[Rock] Falls, Everyone Dies [Complete]

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – One Stone Breaks Bone

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The rock which was starting to slowly become a boulder landed into the dungeon with a splat, a dead goblin below it. And it had gotten a new level, and a new skill.

Very handy things for leveling, these green thingies, the rock thought. Wasn’t there that saying… killing how-many goblins with one stone?

It was probably a good count by now.

But the dungeon had an invader now. And the dungeon reacted.

The rock perceived footsteps approaching, feet like stone hitting the brick floor. Or to be more precise, feet of bone.

A mass of skeletons, coming up a long-downward sloping corridor as one big horde. The rock saw them and… didn’t feel much fear. It was a rock after all.

But it did feel hot. It had braked once during the fall down here, and converted a nice bit of thermal energy for itself in the process.

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