Rise of the Dungeon Master

Chapter 22: Chapter 18: The long wait comes to an end.

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"W-what do you mean by... us?" the elf asked nervously. Her mind had gone blank and she had no idea what to do at that moment. That little ember of hope had begun to burn brightly. Her heart wouldn't stop beating and she began to feel anxious.

"I know it's sudden, and I'm sorry about this, but could you wait a little longer? I really need to talk about the situation with Elisa, and from the way she acted today, it's becoming much more urgent than I expected."

"Y-yes, I... I understand."

Vistelia decided to grant her request and wait a little longer. Maybe that would help her calm down a bit, as her heart didn't seem to stop pounding as crazy it was beating faster and faster.

"The conversation will be somewhat serious, but you should drink a little and relax. Why don't you take off your cape too? You look a little heated."

Vistelia just nodded, taking off her cloak, folding it, and putting it next to her on the couch. She really needed to relax. Maybe drinking some of that liquid courage would help. She picked up the cup and took a big gulp, leaving her companion laughing gleefully at the act.

"It's been a long time since we drank together. And I don't remember seeing you drink other than the time we met."

"I don't usually do that, but I think I needed it today."

"Hmm, I guess I understand."

Reilanis refilled both glasses with the delicious wine, and taking a small sip resumed the conversation with a more serious tone.

"So. As you know, I kept several of Reilan's memories. Thanks to that I managed to gather some of the pieces we were missing regarding the 'divine hand' sect."

"Really!? What did you manage to find out?"

"Well, a couple of things, at least. Neradi wasn't the only country involved in all this."

"Was there another one? But... no, it was very likely that another country was involved. It was too convenient that Aldorah could flee to Neradi and climb positions so easily. He needed to have a reputation or at least something to back him up. Was it-!?"

"Bralmiria. Both countries were working together during the whole situation. Bralmiria would be in charge of conducting experiments on people, looking for a "superior warrior" and Neradi would be in charge of researching monsters and beasts, to create a type of guardian. One would create the sword; the other would create the shield."

"And Aldorah who was in charge of the Bralmiria side... when the whole project fell with the escape of their only test subject and the sudden attack of the church, she had to escape and take refuge with his allies in Neradi. So that was the piece we were missing. – Vistelia sighed as she drank some more from her glass. She was somewhat relieved to be able to get some more information, especially something they had been fighting so hard to obtain. - To think it was right under our noses the whole time."

"Although there are some things we need to confirm. According to what I have, in the future, both countries would merge into one big empire, all that carried out after the wedding between the prince of Neradi and the princess of Bralmiria. They would stage a major putsch at the same time in both capitals, taking control and unifying both countries."

"If they were to do that, then they would have control over all the west territory of the Belrose Wall."

To the north of the continent, there are 4 countries, separated by a huge stone wall, called the Wall of Belrose, which divides the northern territories in the Hodor Strait, which lies between the gulf of the Calias Sea and the Great Fall of Gernal, a section of the continent that was sunk into the sea by a great cataclysm hundreds of years ago, and turned into a semi-gulf, with a large number of small islands in its interior.

The Belrose wall, which was built after a long war between the now-divided northern kingdoms, was intended to separate the countries to avoid an even bigger war. The kingdoms of Bralmiria and Neradi on the west side of the Belrose wall, and to the east the Craoder Kingdom and the Great Council of Ibiem. Both eastern countries had entered into a cessation of hostilities, thanks to the efforts of brave heroes who dedicated themselves to improving relations between the two countries. But Bralmiria and Neradi, who longed to take control of the entire northern territory, constantly sent troops, pressuring them on their side of the continent, and wearing them down little by little.

This led the Craoder kingdom and the Great Council of Ibiem to join forces to take up a defensible position in the Hodor Strait, and build a wall sturdy enough to be impossible to break through or flank. All the most powerful earth wizards, engineers, and stonemasons were called in and during a long battle that lasted 10 years, they managed to build what is known today as the Great Wall of Belrose. It is 140 km long, 15 meters high and 9 meters wide and was named after all the soldiers at the Belrose fort who gave their lives defending that point.

