Rise Of Illusia

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Ryan Whiterose

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   ROI Chapter 1 Ryan Whiterose (R18+)

The warmth coming from beneath him was just so intoxicating that he couldn't get enough of it. It came from the body being pinned underneath him, his fingers meshing with hers as they sank into the bed at the sides of her head just beside the ears.

Ryan grunted as he struggled to repress the urge to release deep within her womb. He moved slowly, passionately savoring every inch of her moist cave. The weak moans from the woman under him were music to his ears. She was delirious, her eyes swimming around as the flames of passion consumed her.

Her sweaty skin rubbing on his own caused him to abandon the slow passion filled movements, his thrusting speed increasing. He lowered his body, covering her curvy form under his own. The aureoli of the two mounds being crushed under his chest were digging into him, the tips hard enough to cause a sensation, not of pain, but pleasure.

His lips found hers, engaging in a dance of tongues like any other. She was inviting him in, surrendering herself to his whims. Her lips were moist and tasty. He sucked on the two for some time before easily sliding his tongue inside, a dance between hers and his ensuing him her mouth.

He felt himself close, a grunt escaping from his lips even as he kept his mouth over hers, stifling her moans. The crescendo of stifled grunts and moans rose in tandem as he let go of all reservations, speed skyrocketing to the point that his ears caught the bed's loud protests. That didn't matter though as he was close, his seed accumulating within, ready to swim into her womb. He felt two sweaty and slippery things wrap around his waist, her legs. She too, was close, her gesture making him acknowledge that she wanted it inside, his seed.

He raised himself, breaking the connection with their lips to gaze into those flaming pupils which had the same color as the diamond shaped gem nesting in the middle of her forehead. No words were said, her eyes conveying all! She wanted him to fill her. It would bring her immense joy. Her feet, wrapping around his waist, tightened, his movement gaining power as he beheld her seductive poise.

A soundless moan escaped her lips as he slammed inside one last time, emptying his seed within her depths. Her back ached, her climax too, arriving in tandem with his. His head sunk, the raised nipples too inviting. He took one into his mouth, sucking so hard that she trembled, a second tremor causing through him from her body.

"Aaaaaah..." A last moan escaped from her lips, her body slumping back into the mattress, having lost all of her strength. He didn't do the same, instead his torso raised, holding himself up by his elbows.

Her eyes were swimming around as she basked in the last embers of ecstasy. He didn't interrupt, his manhood still within her vagina. Semen was still streaming out, filling her womb. The mixture with her juices made it so that even the uterus became overwhelmed. He felt some squeezing out through the gaps between her walls and his manhood.

"You...were great." She said after regaining herself. She was a spent force, something he could tell because he had been at it all night. He was still hard, her naked form was just that enticing.

"Too bad today is important." With a look of reluctance, he pulled out, raising himself, the sheet falling away to reveal, two light skinned legs, opened wide to accommodate a dark skinned he.


A sound was made as his manhood made an exit, the white juices spraying out onto the white sheets.

"You do know that it was just a one night stand, right?" She asked, her back still sinking within the mattress. She needed time to gather her energy it seems. His forehead wrinkled at that, a jab no doubt. She was headstrong woman no doubt. The sparks from last night had been ignored.

The silvery white gem embedded on his forehead flickered as he stood by the foot of the bed. Cold appeared, every droplet of liquid clinging to his dark skin turning to ice. With a thought, the flakes sublimated into the atmosphere.

"A one night stand...Adrianne, you are one unrepentant woman. It looks like your body was more honest last night." He commented as he took her all in, pale white skin, glistening with the sweat formed from their lovemaking, a crimson red bush, nesting in the valley between her thighs coated with the white honey flowing out. Red long and curly hair and blazing pupils, giving the illusion of being afire. And last of all, the red diamond shaped gem encrusted in the middle of her forehead. A pink blush was covering her face, a result brought upon by his words.

"Do you want to die?" She growled, the red gem flickering, fire elementium particles increasing in quantity around her.

