​Rise of Wolfborne Futa Conquerer

Chapter 49: Chapter 49

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"Hold the line," Hilda ordered, and the soldiers followed. After all, it wasn't their first time. But, there was just one problem. 

She had trained these soldiers extensively. And for the last two months, they had fought against the bandits. However, they lacked experience when it came to fighting against the barbarians.

Raizer and a few of his original troop members were the only ones who had any experience fighting the barbarians. No one, except…

With Hilda’s signal, Cyan moved out of the army. Hilda looked forwards to find the barbarians crashing against the shield line, sending the soldiers flying in the air. A few spears got stuck to their bodies, but the barbarians didn’t care.

These barbarians were over two meters tall, but their most prominent features were the giant horn on their head. 

Looking at their horn, the only comparison she could think of was the moose on Earth. And just like them, they scoop the soldiers and send them flying in the air.

However, it was the number that put a frown on her face. This location was not immune to barbarian attacks despite being more than 100 kilometers away from the barbarians' jungle.

However, attacking more than a few thousand-strong armies with just ten moose-like barbarians is simply suicidal. Unless…’ 

“Raizer, is there any village or town nearby?”

“There was a big village not too far away from this place, about 1-2 km away.” As Raizer was talking, Raizer, too, realized the reason for Hilda’s worry. 

“Should we send the knight?”

“Send Duke Gerald’s knight. Tell them to hurry.” She discovered a few scattered forests around here after analyzing a detailed map of the area.

A small village on the outskirts of the forest seemed natural. But it was also these scattered settlements that the barbarians used to raid first.  

‘What the army at the northern border is doing?’ thinking about it, Hilda couldn’t stop frowning.

Cyan led a few of her private guards, and led moved through the forest, and attacked the barbarians from behind.

She had trained the guard unit by forcing them to fight against the barbarian slaves she had brought into the capital. Naturally, they weren't like the soldiers who were struggling to keep up with their momentum.

They moved in a four-person troop. Three of each group was using big round shields and leaf-shaped swords. From a distance, the fourth one was using a horned bow.

The smithy made the weapons according to the memory of Hilda. Hilda felt that the one-handed gladius, round shield, and short bow were better suited for the armies than the two-handed swords, big tower shield, and longbow.

What she thought was unique to Earth was already available here. It was simply that the workers required some time to create the weapons used in a distant kingdom.

The issue was finding someone to train them. Hilda had to commission some adventures and purchase some war slaves. And the outcome was right in front of her.

They couldn't overpower a barbarian solo, but they could hold their own. So sending four people to fight against one was overkill. And they slaughtered the ten barbarians promptly.

Although the barbarians had no fur in human form, they quickly collected their horns and musk.

“Your majesty,” Raizer's face didn't look good when he said, “The knights…

He didn't have to finish the sentence for her to understand what he was saying. "Tell Cyan to check the village," Hilda sighed, adding, "also tell Ridic to lead some knights with him to assess the situation."

“Okay.” Raizer quickly directed the flag bearer, and with a few signals, a contingent of Hilda's guard unit marched out.

"Your Majesty," Raizer paused for a moment before continuing, "we need to make them more obedient. Otherwise, it would be bad if they openly disobeyed the order."

"Isn't he a viscount?"

"Yes, he is Viscount Rook. A stern follower of Duke Gerald."

"All right, let's see how long he can hold out." Hilda's face abruptly transformed into a wolf's snout as she howled.

The soldiers in front of her turned to look at her, perplexed. But before they could comprehend what was going on, the entire forest began to howl.

They had no trouble realizing they weren't alone. It wasn’t just one or two atleast a few tens of werewolves were hiding around them.

"That will suffice." Raizer had a bad feeling when he saw her smile. And, confirming his fears, Hilda inquired, "Who is their next commander?"

"That's Baron Pier," said Raizer.

"Tell him to come to meet me after we pitch our tent tonight." Hilda placed her order and did not wait for a response. She led a group of her guards to follow the Ridic's knights, who had just broken off from the main army.

