Rise of the Dungeon Master

Chapter 19: Chapter 15: Reflections and Desires.

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Reilanis walked through the halls with a light step. Her destination was the section of rooms where she had woken up when all this started. There was a special room there that had been designated as the bathroom, where there was a huge tub of hot water. Something that she hoped could alleviate, at least a little, all the fatigue and tension that she had accumulated in those crazy 3 days that she spent locked up.

All the way, she did her best to keep the embarrassment she had felt from her previous act of flirting at bay. Although it was much more difficult than she expected. Her mind constantly recalled Vistelia's expression, wide eyes, long ears twitching slightly, mouth open in surprise, and, most of all, the very obvious blush at all of her face.

That image in her mind not only made her feel much more embarrassed but also made her feel happy. A feeling of victory washed over her, but there was also the thought of never attempting something so embarrassing again. "Maybe after talking to her..." she thought, but immediately put that out of her mind. She shook her head, then, turning a corner, reach her destination.

In front of her, was a normal-looking door, that looked like it was made of bamboo wood. Without thinking about it too much, she entered, admiring the place’s interior.

The room was divided into 2 sections. The first was a kind of changing room, with a thin wall about 2 meters in front of the door. On the right side there was a shelf with several openings, and on each one was a clean towel. On one side of this piece of furniture, was a large basket where dirty clothes were placed. Reilanis wasted no time and undressed, throwing the clothes where they belonged. On the other side of this section was another smaller shelf. This one had different types of soaps, bottles with what looked like some type of shampoo, and some kind of bath sponges. Next to this was a closet with a large mirror on one side. Reilanis took one of the towels and put it on her shoulder, grabbed a soap, a sponge, and a bottle, and then went through the second door to the other section of the bathroom.

Inside, there was a huge pool. From side to side, it was approximately 8 meters, of which 6 meters, were just to contain the water. The remaining space was the path around the huge bathtub. At each of its four corners, there was a marble statue of a mermaid holding a huge vase from which hot water gushed. These sculptures were reminiscent of the zodiac sign of Aquarius. In the center was the sculpture of an oriental dragon, which was wrapped around a large central pillar that reached the ceiling. The entire place was decorated in a Greek style, but reminiscent of a Japanese public bath.

Reilanis walked to a kind of bench on one side of the pool. There was a bucket, and in front of the bench, there was a large, long mirror, running from side to side on the wall with a small sink with a water pipe just below it. The Oni left the wrapped towel on the other side of the bench and, with the items she had brought, began to clean her body very carefully.

As she did so, she began to ponder what she would talk about with her girls. “What should I tell them? I should talk about Reilan, but should I tell them about these other lives I had and that he was one of those lives? Are they even going to believe me? I certainly wouldn't…” Her hands went to her chest, which she lathered carefully, then to her belly, and then to her thighs. At that moment she had a strange feeling. She felt as if a part of her body was missing, but she couldn't tell which one. It was on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't remember. She shook her head and decided to ignore the feeling.

As she washed her hair, she thought, “What if…they don't believe me? If they come to think that it's a lie and become more suspicious of me as Vistelia seemed to... what will I do if that really happens? No, even if they did believe me, it would be much worse if they saw me differently. If they see me with pity or... they decide that I'm not worth it for them to stay with me much longer. That… that would be the worst-case scenario.”

Her hands stopped and she rested her arms on her knees leaving her head down, staring at the ground.

“Since when am I this negative? – She mocked herself with a self-deprecating laugh. – I guess… I am afraid that they will hate me or abandon me.”

She took the bucket, filled it with water, and washed all the foam from her body and hair, leaving them perfectly clean. Then she stood up and, walking towards the pool, slowly lowered her body into the hot water, allowing herself to finally rest. Her entire body relaxed, releasing all the tension and exhaustion that had built up in the last 3 days she had been locked up. She even let her mind clear so she could enjoy the incredibly pleasant sensation of the water warming her body. Her breathing was slow and steady, her eyes had closed, and she looked like she would fall asleep at any moment. A smile played on her lips, feeling a peace that she hadn't felt in a long time.

