Rise of the Dungeon Master

Chapter 10: Chapter 9: Dream of the Butterfly VII

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The two companions helplessly watched the events in front of them. Reilanis was shaking and crying. Her heart could not bear to see from a new perspective what she had experienced more than 20 years ago. She kept her hand attached to her mate, and hugged his arm, seeking warmth from him, desperate to feel protected.

Reilan on the other hand…his free hand formed a clenched fist, digging his nails so hard into the flesh that, if he were not a “ghost” in Reilanis's mind, he would be bleeding profusely. He thought “Knowing something and living it, are two completely different things. This world… I thought my world was already cruel and unfair enough.” What broke his heart the most was the same words that he had already said to her partner to help her calm down.

[There is nothing you can do about it anymore]

That make an echo in his mind, and he felt hypocritical now that he was being tormented by what he was seeing. But as much as he wished he could rescue Reilanis from this place, he couldn't do anything for her.

The nun began to pull on the leash, forcing young Reilanis to move, nearly sending her to the ground. The other girl followed shortly after.

"Lani, come on, we have to move on."

Reilanis just nodded, still clinging to Reilan's arm. The situation seemed to be affecting her far beyond what he had thought. Reilanis was too submissive, too quiet, and… her eyes seemed dull.

Reilan was mortified by what he was putting her through, living the worst of her life. But there was no choice, as much as it hurt, especially to his partner, it was something they had to do.

Soon, they began to follow the three girls from the memory, moving down a corridor full of doors, presumably rooms. Its uses were, fortunately for both of them, unknown.

They continued for a long while, turning several corners, watching as the young Reilanis was dragged along the path, sometimes falling to the ground and forced to move on all fours.

At last, they came to a passage where there was only a thin silk cloth placed on the door frame, and sounds of banging, heartbreaking screams, cries, and vicious laughter could be heard from behind.

On the other side of the cloth, there was a large hall with about 30 men, mercenaries, or bandits, all drinking and enjoying the place. Some had large mugs of beer in their hands, some kind of meat, and… most of them, were fucking little girls, of various races, none looking older than young Reilanis, several even looked younger than 10 years old. Many of them wore clothes similar to the ones the Oni Girl was forced to wear, and the rest were no longer wearing anything.

The nun “walked” her around the place, giving her a kind of tour of the room. To the right of the entrance, two men, slightly taller than Reilan, were penetrating a catfolk girl, around 12 years old, into her mouth and anus. The girl looked almost like she was dead. Her expression was blank and her eyes were devoid of light. The guy who was penetrating her from behind was pulling hard on her tail, that pain being the only one that barely managed to get a reaction out of the girl.

To the left of them, from where the piercing screams came, was a man with a saw blade, dismembering a lizardfolk girl. He was severing the only limb left in her body. Her other arm, legs, and tail had already been ripped apart and were piled up next to her creating a huge pool of blood pooling on the ground under her back. The man kept her alive with some kind of magic. He used his foot to secure her arm, one hand on the girl's head, which glowed from the spell. The other hand was sawing the bone of the girl's arm, just above her elbow, and she was screaming with all her might, begging him to kill her at once. The man was laughing like a maniac, telling her there was no fun in it if he let her go that easy.

These situations were repeated all over the place. Girls being raped, dismembered, or hung from the ceiling by a rope, their entrails exposed, their limbs twisted in odd directions, and "painted" with various types of bodily fluids in a hellish painting they were proud to show to their companions.

Reilanis could hardly contain the dizziness, nausea, and terror that this was causing her. She trembled with every step she was forced to take, knowing that this was exactly what was waiting for her. To be used to relieve the stress of all those bastards. She was kind of glad her bladder was empty, or she would have left a trail of golden liquid on her way through the place, and that would have triggered those monsters.

The nun finally stopped at a table, a little further away from the rest, where two other men were sitting drinking. One that Reilanis could recognize, was the bald man who had captured her in the woods 5 months ago. The other was a young man, a couple of years older than Reilanis herself, with short bronze hair, fair skin, and hazel eyes. The man was unattractive, accentuated by his expression of annoyance and boredom. But as soon as he saw Reilanis, it completely changed his expression.

"I have brought the gift, Mr. Dorian."

The nun bowed slightly to the bald man, who only nodded and spoke to the young man next to him.

“Well, Sergin, this is a small token of my appreciation for you. You can play with the girl all you want-

“That sounds wonderful”

“But there are a couple of rules.”

"What? – Asked the young man indignantly, his brow furrowed at the words of his companion. - You just told me I could do all I wanted.”

“You can, but this is quite a valuable product. We can't afford to… harm her, too much. Anyway, it's just two things, don't take it too badly."

"Which are?"

"No harming her face and don't fuck her."

