Rise Of the Lost Forge

Chapter 9: Ch. 9 World’s End

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Carth and Shela returned to finish what they had started. Carth went to the forge to finish teaching Eliza while Shela went to do final exams for the trainees. While Carth was teaching Eliza some tricks he heard the door open. 

"Carth, there you are. Moll wants to talk to you, something about preparations," Braith declared with Lilith just behind. Carth agreed.setting aside his tools they left to see what Moll needs. Walking into the dome, everyone was silent. Braith knocked on the door and it promptly opened. Inside sat Moll with some bags and a coin purse.

"Ah Carth good that you are here. We got this delivery for you by the one who sent the last note. The messenger was quite an odd man if you ask me. Said that if I were to open this bag before you I would be on death's door," a shiver ran through everyone's spines. 

He grabbed the bag and opened it, inside was another note along with a small pouch of round tubes with string sticking out. 

To Carth

Inside this bag contains funds to support your travel to World's End. You will also find tubes with string, these are firecrackers. Light the string on fire and throw them to make a loud sound that will draw attention if you ever get in trouble. Next I heard about your companion. Inside you will find an envelope with orders from "The Phoenix" that will allow you to keep her as a servant. Just remember she will need to wear shackles in their territory to be safe. Lastly there is a whistle, blow when you feel you want to. I can't wait to hear more of where your story follows

Sincerely, Z.N

Carth looked through everything in the bag with awe. He inspected each item carefully. Each of these gifts were separated neatly in separate cloth wrappings. The firecrackers were painted red with a white, sturdy string. While the whistle was made of iron gilded with gold. Lastly the envelope, inside was a note explaining that a large shek is a servant to the bearer of the note, thus the Phoenix's decree. The note was marked with the official seal of the Phoenix.

"Well… anything else I should know?" Carth asked while finishing on examining the items.

"This," she tossed the coin purse, "ten thousand cats," cats is what the currency is called. It was a shortened name for Catun. Inside the purse was ten thousand coins with square holes in them. 

"Ah the funds. I see, guess we will head out soon then," Carth openly remarked. "I wonder where this will take me."

They wrapped up the meeting and headed to their duties. Carth arrived back at the forge with a backpack full of the supplies he is going to take with him.

"What's the backpack for?" Eliza said with concern, "are you leaving?"

Carth just nodded his head, he knew that it was his time to go, he had to find out about this world he was so oblivious to. Eliza looked at him in dispaleaf. How could he be leaving this soon? 

Carth finished gathering everything and went to find Shela. Turns out she found out the news and had her stuff all packed waiting for him at the gate. 

"Well? How did the exams go?" Carth said, trying to lighten the mood.

"They are all proud to know how to defend their homes," Shela looked past the gate, "so where are we going? I knew it would be getting around time to go, but do you know where?" 

"World's End, somewhere east northeast. Going to find a man to find out what I need to know."

"Then let's get going. Longer we wait, the earlier we would have to set up camp for the night."

As the duo began to leave they heard shouting calling their names. Denz, Eliza, Stun, Braith, and Lilith. All of them had backpacks. 

"We are coming with you, whether you like it or not." Denz declared as the group caught up with them.

Carth just laughed and did the following motion to the group. They began their journey through the forest towards the city of World's End. During the trip the group asked many questions to learn about each other.

"I do have a question for you Carth," Braith spoke up, "what are your thoughts on skeletons."

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"Well," Carth paused, a bit hesitant he answered, "I do fear them, they aren't like you and I. They leak black blood. Their skin is made of literal metal, and their voices don't seem to be their own. Sure the stories they tell back in the Holy Nation make them the pure target of evil. Though I don't believe them, I do fear them for what they are capable of, most look identical, and I still am not sure if they even feel mercy, the day I found Stun showed them to truly be dangerous. Wait… why are you asking?"

Braith squirmed a bit "well.. They say there are some skeletons living in the city, one even runs the place. Carth, if you meet them, please try to stay calm. I know you may only know them as monsters but trust me when I say this, I have met one and he was kind."

The travel to the city was mostly uneventful. Only a few cannibal stragglers here and there. Upon reaching a mountain's edge Denz spoke up

"We are almost there. The city is on top of this mountain, on the plateau. The height keeps the cannibals off their backs." 