"Hahahahaha...such empty threats. Why can't you just he honest with yourself? You like being dominated, don't you?" He kept the grin, moving away from the bed heading for a door to left side at the head of the bed.

"I was drunk! You got me drunk and then dragged me into your bed! That was unfair!" She shouted.

"Unfair...tsk! Tsk! I didn't use force now, did I? No no no, you came along with me." He said wagged his finger at her.

"We will never meet again, I swear on it." She said, before shakily alighting from the bed, a white sheet draping her body, leaving only the area above the neck exposed. He clicked his tongue, longing in his gaze. The beautiful features had been covered up.

"Honey, in a few hours we will be in the same room together today...can you prevent that, hmmm?" He teased, as he stared into her fuming eyes. Her angry expression was just too adorable!

"Hmpf!" With a scoff, she moved towards the other door, the one leading out of this room. A limp was in her gait, pride gathering in his chest for causing it.

With a slam, the door was shut, and she was gone.

'Shit!' He cussed himself, tussling the long silver hair atop his head. This wasn't how it was supposed to go! He had taunted her, alienating the woman he had fallen for the moment he had looked into those crimson eyes all those years ago. They had had something all the others lacked, a flame capable of melting his bones. Love at first sight it had been.

'How am I going to make it up to her?' He wondered as he went into the shower. He had gotten the body, but failed to capture the heart. Now that he had performed the folly of starting with the body, he knew that capturing the heart was going to be very Very hard.

The water slid down down his dark skin, cold, but with it, came comfort. Five years ago, a path had been forced upon him, Ice elementium. Cold mist fogged up the single glass cubicle, his teeth clenching at the memory. Ice grew along the glass like vines, his teeth grinding against each other as he remembered the pain. Red slid down the right side of his lips, the cold spreading, everything touching his skin turning to ice. It reached the point where even the water coming out of the shower head above froze before it even made contact with his skin or tile, shattering into many shards upon landing.

'Shit!' He cursed. Those ocean blue eyes and blue hair. He would never forget that woman, the grin and mockery on her face. He would pay it all back one day. he had sworn on his very life!

A deep breath was taken as he trembled, cutting off the painful memory forcefully. After regaining his bearings, he saw the frozen wonderland he had just created. The glass had frozen over, obscuring the outside from his gaze. Ice elementium particles were floating in the air, having been released when he hadn't been paying attention.

He exhaled, a burst of cold coming out of his lips, a shiver passing through his form. Just like the rest of the people on Illusia, there was a threshold that the body could bear. He had been very close to breaching it. If he had, a frozen corpse would have been found in the shower by the hotel staff sometime in the future.


'The six city summit...I must hold it together. I mustn't show her any weakness.' Ryan thought as he stood in front of a tall mirror, wide enough to reflect his entire form. He was going for silver as the theme, from the pants to the shirt to the jacket. A cold metallic watch clasped around his left wrist as he adjusted his tie. Those silver white pupils gazing back at him were his, shifting to gaze at the same colored gem in the middle of his forehead. 

'Ice elementium...in order to remain at my peak, I will have to stay here up north for the foreseeable future.' He raised his right palm and caressed the cold gem. Even though it had been forced upon him, he didn't hate it. It was just like any other element, no one said it was impossible to advance, besides, with the blueprints he had found from that starship, he was certain that he would surpass everyone here in a few years. He had only revealed the bare minimum, and yet everyone was treating him like a celebrity. They didn't know, how much more he still had. The citylords had their suspicions, some maintaining a friendly connection with him.

He took a step to the left, a window replacing the mirror. Down below, he caught sight of many tall buildings, some at the same height as the one he was in, while others were shorter or even far taller. This wasn't what he was interested in, instead it was the snow capped peaks in the distance. The sun was just rising from beyond them, the mist heavily obscuring them. The view was breathtaking, causing him to lose himself within for a few minutes before his eyes glowed, the elemental sight activated. Mists composed of differently colored elementium particles appeared in his vision polluting the skies above the city. The reds of fire, the blues of water, the light greens of wind and the browns of earth. All these were floating around, sometimes reacting with each other to produce mutated ones like lava, lightning and many others. He was sure there were even those rare and bizarre ones...like, the year before, some busy body had proved the existence of blood elementium.

