Rise of the Vampire Queen

Chapter 28: 27 – New Beginnings

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A few days after talking to Elden and James, Navi returned with the horses. Everyone was pretty surprised to see the new additions, and a stable for them was planned out. A large number of people can make menial work like clearing land a lot easier.

Ailine has been running near constant trips of the vegetable floor in the Abyssal Dungeon to be able to feed everyone more than meat. Eventually, we would like others to do this, but that would mean disclosing that we have another dungeon. Plus, only someone with my signet ring can activate the teleportation platforms. For now, we can get a couple days' worth of vegetables with a single night of fast runs. Because of this, we have built up some surplus.

Everyone loves Princess Lala, because who wouldn't like a cute fairy that spends a lot of time playing with kids, turning over dirt, or refilling water barrels? She has quickly become the go-to when the people need something with elemental magic completed. 

Things were peaceful, and buildings were starting to slowly come together. We even began clearing and building a wooden palisade to the side of the outside gate that all fields will eventually be placed in. Navi and I built evenly spaced stone pillars with holes at top and bottom for horizontal trees, and a ditch between for verticals. Using this as a great opportunity to start our monetary economy by hiring workers to build.

Like this, two and a half months passed, and Navi's flower made another rhizome. I had an idea what I wanted to do for Ailine, and was secretly working on it when she was gone and I had time, but it would take a while. Then a month later, Ailine and I got a message from Navi in the middle of the night.

(SHE'S HERE! Hurry up you vampires! My new little girl is blooming!)

"Oh, it's about that time."

"This is so exciting!" Ailine said. "I wonder what she'll be like."

"Probably full of energy if I had to guess."

When we got there, the flower was starting to slowly open. Navi was buzzing all around and couldn't stay still. Meanwhile, Lala was fluttering around looking nervous, excited, and anxious. Finally, the petals fully opened, and a new fairy raised her arms, stretched with a yawn, and blinked her eyes.

She was tan, with bright blue eyes. Her muscles were a bit more defined, and she had a wavy short bob of white hair. Behind her were clear white wings with veins that almost looked like lace. 

Yup. Another adorable fairy.

And she was tackled before she could stand.

"My baby! It's me, your mommy! I love you so much! You are so cute! We're going to have so much fun together! Just wait until—"

This little fairy actually started trying to pull away, but the strength difference was just too great.

"Woah! Mom! Chill out, will ya! Let go of me, I can't move!" she said while struggling in her grip.

"Oh my baby! I'll never let you go, ever!"

"Mom! C'mon! At least let me breathe!"

They went back and forth for a bit until Navi finally relented, but wouldn't let go of her arm.

"Fine, fine. Let me introduce you to everyone," Navi said as they flew over to us while she was still glued to her new daughter's arm. "We have the vampire couple, your Aunt Lia and her wife, Aunt Ailine. And here we have your adorable big sister, Lala."

"Sup Aunties, Big Sis!"

""Hello,"" Ailine and I both said.

"H-hello Little Sister."

Lala looked so excited.

"Navi, are you going to give her a name?" I remind her.

"Right! A name… Hmmm… Tsuki! You'll be Tsuki Nikita! The second princess of the fairies."

"Sounds good to me," Tsuki shrugs.

"Lala! Let's show your sister around our home!"

"Yes, Mother!"

As they start pulling her away, I call out. "Navi! Clothes!"

"Oof! That's right! You need something as pretty as you, Tsuki! Hmm… let's see… This!"

After thinking for a bit, she pulls out a tiny white to blue ombré sundress, a pair of slippers, and a pair of panties for her. The blue matches her eyes and the white contrasts nicely with her tan skin along with her white hair. It seems fairies really like wearing ombré sundresses, because more than half the time that's what they're in. They also tend to match their hair, eyes, or wings all the time. Also, how many dresses or other clothes does Navi have in her storage? Do I even want to know?... Probably not.

"Thanks, Mom!" Slipping into her new clothes, the three fairies fly off into the night.

"Well then. We've got a new family member now." I said to Ailine.