She slowly opened her eyes, noticing the bare rock ceiling, which was an intense red color. From it came crystals of various sizes and shapes that produced an intense light, enough to illuminate the whole place, but not so much as to hurt the eyes. Reilanis was used to seeing these crystals, mostly because she was the one who put them there. But now, she had a different feeling about it. They were magical, fantasy-ish. It didn't matter if she knew inside her that it was completely normal that they were there, just seeing them had her fascinated.

“The memories of Reilan affected me, more than I would ever think. Everything that seemed normal to me before now feels like I'm living in a fairy tale or something. Magic, monsters, swords, different races, the strength that defies all logic that he ever knew. Everything that only existed in his books, movies, anime, and video games, is part of my daily life. And now I am beginning to see it with those same eyes.”

Reilanis felt her mouth curve into an amused smile. Now that Reilan was part of her in a way, she could feel how the world she had lived in for so many years was completely different, much brighter, and more interesting. She cupped her hands in the water, scooping up as much water as she could, and drenched her face in it, feeling the same warmth soothe her body. A cute and childish laugh resounded in the bathroom, while the girl, who, for the first time in her life, felt completely free of worries, pain, and sadness. The girl, who until now had been the very picture of seriousness, was frolicking in the water, splashing, popping out, then jumping into the water on a cannonball and laughing as if she were having the time of her life.



Much later, Reilanis decided to finish her fun and relaxing bath. Her hunger had finally convinced her that she couldn't stay here any longer. She got out of the pool and took the towel that she had left near her, dried her body, and went to the first section, directly to the closet. When opening it, she saw a large number of different clothes, although they were the same ones that she had seen in the closet in the room where she had woken up earlier.

“Reilan would be quite excited if he knew that all the cabinets in the dungeon are connected. Depending on who opens it, it will display their personal clothing sets. Cool magical shit."

While she thought about what to wear, she saw her reflection in the nearby mirror. Nothing had changed, it was her, the same as always, but she again had that feeling that something was missing. She felt somehow incomplete. Then remembered what Reilan had seen when he was in control of her body. She realized what was happening. She frowned and looked directly at her crotch and felt suddenly uncomfortable. She inhaled a large amount of air and then exhaled in annoyance. Immediately afterward thought of "letting it out" and then it showed up. Her penis. Hanging from her crotch completely flaccid. She looked at it in annoyance, but she, too, finally felt whole.

The first time she realized that she had this ability, she hated it.

It had happened many years ago when she was still traveling with just Miriam and Elisa. One night she had a nightmare about those times when she was a slave, and for a single moment she had the thought, if she had that same thing in her body, would she be the same? Raping girls and women for fun. That's when "that thing" suddenly appeared. She had never felt more disgusted and horrified by her body than on that day. She hated that ability ever since and never tried to use it again…until now.

“This is definitely Reilan's fault. Now I am sure that not only "inherited" me his memories, but he also gave me practically everything that he was."

She immediately made it disappear from her body, and the feeling of something missing returned. The strange thing is that she felt much more upset now that it was gone than the moment when she had it attached. She used her ability again, turning it back and watching it dangle. She looked up at the ceiling, moved her arms, and with an angry expression, she silently yelled at the sky “Why are you doing this to me!?”



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“*sigh* I'm overreacting to this, aren't I? I'm getting mad over some nonsense. This has nothing to do with who I am. I'm still the same. This is what you told me. You really want me to be happy and have children. To have a big happy family. That's what you want for me"

Reilanis pondered for a moment. Did she feel upset about having that attached to her body or was it just because it reminded her of everything she lived through in her past? She stared at it for a while, trying to find a reason to take it back, but nothing came up. In itself, it didn't bother her to have it, it was more uncomfortable that it wasn't there. But the thought that this could turn her into something similar to those men… really disgusted her, but also scared her..

She decided to review the description of both, the title and the ability she thought were responsible for put her at that crossroads.



