Rise of the Antanoid

Chapter 37: Chapter 37

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Kai woke up with a groan. Her body was aching slightly and she felt like she had taken one of these mid day naps where you woke up in the evening in a completely different dimension. She sat up and looked around groggily, slowly booting up her mind to active mode.

Kai stretched herself with a yawn and sighed contentedly. Then she slowly let the information of the hive trickle into her awareness. Let’s see, the drones that were currently with the wood gathering team had discovered the river a good distance to the south of the current operation camp.

She yawned again. It would take about half a day to get there and thus it was definitely worth it to move over there for their wood harvest operation. The area was near the hilly region too, which had to offer something or otherwise the moths wouldn’t go there all the time.

Kai sighed. They would have to do that once they were safe from the moths or at least easily able to fend the beasts off.

She stood up and began to straighten the mess her fur was. Normally Anna would do that, but her daughter wasn’t around at the moment. She had likely gotten out of bed earlier to prepare something.

While Kai made herself ready for the day or rather the night she also went through the rest of the things that had happened during her sleep. She blinked in surprise when she came across a notification about a new template.


Due to the information provided by analyzing a hell moth a new swarm drone template has been unlocked.

Advanced swarm drone

Advanced swarm drones are one of the possible evolutions of a swarm drone and part of the Antanoid society. They grow up to 1.8 meters tall and are accordingly large. Due to their increased size they also take up more power of a sapients swarm brain, overall requiring 3 times the processing capacity than their regular relatives. Drones that naturally evolve into this type keep their original capacity value.


Kai read through the prompt in interest. The new drones were nearly the size of one of the moth’s and would dwarf her and her daughters by a good 30 cm. Having such a drone in their fighting force would be extremely helpful for them.

Sadly it wouldn’t be that easy for them and the 3 slot requirement of the new drone blocked the hive from having them at the moment. It really was a hassle.

Kai didn’t let herself get discouraged by that however, because thankfully she now knew that all of her daughters had an organ called swarm brain. With that she could simply search through the blueprints of Brian and search for one that had at least 3 swarm slots.

She scrolled through the options for a minute and quickly realized a problem. Most of the blueprints weren’t even done to a measly 5%, which left their description pretty much empty too. Kai tried to sort them after their progression, but the process took its sweet time.

With a sigh she closed the thing and stepped outside of her room. She could look for a blueprint later, right now she wanted to eat and visit the latrine that had been dug yesterday before it got dark.

Kai wandered over to their very first tavern and found Anna there, preparing a table with various things out of the kitchen. Her daughter looked over to her and did her customary bow. “Good evening, my lady. I hope you slept well?”

Kai smiled and waved at her. “Hey Anna. I slept quite well, thanks for asking.”

She went over to the table and flopped down on the silk bench or whatever you wanted to call it. “My body is just aching a bit, but it’s nothing bad.”

Anna walked over to her and began to fuzz around her, straightening the last spots of Kai’s fur. When she was done she served her a moth steak together with some local vegetables.

Her daughter sat down opposite of Kai and both began to dig in. “Going by the amount your body grew during the night, my lady, the aching surely has something to do with that.”

Kai looked curiously at her daughter. “I am visibly taller than yesterday?”

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Anna nodded. “Yes, about 2cm.”

Kai blinked. 2cm growth in less than a day was quite a lot. 

She continued eating absentmindedly. The growth per se wasn’t  that surprising as the system had practically warned her about it beforehand. She had thought it would be a rather normal growth rate similar to that of a human teenager however and didn’t think she would notice the change of her body that much.

Kai looked at her daughter. Such a fast growth also suggested that she wasn’t only growing by a few centimeters overall and would end up with quite a bit more than that. She wondered how tall she would get and by how much she would dwarf her daughters, considering that they were only around 145cm tall.

Kai finished her dinner with a sigh. It would be another thing she would have to get used to.

Lena came out of the kitchen and bowed to Kai. “Good evening, your majesty. I hope the meal was according to your tastes?”

The queen shook her thoughts aside and smiled at her daughter. “A good day to you too, Lena.”

She regarded her empty table in thought. “Overall the meal tasted quite good, but I don’t think I am a person for moth meat.”

Kai stopped to search for the right words. “The meat tastes rather strong and I am not a fan of that.”

Lena nodded and took away the empty plates. “I will keep that in mind for the future.”

Kai smiled at her daughter. “Thanks for the cooking dear.”

Lena did a small bow in response, smiling brightly. “It is my pleasure, my queen.” Then she retreated into the kitchen.

Kai followed her steps with her gaze. Speaking with her daughters could be a bit uptight at times, some of them being worse than others. She was still determined to endure that part, especially since it would become normal eventually if things didn’t change too much.

Kai turned back to Anna, grabbed a grape like fruit from the table and put it in her mouth. “Are you ready to go?” She had an urgent appointment with her body.

Anna nodded and stood up. “Yes, let me just get something out of the kitchen.”

A moment later she came back with a glaive-like weapon in her hand. It had a long handle made of two bones put together and attached to the tip was one of the mandibles of the moth. The 30cm long black chitin blade stood in stark contrast to the white gray bone.

Anna had to be careful not to hit anything with the long weapon and clicked her mandibles together in annoyance when she was finally outside of the room. “I really prefer smaller weapons.”

Kai looked at the murder tool appreciatively. “It does look quite impressive though.” She had also taken Anna more for a knife person.

Her daughter nodded and looked over the weapon once. “Yes and according to Erika it works pretty good too and if handled correctly even better.”

She looked at the mandible judgingly and muttered to herself. “I just hope Erika can make me something else with the next one of these we get. They are more suitable for daggers than this anyway.”

Kai looked at Anna, imagining her daughter with two black bladed daggers in her hands above a human corpse with a slit open throat. Yeah, she should ignore what she had just heard, she had nothing to do with it.

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