Rise of the Last Champion

Chapter 2: Garden of Eden

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Somewhere in the reaches of this darkness, I felt alive. I couldn’t explain it—it was somewhat of a gut feeling. And this feeling had never let me down before. So I struggled to put myself together, in every way that I could. I tried bucking, moving my fingers and toes, but nothing. If I could be honest with this sensation, it felt like I had this crushing weight of gravity pushing me in place, holding my body down, and keeping me captive in my own mind. I had awareness, yet I couldn’t do anything with it. Until I felt something rippling lightly through my chest, before the gripping pain shot me right up—

“AHHHHHHH!” I gasped, every nerve in my body crying in agony. Visions of a raging inferno wrapped around my mind, making me numb again. I was seized with heat, unwavering heat, the flames dancing in my thoughts like power I’d never experienced before.

And I was in the center of it…

I snapped my eyes open and clenched my bare chest, my fingers slipping over a hardness in the center of it. However, when I looked down, I not only realized that I was completely naked, but I saw a red crystal-like shard glowing between my suddenly enlarged pecks.

“What the hell?!”

I was shaken up, literally. I couldn’t process where I was, or this sudden increase in godly definition. I was toned, like a male swimsuit model on an issue of Vogue. Between this permanent pierced stud in my chest and my improved physique, I was speechless, looking up into the hot sun, where the sky was as clear as summer morning.

I squinted and shielded my eyes, with my chest still glowing, and the pain in it slowly tapering off. I was finally able to catch up with my breath, gathering enough strength in me to stand up. Shit, I felt like I’d just fought a Raptor and was torn to shreds. I ached in parts of my body I didn’t know I could, my feet stammering around the thick leafy wilderness lost. The climate was decent, a bit on the warm side, and the smell was like Mother Nature—dewy and sharp. I gritted down into my jaw, my hands brushing past the tousled and tall strands of vegetation to a creek in my path.

Water—maybe it was something short of an instinct to go off looking for a big body of water. Only now did I realize how thirsty I was.

Even so, I was conflicted. Something in the air was telling me that I wasn’t home anymore. I grabbed my head, trying to figure out how I got to this place. The last thing I remembered was the huge rock that dropped into Roe City. Not strong enough to blow us all into space, but strong enough to make an impression—earthquake, vacuum in space, devastation, followed by a prompt teleportation.

Into here, wherever the hell here was…

I stared down at the water and considered my options. I had no idea if it was safe or not. Unfortunately, that was the least of my worries. Because when I crouched over the brim and sharpened my eyes down at my reflection, I made a terrifying discovery.

That god bod came with a drawback.

“What the hell!? Am I a monster?!”

I had somehow transformed on the trip here. With my once dark hair turned white, and the shell of my ears pointed. I also had a pair of long dark horns on my head, and a set of fangs in my mouth.

I was freaking out! Losing my shit! All of the fucking above! What in the hell was going on around here?! Why did I turn into this demon looking hunk with a chiseled chest, a sharp jawline, and strapping… long hair? I didn’t realize I had a tail, my hair longer than before. And judging by the equipment dangling between my legs, that wasn’t the only thing that grew out.

For a moment, I took some time to appreciate my assets in my reflection. Besides the ears and the horns, I still looked relatively human. To be honest, this transformation wasn’t half bad. And the reality of it was—

I look like a hot bad ass.”

“HELP ME!” I heard a scream from a distance, my eyes poking forward. I then looked over my shoulders, the sound echoing at me again. This time, I had a better idea of where it was coming from, and I turned to my right, going back the way I came.

I rushed down the wet grass and into a scene, I mean a real scene. It took me a half second to register what I was seeing right now—a naked elf girl under a fallen tree, with a round puffer fish looking monster inching closer to her.

I didn’t think, just act. I rushed in with no idea how I was going to take this beast down. Thankfully, it wasn’t very smart, barely moving the closer I ran toward it. I cocked my arm back and reached in for a powerful strike, my fist sinking into its slimy skin before bouncing right back at me. When my arm ricocheted back to me, I froze, my eyes growing wide at the details of its skin starting to pimple up. “Shit!” I grunted under my breath, before I took a fumbling step back, its defensive pins springing my way.

Luckily, I fell on my ass far enough to miss the spikes by a hair. I scrambled myself up, and then glared the fucker down, its stubby legs still fixated on inching closer to that girl.

“Please keep this nasty fish on steroids away from me! I’m too young to die!” she cried, trying to wedge her stuck legs from under the tree.

“Hey! Your fight is with me, seaweed breath!” I taunted, still, I got little reaction from it. So I charged at it again, this time, using the spikes to climb on its back.

