Rise Of Android

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Epic Conclusion Part 1

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AN: Hello people just wanted to clarify a few things. I know the MC gets caught off-guard a lot unexpectedly and that's there on purpose. Sure he can get the abilities from absorption but the combat experience and awareness are something he will need to build himself. That is why you will see AI/MC have a raw approach toward combat with collateral damage rather than a refined one. Thanks Zeroksi }


Android notices the Ape is in more of a frenzy than before and charging right at him.

As Gohan is rapidly approaching he suddenly freezes at the sight in front of him.

Goku was thrown right towards him...


Gohan tries to grab Goku but stops and growls as he sees Android rapidly approaching towards him.

Android goes right under him and starts charging his Ki Blade on his left hand as his right arm is broken.

*Hmmmmmmmmmmh* low humming sound is coming out of the blade.

<Scene Break>

<3rd P.O.V>

While both Android and Gohan are distracted, Krillin seeing this opportunity quickly makes his way to Goku in mid-air and grabs him.


"Goku...." Krillin winces at the horrendous state Goku is in.

He starts retreating to a safe distance with Goku when suddenly his face loses its color.

*Woosh* Lands Vegeta right in front of them.

"Heheh..well well look what we have here" smirks Vegeta who is in an equally sorry state as Goku.

"Your son really did quite the number on me Kakarot. I barely made it out alive" grits Vegeta as he clenches his right arm.

Vegeta immediately pounces on Goku and Krillin.

All three start engaging in combat again.

Vegeta starts overpowering Goku with his quick and efficient leg attacks.

Goku quickly becomes a sitting duck as he did not have the same mobility as Vegeta with his broken leg.


Krillin starts running interference to give Goku some space to recover and attack.

"HEY SAIYAN!!! Right here you wannabe elite!!"

Vegeta momentarily wavers listening to the insult.

'This is it!! I got to make this count'

"KIAOKEN ATTACK TIMESS FOURRRRR!!" Goku's muscles bulge and he's covered in ferocious red Ki. He disappears instantly from Vegeta's field of view.

"Youuu!! *Boom* *CRACK*ughah...*COugh**COugh*" Goku had reappeared at Vegeta's injured side and landed a terrifying critical hit on him with his fist.

Krillin had successfully distracted Vegeta for a split second for Goku to make use of the opening and deliver a direct hit to his left ribs.


And deliver he did. Vegeta is now on his knees coughing up blood. He is barely able to breathe and keep himself up with his broken arm. His ribs shattered and have almost punctured his left lung.

Goku also simultaneously collapses.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Goku screams as his muscles spasm from all the overuse of Kaioken.

'Noo!! How could I a Prince of all Saiyans be reduced to this helpless state' Vegeta grits his teeth contemplating and refusing to admit he's been brought down by the stupid earthlings.

*Thump* He falls on his back *WHEEZE* and starts contemplating where it all went wrong. A picture of Android appears in his mind. 'Damm that bastard' He slowly starts taking out a remote control device and stealthy calls his space pod.

Krillin looks at Vegeta suspiciously and start's approaching him to end him for good.

"Hey Saiyan!!! You think I will let you go after all that you have done to us!!"

"WELL!!! THINK AGAIN" Yells Krillin as he starts charging his Ki attack.

"No....no you can't do this to *WHEEZE* me..Not like this..." mutters Vegeta

"UAHHHHHHHH" Just as he's about to launch the attack Goku yells at Krillin.

"NOOOO!! Krillin...Stop.."

"Wha...Goku? What do you mean stop? We have to stop this guy before he gets the chance to recover" retorts Krillin

"He's....pure Evil just like the other guy..we have to end him while we can!!"

"No..Krillin..spare him...show him what *argh* it..means to be merci...ful" says Goku as he struggles to talk too much.

"MERCIFUL!!! But he would have never let us go Goku!! He tried to kill us all remember!!? Surely he will try and come back with more of his friends and try to kill us again..."

"No Krillin..by spar..ing him we show hi..m there is another wa..y"

"Nooo, Goku I just don't think this guy will ever change his mind about us.."

"Don't be so *argh* sure Krillin. Think abou..t wh..at happe..ned with Piccolo..he was just..the same...and almost destroyed me..and every..one else...but now.."

"..Now he's one of us...." Krillin finishes Goku's sentence

"Ri..ght if someone as bad ...as Piccolo can change so can anyone" says Goku

"Vegeta can have the s..ame chance as him....maybe..he can learn to be more compassionate...look at Piccolo he's not only *argh* ally but also a goo..d friend...he even took ca..re of Gohan while I was gone and even traded....his own life for his..."

"But..BUT GOku the Saiyans killed our Friends!! Yamcha..Tien..Chiaotzu...I CAN'T LET HIM GET AWAYYYY!!" yells Krillin

"Krillin if you go..through with this..it shows we..are no better than they are..."

