Road to God

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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"Next, after the mall. We will go to Shintoko 3rd Elementary School. According to the information from the map, it is a place that has been prepared as a shelter in case of a disaster."

Takashi immediately raised his hand after hearing what Yoru said.

"Yup, spikey-kun? Do your family members work at that school?" Yoru had already guessed what Takashi was going to say before he could say anything.

Takashi nodded. "My mother was a teacher at that school." Takashi then gripped his hand.

"Alright then. After Shintoko 3rd Elementary School. We'll go to Megurigaoka Private High School. It's the same place as Shintoko 3rd Elementary School. It's likely that there will be students and teachers who survive."

Everyone was silent and just nodded their heads. Yoru tilted her head with a slightly confused face. Then he looked at Kouta and said. "Nothing you want to say otaku-kun?"

Kouta was confused by Yoru's question.

"You mean?"

"Everyone has a family at my destination, but why don't you? Don't you have any ties to Megurigaoka Private High School?" Yoru said his question to Kouta.

"I don't have any family there. But I do have a female cousin who is a staff at Saint Isidore University." Kouta explained.

"Cousin? Saint Isidore University is over here. We can go there before we go to Mochizuki General Hospital. And before we get to Saint Isidore University." Yoru was silent and only mumbled for a few minutes.

"Okay. After from Megurigaoka, we go to Saint Isidore University. After that, we go straight to Mochizuki General Hospital. Actually the distance from Isidore University to Mochizuki Hospital is closer than Megurigaoka to Mochizuki Hospital."

"You all understand right?" Everyone nodded at Yoru's question.

"Our destination is already confirmed. We also have a path we need to go through. Now, what vehicle can we use? Any suggestions? 7 people with some luggage."

Yoru is a little confused here.

'I don't know anything about vehicles at all. What else is a vehicle from 5000 years ago.'

[What was the vehicle like in your era?]

'Moving capsules. Transportation is done using a capsule that moves automatically. We just have to pay and choose the destination. The vehicle will choose the fastest and safest road. So this kind of problem, I'm 0."

[Doesn't anyone use private vehicles?]

'No, all transportation is done using public transportation. Even the President had to use that if he wanted to go anywhere. Although the capsule used by the president is slightly different. But in general everything is the same. Poor, rich, beautiful, ugly, all using the same vehicle. There are groups that use illegal vehicles, but most of them are criminals.'

[Sounds like a safe world. A world that has been without war for a long time]

'The last war did occur 3000 years ago. But my world isn't safe either. Safe for those who don't know how and what's behind it all. But for those who know. Every day is a tiring day. Remember I told you earlier that I often saw the mafia selling organs? I used to be an organ saler myself.'

[I thought you were the victim]

'The victim? Yes. I was caught by the mafia. With a little this and that. I can get away and sell information about the mafia headquarters that arrested me to other mafia groups.'

[Each era has their own problems]

'That's how it is. I'm not a historian. So I don't understand what the problem was in the past. But hearing and seeing the problems that exist in the world, perhaps such problems have existed for a long time. And it keeps repeating just changing characters.'

When Yoru conversed with the system, Yoru saw Kouta raise his hand.

"Yup, otaku-kun. Do you have any suggestions?"

"How about we use the microbus which is often used for field trips?" Said Kouta.

"It could, all the keys are here." Shizuka added.

Yoru approached the window and looked out and saw if he could see the microbus from the teacher's room. Yoru found the microbus and there were 3 buses parked there.

"There are three microbuses there, so we can choose which one we use. But, who's going to drive them? I'm 0 for this."

Everyone was shocked to hear Yoru's words.

"There's no way a guy your age can't drive?" Saya do not believe.

"Because I usually don't have to. Usually I just have to press a button and I'm already picked up and delivered wherever I want to go. So I never need to learn how to drive."

Everyone was silent a little surprised by Yoru's words.

"How rich is your family that you never need to learn to drive at all."

"I'm an orphan, so I don't have anyone. If it about mine. Maybe I have enough money to buy land 100 times bigger than Saya's house. I never counted my assets. And for driving problems. I really can't if it's a vehicle on land. But if it's a boat and plane, I can do it."

"We have a Sultan here!!!" Saya shouted.

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"But you said you were an orphan?" Shizuka asked in a slightly sad tone.

"According to what the head of the orphanage. All my family members died in the plane accident. To be more precise, all the passengers and crew on the plane died and only I survived the accident. But I don't have memory from before that accident. The first memory that i can remember is i wake up in the hospital."

Everyone fell silent hearing what Yoru said.

"That's all unimportant now." Yoru's voice sounded a little cold which made everyone a little scared and then focus their attention on him.

"The vehicle is there, right? Who will drive it?" Yoru asked.

Shizuka raised her hand and said. "I might be able to."

Yuri nodded his head.

"The path is ready. Are all your weapons ready?"

Saeko, Rei, and Takashi nodded.

"Kouta, how about you? Can you use bow?" Yoru asked a little seriously.

"Sorry I can't. And I only have a few nails." Kouta lowered his head.

"No problem. There are 7 backpacks. Each one contains food and drink. Each will bring 1. The suitcase containing medicine will be brought by Shizuka and Saya. Got it?" Everyone nodded.

"Before we go to the parking lot, we go to the cafeteria first."

"Why are we going to the cafeteria?" Saya was confused and asked.

"Collecting cans. We can use cans to distract zombies." Yoru explained his wish.

"Oh, great idea." Rei looks happy.

"Okay, all ready?" Everyone nodded after they finished preparing themselves.

"Then let's go to the cafeteria first. Saeko is in front. Shizuka you are behind Saeko. Rei is on Shizuka's left. Takashi is on the right. Saya and Kouta are behind Shizuka. And I am at the back."

Everyone looks a little tense.


After Saeko heard Yoru. She opened the teacher's room door carefully.

"Empty, we will walk slowly." Saeko gave directions to the others.

Seeing Saeko come out, they followed Saeko.

Even though they found some zombies. With Saeko, Rei, and Takashi wielding weapons with symbols, things seem pretty easy.

Soon, they arrived at the cafeteria.

"We split up to look for the cans. Shizuka, Saya, left the suitcase on the table. Rei went with Saya. Takashi went with Kouta, Saeko was with Shizuka. Before leaving, take the trash bag to carry the can you found."

Everyone immediately moved and did what they had to do.

Yoru had actually already collected the cans when he came out of the teacher's room. He had hidden it in the cafeteria.

[Why are you doing such a troublesome thing?]

'First, I don't want them to know that I use magic. Two, I need some alone time to calm my mind. Third, if I had everything ready, and I did the second thing, I wouldn't appear to be lazing around.'

[Just say you want to rest. If you tell them you're tired, they won't make fun of you]

'It's not about that. If I want them to do what I say. I must be a person who deserves to be obeyed in their eyes. Saeko and Shizuka can already obey me. But for others.'

[Whatever you say]

After that, Yoru took out the can he had prepared. He punched a hole in the top of the can at the edge and tied it with rope. After that, he tied the three cans together with the existing string. He repeated the process all until the cans he had run out.

It wasn't long before Saeko and the others returned with any cans they could find. Yoru also repeats the process until the can runs out.

"I'll carry all these cans. Since we're ready, let's head out now. Saeko." Yoru said seriously.

Everyone nodded their heads and they walked out into the parking lot.

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