Rise of the Antanoid

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

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Kai looked through her status a bit disappointed. She had hoped to gain a new skill, but that sadly didn’t happen. The level up did boost her to the max potential of her body again though. Hopefully she wouldn’t accidentally hurt someone with her new strength.

Thinking about it a little more it was quite unlikely for that to happen now, but the stat boost seemed to be a percentage increase, so she would improve more with later levels. She should keep that in mind.

Contrary to Kai’s skills the hive did gain some kind of technology. She accessed the menu and the only option shown to her was silk clothing.

Kai extended the information of the silk clothing technology and a long text appeared on an extra screen together with a few pictures of the togas Ember had made.

She looked over the text once, but didn’t care to read it fully. Kai wasn’t too interested in the production method and the history she already knew. The thing she was interested in though was a section at the end that summarized production cost, availability and comparisons to other technologies of the same type for her.

The last option was still empty and the other two were at 1/100 and 99/100 respectively. When nearly everyone is technically able to create the resources needed for the production a 1% cost made sense. The only thing that generated any expenses was the time needed to create the clothes.

Kai leaned back on her tail and looked up at the roof of the room not thinking about anything. After a few moments she sighed and got up. Kai had imagined her level up to be more exciting and special, but nothing much had changed.

She stretched and looked out of the room seeing Anna there, still waiting patiently. Might as well test out her new strength. Tiffany and Erika would somehow manage to find them.

Kai walked out of her room and turned towards Anna. “Do you think it would be possible to create some kind of training dummy with our silk?”

Anna looked at her a bit judging. “While the idea of creating somewhere to train is good, you shouldn’t bother yourself with that my lady.”

Kai put her hands on her hips. “You know that I would especially need to bother myself with training.”

She looked to the current center of the hive and sighed. “I don’t want to be the weakness of the Antanoid and I don’t get the help of the system in these regards, so what choice do I really have?”

Anna looked away. “As long as I get to accompany you and join your training I will allow it.”

Kai smiled in triumph. “Alright then let’s go to the building section. I am sure they have a bit of silk they don’t need.” She was a bit suspicious of Anna only having argued to be able to join her.

They walked through the row of rooms and then around the large root to the left. On the other side of the root was the area Tiffany was conducting her experiments in. They needed a bit more space as they wanted to test if they could build houses and rooms in a different style with their silk. 

Clumps of silk were strewn around the area and it looked like a swarm of spiders had gone crazy. In the midst of that Tina and Caro were weaving a relatively thin sheet of silk. They noticed Kai and curtsied before returning to their work.

Kai had to tell them multiple times that they could continue working in her presence before they actually did that. She wasn’t royalty or at least she hadn’t always been royalty.

Kai made to crouch and collect some of the silk, but Anna beat her to it. She glanced at her oldest daughter. “Really?”

Anna smiled innocently at her. “There is no need for you to lower yourself my lady.”

Kai huffed in annoyance. That smile of Anna told her that this was something about her being their queen again. “Why do you want to push me into the empress image so much?”

Anna put the silk into Kai’s hand and laid her hand on top of it. “Do you remember how I said that you are more for us than a mother? I have thought about it a bit more and I think the best way to phrase it is to call you our goddess.”

She smiled softly at Kai. “I want to help you in truly accepting that for yourself without becoming someone else, because the person you are right now is a blessing for us.”

Anna turned away and began to collect more silk, leaving Kai completely alone with what she had said.

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Kai looked down at the bit of silk in her hand. She had never considered that her children were viewing her in such a light. No, that wasn’t right.

She had feared being seen that way by them and thus denied it to be possible.

This also changed the way she had viewed Anna’s pushing until now. Her daughter had never meant that she shouldn’t train because she was too important for that, but because it would be an honor for her children to fight for her.

She was now picking up silk for Kai, because it made her happy, because she wanted to be the one to do it for Kai. Anna would likely not do the same for a lot of others.

The behavior of Lena and the others now also made sense. It was never about Kai and how she should act, but about the others. Kai could do whatever she wanted and they would most likely still look up to her.

Kai looked up and watched Anna slowly constructing a cylindrical form out of the silk.

Being looked upon in such a way was a strange feeling. It pushed her ego and made her feel great and important on the one hand, but on the other side it made her doubt herself and her worth.

It also brought a question back to light she hadn’t asked herself for some time now. Was she worth all this?

Anna picked up her cylinder and showed it to Kai. “I’m all done!”

Kai walked over to her and gave Anna a quick hug. “I’m not sure if I can live up to your expectations.”

Anna bonked the silk cylinder on Kai’s head. “The only expectation we have for you is to be yourself so there is nothing to worry about.”

She got into a slightly lowered stance and held the training dummy before herself. “And now forget all your worries and show me your punch, mother!”

Kai smiled a little at that. It wasn’t often that Anna called her mother, but it always managed to lift her mood. Kai also wouldn’t say no to a little challenge and put the silk ball on her tail for now.

She got into a stance herself to make sure she wouldn’t push herself backwards and held up her arms to guard her upper body and head. “Allright, just make sure not to get thrown backwards.”

Kai threw a punch as hard as she could. Normally she wouldn’t do that without a warmup, but mana had hopefully done its thing and strengthened her tendons and muscles.

Kai’s fist impacted the silk creating a dent and curving the silk dummy a bit. Anna simultaneously breathed out to give her body more stability. 

Kai took a step back and watched as the cylinder slowly straightened itself. She was pretty sure that with her human body Anna wouldn’t have to exhale to stay still.

Anna looked thoughtfully at the dummy and mumbled to herself. “I will have to use more hard silk for my lady next time, that was more force than I had expected.”

Kai grinned a little. Nobody had ever expected her to learn how to fight just to teach the idiots in 9th class that they could put their manliness and superiority somewhere else around her.

Punching something full force had also helped her free her mind a bit. Maybe Kai should do it more often. She could even try to create a unique fighting style for the Antanoid with the mana brain and wouldn’t that be exciting?

Now finally having an option for something she could do except laying eggs to help her hive, the fire in Kai lit back up. If there was one thing she loved then it was experimenting and destroying her enemies in games. And also punching idiots, but that should have been clear already.

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