Rise of the Antanoid

Chapter 56: Chapter 56

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It was about 2 days later when the fields were just about done and in the middle of Kai’s training with Anna that the temperature cooled down rapidly, creating the optimal conditions for fog to form and clouds to gather. Since this had already happened once everyone knew what to do however and made haste back towards the hive.

The only exception to this was the lumberjack outpost as its location was already outside of the barrier forest. Because of that the effects of the sudden weather changes were minimal there and everyone had the honor of witnessing the foggy barrier forest from a distance.

It was like a sea of slowly moving clouds that reached tens of meters into the air before it stopped, white tendrils unsurely wafting higher only to retreat back again, giving place to the trunks of the enormous trees that stood like ancient pillars between the fog and the heavy rain clouds, separating the two of them for all eternity. The view was, simply put, mystical and awe inspiring.

For Kai however things were a bit different. Standing a few meters away from the barrier of the hive entrance, she watched as the fog simply flowed into the hive. It had not formed inside of her and her children's home, but the air holding the fog was colder and thus heavier than the air in the hive, thus creating the weird phenomenon.

The gray ever changing mist crawling into the tunnels was eerie in Kai’s opinion and she was having second thoughts about not having installed some kind of gate as she took a step back from the slowly approaching white wet.

She shook her head. Her daughters and her didn’t like closing their tunnels on an instinctual level and a bit of fog every few months wasn’t worth having to deal with that.

Sighing, Kai looked down at her hands and arms, especially at her second pair that was approaching the same size as her first ones. She still had quite a bit of energy left over from her training and she felt like it was finally time.

Kai turned to Anna who was standing next to her with a smile of anticipation. There wasn’t a lot she could do in the next few hours with the rain that would follow the fog so she might as well spent that time doing something productive, something reproductive

A shiver went down her spine. “I think I am going to do it today!”

Anna gave her an inquisitive look before she eyed her tail critically. “Are you sure mother? It doesn’t look like it could hold two of my sisters and what if you get injured?”

“Yes, I’m sure!” It had been a long time since she had been able to feel the full pleasure of laying eggs and she won’t be stopped now!

Kai looked at her daughter mischievously. “And if something happens, you are there to help me.” It was payback time!

Anna grinned. “Oh, it would be my pleasure.” Or maybe not.

Kai didn’t let her mood be dampened by that though and the two relocated to their room. While Anna was organizing two silken nests for the eggs, she undressed herself and tried to get comfortable.

Her daughter put the two nests to the side and looked up. “So, where do you need me mum?”

“Well, if the worst comes to be, you being in front of me would hardly help, no?”

Anna let out a happy laugh and crawled onto the bed to the side of Kai’s tail, which she patted lovingly. “Now that I am next to it in the bed, it does look bigger than a few months ago.”

Kai straightened her back a bit in pride. “I told you so.”

She let out a huff and leaned back on her tail, her hands grasping the soft silk of the bed in preparation. Then she closed her eyes and tuned out everything in the world except for her body and her mana.

Kai decided to test this out with workers first. The Antanoid races eggs didn’t differe all that much in size and form so it wouldn’t really matter, but it just felt right to go this next step with workers first, like back then when she had laid her first egg.

She took a deep breath, putting these stray thoughts aside and started to move her mana to her tail with barely contained excitement. There she divided the energy into two halves, each forming a fistsized sphere.

What came next tested Kai’s abilities in mana manipulation as she had to do two things at the same time. She slowly and carefully took the mana of each sphere and guided it into the form of an egg until she had two small mana eggs instead of spheres. Then she used the mana to create a sort of shadow that was the size of the full grown egg around each of the two mana eggs.

With that done, Kai let go of the mana so it could do its thing and breathed out, her hands kneading the silk of the bed. She opened her eyes and the mana in her tail vanished to make place for two fastly growing eggs.

Kai bit her mandible at the familiar sensation of pressure and pleasure building up. 

The two eggs continued to grow and grow until they surpassed the size of one and Kai gasped as it didn’t stop. This was what she had wanted, what she had missed!

Her tail began to visibly bulge around the eggs before they stopped growing, much to Anna’s concern, but for Kai it was heaven. “Are you okay mom?”