She was a bit surprised when realize that she was, in fact, the first of her race. When she got the title, she hadn't paid much attention to it and completely ignore it, but if she had understood correctly then “Oni Demon Lord” was her new race, unique until now, and the reason why she got that title in the first place.

“Wait, doesn't this mean that Miriam should have it too? But I never saw it in her status… Does it mean that there is at least another dragonkin out there? No, this is not what I should be thinking about right now. I'm getting too distracted"

Once again, she stared at the dick dangling between her legs. There was no reason not to have it. Perhaps the only thing would be the "discomforts of having it" that she could recall from Reilan's memory. Things like morning woods, pitching a tent at awkward times, and not being able to wear tight pants. That last one might be the only one that would bother her since it's the type of clothing she loves to use.

In the end, she just decided to leave it as it was and later she would think about it more deeply. She grabbed a sports bra, or at least what appeared to be one. Take matching panties, which she expected, didn't make her feel uncomfortable with the new part of her body, some baggy shorts, and a tight tank top that exposed her six-pack. She decided to leave her hair down since it was a pain to tie it back up, mostly because she didn't even know how to do it anyways. Usually, it was Miriam who did it for her.

As she finished dressing, she thought one last time about what she would do. Was she afraid that the girls would reject her? Yes, but if she didn't do this, if she didn't tell them everything, it would feel that she hadn't changed in the slightest. That everything she lived during these 3 days would have been for nothing. She took a deep breath and decided to say everything, without omitting anything. It didn't matter if she ended up disappointing them, or receiving pity looks, at least she would be honest and whatever happened after that, it was something she would resolve when it happens. For now, it was time to eat something.

At the bottom of the closet, there were different types of footwear, including a pair of setta sandals, she decided to use those and immediately left the place.

Unexpectedly, in the hallway in front of the door, Miriam was waiting for her. Reilanis stopped, surprised to see her there, and even more surprised by the expression she had. The dragon girl was standing there, stroking one of her arms as she looked everywhere but at Reilanis. She looks a little scared.

“Mot-… I… what I…” The girl was stuttering, which was quite strange for her. It was obvious that she was very nervous, even her eyes dodged the Oni at high speed, and were a bit wet.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what was going through her mind at that moment. She was feeling guilty, which Reilanis thought was cute. Although she felt that the blow she received was completely deserved. But seeing her little cub act like that also made her feel responsible for the guilt she was feeling, so she decided that she should do something, something that she normally would never have done.


She says, her voice soft and calm. Miriam's eyes widened and immediately looked at her. Reilanis smiled sweetly, with a motherly expression, causing the smaller girl to stop all thoughts she had been having until now. Reilanis reached her hand towards Miriam, making her jump in fright and letting out a strange sound, but the fear didn't last long as it was replaced by a pleasant feeling of warmth and peace. Reilanis pat the cub’s head tenderly.

“I haven't called you that since you were little, right? – Miriam nodded slightly, looking at Reilanis with her bright silver eyes. – You were thinking about what happened before, right? You don't need to worry about it. If I'm honest, I feel like I deserved that, and i'm happy that you did it."

"No. But, I…M-mother don't…”

“Shh, it's ok. – Gently, Reilanis took Miriam into a warm hug, while she continued to pat her head. The girl froze in her arms., trying to understand what was happening. – It was my fault that you felt alone so don't worry about it anymore. The only thing I ask you is… that you listen to what I have to say, to all of you.”

“Say, to us? About what happened this days?”

“That and…a lot more.”

"What do you...?"

"Don't worry about that. You'll know shortly. For now, how about we go for lunch? Truth is that I am very hungry.”

"Eh? I… uh… um.”

"Cool. Let's go then."

Reilanis took Miriam's hand and they walked down the hall together. The girl, looking at the Oni's back, remembered those years, when she was just a child, being carried in the same way. A shy smile spread across her face. “Maybe…maybe I can finally show her that she can trust me. I… will strive for it.” The dragon girl thought, with renewed hope and determination.


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