Five years ago, these elementium particles had been so dense, that they had formed clouds, the people of Illusia having to wear isolation suits to appear outside. Now, the clouds had thinned, a result of this new way of life, the Era of Elementium Cultivation!

'Too bad some of the technologies require level one elementiun treasures.' He lamented as he looked at the particles.


Hot air blasted into his face the moment he stepped out of the building, the fire elementium denser than the other particles within the elementium mists in his sight. 

Wisteria was the northernmost city on the continent of Illusia. The city was supposed to be cold, with ice and snow everywhere, but now, buildings were burning through the fire elementium crystals like they didn't care, increasing the temperature of the city. It was catering for the others who had congregated here for the summit, mostly those southerners like him. Though, he was different, he had been given ice. Most had chosen flames, earth, wind or water elementium.

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Ryan looked around, seeing many varieties of colored gems embedded within the foreheads of the crowds. His silver suit flared behind him from a gust of wind raised by a hover car.

"Ryan Whiterose...hahahahaha...the living legend himself!" A light skinned man, weighty and huge shouted out in excitement. Ryan clenched his jaw, it was coming, the attention. He was now regretting not having gone directly down to the basement.

All the people on the street swarmed, some firing questions, others asking for autographs, pictures. It was a shit storm like no other. The only silver lining within all this was that they kept a meter away...a good thing as his suit might get wrinkled or torn, a waste of all those minutes in preparation.

"Another day...today's special. I have to be to a place, you know, the summit, by noon." He calmed his nerves, talking with ease as if he were talking to himself.

Though he explained, the crowd didn't go away...


A hover car appeared directly above the crowd, black, and shaped like a water drop. It was the newest model, expensive, yet stylish. The crowd was rudely forced away, the car berthing directly in front of him. 

'She's right on time.' He looked at his watch, 9:00 am it said. The appointment had been made yesterday. He had even vaguely forgotten about it while enjoying Adrianne's sexy body, yet, the person hadn't forgotten. The black formed a contrast with the red vines creeping along the street. Eradication had failed, pruning the only solution left. Red flowers were blooming among the vines, a sign that this was the month of the Red rose.

The door opened, a human walking out. She was taller than him, courtesy of her crystal heels.

White hair, different from his silver trailed down her back. Every strand resembled pure light, causing her to appear glowing in this morning air. He knew it was the light elementium in the air being emitted by her. She was the wielder of the rare elementium type that was light. A few of her white hair covered up her forehead, cut short, to prevent reach to the eyebrows. He took one glance into her eyes only to blink and avert his gaze. They were just too bright, too piercing, and glowing due to the light elementium being directed into them. It gave the illusion that she was about to fire laser beams from them.

"Boss, we have many things to discuss." She said upon arriving in front of him, her voice cold just like the expression on her face. He once again looked into her eyes only to see that same coldness. She was a woman with a story, one of the reasons she was working for him. In contrast to her light attributed features, her attire was black, a pencil skirt, a black blouse with frills at the neck area and a black jacket to close herself up. A brown pad was clutched to her breast with her left hand as she greeted him with her right. He shook it in return only for her to hurriedly withdraw it in less than two seconds.

"And what topics would be so important, that you had to personally arrive here?" He asked, assuming a business like tone. Anything casual would have been shot down otherwise.

"Let's first get into the car, too many eyes and ears..." She led the way after that, glaring at the crowd tensely as if one of them might jump out to attack her. It was something caused by a wound, the reason her light elementium was flaring, the particles circling her form, like minions waiting for the general's order.

"During the summit, I will announce a project I have been working on, so...look forward to it." He smiled after saying that to the crowd, an uproar burning behind him using his announcement as fuel. Probably in a few seconds his words would spread everywhere, taking this world by storm.

"Sir, you should have kept it under wraps a little while longer." After some hesitation on her part...he registered that scowl on her face...she said.