"We do!" She exclaimed. "And she's just as cute as her sister."

"I doubt we'll see them until tomorrow night." 

"I agree. I assume Navi will power level her to start out with?"

"Probably. Having the extra stats really helps. Unless they want to take on the boss, it'd probably be faster for her to just drop rocks on the fortress while Tsuki hangs out up in the air."

"Their flight really seems like cheating sometimes," she said with a slightly furrowed brow.

"Right? Since things have settled down with the humans, we should probably get back to working to clear the dungeon as soon as Tsuki is settled and leveled. In the meantime, want to do some vegetable runs together?"

"Of course!"

Hand in hand we walk to the dungeon entrance, content and just enjoying each other's company.

It was a month and a half later when our comfortable routine was shaken by a message from Navi while out scouting the wider area.

(Lia. Ailine. I found something while out a bit farther northeast.)

(What's up Navi? You don't sound yourself,) I sent back.

(I found a couple of carriages and some humans heading north-northwest. One of the carriages looks a lot like the type that was there when we found Ailine.)

I looked over and could see some anger coming from Ailine as she clenched her fists.

(Are you able to see if the fuckers have any women with them? How many are there?)

(Only eight men that I see. All trash for levels. Haven't been able to see in the carriage. They're all camping for the night right now. Want me to try to confirm the contents?)

(Yeah, if you can without being seen.)

(Gimme a min.)

Looking back at Ailine, I can only hold her hand and wait to see what Navi finds.

A few minutes later, she answers back.

(Five women. Various states. None as bad as Ailine was.)

(Kill all the fuckers, Navi,) I reply without hesitation.

(Wait a minute, Navi.) Ailine stopped Navi from killing them for some reason. Looking at her confused, she explains.

"Lia. If none of them were as bad as I was, they should still have some life left. I still don't know where they were trying to take me all those years ago. If we can meet up with Navi as she follows them, we could find where they're going, and potentially find more women."

Just looking at her, she's determined in this. I know she wants to kill them as much, if not more than me. To let those women continue to suffer even a couple days longer will weigh on her, but it makes sense. Navi still hasn't found any bandit hideouts close to our home. Wherever they're going has to be well hidden.

(Navi,) I said. (We're going to follow them and find where they're going. Then launch a full assault.)

She's silent for a few seconds. (I really want to kill these poop heads, Lia.)

(Me too, Navi. But this could save more people.)

(... Fine, I won't kill them for now. What're you going to do if there's more women? Hope there's more carts?)

Good point. We can't really drive horses at night, and depending if there's more women, the two carriages here might not be enough.

Ailine squeezes my hand. "Lia, what if we ask James and a couple of his men? If we ride horses out there, we can have a couple wagons stored in a big-bag. Then we can just take the wagons out once we get there to take people back. They don't have to fight. They can just tend to the horses while we kill the people."

"That's a great idea, Ailine. I know how much you want to get these bastards. I'll go wake up James to prepare his men and we can leave at first light."

I relayed the rough plan to Navi.

Navi then tells the other fairies, (Lala, Tsuki, we're talking with your aunts right now. I found some slavers and we're going to follow them to their hideout. Lala, I want you to come too. Stay with your aunts until you get here. Tsuki, watch over the garden. We'll all be back as fast as we can.)

Lala replies, (Yes, Mother.)

(Sure, Mom. Be safe and kick some ass!) Tsuki said.

(Lala,) I sent to her. (We're going to ride horses out there. Can you meet me at sunrise at the gate?)

(Um… Aunt Lia? Do you maybe think we could bring Talon as well? I know you were practicing riding her, and I think it could be good for her to get out.)

That… would be pretty fucking cool. Talon is faster than any of the horses, and big enough for Ailine and I to ride together.

"You never learned to ride a horse, right Ailine?"

"I didn't… Sorry, Lia. We only had a couple in the village."

"No worries, we can take Talon together."

"That would be nice." I said before sending a message back to Lala.

(Yeah, that sounds good, Lala. See you then.)

