River City Stories

Chapter 1: An Introduction to River City

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So you want to know more about River City? Well sit back and enjoy this all star documentary to the crazy up and down world, I'm your reporter; Kennith Kennington and this... Is River City.


In the north east of continent there runs a river for 968 miles, the largest river in the world. Approximately 368 miles up river the worlds most premiere river based city exists, River City. Seperated into six districts, seven if you want to piss off the corpo's, the city is bustling with everything you could ever need, or ever think of.  Despite the fact the city does have a governing body, each of the districts is essentially owned by one of 6 corporations.


As inventive as the name is, River City does hold high calibre individuals such as Hamil Henderson, the most premiere cybernetic arms dealer in the market. His company Braxtec, named after his later father Brax Henderson. Braxtec is the first and foremost member of the elite 6 corporations running River City, with little residential affairs, the district is mostly filled with secure factories and highly militant outposts. The vast majority of the district is blocked off with braxtec tape, with a concentrated location for selling goods to the general public. Obvious as it is, they make their money in high profile deals with governements. Essentially owning their own private police force this group are not to be triffled with. 


Number two on the list is one you should all expect. If theres one consistency in this world we live in, its that it runs on credits and River City is no exception. The Banking society known as the Yi Qi conglomerate, or for those not fluent, 'Together'. A rich statement coming from an armada of banks, be that as it may, they are River Citys second district owners. Not much is known of the conglomerate members, as they're all kept annonymous to the public. A large amount of high price housing is situated here, for the rich of the rich, penthouses, mansions. Only the best for the those with the credits to afford it. There have been rumours over the years of the Yi Qi having ties to local gangs, to collect debts and other such dealings, None of these are proven acts of course.


Our next Overlord of the peasants belongs to another technology based company, this one focusing more on Artifical Intelligence and Netrunning. Zukün a once european based tech guru travelled across the seas to release its personal brand of aggressive AI into our midst. It's CEO Gunther Svetsommar at the world record age of 178 still runs the day to day opperations, actively participating in press conferences and other public appearences. Gunther has been stationed in River City for the last seven years, supposedly working on a secret project that will "Change the lives of everyone in river city, then the world". No news has been released since that statement, but speculation soared and never ceased.


The fourth District of River City I believe you might find even more interesting than a 178 year old man! Known to most as the 'Pleasure District' All forms of entertainment can be found, from gambling to professional fights, from lust to love. Fine dinning and a love trap? The pleasure district has you covered. Unlike its brother and sister districts, no one really knows who runs it. All the different large companies seem to work together to keep everything in check, truly a wonder they can handle it with that much... Distraction. Now if we were to talk about subjects that might make some big wigs frown, which we will because I'm an independant reporter and I'm not afraid of some corpo's. Pleasure district is the closest district to a very special, untelevised, unsupervised, swept under the rug location. A secret 7th district, simply known as the slums. Given its name, I'm sure you can speculate what kind of relationships the two districts have.


Now for something lighter. You might not believe me when I say this, but this next district is truly a monument to human accomplishment! Its the commerce district! Food! Drinks! Shopping of all kinds! Need the latest fashion? Some local yummies or a night out on the town? This district is the real hussle and bustle of the city, a low residential area due to the sheer number of retail available, you can find everything here! The real ticker here is, every company worth its weight in salt in this district is either owned, or controlled in some way by the mega corp 'Tenore Incorporated'.  Like Yi Qi, the company is ran by multiple individuals, the headfigure of them however is known as; David Dodecker. Little is known about him on a personal level, but he is one of the richest men on the planet.

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Our final, official, district is the most densely populated of them all. Completely maintained for housing, with minimal shops, bars or anything else really, theres some public features dotted around but for the most part its entirely housing, from kind of affordable to only a king can possible live here. The largest landlord in this place is the 'Affordable Housing' company, which is a scam name because they are known for constantly pricing out their tennents and forcing people onto the street, it is wide spread they have gang ties and use them to evict citizens. The second closest district to the slums, its kind of obvious why. I'm sure one day their brand of evil greed will have its comeuppance, but until that day, the overpopulation and pain the citizens suffer through.


Now all said and done, I bet you're wondering now, Hey Kennith! What about the Slums?! And you're right, this DISTRICT, is the backstreet of River City. The dirty filthy trash the city tries to push down and hide. This out of sight out of mind gameplan has only proven fatal though. The slums is ripe with gang activity, crime, cultists have taken power! Black markets have their teeth sunk deep. Theres even rumours of an underground cannibal market, terrfying, truly. The edges of Slum territory will always have heavy police presence, in a vain attempt to keep the "scum" in line. Obviously not everyone in the slums is bad, in fact I'd bet the majority arent, the majority are down on their luck, beaten by the system. People trying to crawl their way out and live a good life. At any cost.


Now let me tell you, i've left out a very important detail till now, Every single district might not be connected by road or foot, it is however connected by water. The river running throughout River City runs from Braxtec to the Slums. The vast majority of this illustrious river is a marketplace, each section ran by its respective district owners. This of course means, the slums has control of its river, not without struggle I might add. The local government coupled with different corporations over the years, have tried many times to wrestle control of the slums river away, to no avail. They might be the slums, but they have managed to get their hands on many advanced techs over time, weaponry and even netrunners. It appears nothing short of a full blown war will achieve what the local government wants to accomplish. I hope to god that day never comes.


This is the basics of the basics to River City, I'll be sure to release more in the future, assuming I don't get hunted down, haha! 

I know, I know theres a lot of stories out there, in River City. Every day. Every night. I'm going to uncover them all. For all of you.

*deep sigh*

Anyway this is your reporter, Kennith Kennington, signing out.

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