“Hah!? What's the fucking point of having her if I can't fuck her?"

The young man screamed furiously, like a child who has just been given candy taken from him.

“Because she's worth more than you or any of the other bastards here can pay. I need it virgin to be able to sell it at the maximum price of it. But, Cristalia advised us that the girl needed some real experience. So, you can take the deal or I can give it to someone else, you choose."

Sergin stared at Reilanis, considering his options. Shortly after, he finally heaved a sigh and accepted the deal. The nun, Cristalia, released the hook of the leash, and bowed to both men, reminding the younger to stick to the rules, or that would “make her very sad” punctuating her words with a murderous look. Sergin nodded intimidated by the woman. Leaving her warning behind, the nun walked away, taking the other girl with her.

“Well, I have things to do so I'll leave you with your present. Enjoy it, rookie.”

Dorian left as well, leaving the two of them alone at the table.

Sergin carefully observed the body of the young Oni, admiring every detail of the girl who stood awkwardly in front of him.

Reilanis's heart began to beat rapidly, terrified of what was going to happen to her. If what she had seen so far was the norm in this place, she could only feel hopeless, wishing that at least the bastard in front of her wasn't one of the sadists who enjoy dismembering.

After a while of admiring Reilanis's body, Sergin motioned for the girl to come closer. Hesitantly, Reilanis took a couple of steps.

“For a moment I believed that Dorian would give me something good, but in the end, it was just a complete disappointment. You don't even have boobs to show off. Not even just that, you look completely worthless."

Sergin looked upset, and he expressed it unceremoniously in his tone. It seemed that the warning had soured his night and he was going to take it out on the Oni girl.

“Bah, fuck it, it's enough that we've had to run from the guards all day, now I can't even enjoy a good woman. Tch, to hell with this.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he unbuttoned his pants leaving his member exposed…

“Well, what are you waiting for!? Move on!"


The Oni girl approached Sergin, who sat down on the chair again. She got down on her knees and began stroking the shaft, from base to tip, working slowly all the way, using her saliva to make the job easier. The dick was flaccid when she started but soon began to grow to a size of about 15cm. Making Reilanis feel relieved. Cristalia used to use a kind of dildo of more than 25 cm to "train" her, and that thing always left her sore from how that witch violently forced it into her mouth, reaching deep and making her swallow both her blood and the vomit, that was forced back into her stomach by the foreign object blocking the way out.

Reilanis slowly continued the handjob, watching the reactions displayed on the young man's face in front of her, making sure to use the right amount of strength. Any mistake always cost her dearly. Many of the scars on her back were a consequence of it, reminders that, in this place, she was no longer a person, she was an object with the only purpose of giving those monsters a means to have fun.

Every movement of her hands brought pleasure to Sergin and disgust to Reilanis. Although she won’t hesitate to do it, she didn't enjoy it in the least. Her crotch was as dry as an abandoned well and the only thing she felt was chills from what would happen if he considered that the girl didn’t please him enough, or suddenly decided not to follow the rules that had been imposed on him.

When Reilanis considered enough time had passed, she prepared to use her mouth. The girl hesitated fearfully. So much that her knees began to shake. Unfortunately, Sergin took that as if she was wanting him, being consumed with lust, which brought a smile to his face. The young man, who was as arrogant as a nobleman, thought that he was "special", believing himself as a chosen to "bring happiness to the women of the world".

“Heh, do you want it that badly you little slut? – With a smirk on his face, he grabbed Reilanis by her hair and forcefully pulled her to his cock. - Then you should swallow it until you're happy."

Reilanis was forced to insert the entire shaft into her mouth, reaching almost to the end of her throat. Hers She tried to cough to catch her breath, but with the man holding her tightly, it was impossible to catch a breath. She began to choke, panicking and making her squirm on the spot as she flailed her hands for something to help free herself from his gasp.

Sergin, feeling satisfied, released her causing a loud and wet sound due to the large amount of saliva that came out of Reilanis's mouth, who began to cough forcefully.

“Hahahahaha! You can't even handle that? What a useless whore you are.”

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As he taunted her, Sergin rose from the chair, grasping Reilanis's horns with both hands, then re-entered her mouth, beginning to pump hard into her. Each thrust hit the back of the girl's throat causing her to shed tears at the rudeness of the act. The gag reflex caused enormous pleasure at the tip of her assailant's dick, driving him to try to go deeper and deeper. Each thrust he made hit Reilanis's teeth and nose hard, causing more pain, which only added to everything else.

Reilanis felt that time passed too slowly. She could feel the meat rod throbbing on her tongue. The taste she felt was salty and repulsive, almost as bad as what she felt from Cristalia when she forced that crotch on her in the same way.