I turn back to my wife. "Ailine, can you get a big-bag with three of the bigger wagons loaded? I'll get James and two others to ride horses that can draw the wagons on the return. We'll plan on taking their horses and at least those two carriages as well."

"Yes, Lia."

"Ok, I'll go wake up James. Let's get out there as quick as we can."


POV - James

(James...James...James, wake up.)

Coming out of a deep sleep in my little house, I heard Her Majesty talk in my mind. To wake me up, something must have happened.

(Yes, Your Majesty, I'm awake. What's the situation?)

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(Two days' ride northeast of here are a couple bandit carriages carrying slaves. We're going to follow them to their base, and destroy it. Rescuing any people we can. To save time, we're going to ride horses and have three wagons stored in bags for potential survivors.

(I need you and two others who can ride and drive a wagon. I'm preparing the horses, and Ailine is handling provisions and camping items. Get two others and grab your armor and weapons. 

(We will be dealing with survivors of rape and potential torture. Give selection priority to suitable women if possible. We will bag all the armor to ride light and fast. We leave at first light. Understood?)

(Yes, Your Majesty!)

Saluting out instinct even though I'm in bed, I get up immediately to prepare and notify the others.

I'm a bit worried about only taking so few, but then I remember that the queens destroyed an entire company of holy knights.

As much as I respect them all, I also have a tinge of fear at their power. Even just watching them use magic to help those around the town. Or when I have sparred with Her Majesty. 

What she lacks in technique, she more than makes up for in power. Her swordsmanship has improved significantly in the couple months I have trained with her. 

In all honesty, I can't imagine a much better ruler. I have sworn to stay by My Lord's side when I became his personal knight when he was a boy. He is a kind man, and Realyn is a wonderful match for him. He has the makings of an excellent noble, but not a ruler. If he has two flaws, it is that he is a touch too kind, and a tad too concerned with receiving other's opinions on decisions. 

These can be great traits for a noble, and is part of the reason all of the survivors from the attack followed him. He is truly loved by the people. Getting their opinions has made planning the town a great success, but for a ruler? He has always been too close to his people as an individual. For Her Majesty to be able to effectively delegate to others, yet respond swiftly when needed, are good traits for her.

Only a handful of people have seen her face since we came here. At the beginning, there was quite a bit of apprehension about being ruled by a vampire. We quickly learned many fears were just racial prejudices stirred by the church. She is also very cunning. I have lived long enough and been around enough lords to be able to see a bit of what she's doing.

Every situation she goes into, she is always at an advantage. She will control a conversation or lead people to the conclusions she wants without them fully realizing. She uses shock as a way to keep people off kilter, and she always seems to have every action planned well beforehand with contingency plans.

Even on an operation like this, she doesn't waste time with needless explanations or anything else unnecessary at the time. As a military man all my life, I can greatly appreciate the conciseness of her orders. For her, it's, 'here's a brief explanation. What our response will be, and what you need to do.' Nothing superfluous. 

Arriving at the first house, I knock on the door until I get a response.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Opening the door is Beth, a soldier who can hold her own against any of the men. Seeing me, she snaps a salute.


"Beth, Her Majesty is pursuing slavers to their base. We are to follow her on horseback and drive wagons with any freed slaves. We leave at first light. Meet at the stables with bagged armor and weapons. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir!"

I watch her eyes go from surprised to angry at the situation. I am too. Bastards like them need to be dealt with, especially since many of us almost ended up being in their position.

Hurrying to another house, I wake up Claire in a near repeat of Beth's interaction. Just before sunrise, we arrive at the stable. Already here are the vampire queens in their cloaks and Princess Lala. All already mounted on the hippogryph. 

From the sword, I can tell it's Queen Midnight who turns and speaks as we snap to attention. "Good morning. I will brief you on the road. We have at least a two day ride. We'll ride hard and fast. Place your gear in here. Lala will scout. James, the charger is yours. The geldings the others. Mount up and let's depart."

"""Yes, Your Majesty!"""

After we leave the gate, Princess Lala stays to close it and flies to catch up to us, even when we are already moving quickly. After about three hours or so, we reached an open area outside the forest.