*WHEEZEEEE* *COugh* *WHEEZEEEE* Vegeta quietly listens to them argue.

*Wooooosh* Krillin dissipates his energy attack.

"*Tsk* I hope you know what you're doing Goku.." Krillin says somberly


Vegeta, Goku and Krillin flinch at the Roaaaar that's getting close to them

Goku looks back to find a horrendous scar on the Great Ape's face and makes Gohan look even more intimidating with a blood-stained face.

'No Gohan..hang on just a bit longer' Goku with great difficulty reached out to the sky...

"Krill..in come here QUICK!! Gohan needs *argh* our help" says Goku

"I'm sorry Goku I'm not sure I'd be any help in a fight that crazy out there..I'd only get in Gohan's way. I wouldn't even last a minute out there"

You are reading story Rise Of Android at novel35.com

*WHEEZEEEE* Krillin looks back to see Vegeta crawling away from him and Goku *COugh* *WHEEZEEEE*


"Righ..t that's okay...you do not need to f..ight them" says Goku with a small smile

Krillin is puzzled at what Goku is getting at.

"It's a one-shot deal of an attack...come *argh* closer. I have some energy I need to give you."

"Not to put a damper on the mood Goku...but you don't seem like you have any more energy than me to spare.."

"I ...know Krillin....that's the thing...it's not my *argh* Energy..it's the energy I have been gathering for a while from..the Earth....It's should finish off the other guy if you can hit him with it..."


"Hurry up get closer grab my hand.."

Krillin grabs his hand


"Goku I don't feel any energy.."

"You will just let me concentrate for a few seconds"

Goku closes his eyes and rapidly starts gathering energy.

strange wind pressure is created around both of them as Krillin's right hand now starts glowing and shining white.

"Yikesssss... Goku...that...that's a lot of power..*WOOOOOOSHHH*"

"Good now Krillin concentrate that Energy...in a Ball..don't try to force it...let that energy flow through you...."

Krillin starts doing exactly as Goku said and stated compressing this massive energy into a ball.

*HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* the energy stats humming loudly

"WOah what is this...?"

"Good...Krillin that's a spirit bomb...*errhh* King Kai taught me it...now prepa..re to attack as soon as the other guy lowers his...guard....you only have one shot at this so make it count.."


<Scene Break 10 Minutes Before>

<3rd P.O.V>

"HMMMMMMMMMMM" The Android has the Ki blade ready to launch at Gohan as he's right underneath him.

"WOOOOSH" He instantly discharges a slice attack right at Gohan's tail but unfortunately for him Gohan shifts his center of gravity on instinct and starts rolling towards the attack.

The attack instead grazes Gohan's left side of the face and creates a wild slice wound on it.



*Target too Volatile. AI is unable to predict any patterns due to insufficient data*

*Initiate Force Awakening Host*

*Side effects: Minor - Mid brain Trauma expected*

The Android then holds two fingers to the side of its head and charges a static attack.


*BZZZZZZZZP* He shoots himself him in the head and falls down on his back.

Great Ape Gohan is still seen trying to pull himself together.

<Enzo's P.O.V>

Ahhh...Where am I...

I look around and find nothing it's a completely empty white room with absolutely nothing in it but me.

{AN: Kinda like the Computer Program in the Matrix}

*Welcome Host to the AI Program*

All of a sudden I see a door appear out of nowhere.

"What happened why am I here?"

*Host is currently unconscious and is being forcefully awakened*

"Wha..dammit it!! send me back quickly I underestimated the Saiyan Vegeta's potential. I need to pay him back in full!!"

*There is no need to rush Host. Our computing power has mutated and is quite advanced, Plus time exponentially slows down in the AI Program*

*1 second in the real world translates to 30 minutes in this Program*

*We have enough time for you to review the memories from when I had taken over the body and learn*

"What!! You took over my body??"

*Yes host the fail-safe method lets AI take over under certain conditions. All this will be explained as you proceed to the next room and review the memories.*


As I open the door I freeze at what I see inside...

Raditz.....Nappa.....and Piccolo are all in what seems to be a similar tube I was in.

But something is off about them...all of their eyes are purple in color and on me like a hawk.

"Why...are they here...."

*They are the bloodline the host has accumulated. They all are mutated versions of themselves and share the exact same skills and potential as yourself Host. As the Host grows strong they too will grow strong. As the Host acquires more skills they too will acquire the same. The only difference being personality. This helps the AI create a perfect Host with no weakness mentally or physically.*

*Every two years the AI will schedule a battle of Hosts, And the winner will then become the New Host or retain being the Primary Host"

Cold sweat forms on my poker face at the new revelation...

Looks like the absorb skill is more dangerous than I expected...


Thanks for Reading (Zeroski)

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