Ascending up the trail many travelers were passing them by with many assortments of creatures, some heavily armored and others in basic straps. These beasts ranged from the small to the giant. Out of all of them there were three common ones. The bonedog, a dog that looks like it's wearing another dog's skull as a helmet. Then there were the pack bulls. The bull looked to be a mix of a cow bull and an armadillo. The horns of the bull were above its shoulders with the shell covering the top half along with its head. Finally the pack beasts. The pack beast also known as the garru are large dog like animals with the skin and hump of a camel along with floppy dog like ears. They had huge hind legs and shorter front ones.

The group reached the top where the gate to the city was. Two guards stood with mismatched armor sets.

"Halt, bag checks," one of the guards stepped forward to stop the group. They inspected the bags one by one. When they reached Carth’s bag they pulled out the whistle.

"Very valuable tool you got here sir. But I don't recognize what creature it'll call though." He put it back into the bag, "you a smith? Always been looking for someone who could try to fix old C's blade. The thing's been important to him for so damn long that even when it is shattered he refuses to throw it away. Anyway I won't hold you, your clear go on in."

Inside the walls the town was bustling. Traders and merchants wander the streets, many talking to people about their findings or products. There were two rows of buildings all with signs above the doors signifying what shop it was. There were armories, smith shops, traveling gear, bars, robotics, and even a convenience store. Outside some of the stores were little market stalls. Most of these stalls were selling odds and ends, from clothes to freshly grilled meats, this place must be one of the few centers of trade.

They came across a large building with the sign outside stating it was a bar. Entering, they heard constant chats among many of the patrons ranging from Rebirth escapes to United Cities taxes. 

"Welcome! Fun to see new faces," the bartender waved them over, "what brings you to World's End? Everyone comes here for something, what's your goal or target?"

The bartender was a tall man, and muscular to boot. He had a neatly combed short beard, with a shortcut hairstyle. His eyes were golden brown. To an average man he is near two heads taller. His eyes clearly show he has seen it all. 

Carth stood in front of the group and whispered to the man, "we are here for a man named Collindore. I received a letter to seek him out." 

The bartender paused, thinking where he had heard that name before, then he remembered, "Ah I remember now! The skeleton that lives in the small store for robotics! You'll find him on the North side close to the large Citadel. He is quite the talkative type. Well Goodluck on that! Want any food or drink before you go?"

Everyone shook their heads looking at Carth as he went pale. A skeleton? The one thing he feared? Is this a trap? Why of all the races it had to be that. They left the bar and began to head north to the place the bartender mentioned, reaching the small house a skeleton walked out "Thanks doc," 

Entering the building stood a skeleton, imagine an actual skeleton of a person's skeletal system in replace of metal, rusted here and there with a boxy head. On the head were two eye sockets with camera-like eyes. Pipes along their entire system filled with a black substance act as veins.  They have speakers where their mouths are supposed to be. 

"Exclamation: Welcome to bots parts and pieces what can I do for you?" The skeleton said welcoming them in with a radio like voice, "query: are you a smith? I hope you heard from the guards about my self defense weapon." 

The group looked towards Carth, who was hiding behind the group, clearly mortified by the situation. Problem is he is the only one that knows why they needed to speak to this skeleton. Shela held Carth’s hand for reassurance that it would be OK. It was odd to see such a straightforward and stern man such as Carth panic so quickly. 

"Our friend could fix your blade, he is not here right now but I'm sure he would be glad to do it," Braith spoke up to break the awkward silence.

"Statement: wonderful! The weapon is made of basic iron in a shape classified as a "horse chopper". I will be pleased with repairs and will pay the repair quota he desires as the smith in the city lacks the proper time to deal with my menial task." The skeleton handed her the weapon and the piece that snapped off, "informative statement: if the smith requires any information regarding the blade tell him to seek Collindore out, as I would be pleased to inform him of anything to quicken the repairs."

The group left the building and stared at Carth, which at this point was visibly shaking and white as snow with bright red cheeks. 

"This is going to be hell isn't it," Denz said with his hand on his face.

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