was saying. "Alright, what's the location? I know the location. Yeah, I'll get it done." Was all Ash could hear as the Driver spoke into the radiophone. A moment later, the Driver hung up. "Change of plans. We are switching the drop-off location." The man said as he switched gears and pulled the car off-road, driving through the rocky desert. 

"What do you mean switching? What happened to going to Bramblethorn?" Ash asked. 

"Our spies sent word. Members of the Mountain Breakers are setting up a small camp nearby and away from their mountain. That's where I'll be dropping you off." The Driver said simply.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Ash asked. But his question was ignored as the Driver focused on driving off-road. 


Mid-day turned to night as the group drove through the rocky desert. Suddenly the Driver slowed down and shut off his headlights. "We are coming up to the camp." He said. "Remember your mission. Either complete it or die." 

"Yeah, yeah, so do you plan to return my weapons? Or some money? Anything?" Ash asked.

"I heard you, Mayan Nation people, are walking weapons, so you have everything you need. Drop him," The Driver said suddenly. Ash didn't get a chance to reply as his door was pushed open, and he was forced out of the moving car.

Ash knew what would happen when his door was pushed open. He managed to channel his Mist into his skin and harden it just before he hit the ground. He tucked his head as he rolled, and once his body stopped moving, he just laid on the ground. 'Fucking bastard, I'll kill him next time we meet.' Ash thought as he stared at the stars, and the car sped away. The Explorers Union took everything from him. From his weapons to his money. The only thing Ash had left was the clothes on his back. "What the hell am I supposed to do now?" Ash mumbled to himself.

"Everyone, wake up! What was that!?" Ash could hear shouts and people running around. But he didn't move, even as he listened to the footsteps and saw lights running towards him. "Who the hell are you?!" A man shouted as he stood above Ash, a rifle pointed at his head. Blinded by the lights shining in his eyes, Ash couldn't tell how many people were surrounding him. But from the sounds of the footsteps, he knew he couldn't fight them all. 

"Well, fuck."

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