"Hold!" Queen Midnight calls out. "We'll let the horses rest a moment, all eat a quick bite, then continue. While you eat, I'll explain the situation in more detail, but first, introductions. I have seen both of you around but have never heard your names."

Taking out barrels of water and feed for the horses, prepared food and water for us, along with a table and chairs in the shade of the last trees of the forest. 

"Yes! I am Elizabeth, Beth for short."

"I am Claire, Your Majesty."

"Well met Beth, Claire. Thank you for joining us. The situation is this. Queen Navi was on a recon of the larger area around Midnight. She has found a small group heading north northwest. They consist of eight men and a carriage with five women chained inside. 

"Due to the similarity, we suspect they may be related to whoever had taken Queen Ailine years ago. To eliminate this branch, Queen Navi is following the group. 

"Once we know where their base is, we will attack. Navi, Lala, Ailine, and myself will be the main force. I would ask that the three of you act as the secondary force. Watching the area, and making sure nobody escapes. 

"Engage the enemy only when you know you have the advantage. This is an extermination. These people are scum that will be disposed of to the last. We will not take prisoners, even if they surrender.

"Beth, Claire, I am going to rely on you to be primary contacts for the women. As likely rape victims, there is a chance they could have an aversion to men. Take care of them well and be patient and kind. Any questions?"

When there were none, she continued. 

"Then once you finish your meal we will ride on." 

For three days we rode hard. The monsters mostly stayed away with a hippogryph accompanying us. Others, Princess Lala would kill without us even slowing. We would ride until just after sundown and Queen Midnight would produce tents already prepared from her bag. Princess Lala handled night watch, and we left before sunrise when it was just feasible to do so.

On the evening of the third day, just before we would make camp, we received news.

"Queen Navi has found the hideout. It is a half day's ride further north built into the side of a cliff. The slavers we are pursuing are a couple hours ahead of us. We are riding out to eliminate them and secure the five women. Ailine and I will launch the attack. Lala, secure our area. Beth, Claire, James, come in when I launch a fireball in the air to help them."

Her Majesty led us through the night at a slower pace, and finally we could see a campfire in the distance. She dismounted with Queen Ailine, and even as I watched them, they appeared to dissolve into the night.

I was watching the campfire in the distance, and we were close enough to hear any screams, but there was nothing. Just a shadow quickly passing by the fire was all the clue anyone was there.

Within minutes of them leaving, a fireball was launched and we rode over to the site. By the time we got there, we saw eight bodies on the ground and the queens were talking to the women inside the closed carriage.

We kept our distance and just over thirty minutes later, they came out and she motioned up over. Already dismounted, we walked up to the group that were wearing robes. One woman was still sitting on the back of the opened carriage. 

"James, Beth, Claire, let me introduce you to our new companions. This is Sara, ___, ___, ___ , and Steph.

"Girls, like I had mentioned, we are going to ride out in the morning, and attack the bastard's hideout a bit after sunset. During that time, these three will be with you to protect you and make sure nothing happens. Is that alright?"

The girl introduced as Sara was the one to speak up.

"Yes, Miss Lia. Thank you."

"Of course. Now, you all must be tired. Let me place a tent and bedding for you. We have more soup if you want it as well, but I recommend starting slow so it doesn't upset your stomach from not eating much for so long."

Her Majesty can really change her tone based on the needs of a situation. From one minute being assertive and commanding, to the next being calm and soothing. 

"Um… Miss Lia? Could… I talk to you for a minute?"

Speaking up was the woman still sitting on the back. 

"Of course, Steph. Ailine, could you please finish getting the others set? Lala, please secure the area?"


As Queen Ailine was the one setting everything up, Princess Lala was patrolling, and Beth and Claire were with the other women. I didn't have anything I could really help with, so I decided to stay back and watch Her Majesty. After a few minutes of them talking, and the queen holding the woman's hand, a voice spoke up behind me.

"She's gonna ask to be turned, ya know."

