Rise Of Android

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Vegeta the Saiyan Prince

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The atmosphere has become eerily silent....

"M..mr Piccolo...do you think he will join him? Can we win against both of them?"

"I..don't know kid. Let's hope Goku gets here quickly as one of these freaks was a nightmare..I can't imagine two."

"Let's just hope they both don't see eye to eye and it works as an advantage to us"

"Yeah, I'd rather face the Saiyan Vegeta than Enzo. He just straight up sends me shivers and did you see the way he took down Nappa....He even did that ruthless stunt on purpose to test his comrade....Yikes" says Krillin.

'Goku...Hurry up..'

<P.O.V Enzo>


*Caution advised. Retreat recommended.*

"What's with that Gaze. If it's a fight you want you are more than welcome to try me. But make no mistake as you were observing me so was I. Do not even try to compare me to that fool Nappa for I Vegeta!! Price of all Saiyans am a Super Elite Warrior hehahahahaah." says Vegeta as he gets in stance for a fight.


*System Info"

Name : Android #01 (Enzo)

BP (Battle Power): 5500 >>> 13893

Strength: 39 >>> 62

Stamina: ∞

KI: 37 >>> 48

Speed: 43 >>> 93

Evolution: Tier 3

Mission: (##ERROR###)

Ability: (Absorb - Basic) (Detonate - Ultimate) (Flight - Advanced) (Combat Mastery - Intermediate) (Ki Mastery - Advanced)

Passive: (Adaptive - Master) (Zenkai - Basic) (Blood Lust - Master) (Ki Sense - Advanced)

How peculiar. I thought I'd be the strongest being on the planed right now yet that still doesn't seem to be the case.

I could fight Vegeta for combat experience but escaping will be quite hard after the beat down. I'd rather not rely on my Ultimate skill and leave that as a last resort.

Although...the Namekian named Piccolo might be a good materiel for evolution as I recall he could re-grow his limbs.

Vegeta eases up on his stance as he sees Enzo start staring at the Z Fighters.

When Enzo's calculation gaze lands on them the Z fighters immediately freeze.

"GOHAN!! KRILLIN!! get ready for combat I don't have a good feeling about this"

Enzo looks back at Vegeta.

"I don't want to follow you. I'll pave my own path and follow my instincts. We could perhaps cooperate. I want the transport ship of Nappa. 'This will help me explore other planets'"

"Hmmm...I don't think you are in a place where you can negotiate. But I guess tha.."


<3rd P.O.V>

"Hmmm...I don't think you are in a place where you can negotiate. But I guess tha.."


Vegeta's senses went into overdrive as an extremely precise beam was launched at his vital spot.


Z fighters were confused as to what happened and suddenly it clicked. The Android had sneak attacked the Saiyan.

Vegeta had barely got out of that attack as you could see his expression had become extremely focused and serious.

'I the Price of All Saiyans was...injured??' thought Vegeta.

"YOUUUU!!! How dare YOU!!! That's it no more game let's do this"

Vegeta has a big slash running across his left chest. The attack had barely missed his heart. He had deflected it last minute with his own energy attack to offset it.

Enzo stopped holding back and launched himself at Vegeta at blinding speeds.

They both started engaging in close quarters combat.


Soon enough it was pretty clear Vegeta had the upper hand and easily out-skilled the Android.

The Z fighters started contemplating if they should help the Android fight the Saiyan as he was weaker than the Saiyan.

"What do you think Piccolo should we help him? He seems to be easily outmatched in every aspect. Other than the sneak attack I don't think he will last long." says Krillin.

"Heh..are you kidding me? Are you so much of an idiot that you do not see what's happening?"

"What do you mean Mr. Piccolo?" asks Gohan.

"Look closely at Vegeta's expression....He was smirking as they started fighting and...then it changed to a frown..and now he has a surprised look. Why do you think that is?.

Sure Vegeta outmatches him in every aspect but one. The Android is adapting to his fighting style as the fight still goes on. And it's a visible adaption as even I can tell no mistake is being made twice...

Make no mistake even though he is getting battered slowly but surely he is polishing his combat and refining it."

Gohan and Krillin were stunned again by the performance of the Android.

'Dammit..how's he doing this? He keeps coming back with more precise and deadly blows after each and every counter.'

"Ohhh Crap" said Krillin

Vegeta started using Ki attacks with his normal attack as a change of pace and to add more variety.

At this point, Enzo was bruised and battered.


Vegeta's scouter immediately picks up something with the Power level of 5200.

He momentarily gets distracted.

