Road to God

Chapter 99: Chapter 95

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"What the hell is that sword!" Rias shouting after feeling the holy power that came out from the hidden Excalibur.

"This is an Excalibur." Said Yoru with a straight face.

"Talk about difference." Said Yuuto while looking at the hidden Excalibur and then he Gaebolg imitation in his hand.

"Can you buy something like that in this world!" Rias not believing what she hear.

"You can, but only me that know how and where to but something like this." Yoru smile.

"Are they have a demonic equipment?" Yuuto ask.

"Yes they have."

"I will talk about this equipment to my family. Maybe, if what you make is good, they will ask you more."

Yoru smile and give Rias a thumb up.

"Is there anything else we need to do now?" Rias ask.

Yoru silenly thinking what he need. And no need a long time, Yoru said. "I think not. You can go back if you want to."

"Did you didn't want us to fight a long side your wife?" Akeno confused.

"Not really, I ask your help didn't mean you should fight with them. To tell you the truth, all my wives are not as strong as you. In fact, Koneko alone might be enough to beat them all. Therefore, if they were to fight alongside you, they would only be a nuisance." Yoru explain.

Rias a bit shocked and thought that Saeko and the others would get angry or something. But, they just kept silent, Sayo even nodded her head as a sign that she agreed with what Yoru said.

"So, because of that, I want you and your friend to fight on yourself and my wife will fight on themselves. I will fight the King, you and your friend will fight the Queen and the other piece, my wife will fight the pawn, and the other zombie will be taken care off by the other member."

"Wha... There's no way we can fight the Queen! You said yourself that the Queen maybe stronger than me!" Rias look angry.

"That's why I will make an equipment for you and your friend right. So that you and your friend have enough power to fight the Queen and the other piece." Yoru said with a straight face.

"Ah... That's right. Equipment, i forgot about that." Rias remember why Yoru summon her.

"So, if you don't need anything anymore, we will go back now." Said Rias while turned her head.

"Okay, I will call you again tomorrow when the war is near." Yoru smile.

Not long after that, a magic circle appears. Yuuto and Koneko lower their head. Rias still turned her uead because of embarrassed, and Akeno smile looking what Rias do. Akeno then lower her head before they disappear.


"Fiona, can you prepare the serum for Saeko and the other?" Yoru immediately ask Fiona after Rias and her friend disappear.

"You want them to use it now?"

"Yes, if they use it now, they still have enough tome to train themselves after using the serum."

After that, Fiona and Yuko get out of the time chamber and go get the serum.

"Yoru, what serum did you talking about with Fiona?" Shirley ask.

"It's an enhancement drug. Fiona, Sayo, Yuko, and Miki already use it, that's why they're stronger than you."

"So, it's a drug? What's the side effects?" Shirley look a little anxious.

"There's non. If I should said one, maybe your emotion. His drug not only enhance your physical power, but also your emotion. It's enhance in the range that still be controllable, it's just makenyou became a little true to yourself." Miki explain.

"What do you mean by emotion?" Shizuka ask with a little anxious face.

"Like what I said, your emotions will be more easily visible. But if you're like Fiona or Yuko, who are used to hiding their emotions from the start, none of that will be a problem." Miki smile.

When Miki is being questioned by Shizuka, Fiona and Yuko arrive with a suitcase in their hands.

"Is there a problem?" Ask Yuko when she Shizuka and the other gather.

"Nothing, thy just ask about the side effect." Miki explain.

"Oh... It's not that important of a side effect." Fiona said.

Yoru then take one serum and inspect it.


Name : Enhancement Serum

Type : Drug

Use : One time only

Effect : Lvl+5

Restrictions : Under Lvl 40, Race : Human.


'So, I can't use it. And Rias's friend can't use it either.'

[If you want an enhancement for demon race, we have it in shop.]

'Is it permanent?'

[Yes, it's different than the one we give to Souichiro and he other.]

'Okay then.'

"Fiona, is there enough serum for the each group leader?"

"Group leader?" Fiona confused.