Turning towards the voice, I saw Sara standing off to the side of me.


"Steph. She's gonna ask Miss Lia to turn her into a vampire like she did with Miss Ailine. That girl lost everything and everyone close to her when she was taken. Then they cut her ankles for trying to run.

"She's been lost for the whole time I've been with her. Nobody could really reach her besides just small things. Then Ailine told her story. About being caught like us, but it sounded like she was in a much worse state.

"The fact that Steph could be able to move like she used to lit up her face. Just the hope that she wouldn't be like this forever changed her. There isn't a chance in hell she isn't asking about becoming a vampire."

I look back at Queen Midnight. "I've never seen anyone turn into one before. Her Majesty only ever mentioned once that she turned Queen Ailine."

There wasn't a reply after a pause so I turned to look at Sara. She was staring at me wide eyed.

"Pardon, Miss Sara. Did I say something wrong?"

"Uh, hold up. You said 'Your Majesty' and 'Queen' just now. What'd you mean exactly?"

Ah, Her Majesty and her habit of shocking people. I wonder if I said too much? It isn't like it is a secret in the least. Maybe she intended for us to be the ones to shock them this time?

"I mean exactly that. She is Dalia Midnight, Queen of the Vampires. The other is her wife, Ailine Midnight, Queen Consort. The fairy here with us now is Lala Nikita, First Princess of the Fairies. And her mother, Navi Nikita, is Queen of the Fairies and scouting the enemy."

The shock on her face was evident and it took her a minute to come back to her senses.

"But… She just said they were Lia, Ailine, and Lala… And had a safe home where their races live together with humans, far away from the church and Empire, in the monster lands…

"They invited us all to come live with them. Away from the bastards in the church… Never once did they say or act haughty like they were nobles, yet alone royalty…"

I spent the next few minutes telling her about our group and how we were also saved by the queens. Her shock was mixed with a bit of awe as the story went on.

Once done, we both just silently watched Her Majesty and Steph talk for a bit more. Then Steph had tears in her eyes and was smiling. Her Majesty then leaned forward and placed her mouth on her neck for just a couple seconds. 

When she removed her mouth, Steph went limp and was caught by Her Majesty who just stared at her with a caring, almost motherly expression. We just watched in silence as she brought out some furs and laid the young woman down in the carriage.

"They said you were James, right?"

"I am, Miss Sara. James Remmington at your service."

"Any idea if the Queen plans to attack the church? The venom and hate in her words towards them was obvious."

"I, of course, can't speak for her, but from what I have gathered...yes. I believe sometime in the future the queens all plan to attack the church together."

She was quiet for a few seconds and then spoke again.

"I was a holy knight in the past. Trained my ass off to be accepted and to protect the people. I thought I was a damn good one. I was transferred to a new unit. Then one day, we were given an order to move some prisoners to holding cells at a church. We were told they were dangerous heretics that the priests needed information from.

"When they were coming out, they were just young women. All scared and afraid… I questioned my orders. Took the priest aside and questioned him right there. You know what he did? Without a second thought, screamed for help, labeled me a heretic sympathizer that threatened his life, and ordered the men I was with to confine me with the rest.

"The men I worked with for months, turned on me in an instant. In less than a minute, I too was shoved into a cage with the other women… Those men that used to be friends… only a few apologized. Said they were just following orders, and that it was my fault for turning my back on the God, Sol.

"Passed from place to place, I ended up here. Sold by rapists to fucking bandits by the fucking church. Hey James. You think if I talk to Her Majesty, she would let me become a vampire as well? Maybe let me join them in killing those bastards?"

I had to pause at her story. The more I hear from different people, the more I begin to see how truly corrupt the church and the empire are. It also reminds me how thankful I am that we all found our way to someone like Her Majesty.

"I don't see how it could hurt to ask," I said.

She just nodded. After a few seconds, she walked over to Her Majesty. I don't know what the future holds, but what Dalia Midnight has already accomplished in a few short months is more than worthy of my respect and loyalty. 

I am looking forward to what the future will hold for the Vampire Queen.

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