After several minutes, Sergin's thrusts became much more intense, and just when Reilanis felt like she couldn't take nausea, choking, and pain from each blow any longer, she felt sticky liquid being shot into her mouth. A loud growl came from the man holding her, pulling hard on her horns, as if he wanted to rip them off. A large amount of cum flooded her mouth, and with the shaft sealing her lips, she was forced to swallow each shot.

Finally, Sergin pulled away from her, falling hard into his chair, gasping at the glare that overwhelmed his mind. Reilanis fell to her knees, spitting out a large amount of the whitish liquid on the ground and coughing hard, wishing she could vomit it all up and get the disgusting essence that was shot into her body out of her body.

"At least... your mouth is good for something." Sergin's voice rasped from the gasps the act had caused him.

Reilanis looked up, noticing a smirk on her assailant's face.

"You didn't think that was all, did you?"

The Oni girl shivered at his words. Her instincts begged her to get up and run, to get away from him right now, but her body didn't react, and even if she had, it was already too late.

Sergin got up, and grabbed Reilanis by the hair, lifting her until her feet almost left off the ground. Then he threw her against the table, exposing her ass to him.

“They told me that I couldn't take your virginity, but they didn't tell me anything about… - Sergin removed Reilanis' panties, licked his lips, and then began to force his finger into Reilanis' anus. – This nice place. Don't you think it would be a shame to let you go with just a blowjob?"

Reilanis remembered the catfolk girl she saw when entered the place, and how she was being treated by those two men. Fear filled her heart and she began to struggle with Sergin, seeking to break free.

"Hey. HEY! Stay still you fucking bitch!”

Sergin yanked her hair again and then repeatedly slammed Reilanis's head against the table, stunning her, then slammed into her side several times, leaving her gasping for air and powerless to continue trying to escape from her.

“Don't even try to escape from here. Do you really think you can run and avoid everyone? Having that necklace around your neck? You are stupid?"

Sergin shook his head mocking Reilanis who was barely moving.

"Since you're still so full of energy, let's do something with it."

Sergin took Reilanis's left arm, stretching it out on the table. Then he grabbed one of the knives he had used to eat earlier and skewered it close to the wrist with all of his strength, pinning it firmly to the wooden table. Reilanis let out a loud cry of pain, followed by several curses at the man who had stabbed her arm. Sergin started to laugh maliciously, then grabbed the other arm and did the same, causing another piercing scream from Reilanis who could no longer move from her position.

“I would have used my daggers for this, but I had to improvise since I didn't bring them with me. You should be thankful, those two were much bigger and sharper. If I were to use them maybe I would have ended up amputating both your hands. But now I can enjoy and take my time.”

Sergin laughed madly as he returned his hand to Reilanis's ass and toyed with his hole, inserting a finger, trying to expand it enough to be able to release all of his lust into her.

Reilanis trembled and wept at the table. The pain in her ribs, her arms with both of the knives pinning her hard to the table and letting a no small amount of blood run onto the table and the floor. All of this was too much for her. She wanted to end her suffering right there. But that would not happen, they would not let her die, and the necklace that clung to her neck prevented her from committing suicide by biting her tongue, so she had no way out, nothing but to clench her teeth and hope that this torture would end quickly.

The man continued to play with Reilanis's hole, expanding it little by little. He started with just one finger, which slowly went in and out. When he felt it was easier, he put in another, and then another, until, he was sure.

“I hope, little whore – Sergin whispered, leaning close to Reilanis's ear so that she could hear him clearly. – that this hole of yours feels much better than your mouth, or I will be very disappointed.”

Finishing the sentence, he places the tip of his full erection at her entrance, and without warning or the slightest desire to hold back, he enters her with all his might. Reilanis gasped as a sharp pain exploded from behind. She felt as if her hole was on fire like she was stabbed by a red-hot iron bar that had been driven into her guts.

Sergin penetrated her to the base and, without hesitation, began to pump hard. Reilanis let out cries of pain and anguish, nearly drowned out by her pitiful moans and the constant pounding of Sergin's body hitting her. The onslaught of that man caused her body to move, opening the wounds on her arms. She felt as if her insides were being torn from the inside and pulled out of her body. The strength Sergin put into his thrusts opened lacerations that bled internally and spilled out of her, creating lines of red liquid running down her thighs to the ground.

Every second that passed was a second that she cursed whatever god had forgotten and abandoned her in that damned place. Each thrust reminded her that she was one step closer to becoming the sex toy of an unknown noble in some human country. Each drop of blood made her think of how much more she would end up spilling without being able to do anything but cry and curse the heavens. The pain in her guts and arms told her that she would be trapped in that abyss, being beaten, flogged, raped, and possibly also dismembered for who knows how many years, until her mind gave in and shut down completely, turning her into nothing more than a doll without emotions, thoughts or desires beyond wanting to die to escape everything.