Reilanis talked some more about what she could remember about both countries, and the situation adding more pieces to the scheme created by the divine hand. The bottle of wine was emptying quickly as the conversation continued, fueled by the nervousness of both.

"That's the situation we have. The biggest problem, though, is that that's almost all the information I got. According to Reilan, none of what we knew was within his knowledge. He just wrote a backstory for his version of Elisa and wasn't that detailed about it."

"Still, it was an important part that we were missing. We need to travel north and-"

"No, we're not going to do that."

"No? Oh, because of the current situation."

"Well, that too, but it's mostly because we're not strong enough to do something about it. We'd be taking on 2 countries, 4 if we don't do things right. You and I are S and A Rank adventurers, but that wouldn't be enough to have any influence on that place."

"*sigh* I get it. So, what should we do?"

"Well, that was pretty much what I wanted to ask you. Besides, now that we have more concrete information, I thought it was time to talk to Miriam and Elisa about it."

Vistelia drank some more from her glass as she pondered. While it would be a good idea to take this moment to tell both girls about everything they had collected over the past few years, she felt they should wait a little longer.

"Well, regarding that, I think we should get more information about Bralmiria and their connections to Neradi. We might find something we can use against them. We may not even need to act directly. We could spread rumors or some real information among the people, cause revolts in both countries, and let the population deal with them directly. Regarding Elisa and Miriam, I don't think it's a good idea to tell them anything for now."

"Why, wouldn't it be better to take advantage of the fact that we now know who we're up against?"

"Yes, but it's like you said, we're not prepared to do anything about it. And now that we have to concentrate on what will happen in this territory, revealing everything to them would only put unnecessary pressure on them, especially Elisa."

"That's...that's true. And she might try to do something on her own. It's just, you know, I don't want to keep hiding it. Besides, you saw how she was acting earlier."

"Hmm, she's getting more impatient. I can tell she has some resentment for all the time we've kept her in the dark."

"That's why I think I should say something to her."

"I understand you my lady, bu-"

"Hey, could you" – Reilanis interrupted Vistelia's words, but before continuing, she seemed to doubt for a moment whether she should speak her mind. Her expression was bitter, and she felt hesitant, but before long she made up her mind. If it had come to this point, it was better to go with an all-or-nothing. – Will you please stop calling me that?"

Vistelia's expression surprised Reilanis a little. The elf looked shocked, clasped her hands to her chest, and looked down at the ground. The poor girl felt as if she had said the greatest possible offense. She was frightened that she had made such a mistake.

"S-sorry... I... I... Do you hate it so much when I call you like that?”

"No, no, it's not that. It's just..." - Reilanis tried to think of what to answer her. She had to be very careful with her words so that the girl in front of her would not misunderstand her intentions. Although it was difficult to put into words what she wanted to say. Still, she had to be clear with what she felt if she wanted this to go well. - No, if I'm honest, it does bother me. You calling me like that feels cold and distant."


Vistelia repeated that word, trying to find the meaning that might be behind it. The elf looked up and scanned Reilanis' face. She looked lonely and sad. Was it that this "title" that she used on her made the Oni feel that way? She didn't remember when she started doing it, she just did it out of habit. That was how she acted when she had a... "Oh, that was it. Even though I was the one who say that I loved her, calling her like that made her feel like she wasn't someone special to me. Like she was just another customer. Merely a boss and employee relationship."

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"I, how should I address you?"

"*sigh* Why are you suddenly so formal? You should realize that... silly."

That last word left her lips with a very soft tone, and she sounded annoyed. Reilanis was pouting, something that took the elf completely by surprise, she was looking at her with wide eyes and a face that was slowly blushing. She quickly looked away from the Oni.

