Road to God

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

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"Don't mind those two. What important is what you found?" Yoru reminded Takashi and the others.

"We did find a lot of aluminum at the building materials store. But we couldn't possibly bring it with us. And we also found an electrical appliance store that had a lot of UV lamp." Takashi answered.

"Okay, we'll take an hour's break. After that we go to the shop and get everything we can from there. After that, we go straight to Saya's house."

Everyone started to relax in the house.


After resting. Everyone immediately rushed off to the building materials store and electrical appliance store. They also didn't forget to bring what they could bring from Shizuka's house.

With Shizuka driving the humvee and Miamura driving the bus. They can carry a lot.

Arriving at the building materials store. There wasn't much aluminum they could carry. So they end up only bringing as much as they need. They also bring other materials they need.

Because the distance between the building materials shop and the electrical appliance shop is not far. Yoru told them to leave first with the excuse that he wanted to take a leisurely walk.

After everyone left, Yoru put all the building materials in the shop into the inventory. And he really walked leisurely after that.

At the power supply store. Yoru also find generators, solar panels and batteries. After entering what they need. Yoru reminded them all.

"Does anyone want to go to the toilet?"

All silent. However, one by one they went back into the shop to go to the toilet. After all finished in the toilet they immediately got into the bus and humvee.

As usual, Yoru was the last one out of the shop because he had to put everything in his inventory.

"Since everything we need to do here is done. We're going straight to Saya's house. Shizuka, we're going over the Tokonosu bridge. This Humvee is a little sturdy. So just hit anything that gets in the way."

Even though Yoru said that. Actually Yoru has put symbols on the humvee and bus to make them more sturdy.

Their journey was not without obstacles. They found a lot of zombies. But with the Humvee up front. They broke through everything with ease.

Before long, they found a roed covered by a wire fence.

"Saya. This is probably the work of your family." Yoru said a little sarcastically.

"Don't said it like they're doing something illegal." Saya defend herself.

"Do you know of a possible unsealed road?"

She thought for a while and finally remembered something.

"There's a path that goes up a bit. Maybe they made that path as an entrance. Considering that zombies might not be able to walk fast if the road is uphill."

"Alright, show us the way."

After walking for a few minutes. They see the road is closed but there are people on guard.

"Perhaps that the road." Yoru pointed towards the closed path.

"Right. I can see Kataoka-san there." Hearing Saya's words. Everyone was relieved.

Saya opened the roof of the Humvee and came out from above waving his hand.

The people guarding the road just now focused on her. After they got closer. The guards looked pleased with what they saw.

"Saya-ojou. You're safe!" One of the people said with an unbelievable face.

"Wow. You thought I would just die!" Saya was a little annoyed by what the person said.

"Hahaha. Not really, but yeah, considering what happened. We weren't expecting much." The guards looked a little gloomy.

"It's all unimportant. Can I come in. They're my teachers and classmates." Saeko didn't want to continue the conversation because she knew it would make them even more depressed.

"Of course! Woi, clear the way!" The guards then removed the existing blockade so that the humvees and buses could pass.

Before they walk again. Yoru decided to get off and just walk with the excuse because it was safe and the distance to Saya's house was not that far too. They finally go first and left Yoru there.

Before Yoru started walking. Yoru left a bag to the guards.

"It contains drinking water and bread. You can eat it. Work will not be optimal on an empty stomach." Yoru said and he immediately walked away without waiting for a reply from the guards.

Yoru had a reason why he chose to walk. Yoru tried to remember and see all the possible paths that the zombies could use.

'If my prediction is correct. Starting tonight, the zombies will be even more vicious. So I need to prepare everything.'

'System, any suggestions on what skills or magic I should buy?'

[There isn't any. You better focus on organ modification first]

Yoru decided to walk while modifying his skin.

'I can raise my proficiency from multitasking, mana control, mana gathering, and skin modification at the same time. Really fun.'

[There's something that maybe interest you. Want to hear]


Arriving at Saya's house. Yoru found a lot of people crowding around. He saw a man who could be said to be tall. Sturdy body. Creepy faces stand on a stage. Beside the man was an iron cage containing one zombie.

'Looks like someone who doesn't want to accept other people's suggestions.'

[A priek]

'Isn't that to much of an exaggeration?'

