Rise of the Antanoid

Chapter 32: Chapter 32

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The change in the behavior of the hell moths transformed the excitement of the small settlement into a sense of urgency. They had no idea how much time they had until the first attack and could only hurry their preparations, though luckily the moths always disappeared to the north during the day.

The tools for the outpost expedition were mostly finished and the only thing that needed to be done still was a bow and some arrows. The girls would have to go with only three bows, because there hadn't been enough wood for a fourth. 

To craft the arrows they used mostly straight bones and attached arrowheads out of stone on the tip of them. The arrows wouldn't be able to endure as much force as ones with wooden shafts, but the bows they had weren't the best and powerful either so things should be fine. Once they had wood they could craft bows and arrows all they wanted.

In addition to the arrows they also sharpened some of the bones to use them as some sort of throwing weapon. Really anything was better than having to fight against a hell moth up front in Kai's opinion. The somewhat larger bones they would use as pikes, though they didn’t have a lot of them. 

Artemis was currently busy finding the best and most efficient places to put them down. The pikes were less of a measurement to damage the moths and more to stop them from going to some places easily or landing on a specific spot. If the hive would be able to funnel the moths to areas where they had a definite advantage over the insects, dealing with them should get easier and more orderly.

Around noon Kai laid the last egg required for the next hive level. It would make her stronger by quite a big margin and the mana requirement wouldn't come and bite them during a fight. 

The end of her tail let go of the egg with a slight slopping noise and Kai breathed in heavily before she leaned back on her tail with a sigh. It had been a rather long time since laying an egg had pushed her even somewhere near what you could call an orgasm.

Anna came over to her and handed Kai a purplish spherical fruit. Kai gratefully took the snack. "Thangs dear."

Then she took a bite. The thing tasted a bit like sweet lemon and she liked eating them after exhausting activities such as training or egg laying.

Anna smiled kindly. "It's a pleasure my lady."

Kai rolled her eyes and her daughter went to the egg behind her before she began to clean it.  

Kai didn't like not being near the egg for some time after she laid it so they always stayed near like now. It was just some kind of instinct her body had and the moment the worker in the egg formed her mana tether that instinct would be satisfied. She would have to wait for her level up until then anyway.

Kai rested for the hour it took for her daughter to mature enough to connect to the mana brain and start learning about all the basic things of the Antanoid. It had taken longer for that when she was still level one and would get faster again with the new level up thanks to her skill accelerated incubation and her heightened mana regeneration.

When Kai was ready for the level up a red exclamation mark appeared in the right corner of her vision. The system had options to customize its appearance, but finding them and then applying them was pretty difficult. She had only even searched for it, because she had to satisfy the urge to customize everything customizable that she also had when playing games. 

Kai focused on the exclamation mark and her level up message appeared accompanied by the weird feeling of being flooded by mana.

Kai glanced at Anna to see if the girl showed any sign of the unpleasant feeling of her mana being forcefully taken away before she opened her status, but her daughter had a perfect poker face. Kai would one day get her and then rub it in.


Level up!

System note: 

  • Now that you have surrounded yourself with capable minions *cough* daughters, a meager amount of safety is guaranteed for you. With that your body will now grow to full adulthood. May your rise to power be spectacular! 


She stopped reading right then and there. Kai had thought her body was already that of an adult, but it seemed like that wasn't the case. The only question she had is exactly how much she would grow and what would grow. Not knowing where your body was leading you to was a bit scary and she had been quite comfortable with her 1,5 m height.

Kai looked at Anna who was still attending to the egg with love and care and straightened her mental back. No matter where she would grow to she wouldn't be alone and she would accept the change fully. She would do it for her daughters, even if she turned into an evil slug.

She read through the message once more and glared at the first sentence. Her daughters were definitely not minions. Kai cared for them and loved them like the family they were for her. Never would she treat them like minions in any way, doing so wouldn't be fair of her.

She dismissed the message and looked at her status sheet.




Kai Antana




Antanoid queen



Hive/ Kingdom level




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Level progress












Mana regeneration





  • Current population: 26
  • Technologies: 5






Lay egg

  • worker
  • hunter

Hive knowledge


Map of the sovereign


Accelerated incubation


Warning: The stat application is not immediate to make the transition painless and unnoticeable for the user. It will take about half an hour until completion.


Due to the percentage increase of the effect Kai was now more than half as much stronger as she had been a month ago. 

The last notification was new though and something she should keep in mind. Her whole body was being strengthened and changed so it kind of made sense for the process to take some time with large changes like hers. She imagined it to be quite painful to feel your muscles growing, compressing and changing all at the same time, because of the strength and agility application.

Sadly, there weren't any new skills or technologies the level up provided her with. Kai took a deep breath and got up. She had been laying around for long enough. 

She stretched and got out of her room. It was time for some training again and she could also use this to test out her new limits.

Her goal set she and Anna went to the training grounds while two of her other daughters took care of the egg. The four girls, that would embark on their mission tomorrow, were already there, the three hunters training their skills with the bow while Caro trained her footwork and fought against imaginary foes with her two axes. 

The skill system was making training really easy for her daughters and thanks to the hive knowledge they could apply improvements the others had discovered to their skill without them needing to teach everyone. The combination of the two features was really powerful and maybe a bit of a cheat, but Kai would be the last to complain about that.

During the training Kai had to drossel her speed and strength down a bit to compete with Anna in an equal fight. If she didn't do that she could beat Anna, sure, but that was no indicator for her technique and improving that was the real goal of this training.

They kept the training short today and went to sleep in the afternoon. There was no way Kai would be able to sleep during the night and the same went for most of her daughters. Sleeping ahead was their way to combat that.

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