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It didn't take her long to get to the village. Despite the fact that Hilda expected to see smoke rising from the direction, there was none. On the contrary, the closer they got to the village, the quieter it became. 

She soon discovered Cyan and Ridic talking about something. They were still a considerable distance away from the village.

But before she could reach them, the forest to their right began to shake violently. A herd of moose dashed out of the woods when Hilda yelled, "Spread out!"

The mooses were nearly as tall as their mount. However, they appeared larger due to the enormous horn on their heads.

As they slammed into them from the side, a couple of the soldiers were thrown into the air.

Hilda was one of the few people who managed to flee the attack before the moose herd turned around and attacked Cyan and Ridic's group.

Hilda couldn't possibly give them the opportunity. She jumped off her steed and followed, having transformed into a wolf. She was faster than the steed but couldn't quite catch up with the herd.

She released her knight's aura. Her knightly aura covered her silver fur, and she shot towards the herd's leader.

Even though Cyan and Ridic had seen the herd, they couldn't stop or avoid the charge. 

They didn't know if any humans remained in the village. They couldn't just let the herd attack it without getting confirmation.

Furthermore, there was a chance that the village had already been compromised. In that case, the barbarians may even set traps there. As a result, they had no choice but to confront them here. 

The problem was that they didn't have enough space between them to gain momentum and confront them.

There were about 50 of them, and there were only 33 moose in the herd. 

Despite having the numerical advantage, they knew it would be a bloodbath. 

However, they were more concerned with putting their backs against the enemy camp.

About ten of them remained on the back, while others prepared their weapons to meet their adversary. And they were deliberating when they discovered a silver wolf, over two meters tall, leaping over the herd.

It bit the throat of the moose, who was leading the herd. 

Even if they were nearly the same height, the moose couldn't keep its balance and rolled across the ground at that speed.

Some of the moose were unable to flee in time, while others attempted to halt in order to save their leader. Nonetheless, it broke the charge of the moose on the group's left side. The right side of the herd was no better. 

Despite continuing to charge, they posed almost no threat to Cyan and Ridic because they lacked momentum. However, Hilda’s situation did not appear to be promising. 

Despite rolling across the ground, she didn't let go of the moose's throat. The problem was that the other moose soon noticed what was going on and reverted to human form.

Some of them resembled a deer version of a faun with bipedal deer back limbs, while others resembled a deer centaur. Hilda couldn't analyze all of them, but she could sense their intense bloodlust.

Because her victim has transformed into a moose centaur, she must also assume her werewolf form to stop his punches. Regardless of how hard the moose tried, Hilda's never let go of its throat.

But, before they could, the wolves' howl filled the air once more. Hilda's pack was soon charging out of the forest.

They were already at a disadvantage due to their lack of numbers. And when they lost their momentum, they were easy prey for Hilda's private guard and her pack.

It didn't take them long to subdue the herd without much problem. The strongest one in the group was the leader. Naturally, he struggled the most. But, with Hilda pinning him down, there wasn't much he could do.

She did not stand up until she had confirmed that the leader had died. When he looked around, she discovered that the skirmish had already ended. Only ten of the barbarians surrendered in the end. 

Before they vanished back into the forest, her pack joined her in her howling.

The main body of the army soon arrived in the village. Along came the knights led by the viscount Rook. 

“Oh! We appear to have arrived late." Viscount Rook said after inspecting the area. "Looks like we still need to secure the village,"

He was about to move when his gaze was drawn to Hilda, who was still in werewolf form. "What exactly is that nasty thing?"

Hilda could see Viscount Rook smirking beneath his mustache even from a distance. Soon after, one of his subordinates corrected him, saying, "That is the esteemed third prince."

“Oh! You must forgive me, your prince because I didn't recognize you in that hideous...  the special form," Viscount Rook quickly corrected himself, as if he hadn't done it on purpose. "But you can now rest, prince. Allow me to assist you in securing the village."

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