The muscles in Kai’s tail contracted, preparing the first egg to be laid and the pleasure she felt spiked 10 fold. “Nnnngh~”

Anna nodded. “I guess that is a yes.” 

Then she grabbed Kai’s tail and put it on her lap, curiously looking at the usually hidden opening the eggs came out. “Well then, I hope you don’t mind the intrusion~.”

Kai’s eyes shot open as she realized what her daughter was about to do and she panicked. “No! Nononono! Wa-”

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Anna’s hand slowly and carefully entered the opening and Kai couldn’t help but cry out. “Aiiiiih~! Pleash staaawp!”

Kai woke up a few hours later to the murmur of the rain and felt like she had had the best sleep in her whole life just now, though she was also quite hungry. The memories of what had happened before she fell asleep were somewhat hazy, but maybe that was for the better.

Her cheeks heated up, blood rushing to her face. Yeah, it definitely was for the better and she had taken a, from a human perspective, disturbing step towards incest. The question was, was this something weird for Antanoid too?

For all she knew her daughters would become lovers in the future and occurrences like that would get fairly normal.

Kai shook her head at the thought and opened her connection to the hive to distract herself. Things like that weren’t for her to decide after all.

Going through the constant streams of information she led out a sigh.

The heavy rainfall following the fog had damaged their fields somewhat and set back their process a few hours. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing though, because now that they knew they had to change up a few things on the fields so they could endure the heavy downpour it would save them from potentially losing a harvest in the future. 

It wasn’t like they had found the dungeon yet either. The drones had just arrived in the hilly region and hadn’t been able to do much scouting yet. Despite that they had still discovered an abandoned mine shaft already though, so Kai doubted it would take them much longer to find the ruins of a town and the dungeon shouldn’t be far from there.

Happy with what she had gathered, Kai sat up and stretched before she looked for anything else that might have happened. Let’s see, there was a mana siphon and-

She blinked. Had she leveled up during her sleep?

Kai thought about it for a second and realized that the second egg she had laid had been the 75th, which meant she had indeed leveled so she hurriedly opened her status.

Title: Governor of Antana
Name: Kai Antana
Species: Antanoid queen
Level: 5
Level progress: 0%
Health: 100%
Mana: 230.67/230.67
Mana regeneration: 2.31/min

Str: 85
Agi: 85
Per: 85
Int: 85
Wis: 85
Wil: 85

[Active skills]
Lay egg(s): worker, hunter, traveler

[Passive skills]
Hive knowledge (archive)
Map of the sovereign
Accelerated incubation


Workers: 50
Hunters: 14
Travelers: 11
Queens: 1

Name: Antana
Governor: Kai Antana
Country: —
Population: 67 (1)
Morale: Highest*
Quests: 1 daily (pathetic)*

[Settlement quests]*


  • To know thyself
    The hive mind designated [Brian] is currently mostly occupied analyzing the biological structure of the entities designated [Queen], [Workers]. There are more mysteries about your species besides that however and they need to be solved. Figure out the magical properties of the Antanoid silk!
    Reward: Skill [Analyze]*
    Find and study the hive mind!
    Reward: Skill [Block analyze]*, 2 daily (pathetic) quests
  • Food is happiness (completed)
    Your settlement lacks much in the regard of food storage and your people live mostly from what they harvested during the day. You are unwilling to strain the nature around your settlement any more however and as such a different food source has to be found.
    Establish at least one field and sow the first seeds of a plant of your choice to cultivate.
    Reward: hint on magic farming, 1 daily (pathetic) quest for every field (4/5)
    Collect Reward?



Kai let out a breath. “Huh?”

She had gotten stronger again and had gained a title which was new, but didn’t seem to do anything besides being cosmetic. 

Nothing much had changed otherwise, though it was good to know that the rain hadn’t reset the other fields for the skill. Still, she wondered if there shouldn’t be more than 2 quests. Maybe the [Outpost] had only two slots?

Kai’s belly rumbled noisily, disrupting her line of thought. She looked around the room, not finding Anna and decided that now was a good time to get something to eat.

Her stomach made a sound of agreement as she stood up. It seemed that laying two eggs at once was quite draining on her resources.

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