"Souichiro, Tadashi, Yuriko, Kiriko, Hanako, Takashi, Yuusuke. Maube that much." Yoru still not yet sure.

"If it just that much, we have enough." Fiona nodding his head.

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"Okay then. For now, let Saeko and the other use it. We will give the other later."

Saeko, Shizuka, Shirley, Ayaka, Shiiko, and Megumi then take a serum an use it without much question. Saeko and Shirley immediately try to jump and do some stretching. Shizuka groping her breast. Shiiko take out her cigarette without much care. Megumi silently use her magic. Only Ayaka blink her eye multiple time and have a confused face.

"Why? Is there a problem." Yoru ask.

"Yes, there's a problem." Ayaka said.

Yoru and the other immediately shocked and panicking.

"What did you feel right now?!" Fiona shout.

Yoru also use Eye of Truth to see what really happened, but...

"Nothing, I don't feel anything." Said Ayaka with a straight face.

Everyone immediately stand still in silence.

"You know, when I hear that this is an enhancement serum, I think I will feel pain all over my body. And screaming out loud and the like. But, I'm a little disappointed because I didn't feel anything." Said Ayaka with a disappointed face.

"So, no problem is the problem?"

Ayakan nodded her head.

Yoru and the other immediately facepalm.

"Tehe pero." Said Ayaka while stuck out her tongue.

"Ehehehehe... Sorry, but you know..." Ayaka scratch her back head.

Yoru menghela napas dan kemudian membelai kepala Ayaka.

"Huhf, since everything is over, we better get some rest. Don't practice too much." Yoru said.

Yoru then get out of the time chamber. He also didn't forget to give the other that still training a message to take a rest and immediately go to his room. In the way, he can see Yuuki and Saya talking about something, but he didn't really care and leave them be.

And before he arrive at his room, he saw hanako standing alone by the window with a lonely face. Yoru then approached and greeted her.

"Yo, are you alone?" Said Yoru jokingly.

Hanako then turn her head to see who's the source of the voice.

"Yoru-san? Yes, I'm here alone. Already finished your training?" Said Hanako with a smile.

"Yes, but the other still eager to have more power. Where Yuriko and Kiriko? Usually you're with them."

Hanako look ouside the window and said. "They're in their room."

"Ah..." Yoru immediately know what she mean by that.

"Ahahahahaha...." Hanako lough with a monotone voice.

Hanako is a woman of average height who has a curvy body, dark brown hair, and dark purple eyes. Her bangs cover her forehead and has tresses framing her face. Her hair is secured by a ponytail which passes her right shoulder and is slung on the side. Her eyes are usually seen closed and has a smiling face. So, she's not that bad of a woman.

Yoru then patting Hanako head to calm her down.

"I don't know what I can help you with. But if you have something you need, I will try to help you." Said Yoru with a smile.

Hinako also smiling after hearing what Yoru said.

"Yeah, maybe next time if I need something." Said Hinako, she then slowly leave from there and enter her own room.

'What was that!!! That's really dangerous!!! I almost succumbed to my own lust. He's really dangerous man. If I'm stand there a little longer. I will say "Yes" if he ask me to sleep with him.' Think Hanako when she inside her room.

"But, now, I have bigger problem." Hanako touch herself because of what she felt.

Meanwhile, Yoru walk toward his own room with an oblivious face.


When Yoru sleeping, he suddenly wake up in a library like room.

"Are you wake up yet?" Ask System.

"System. Why did you bring me here?" Yoru confused.

"We need to talk about something. About your memory I mean."

"Did there any new memory?"

"No, I don't know if we can call this a new memory. Because this is not yours, or is this yours?" System seems to be unsure.

"What do you mean by that?" Yoru confused.

"You see other Yoru's memory when evolution process happened right?"

"Yes, memory that clearly not mine and some of my own memory too."

"Yeah, about that. That body is clearly not yours. And the memory is also not entirely yours too." System stop her talk.


"You know, are you sure that your memory is really yours?"

Yoru can't say anything.

"I mean. Which memory that is really your real memory. Which Yoru are you?"

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