Road to God

Chapter 53: Chapter 51

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After checking several rooms, Yoru finally found a room that looked a bit neat and clean. He also found that water was still flowing in the room.

'Even if it's only cold water. This is better than nothing.' Yoru looked a little disappointed.

[Just make a symbol to heat the water]

'I don't want to waste mana. If it's with symbols, I need to activate symbols every time I want to use them.'

[You already have Symbology, Liturgy, and Numerology. Now you can use all three individually or combine all three with Magic Creation]

'Magic Creation?' Yoru was confused by what System was saying.

[Like the name. Magic Creation is a skill that is used to create magic. You can make magic according to what you want] System explained.

Yoru was a bit surprised by what he heard from System.

'If I can make magic to my liking. Then I no longer need to buy other magic like fly, teleport, warp, even Victor control.'

[You should still buy magic that you really need. Magic Creation can indeed create magic. But. The Fly resulting from Magic Creation is different from the Fly resulting from buying from the Shop. Because the magic from the shop has proficiency which will make you more able to use magic better]

'Ah... So the magic I create from Magic Creation will be weaker than magic with max proficiency?'


After hearing the explanation from System. Yoru decided to buy Magic Creation for 25,000 points. After that Yoru immediately tried to make a magic circle that functions to warm the water that will come out of the shower.

After finishing setting up the bathroom, Yoru called Shirley who was guarding outside to come in.

"Shirley, we better rest here first." Yoru said.

Shirley nodded her head and followed Yoru into the room.

Inside the bedroom, Shirley was a bit surprised because she only found a slightly large bed.

"There is only one bed?" Shirley said a little confused.

"Yeah, you can sleep here and I'll sleep on the chair outside." Yoru smiled and then walked out of the bedroom.

But, before leaving the bedroom Yoru turned his head and said. "You just rest first. I'll try to prepare food."

Shirley nodded her head and then lay down on the bed with a look of pain on her face while stroking her stomach.

Yoru who came out of the room then walked towards the kitchen.

'This place is more like an apartment than a hotel room.' Said Yoru who saw that this place had all the necessities needed for a house.

[Maybe it's just such a good hotel that it provides all this]

'A hotel room with a bedroom, living room, bathroom and kitchen. I call it an apartment not a hotel.' Yoru said while trying to turn on the microwave but failed.

Knowing the electricity is not functioning anymore. Yoru decided to make a magic circle that works like a microwave. He also didn't forget to create a magic circle in place of the light bulb.

'And just in case, I better make a barrier so no zombies can get close to this place.'

After Yoru prepared all the protection he could think of, Yoru proceeded to prepare food for Shirley and himself.

'System, what do you think Shirley ate in her original dimension?'

[Don't know. But maybe bread, meat, or something that can be made using wheat]

'But I can't cook something like that.'

[You can cook any instant food you have. With the circumstances right now. I don't think Shirley will complain]

Yoru then opened his inventory which surprised him a little because he forgot to distribute food and medicine to Saeko and Shizuka. While choosing what he wanted to cook, Yoru also placed some food, drink, and medicine, and some weapons into the shared inventory. He also didn't forget to inform Saeko and Shizuka with what had happened.

'I don't know if my message will be read. Hopefully Saeko or Shizuka opened the inventory and saw my message.'

[I don't know about Shizuka. But Saeko will surely open the panel several times. Even thought she's like that, she easily gets worried when it has anything to do with you. Though that's what makes her cute]

Yoru smiled a little forced after hearing what System said.

After finishing making food, Yoru decided to call Shirley. After calling several times and Yoru didn't hear an answer, he decided to enter the bedroom. There he saw Shirley curled up and fast asleep. Yoru then shook Shirley's body to wake her up.

"Shirley, the food is ready. Get up first." Yoru said softly.

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Shirley who felt sleep and feel distracted, opened her eyes with a slightly sullen mouth.

"Don't pout. You eat first, then take a shower and you can sleep again." Yoru said with a smile.

Shirley reluctantly got up from her sleep and followed Yoru out of the room. Upon arriving at the dining room Shirley was a bit confused about how she should eat, but she copied what Yoru did.

Shirley imitated Yoru who took a knife and a fork. After that stick the fork in the food that is on the plate.

'Like bread. But, what is this that is round and slightly reddish? And what is this round white thing with yellow in the middle?'

Shirley was a bit confused though. But she still imitated what Yoru did and ate what was in front of her

Shirley looked a bit surprised after chewing what she put in her mouth.

'Oh... It really is bread! And meat too! But this white one, I still don't know what it is? But what is clear is, this is delicious.'

Shirley then ate the sandwich that was in front of her with gusto.

After the sandwich in front of her finished. Shirley saw Yoru take the white glass beside him. Shirley also saw the same glass beside her. After that, Shirley was surprised to see Yoru drinking what was in the glass.

'This white is a water But what kind of water can be this white? And this glass is transparent like what was in the front.'

Shirley was surprised again after drinking what was in the glass.

'It's like milk? But how can milk be this white? And again, milk isn't this sweet.'

After that Shirley again imitated Yoru who took a bowl containing something like vegetables and fruit.

'It's like vegetables and fruit. But, this seems still raw. Do we have to eat raw vegetables here?'

Even though he hesitated a bit, Shirley still did what Yoru was doing and ate the salad that was in the bowl.

After eating. Shirley worked up the courage to ask Yoru.

"Yoru, what did we actually eat earlier? I know about thw bread and meat, but what is the other things? And what was that white, milky water?" Shirley with a face full of curiosity asked.

Yoru was actually surprised by the question he received from Shirley. But he tried not to show it all in his face.

"Oh... The first one we ate was called sandwich. It's just bread with a pile of meat and chicken eggs. There are also sandwiches that use vegetables, fruits, and even cheese."

Shirley tilted her head and said "Chicken? What's that?"

Yoru was a bit confused until he heard System's voice.

[Just say little cockatrice. But without a dragon's tail and wings and not having the power to turn what they see into stone]

"A chicken is a small bird that can't fly. It looks like a cockatrice, but they don't have the wings and tail of a dragon. They also don't have any special power."

"How is it different from a baby cockatrice?" Shirley still looked a little confused.

"I don't even know what a cockatrice looks like. But one thing is. A chicken can only grow as big as a human head." Yoru replied.

"Ohh... It turns out to be small too. Then what was the water?"

"The white water was milk."

Shirley couldn't believe it. "Milk isn't that white. No milk tastes sweet anyway."

"Milk can be as white as before because it goes through a certain process that I myself don't really understand. If it tastes sweet, just assume the milk is mixed with sugar." Yoru explained.

"Oh... Milk that can be drunk usually tastes a little salty. Even then, it can only be once a few days."

"And for the last one. The food was called salad. What we ate earlier was made with vegetables and fruit."

"Were the vegetables raw?"

"Although it's supposed to be raw. But, I just sprinkled the vegetables a little with warm water. Because some people don't really like vegetables that are a little tough because they are still raw. But by pouring warm water, the vegetables will be a little easier to chew."

"I've never had anything like that before. A little hesitant, but delicious. Especially the sandwiches." Shirley smiled.

"If you already finish, you can just take a shower now. I'll tell you how to use it." Yoru then stood up from his seat and walked towards the bathroom and was followed by Shirley.

In the bathroom, Yoru taught Shirley to use the shower as well as shampoo and soap.

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