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The man then spoke loudly.

"This man name is Doi Tetsutarou. A comrade and friend who has work with us for more than a quarter of century! In the middle of a rescue mission, he tried to save one of his man and was bitten! He sacrifice himself! That's the noblest act a human being can perform!"

The man ready his hand on his katana's handle.

"He is no longer human. He has been reduced to nothing more than a deadly "fiend"! And that is why I now..."

The man draw his katana and ready it over head.

"Will show this final act of mercy to our friend!!"

After he stopped talking. The cage door opened and the zombie immediately ran out. However, before the zombies could run far. The man swung his sword and slashed the neck and hands of the zombie at once.

Everyone who saw the incident was astonished. Except Yoru, Saeko, Shizuka, Rei, Takashi, Kouta, Saya and other students who are in the same group as Yoru.

The man spoke again.

"Farewell FRIEND!!!" And he then stepped on the head of the zombie earlier.

"This is our reality now! Even if they were wonderful friend, beloved family, or lover. We must dispose of them without hesitation. If you want to life... FIGHT!!!"


All excited and shouting.

'What are they doing? But, it's a good show.'

The man walked off the stage. But before he could get down he heard the sound of clapping.





The man turned towards the source of the sound and saw a man with long white hair. Wearing an white shirt with a pink sweater and black jacket. Black pants and white sneakers. And two katana on his waist. Even though one of it is a wood.

The man was shocked by what he saw. Because the white-haired man with a poker face walked towards him.

"Good show. Your katana swing isn't bad. It's just that your speech makes me sick."

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe what they heard. Saeko and Shizuka could only giggle and say "That's our husband for you." whereas Takashi and the others could only facepalm.

"You say as if you lost that person. But, isn't that just a zombie? If you really want to respect your friend's hard work. You should have killed him before he became a zombie. For him to die as a human, not as a trash. It's regrettable for a fine man to die as trash."

The man did not accept Yoru's words and looked very angry.

"Who are you young man! Don't meddle in the affairs of adults!" The man was a little intimidating.

Yoru gawked at the man's words.

"Hahahahaha... I thought you were the leader of this group. Turns out you're a comedian. Hahahahaha."

The man was clearly very angry.

"What did you say!" The man tried to pull out his katana but he couldn't.

Yoru pushed the man's katana back into its scabbard with his wooden sword before the man could fully draw his katana.

"Damare kozo." Yoru take out his bloodlust and make everyone in his vicinity fell scared.

The man couldn't do anything and could only stand still. Everyone was terrified by what had happened and what will happen.

However, what they imagined did not happen. A woman walked over and grabbed Yoru's head and pressed it against her breasts. Of course that woman is Shizuka.

Shizuka stroked Yoru's head while saying. "Yoshi... Yoshi... Have you calmed down?"

"It's not a matter of calm or not. I'm not angry or anything anyway. I'm just trying to tell someone not to be so arrogant." Yoru tried to explain.

"Ara...Ara... I know." Shizuka paid no heed to what Yoru said.

Yoru released himself from Shizuka's embrace and climbed onto the stage where the iron cage had been. After Yoru went up, Yoru said to the man earlier.

"Woi kozo. Your katana swing is good but..."

Yoru prepared the katana he took from Tokonosu Castle and took his katana out of the sheath. He then did the same as what the man had done.

Readying his sword over head, and then swing it at the cage. The cage was split and cut.

Yoru didn't care what the audience was doing. He walked down and looked at the man.

"Perhaps you will also be able to do it if you study another 3 or 5 years. However, if the arrogance is still in you. Never expect you to be able to do it. "Above sky, there's another sky. And above it, there's God" meaning. No matter how great you are, there will be someone else who is greater than you."

Yoru then walked to meet Shizuka who was now not alone. Saeko and the others were already standing beside Shizuka.

"Saya, who is the leader of this group? Don't tell me that the leader is that person?" Yoru pointed at the man earlier.

"It's a pity. The leader of this group is my parents." Saya stopped talking.

Yoru's face looks like someone holding back a bowel.

"That person. My father." Saya Said with a sly smile on her face.

"Huh, never mind. Then, can I talk to your mother. I have bad and a very very bad news." Yoru spoke jokingly. But everyone knows it's a serious problem.

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