Completely oblivious to the Oni girl's thoughts, Sergin continued his thrusts with all his glee. Especially enjoying the blood that painted his shaft red, helping to make each movement much easier to make and giving him more pleasure than he expected. But he felt that something was missing. Reilanis's sobs were too quiet for him, and though she was crying out, it wasn't as loud as before. She seemed like she had gotten a bit used to the pain, or her mind had decided to ignore it in favor of her mental stability.


Without warning, Sergin swung with all his might into Reilanis's side, right at her ribs. A cracking sound reached his ears, delighting him.


A strangled, wet cry and a loud cough escaped Reilanis's lips. Enjoying the new sound, Sergin was much more pleased, so he continued his attack, hitting the same area over and over again. The girl let out moans of pain as fresh blood seeped from her mouth. She struggled to spit it out, doing her best not to drown in it between gasps.

Reilanis was slowly beginning to feel weaker and weaker. The amount of blood she was losing was by no means small, but with how malnourished she was and how little energy she had left, it was starting to become a real problem.

Sergin was already at his peak, feeling ecstasy as he squeezed Reilanis's ass, caused by the pain in her body and her consciousness slowly fading away. It didn't take long for the man to start feeling how his rod throbbed. He stopped hitting her with his fists, and concentrated all of his strength on the thrusts, increasing the speed of it. Soon, he felt heat rise to his shaft, and with one last thrust that drove his entire cock to the base inside of the Oni girl, he releases his seed deep into Reilanis's insides, painting them white.

The girl could feel the hot sticky liquid being shot into her body. The feeling lasted a short time, while her senses go blank. The pain had begun to fade, replaced by an icy cold that embrace her body, as if she had been buried in ice. Her vision was blurry and her thoughts were slowly fading away. She could barely breathe, let alone move.

Sergin broke away from Reilanis, causing the white liquid to spurt out of the girl's asshole, mixing with the blood from the internal injuries his violent outburst had caused her, and creating a puddle on the floor, evidence of the terrible experience that the Oni had lived through.

“What, you only can handle that? You really are a useless whore.”

The man removed the knives that held Reilanis to the table. Now that nothing supported the weight of her body, the girl slid across the surface, landing hard on the ground, like a puppet whose strings were being cut. Reilanis was barely able to breathe. The injuries on her body were terrible, to the point that, if she was not given attention soon, she would be dangerously close to death.

A woman, a little older than Reilanis, approached Sergin, carrying a tray with some glass bottles containing a pale green liquid, which seems to be stamina potions. The girl offered them to the man who was panting happily in her chair, enjoying the post orgasm. He drank the contents of one and then ordered the woman to use her magic to heal the girl on the ground. Slowly the wounds on her body began to close, the fading sensation and darkness that filled her vision gradually clearing, restoring vitality to her.

The pain that she had been suffering subsided and the clarity of her mind returned, allowing her to recall the entire horrible experience she have to live.

Her gaze immediately jumped to Sergin, who was watching her in delight at her expression of terror.

“Did you think I was done already? Hahahaha, we're just getting started."

That night, Reilanis lived the closest experience to hell in life. Her arms were pierced by knives multiple times, her ribs were fractured, her elbows twisted, her knees were bent, her fingers were broken, and her fingernails pulled out. Her entrails were filled with white hot cum, she was urinated and defecated, forced to drink her assailant's ejaculate until her stomach swelled. And every time he came in or on her, she was immediately healed with magic, so that the whole cycle began again. Reilanis passed out several times over the course of the night, and each time it happens, she was beaten until she woke up.

Despite all that, her mind refused to break, the only proof of that, was the dim light that remained in her eyes at the end of the night.

Near dawn, Cristalia returned to the scene, finding Reilanis in a pool of semen and blood. She looked with clear disdain at Sergin who was smirking at the scene, but the nun just sighed and ordered the girls who came with her to pick up the young Oni, clean her up and take her back to her cell.

For the next few months, this cycle continued to repeat itself. Every 6 days, Reilanis was brought to that room to become the "prize" of one of the bandits, and on rare occasions, even Dorian himself, who enjoyed drilling new holes in her body and fucking them until the girl was on the brink of death.

It had been a real miracle that she was still sane. Even with the odds that she might escape or someone would rescue her, she kept the warm embers of hope burning faintly in her heart. If just one chance arose, just one single moment when she was allowed to act freely, without the spell that kept her enslaved interfering, she could muster all of her strength and escape from there. How much she wishes that kind of miracle would happen. That thought was the only thing keeping her mind from being lost forever.

But soon. Soon that small possibility would arise, at the most opportune moment, and then Lady Luck would finally reach out her hand.


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