Rise of the Summoned Hero!

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Hero

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The golden light in the center of the cabe stopshining, a man appeared his expression was totally confused. He looked at the women behind him and his expression showed slight surprise, he showed a smile...

In this kind of situation a normal person would be dying of fear, he appeared in other world!

But, Ryuuzaki is very carefree... 

"Hello, My name is Ryuuzaki. But you can call me Ryu" His smile grew, the girls showed a surprised expression. Tianne regained from her stupor and her staff touched Ryu's head.

"Hey? Can you explain me what the hell did you do?" His voice became serious but he remained his smile, he knew that the girls were not his enemies, in fact this girl that looks like a saint made something to his body. He felt something awakening in his body.

"W-We will explain it later, please help us, we will pay you" Tianne begged, Ryu sighed seeing that expression, he isn't a bastard, And he would not turn his back on someone who needs his help.

And of course the mainly reason is that if a woman like Tianne asks for it, it is very difficult for him to refuse.

"What should I do?" He spoke with calm surprising more the girls, Illuse was the first to talk.

"We need your sperm!" Illuse said with no shame.


"Illuse!" Filia hit Illuse's head as she shows a angry expression. Her elf sister is very naughty... She didn't wait to explain the things to the man and she is asking things!

"Hehehe" Illuse showed a silly smile.

"That's interesting, and a good offer. But I think that we don't have time" Ryu looked at the orcs. This is the first time that he faced monster, but it is similar like the games that he played.

He was surprised but he didn't show it on his face, he played a lot of rpg/mmo games and this is practically his wet dream! The girl that look like a saintess gave him the opportunity of a new adventure!

And that made him act....

Ryu showed a wild smile that send chills to the girls, he clenched his fists and walked towards the orcs without fear. 

"W-Wait hero, it's to dangerous." Tianne holded his hand feeling concern, the orcs were standing. She didn't want to let the man die after summoning him, she will never forgive herself if that happen.

"Don't worry, just help me from behind" Ryu said, he was feeling a big power, strength,vitality he feel something inside him that he cannot release very well.


Lightning danced around Ryu's arms!

"L-Lightning magic!?" The girls were shocked, the Lightning magic is a powerful and lethal magic. A magic that millions of people can wish but not have.

"Let's do this" Ryu took a martial art pose, the orcs regained from their stupor and pounced on him.


The orcs were about to attack him, but they stopped when their weapons were closed to the man!

"Grrrr!" The orcs growled their red eyes gleamed.



Under the surprised gaze of the women, the orcs were pushed. Their chest were sagging but Ryu didn't move!


Ryu looked at the girls with a smile, the Lightning moving wildly around his body.

"Are you going to help me or stay there?" His smile became mocking, when he played mmo/rpg games he loved to fight with his party/clan. The teamwork is very effective after all...

The girls tilted their heads, after all that is a normal reaction, the lightning magic is a very unseen magic.

"Sorry" Illuse's expression became serious, her bow glowed with a golden hue. Filia appeared next to Ryu and Tianne was behind Illuse, the formation was very good now.


The orcs entered into a berserk state, from their bodies a slight dark pressure emerged.

"I will contain them" Ryu said and leaned his body at the same time as Filia.


The ground beneath them cracked with their physical strength. With a great speed they appeared in front of the orcs, Ryu and Filia took an orc first, Ryu twist the orc's arms easily, it was a pretty amazing and brutal sight, a human who is 1.87M had just twist the arms of a 10 meter orc, Filia's sword was able to penetrate through the orc's chest because of how sunken he was, it killed him instantly when her sword stabbed his heart.

The remaining orcs reacted immediately being able to move faster due to their berserk state, they attacked Filia because they knew that the woman was not as fast as the man, but for the unfortunate case of the orcs Ryu was there....


Ryu moved his hands with lightning dancing around them, he made thousands of cuts on the arms of the orcs, then he held Filia like a princess surprising her and retreated. This under human eyes looked stupidly fast but not to Ryu, it was as if they were all moving in slow motion that's the reason why even the orcs who are in berserk state cannot catch him. Magical arrows and spells exploded at the orcs wounding them!

"Be careful woman" Ryu said and put her on the ground, He noticed that Filia had a red color in her ears making her look very attractive.

Ryu bite his lips in frustration, if he weren't in this situation he would tease this woman and make her his woman immediately.

"Thank you" Filia said in lower voice, this is the fist time that she was treated like a woman due to certain things.

"We almost have them!" Illuse said with excitement, the orcs' defense became bad in their berserk state, so they could hurt them easily.

You are reading story Rise of the Summoned Hero! at novel35.com

"?" Filia felt that she was being holding, now she was suspended over the orcs little lightning were dancing aroud her voluptuous body...

Without warning Ryu had thrown her up! And he was already at the orcs who were suffering from the attacks of Illuse and Tianne, Under the surprise gaze of the girls the man among the orcs grabbed their muscular legs and knocked them down!

That is the strength and capability of a hero...

Even though he has not trained his magic or increased his power, the one who had just arrived beat high level orcs in strength!

Filia understand what the man wanted to do, when the gravity made its work. She brandished her greatsword towards the orc's chest...


Filia's strength was simply awesome, the chest of the orc literally explode like a watermelon!

Ryu took care of the last orc, he focused all of his lightning magic on his right arm and slaughter the orc brutally.


Its bones broke and the heart of the orc exploded, his body completely twisted and broken.


Ryu sighed with relief, he would lie if he say that he was nervous, he was in his house and now he was killing orcs with beautiful women.

Filia bite her pink lips as the girls did, the potential of the Hero is a monstrosity...

But the problem was to convince the man... They had just done something that should make him very angry and he would probably end up rejecting them and they would have to send him back to his world.

'It's like a game!' Ryu's eyes glow he felt more stronger after killing an orc.



The women and Ryu were in an inn now Ryu had explorer clothes on his body, he was looking at the women. They seemed to want to say something.

"Talk if you want, I don't bite." Ryu said with an amused expression. The girls began to talk at the same time, they looked very cute.


Filia coughed, she is going to explain everything.

"As you now, you were teleported to another world" Filia said with a complicated expression, she didn't wanted to do this to a innocent person but they were in problems.


"You were chosen as a Hero, your powers,talent everything is incredible stronger. Only someone like you can help to kill  the demon king, and even more importantly, you have something special that makes women stronger." Filia's cheeks turned red as the girls'

"Let me guess if you take my sperm you will become stronger." Ryu said, his amused smile growing.


The girls nodded aggressively. Their faces turned completely red this time, this subject is a bit embarrassing for them.

'This sounds like a porn history now' Ryu couldn't help but think.

His life had become quite repetitive and lonely, and as if the Goddess of Fortune smiled at him, he was chosen as a hero!

A hero with very special features!

'A new start...' Ryu's eyes glowed with excitement. He looked at the girls' eyes.

"If you don't want, You can back" Tianne said with a complicated expression.

"I will stay." Ryu displayed a soft smile, this opportunity... It's something he would never have again in his life, and he would definitely accept it. He didn't want to go back to his repetitive and boring life, Japan sucked. That was one of the reasons why he traveled so much.

"Eh?" The expression of the girls became silly.

Did he just say yes!?


Author's discord:

https://discord.gg/jpdnvpw6 The images of the characters are there, I tried to post it on glossary but I cannot. I am new in scribblehub xD.







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