Vistelia was getting more and more nervous, she felt very hot, and her hands were sweating and started to shake. Maybe it was the alcohol that was affecting her, but she couldn't say for sure. Her heart was beating so loudly that she was afraid Reilanis might hear it. She made great efforts to try to say something, but for some reason couldn’t find the courage to do so. She saw the cup on the table and drank the entire contents in one gulp. Then, as if that act had instilled courage in her, rose from her place and went straight to Reilanis, sitting down next to her. Close to her. Much closer than she normally was. Close enough that their bodies were touching.

"Then... can I... can I call you Lani?"

The elf asked hesitantly. Reilanis, hearing her, could do nothing but smile and let out a small laugh, amused by the nickname she had chosen, leaving Vistelia confused by her reaction thinking that she was wrong again. Reilanis imitated her companion and emptied her glass in one go, then picked up the bottle and, instead of refilling the glasses, drank directly from it.

"I like it. I really like it."

Vistelia felt relieved, happy, and amazed. At last, she could feel that she was closer to her beloved, that she had advanced a little closer to her heart. The elf smiled adorably, completely captivating the Oni who watched her with curiosity and joy.

"But it wouldn't be fair if only you change the way you call me, should I do the same?"

Reilanis brought a hand to her chin, contemplative. She exaggerated her actions, in clear dramatics to amuse her companion, who let out an amused chuckle at such antics.

"Hmm, Vi... no, Miriam already calls you that way so it doesn't feel special. Vivi? Or maybe... Lily? It sounds cute, but it's like calling someone else, how about Lia?"

"My parents used to call me Vivi. But I think Lia is nicer. I like that one."

"Then that'll be it. Nice to meet you, Lia."

"Pleasure's mine, Lani."

They both started laughing, amused by their antics. They finished the bottle of wine after pouring one last round. Reilanis put it away in her inventory, she pulled out another bottle altogether. This one was another type of liquor, a stronger one, and for which she would need a new type of glass to serve it.

She put both glasses away and then took out a couple of larger glasses, old-fashioned ones, into which she poured half of their contents. Then set the bottle on the table, brought one close to the elf, and took a gulp from the other. The liquid burned through her throat as it descended into her stomach, leaving a sensation as if she had drunk liquid fire. For her, this was one of the most pleasant things about drinking. And for the elf…

"*cough* *cough* W-what is this?"

It was clearly too much.

"It's Mist Whiskey. – Replied the Oni, amused by the elf's reaction. – It's a rather strong type of alcohol made in Nyden, northwest of Laraef. I used to drink it when I needed to do something I was terrified of."


Vistelia was confused by the strange statement. "Something you were terrified of? Here? Now?"

"I guess I'll take your advice, and wait to talk to the girls about everything we've been keeping from them."

Reilanis left those words and then kept silent for a while. She took another gulp of her drink and set the glass down on the table. Then took a deep breath and faced Vistelia's confused look.

"Lia, I'm sorry. For putting this off for so long. For running away for almost four years."

At this point, the elf realized what Reilanis wanted to tell her. Words could no longer even describe what she was feeling. Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes, though even she didn't know what meaning they might have. She was both happy and scared. Is this really happening? Was she really going to have this conversation right now? Her mouth went dry and her breathing began to hitch. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears, but she didn't know if it was because it was pounding loud enough to resonate in the silence of that place or because her blood pressure had skyrocketed. What should she do? She wanted to run from how scared she was, but she wanted to hear it, to record in her memory every word her beloved would say. It didn't matter if she accepted her or rejected her, she wanted this moment to determine once and for all what might or might not be between the two of them.