'This is my chance thinks Enzo as he ignores his wounds and approaches Vegeta's blind spot he had been waiting on exploiting.'

He elbows Vegeta in his gut and Hulk Smashed him right into the ground.

"Let's see if you still keep smirking after this"

Enzo had spent a considerable amount of time developing this technique in the past few months.

He lands on the ground as well and brings both his hands forward and very quickly start generating Black and Purple ominous Ki.

The Z fighters start freaking as they can now sense the Android's Ki which they couldn't before and it was increasing at a rapid pace.

He pulls his hands back to his right side and commands "ROAR!! BLITZKRIEG!!!"

{AN: Pronunciation  blit·skreeg }

An intense black and purple beam attack is launched toward Vegeta who has since recovered a bit and braced himself for the incoming attack.


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And Purple energy beam is launched as a counterattack.

Vegeta did not have enough time to charge his special beam attack and it lacked its usual power but he had no choice at this stage.


Both energies collide and create an intense pull force of everything around 200 meters.

Gohan and Krillin struggle to keep themselves on the ground as they too are being pulled into the energy attack.

<Scene Break>

Goku can be seen on Kami's lookout preparing himself for the fight.

He immediately senses two very high and intense power levels.


He senses the two energies colliding and the power level is off the charts.

"Nooo, Guys...I better hurry no more Flying Nimbus"


Goku immediately leaves the lookout and starts zooming toward his friends and family.

<Back to 3rd P.O.V>


Vegeta due to having not enough time to charge his attack is being overpowered.

He looks towards the Android only to see him with a smirk similar to the one he always had.

"YOU DARE!!!! uhhhhhh..."

He loses more ground on his Beam attack.

He realizes the opponent is extremely cunning and will use any means to get a reaction out of his opponent.

"Uahhhh..dammm it!! this cannot be happening"

'This is it I should discharge all my Ki at this opening' thinks Enzo

Enzo's attack increases explosively and completely consume Vegeta's attack and also Vegeta.



Enzo quite watches the aftermath of the attack.

It has completely changed the landscape of the whole area.

"Do...you think he won? Huh....I can sense GOKU!!!!" Says Krillin

"Woah that's my dad? he seems so strong just like the other two"

"Hump..looks like the wait is over and about damm time."

As the dust settles you can see Vegeta still standing all bruised and Battered.

His armor is nowhere to be seen. He has an infuriated look. He couldn't comprehend that he was injured to this extent by someone weaker than him.

"You dare look down on the Saiyan Prince!!"

Vegeta starts compressing strange white energy in his right arm.

'Hmmm, it doesn't seem to be a strong attack he can discharge. I should observe for now.'

"Bear witness the truest form of a Saiyan. The ultimate skill GIANT APE!!! Destroyer of planets HAHAHAHAHAHA Soon this planet will feel my WRATH!!!"

"OHH!! NOOOO!!! We have to stop him quick" says Krillin

Vegeta throws the ball into the sky and compresses it.

"YESSSS!!! This is it. The POWERR!! coursing through my veins"


Soon enough Vegeta starts morphing into a Gigantic Ape.


Everyone is stupefied at Vegeta's transformation.


Great Ape Vegeta swings his fist towards the Android.


Enzo barely manages to move out of the way and avoid the devastating blow.

The whole wasteland is shaken from just the one attack from Vegeta.


*Extreme Caution Advised*

'Damm this is no longer a fight I can control with my power level. Looks like his power also has taken a steep hike. I have fully depleted my Ki and not a match to him.'

"Damm it we need to help him quickly. We need him when Goku arrives if we want to make it through this alive" says Piccolo

"Right" both agree

Piccolo, Krillin and Gohan no longer stay on the sidelines and start attacking Vegeta.


He starts throwing a barrage of punches at Enzo.

Finally one of the attacks connects and Enzo is launched across the battlefield.

Both of Enzo's arms are completely broken and are facing in directions they shouldn't be.

He is laying flat on his back and staring at the Power Ball.

Vegeta does not let up and quickly jumps and lunges across the battlefield to get to the Android.

'Sigh....is this it. Will it all end without me accomplishing anything'


*Ultimate Skill Detonate on Standby*

'Well at least I don't technically lose if I take him down with me Haha'

Enzo looks at Vegeta up in the sky ready to stomp him to mush.

As Vegeta is approaching the Android suddenly his instincts which are heightened by the Ape form warn him something is wrong.

He looks at Enzo as he is rapidly approaching him and see him smirking again.



Thanks for Reading (Zeroski)

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