Rise of the Antanoid

Chapter 48: Chapter 48

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Without waiting any longer Kai opened her status again to look for the settlement menu and found it where the population menu had been before. It was a bit weird that you had to open your status to access most system related things, but once there everything else could be done with simple thoughts. If the system could read her mind why did it make her open her status to do it?

She put the thought aside and opened the [Outpost] menu, the first thing that the system had given her since her initiation.

Name: —
Governor: Kai Antana
Country: —
Population: 50 (1)
Morale: Highest*
Quests: 1 daily (pathetic)*

[Settlement quests]*


  • To know thyself
    The hive mind designated [Brian] is currently mostly occupied analyzing the biological structure of the entities designated [Queen], [Workers]. There are more mysteries about your species besides that however and they need to be solved. Figure out the magical properties of the Antanoid silk!
    Reward: Skill [Analyze]*
    Find and study the hive mind!
    Reward: Skill [Block analyze]*, 2 daily (pathetic) quests
  • Food is happiness
    Your settlement lacks much in the regard of food storage and your people live mostly from what they harvested during the day. You are unwilling to strain the nature around your settlement any more however and as such a different food source has to be found.
    Establish at least one field and sow the first seeds of a plant of your choice to cultivate.
    Reward: hint on magic farming, 1 daily (pathetic) quest for every field (0/5)



There was no introduction whatsoever, but Kai didn’t bother too much. The system had already given her some information and she would have to make do with that for now.

She looked at the screen and the first thing she did was naming her hive Antana. That was something she had long since decided on, it just hadn’t been necessary until now. For her naming what she thought of as the capital hive after herself was the most logical. It was a sign of status and it would give herself more credence in the eyes of other countries, should there ever be any.

That her hive was not part of any country gave Kai a bid of a pause. If she remembered it right then until not long ago the system had shown her level as ‘hive/ kingdom level’. So, what had happened that that changed?

There might have been more to her level than she gave it credit for. It could for example be the level limit for all of her daughters and if so, she would have to make sure to raise it as high as possible to give them all the potential they needed. 

Of course Kai might just be overthinking things. She had somehow created an error for the system when she had hatched so it was also possible the system was still adapting to her species.

Not having a country acknowledged by the system yet didn’t offend her either, on the contrary, Kai agreed with that assessment. A country was a massive machine of operation and her little tribal village was nothing in comparison. However, if everything went as planned in the future then it was only a matter of time until she and her daughters had their own country.

After the first few lines that gave a quick overview of her settlement as well as the population came the truly interesting things. Kai had trouble figuring out what was meant by the things written on her screen, but much to her surprise she noticed that everything with a little star next to it had a one time explanation for her.

[Moral: Highest]
The morale of a settlement is an indicator for the overall mood of the inhabitants. A high morale is a sign of a happy population and happy people tend to complain less and work more. Your specie’s instincts to work for the improvement of their people is incredible and it takes an especially malicious person to lower morale.

Kai smiled after reading through the first explanation. She had known that her daughters were good kids and this just confirmed it for her. It also gave her more confidence in her plan to create a market system similar to communism. She wasn’t exactly sure how she would do it yet, but she had thought about something along the lines of everyone that worked getting paid the same amount by the government. Traders would not use their own money for their work, but the money of the state, something that would be incredibly stupid if the country couldn’t trust its citicens. The idea had to go through a lot of work still and they didn’t even have a currency yet, but Kai was optimistic it would work.

She shelved the idea away for now and inspected the next point of interest, the quests. This was something that she couldn’t really figure out herself. It was likely it had something to do with giving out quests, but she wasn’t able to think of more than that.

[Quests: 1 daily (pathetic)]
Management subsystems can create quests for affected sapients. There are a variety of quest types besides daily quests, which get issued automatically every 24 hours to a single individual of the settlement. The quests of subsystems come with different quality grades that limit the amount of stats that get rewarded by the system on completion. Pathetic quests offer a maximum of 3 stat points.
Note: Quests can only be received by citizens that have a class and are below the maximum stat potential of their level.

Kai didn’t really know what to think about this one. It was an incredible option that promised her daughters reliable growth. Until now they had received quests at random and mostly stopped receiving new ones when they reached about 50 overall stat points. With this option the initial growth would be much slower, sure, but the growth wouldn’t stop before they got all they could. Getting more daily quests was now the absolute priority for Kai.

There was only one problem left she couldn’t understand. What the hell was a class?

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If it was like in a video game, then the class was likely something akin to a person's profession, but that still left the question open on how to receive one. She racked her brain, going over all the things she knew and her daughter's somewhat different system, but was interrupted by a sound of surprise from Anna. “Huh?”

Kai turned to her daughter. “What is it dear?”

Anna stared at something in front of her with a puzzled expression. “I don’t know mother, but my system just changed to something called the sapient progression system or short SPS.”

It took a moment before it clicked for Kai and she eagerly urged her daughter on. “Tell me more! Please!”

Anna just nodded. “It says I lost access to random quests.”

Kai frowned, but didn’t interrupt her daughter. “Instead I have access to something the system calls class. This seems to be some kind of quest series that will test you and rewards you with knowledge. There are extra quests for class changes, extra class slots and level ups. They are more akin to a trial than a quest though and I only have access to the first type.”

Anna continued to read, not bothering to read out everything and instead just summarizing it. When she got to the end she perked up a little bit. “Oh! I also have access to something the system calls general quests, but I have no idea how to get one or what they are.”

Kai’s eyes glittered with excitement. Her subsystem had obviously caused the change in systems for Anna and it was likely the rest of her daughters had gotten it too. What they just got was a massive boon and because they were Antanoid it got so much better. 

Sure, humans would profit from this too, it literally made it possible to learn things without having a teacher, though it was likely to be more difficult than with a maste, but they would not share what they learned.

Antanoid on the other hand shared knowledge by default. For them the advancement of one meant the advancement of many and they did not have to deal with their greed, because its target was their hive anyways.

She grinned widely, so much that it started to hurt. They would milk the system for all it was worth and then they would take it even further, going far beyond what even the system knew.

Kai grabbed Anna’s hand, ignoring the girl's confused expression and ran towards their tavern. “We have to tell the other!!” Anna just followed, not knowing what had gotten into her mother.

Kai needn’t have bothered however, because her daughters had already discovered the change and were wildly discussing with each other, those that weren’t running towards her that is. At the front of the charge was, of course, Ember, the furball of boundless energy.

Kai met her and hugged her without slowing down and the two of them had to spin around themselves a few rounds to disperse the momentum.

Kai set Ember back on the ground, noticing that girl hadn’t calmed down even a single bit. “Mom! Mom! You know what?”

Ember was gesturing around wildly and didn’t give Kai the chance to answer. “My system just changed! Oh! And I got a class! I’m a seamstress now!”

Kai smiled brightly and patted her daughter encouragingly. “That’s great Ember! I am proud of you!”

Ember puffed out her chest proudly, not noticing the amused looks she was getting from the rest of her family before she reverted back, being too excited to care about her posture. “I also completed a class quest the moment I got it and now, now-”

She stuttered, having talked a bit too fast. “Now I know how to make a spindle!!!”

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