He was round, and so very god damn stubborn! No amount of yanking was steering this bad boy away from its target. I was getting annoyed, especially after it crouched over and started sniffing at her. Its spongy lips were getting too close to the girl, so I improvised, cranking my fist back again, and channeling something inside me for a fiercer punch. “I said, back up!” I growled, setting off a spark around my fist. And with my trajectory dead center between those big glossy eyes, I carved into its skull with my intense flames, the impact from my punch making it explode.

Chunks of flesh engulfed in flames showered us like fireworks, the smell of grilled fish swallowing the air. The girl covered her face under her arms until the sizzling meat rain died down, while I was surprisingly unfazed by that powerful punch I’d just landed. Strange world, strange powers. I guess I should have been more overwhelmed or even scared, but frankly, I was just thrilled by my new assets.

I took the opportunity to haul the trunk of the tree off of her. When I was done, I took a look around for any more threats, before walking up to her with my hand out, offering her some help up.

“Are you all right?” I asked the girl, who looked like a variation of pseudo human just like me. She had short ivory hair and tiny adorable short horns on her forehead. And her eyes, they were a shade of bright shimmering green—sclera, pupil and all. She had that whole Starfire look working for her, but unlike Starfire, her complexion was fleshy, down to her pink fingertips and toes.

I guess she could turn that feature off and on, because as she was gawking at me, her green eyes turned normal.

When she didn’t reach for my hand, my eyes jumped to the distraction captivating her. I’d almost forgotten I had my third leg out, and while it would have been my natural instinct to shield it from her, we had an intense moment and stared it out.

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I wasn’t about to break, not before she did! I could hear her gulp down a hot heap of nerves, because if she looked away now, it’d just be awkward, wouldn’t it?

“Ahhh! I was in a trance!” she finally bellowed out, slapping her hands over her eyes. “What type of sorcery is this?!”

Ha, what an interesting save!

But I wasn’t falling for it. It would have been funnier if she’d just owned up to being so interested. I wouldn’t strike her for staring at my jewels.

“Heh, the fact that you haven’t moved yet means that your legs are probably still numb,” I observed. “Don’t start being bashful now.” I gave her a kind smile, the girl slowly uncovering her eyes, and her blush.

“You have a nice pair!” she squeaked.

I snickered. “So do you.” Ooph, was I terrible for saying that?!

She caved in and took my hand. I pulled her up with strength I’d just gotten accustomed to, her bare full breasts stumbling into my chest unexpectedly.

I snatched her hips, holding her back from falling. When my fingers fell along the dimples above her cheeks, she gasped and looked up to me, those beautiful green eyes of hers more mesmerizing up close.

Well, I can’t say that I expected to get this close and personal to a girl I just met from a near death experience.

She was soft, and short, maybe 5’2. Clearly the shortest girl I’d met in a while. Her voice was perky too. She gave off lovely Earthly smells, like being in a fresh meadow, with a hint of honey. There was something different about her that I couldn’t put my finger on. Whatever the case, I liked having her close by, and the feeling seemed mutual.

“Um, thank you!” she said sheepishly. “For saving me.

I flashed her a sincere smile. “No problem. How the hell did you get stuck under there anyway?”

“I have no clue. I just woke up like this.” She finally gave me a confident grin. “My name is Aubri.”

“Codey. Any idea where we are?”

“I am just as clueless as you are, I think. One moment, I was in the Korean bakery down King’s Street, Roe City, and then the next, I am here, waking up under a tree. That sea monster came from the creek. It looked small at first, but then it kept on growing, and growing! I am no expert in this or anything, but I don’t think we are on Earth anymore.”

“Yeah, that theory sounds about right. Want a lift?”


“Well, there’s no point in standing around here, praying for answers. We might as well search around, maybe there are more survivors.”

“You’re talking about the huge rock, right? The one that teleported us here?”

“Yeah. I was in my truck when it all went down. A few blocks from King’s Street, actually. I haven’t the slightest clue as to what the fuck is going on, but we need to find out. Preferably, before the sun goes down.” I looked down at her chest, not to be a pervert or anything, but I started feeling something warm coming from her. Between the soft pillowy breasts, I saw a crystal shard just like mine lighting up, except hers was green. I had no clue what that meant, and didn’t bother to ask her either. She was still frazzled from the jump, and clearly disturbed by the creatures in this new world we’d stumbled into. 

Whether or not it was an accident, that question was still in the air.

“I think my friend Jake was portaled here as well. I have to go find him and make sure he’s all right.”

“Okay!” she beamed, wrapping her arms around me before I scooped her up by her naked tush. My hands gliding down her soft skin to the wedge behind her knees gave her chills, this sweet girl flashing me excited eyes. I could tell that she was somewhat shy but playful, too, and had an immediate attachment to the random naked guy who’d just saved her. “This feels like a strange Garden of Eve story.”

“Too bad there’s no apple, cause I’m starving.”

“Me too.”

“Come on. Let’s hit the trails. We’re bound to find something up this hill.”

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