"Ana, why did I start my own organisation in the first place?" He asked, his back sinking into the comfortable seat as the hover car rose into the sky. The driver was an AI assistant.

"To help advance Illusia." She promptly answered.

"Yes, that's one of the reasons, the other...do you recall the starship that started all this?" He asked patiently.

"I have never been to it, but i do, from the images."

"What kind of civilisa-no how far advanced do you think the civilisation that built it has come?" He asked with an unreadable expression. He was looking directly into those white rimmed pupils of hers.

"I...wouldn't dare to guess." She answered with resignation.

"We are just starting out, the void is dark. I need to keep the people in the loop. A starship capable of jumping from one galaxy to another...we are still too young, too weak. I have a vision. I want our mother planet to develop, our civilisation to reach that level, or even surpass it!" His blood was seething within his veins, his breath that tad bit hotter. He had become worked up, but that didn't matter. If anyone managed to get a glimpse of that monstrosity, they would feel that Illusia is just too weak, too small!

"Anyway, we have to be the pioneers, but we can't leave the others behind. The citylords are caught in petty scrambles over resources that its laughable. If some day a higher civilisation attacks, Illusia would be doomed." He sighed, calming his emotions by taking in a deep breath.

"If you had been in front of a crowd, everyone would have become a loyal follower." She said, causing Ryan to blink his eyes rapidly in incomprehension.

"Was that an attempt at a joke?" He asked after understanding.

"No sir, it was just my heart felt feelings." She answered while playing with a lock of her white hair.

"Okay, so, where are we going?" He asked.

"The branch here in Wisteria..." it seemed there was still a continuation to her sentence. He saw that she was scrolling on her pad and waited.

"The terraforming of Brun has run into some unexpected hiccups." She said, turning her pad for him to gaze at the image on its screen.

"All I see is rock." He said upon scrutinizing the image. His eyes were narrowed as if he was trying to see anything off. The image he was gazing at was taken from the surface of another planet in their solar system, Brun. It was twice the size of Illusia, rocky, lacking an atmosphere, low gravity, basically inhabitable. It was the third and furthest planet orbiting their sun, the outermost planet.

"Yes, rock. This rock has attracted so much earth elementium from outer space that breaking it apart with machines and earth elementium users is hard." She said offering clarity to what he had been unable to understand.

Elementium particles were basically intangible. Only sentient lifeforms were capable of allowing them to manifest, and some rare technology. The manifestation of elementium particles came in the form of a transformation into another, for example a single water elementium particle when triggered into manifesting would turn into a millilitre of water.

"If its that dense, why didn't it crystallize into elementium crystals?" He asked.

"There is a lack of pressure." She answered.

"Hmmmm..." He pondered. This was going to be a very massive problem. According to the timeline he had set, people were supposed to start settling there next month.

Dense elementiun that refused to crystallize due to a lack of pressure. So heavy that even earth elementium users have trouble shifting it around...what could be the solution? He ruminated.

"There is a device that could help...but I don't have the resources...what other projects do we have that are near completion?" He asked. If what Ana had reported was true, then that rock full of earth elementium was similar to those glaciers in the Ice teeth mountain range. Only level one lifeforms would be able to move those dense elementium particles.

"We have-" before she could finish, Ryan felt all the hairs on his body stand on end. Since he had been facing her, he saw her eyes gain a trace of alarm, the light around her bending dangerously. The hover car was moving through a predetermined traffic route, so what was it that was giving him a sense of danger? 

Such a thought and all others were pushed away, ice elementium particles streaming out of the gem on his forehead at his command. It was instantaneous, covering the entire back of the vehicle. With another thought on his part, the ice hardened, trapping both him and Ana inside, before he felt a very powerful force colliding into the ice, the car splintering into pieces instantly as if it had been made of glass. His immobile body couldn't react, cracks appeared in the ice before the solid block collapsed, shattering into a million shards...

The time was 9:23 am, 15th of the Red rose month, 05 ECE, the sun just having appeared above the Ice teeth mountain range in the east when a terrorist attack was launched on Ryan Whiterose, the most popular man on the continent of Illusia.

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