Road to God

Chapter 44: Chapter 43

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Name : Messenger of Death

Race : Living Dead

Rank : Pawn

Gender: None

Age : 3 Days

Lvl : 11 Can't go up lvl

Str : A - 95

End : S - 125

Agi : A - 108

Luc : D - 42

Mana : 0

Stm : SS - 140

Skills: - Biting

           - Scratch


"Auch. Some fucking thing appear." Yoru said with clearly audible exasperation.

"Souichiro, have everyone get into the vehicles now and prepare to leave immediately." Yoru looked very serious when he said that which made all who saw him not dare to argue and just obey his words.

Yoru got off the bus roof and forcibly removed the fence and turned it into a bridge.

"I didn't expect something like you to appear now? Are they that impatient?" Yoru said to the Zombie who was walking towards him.

Everyone was confused about what Yoru was doing. Because for them zombies can't talk. However, what happened next left them all dumbfounded.

"Ah... I'm forget that zombie can't talk. Sorry" Said Yoru with a silly face.

[That one is a living Dead. So usually]

"Sorry. I'm just doing my job. I have to go somewhere and I have to pass through this place and kill anyone and anything in front of me." The zombie answered Yoru's question. Unexpectedly.

Everyone was shocked by what happened. But Yoru realized with the "Rank" category in the zombie status in front of him.

"So you can talk. Is that why you're a pawn? Is there a king on the bridge?" Yoru tried to get information from the zombie in front of him.

"Of course there are Kings, and everyone also there. As for pawns, we have a lot." The zombie's arrogantly answered Yoru's question.

"Ahh... So a complete package along with large size fries." Yoru's face looks sour.

"Hahaha. You're cute for a human too. And, are you sure you want to get in my way? With your current abilities. I think you're still too weak." The zombie was clearly mocking Yoru.

'System, do I have enough mana?'

[Enough. You have 160 mana. I forcefully take any mana in the air. I can't do this for long. this method is harmful to your body]

'Then use 3 Str, 8 End, 3 Ag. And the rest goes into the chainsaw.'

[Oki doki]

Changes are clearly visible in Yoru's body. Maybe the changes are not so visible to other humans. But for the zombies in front of him it's all different. Yoru who looked like a pebble, now looks like a boulder.

"Wh...who are you! This world shouldn't have a creature like you!" The zombie looked very surprised.

Yoru ignored the zombie's words and just smiled sinisterly and said. "Welcome to the Earth! What the purpose of your visit? May I see your Visa?" Yoru smiled wider and made the zombies in front of him nervous.

"A...ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!" The zombie couldn't take it anymore and immediately ran to attack Yoru.

However, Yoru easily parried the zombie's attack.

"You don't have your Visa. Would you like to enter this land as a prisoner of war, then?" Said Yoru as he ridicule the zombie.


The zombie enraged and then attacked relentlessly at a speed that was hard for normal humans to see.


Those in the buses and vehicles could only stare and be surprised.

"Busujima, did you know that your husband is that strong?" Souichiro asked Saeko with a face half in disbelief at what he saw.

"I know that Yoru is very strong. But I didn't expect him to be this strong. I can't even keep up with their speed." Saeko was also surprised.

"I feel like he doesn't really need all of us?" Someone spoke in a slightly depressed tone.

"You are wrong. Yoru is not this strong. My father once said that if you are a master, you can control the aura that is inside your body and outside your body. By combining the two, a master can be automatically doubled or even make themselves ten times stronger than usual. However, it requires a lot of energy. In other words. A technique like that is like a double-edged sword. If you miscalculated, you may be exhausted before you can defeat your opponent. Under current conditions. Death is in plain sight." Saeko explained calmly.

But, to Shizuka, she could see the worry on Saeko's face. Shizuka then approached Saeko and hugged her from behind and said. "Our husband isn't that stupid. He knows what he's doing."

Saeko felt calmer with a hug from Shizuka.

"Thank you, Shizu-nee." Saeko smiled.

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'He's strong, but I feel like he's a little stupid.'

Yoru felt that there was something odd about this zombie.

[Of course. He is strong but he has no experience at all. While you. You have experience before coming here even though you forgot a lot of it, your soul remember everything. And you also have experience fighting other zombies]

'Ahh... So that's why I find this zombie attack is strange. He's just hitting and scratching with no plan or trick at all.'

[Suggestion, better finish it quickly. You now have 80 mana]

'Put everything in the chainsaw.'

[Okay. I will make 2 strength and 2 sharpness for each]


After that, Yoru focused on the zombie's movement and tried to find an opening. After a few minutes. Yoru finally got an opening.

Seeing the zombies getting impatient. Yoru also provoked the zombie deeper. "Huh, are you sure you're strong? I'm already getting sleepy right here." Say him mocking the zombie while parrying all his attacks.

Listening to Yoru's words. The zombie got angrier and finally tried to attack with a wide swing. Thinking that if he swing his arm stronger will make it harder to block or parry.

Yoru smiled seeing it all. When the zombie swung its arms wide. Yoru also tried to parry as usual.

However, this time, Yoru's weapon didn't just fend off the zombie attack. But Yoru's weapon slashed at the zombie's arm.


Hearing the zombie screaming in pain, Yoru then kicked the zombie's jaw to silence him.

"So you're different from the other zombies. You seem to still be able to feel pain."

Yoru walked over to the zombie who was groaning in pain. When he was in front of that zombie. With a very cold look he said.

"I actually still want to play with you. But because I don't have much time. So I'll just finish it now."

Yoru then slashed the zombie's head. But because the zombie was a messenger, he didn't die instantly.

Seeing his body still moving. Yoru slashed at the zombie's remaining legs and arms.

Yoru still seeing the zombie body try to regenerate his body parts that he chop off.

'Should I mutilate this creature?'

[There is no other way isn't it. You have to take the core that is inside his body]


Those on the bus were confused about what was happening. Yoru had already chop off the zombie's head and all the arms and legs. But Yoru still stood by the zombie's body and just watched without doing anything.

"What did he do. Didn't he kill the zombie?" Souichiro was confused by what he saw.

Everyone was also confused until Saeko pointed out something they couldn't believe.

"Not yet. Look at that zombie wound. Isn't that a little weird." Saeko said something odd that she noticed.

Everyone was focused on the wound that the zombie had. Since they were a bit far away, they couldn't see very clearly. Until Kouta used the binoculars he had and saw it.

Kouta was shocked by what he saw.

"No way!!! That zombie regenerates the wound!" Kouta shouted after seeing what happened.

"What do you mean by regenerating the wound." Souichiro was confused.

"The zombie isn't dead yet. The zombie is still alive. And he's trying to regrow all the parts of his body that Yoru-san had cut off!"

Everyone was surprised to hear Kouta's explanation.

"In that case, how do we kill him!?" Rei shouted anxiously.

"Wait. Look what Yoru-san is doing." Takashi told them what happened.

They saw Yoru sitting near the zombie's body and slashing open the zombie's body. Then he put his hand in which made everyone look a little disgusted with what he was doing.

Before long, Yoru took out his hand with a Light Blue colored ball.

"Yoru-san took out a ball the size of his hand which is Light Blue in color. And it looks like the zombie has stopped regenerating his body." Kouta explained what he saw through his binoculars.

"Did the zombie die because the ball was taken out?" Takashi asked.

"Don't know. But we can ask Yoru directly. Looks like everything is safe and he walking here." Saeko smiled seeing Yoru walking closer.

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