"I... I don't know if what I feel for you is already love, but is more than enough to know that I want to be with you. You are so beautiful and sexy, I love seeing the expressions you make, so adorable that my gaze is trapped by them. Your voice is so captivating, it makes me feel safe and calm. You are someone I can trust without a doubt. – Reilanis began to pour out the full contents of her heart, expressing every word in the sincerest voice she had ever used. She settled back in her place, turning to face the elf who looked at her with her beautiful crimson eyes, shining at every word that Reilanis professed for her. With both hands, she took Vistelia's hands. She grabbed them tightly, trying not to hurt her. - I want you to stay by my side, I want to confirm that my decision to choose you is the right one. I want to change from being just group mates to something more, something better. I wa-"

She was immediately silenced by a pair of lips latching onto hers. Unprepared, taken by surprise, and unwilling to refuse. Vistelia moved so fast that she left Reilanis completely paralyzed. The elf kissed her so unexpectedly and with so much desire that they both simply lost themselves in that moment and forgot everything that existed.

Lia slowly pulled away but kept herself at a distance where she would strike again at any moment. She analyzed the expression of her beloved, who had her eyes wide open and looked like she had forgotten how to breathe. She was looking for any sign of rejection but seeing that the Oni was more red than normal and that her bright golden eyes seemed to desire more than just a kiss, she smiled in happiness.

"I want to be by your side too, forever. I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up, and the last thing when I go to sleep. I want you to be able to lean on me when you need it, I want to be the shoulder to cry on when you're sad and the reason for your smiles when you're happy. – With every word Vistelia said, more and more tears of happiness and relief shed. She had never felt so happy, so... complete, in all her life. - I love you, as I have never loved anything in my whole life. And I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone but you."

Vistelia had let out years of insecurities, fear, and repressed longings. She had waited too long to be able again to tell the woman in front of her how much she cared, how much she wanted her, how much she loved her. The relief in her heart was such that she felt extremely light as if the softest breath would send her soaring through the sky.

Reilanis, on the other hand, had had a short circuit in her brain. She had prepared herself so much for that moment, to be able to tell her how she felt. She was even prepared to hear the complaints she might throw at her for keeping her waiting so long. But instead, she received sweet words of comfort and love. The elf in front of her was shedding tears, but not of sadness or anger, they were real tears of happiness and relief, highlighted even more by the purest and most beautiful smile she had seen her make since she met her. She was fascinated by that face, by that woman who waited patiently for her.

Reilanis was now the relieved one. "It wasn't easy, but now that it's done it felt so easy that I can't even believe it." In her mind, she had been so incredibly scared, she had to use alcohol as a source of courage and in a way, she was glad it had worked. Now even she had started to cry a little. They both looked at each other for barely a couple of seconds, before Reilanis took the initiative and started kissing the elf with much more passion than her, now partner, had done before.

Vistelia wrapped her arms around Reilanis' neck, and the Oni placed her hands on the elf's waist. Their lips and tongues danced a dance to the rhythm of their beating hearts. A dance that only they would know and enjoy. Moist sounds echoed in the room, complemented by the gasps and heaving breaths that, joined to the rhythm of their beating hearts, created a melody as sweet as the taste of the lips they were devouring.

Which in a way was what was happening. They were both clumsy, and their tongues inexperienced, but there was so much desire for each other, that they were more than delighted nonetheless.

Vistelia tried to suck her partner's tongue, while Reilanis tried to lick her partner’s lips. It seemed more like a battle between the two than an act of love for each other.

Between this chaotic dance of love, panting, and passion, both explored their partner's body. The elf's hands went to Reilanis' face, tangling her fingers in her hair, caressing her cheeks, horns, and ears. She longed to feel every part of her face, to imprint every inch of her skin on her senses.

Reilanis, on the other hand, slowly moved her hands across the elf's thighs, slowly up her hip, her waist, her back, and then down that ass that mesmerized her every time she saw her walk without her cloak.

They were two women who desired each other, letting themselves be carried away by an overflowing feeling of pure desire. Reilanis was more than aware of how much she wanted to be with her, how much she wanted to make her happy. And, above all, how much she wanted to take her and make her hers.

The echo of their wet kisses, the gasps, and the touch of their hands on each other's skin echoed in that room, creating a cacophony of lust and desire. A rosy mood had settled in and was beginning to take effect in both of their bodies. And something that would naturally happen, happened.



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