Running Away Hand in Hand with the Second Female Lead

Chapter 35: 35

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 35.1 - A Loud Slapping Sound Rang Out (Part 1)

Ruan Nan ran back to her bedroom, shut the door, quickly took off her shoes, and climbed directly into her bed, huddling under her blanket. Since the lock on her bedroom door had been broken a while earlier, she reached out to turn off the kitty light.

Qin Juran must’ve known that she was afraid of the dark, which is why she hung the fairy lights on the balcony. Even in the nighttime, she could leave them on, since the lights were so subtle that they wouldn’t disrupt her sleep and instead provided a sense of security.

Curled up in her blanket, Ruan Nan carefully listened for any sounds at her door. Her heartbeat pounded in her head from the nerves.

After a long while, her phone vibrated with a hum from the head of her bed. It was a voice message from Qin Juran, in a tired voice: “Good night.”


There was no movement afterward.

Ruan Nan hesitated, then threw down her phone with a huff and lied down to sleep.

The moonlight was especially cool tonight, and the wind was fierce. The wild gusts of wind trickled through the cracks in the windowpane, even rustling the thick, heavy curtains.

“Nannan, in the future, you will meet someone who loves you as much as your father and mother do.”

“Nannan, say hello to Ms. Gu.”

“Nannan, is it because you don’t have a mother, so you want your brother to be motherless too?” The woman’s cold, calculating gaze seemed to suffocate her, like a snake wrapping around her body, causing a fearful and trembling sensation to ripple all over. Ruan Nan felt as if she was standing back at the edge of that pool, where the ice-cold pool water was slowly seeping towards the soles of her feet like tentacles, approaching closer and closer.

“Nannan, Daddy never expected that you’d do something like this.”

The water continuing to extend on the ground. Ruan Nan darted back desperately until she hit a wall and there was nowhere left to go. The water climbed along the face of the wall, enfolding her entire body.

Then, the cold, terrifying, suffocation.

“I didn’t”

“I didn’t”

“I didn’t!” Ruan Nan jolted awake with a shriek. She sat up, panting as her loud heartbeat pounded in her chest. A cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

When she reached out, the elbow peeking out from under the blanket was hit with a cold chill, so she pulled both her arms back into the blanket. Her hands gripping the blanket tightened into a fist, and her hair unfurled across her shoulders. Ruan Nan buried her head into her knees, and a long while passed until her shivering calmed down.

When she laid back down, she saw that it was already 3 a.m.

She lied down for a few minutes, but whenever she shut her eyes, the same agonizing sensation washed over her.

Ruan Nan frowned and lifted her blanket, turning to face the other side.

Another long while passed, but she still couldn’t fall asleep.

Her head spun when she sat back up. After pondering for three minutes, she got out of bed, pulled a thin blanket from her closet, slipped on her shoes, then tiptoed towards Qin Juran’s room.

Though there were only a few steps separating the two bedrooms, Ruan Nan was apprehensive. She didn’t know whether Qin Juran would’ve already locked the door, or whether the sound of the doorknob turning would wake her up.

By the time she reached the door, Ruan Nan realized that her misgivings were absolutely ridiculous.

Qin Juran hadn’t locked the door – in fact, it was left wide open.

The blanket had been kicked aside, revealing the peaceful sleeping figure lying on her side. Her white nightgown was eye-catching in the night, outlining her exceptional figure. Her slender, pale legs were tangled together, making the sleeping figure all the more attractive.

Qin Juran’s back was towards the door, and there was a large space left on the other side of the bed, as if purposely leaving it open for her.

And it’s not as if it’d be the first time they slept together.

Ruan Nan rubbed her nose, hesitated for another two seconds, then clutched her blanket and climbed carefully onto the bed.

She would try to sleep on the edge of the bed and only take up a little space. She wouldn’t need to make any contact with Qin Juran.

Ruan Nan gingerly reached out to cover herself with the small blanket. Not sensing any reaction from Qin Juran, she finally let out the breath that she was holding. Right when she was about to try falling asleep again, the girl next to her suddenly turned her way. Immediately, Ruan Nan’s eyes popped open and her body stretched taut. She watched as Qin Juran, in her sleeping state, rubbed her body, her hands patting the space before her as if searching for something, then a second later—

She snatched the thin blanket right from atop of Ruan Nan’s body.

? ? ?

Wasn’t her own blanket right there?

On this chilly November night, Ruan Nan hugged her elbows together and couldn’t stop shuddering for two minutes straight. Finally, she turned around and tried to pull the blanket back.

It would not come free.

Ruan Nan wasn’t ready to give up. She gently took a lock of Qin Juran’s hair and tickled it against her nose. Right when Qin Juran lifted her hand to itch her nose, Ruan Nan quickly pulled again, and this time she was able to smoothly snatch the blanket back.

Ruan Nan shifted back around, both hands tightly grasping the blanket to prevent Qin Juran from stealing it again. However, to her surprise, rather than snatching the blanket back, Qin Juran merely turned around, wrapped an arm right over Ruan Nan’s waist, and shifted her body closer, as if she were clutching a comfortable body pillow.

At first, Ruan Nan meant to push her away, but the sense of warmth and security from being embraced seemed to cause all her prior uneasiness to dissipate.

Drowsiness soon took over, and Ruan Nan gave up trying to fight back, instead obediently falling asleep in Qin Juran’s arms.

Qin Juran typically woke up at 6 sharp out of habit, but since she slept too late last night, she woke up an hour later than usual the next morning.

She hazily opened her eyes to the unfamiliar room surrounding her and felt an object pressed to her chest. At that moment, Qin Juran’s head was about to explode with questions, the first few being: “Did the model not leave yet? Had she just done something unforgivable to Ruan Nan?”

By reflex, Qin Juran pulled her arms away and sat up on the bed, reflecting for a few seconds. Only when she clearly discerned Ruan Nan’s sleeping figure beside her did she finally let out a breath.

Wait – when did she end up in Ruan Nan’s bed?

The two bedrooms had a similar layout and décor. Qin Juran tousled her hair, then noticed that the kitten lamp wasn’t on the bedside table. Just then, she realized – it was Ruan Nan who climbed into her bed?

Qin Juran fully calmed down and glanced at the time. The curtains in Ruan Nan’s noon did a great job at blocking out the light, so even now, there was hardly any light coming in. Qin Juran glanced at the girl, still in a deep sleep, then smirked, lied back down, and pulled the blanket over the two of their bodies once again.

Qin Juran shut her eyes and pretended to sleep as she propped her arm across Ruan Nan’s body.

How soft.

She still hadn’t woken up.

Qin Juran shifted her body closer so that she was practically embracing the other girl, feeling her warmth. She still didn’t wake.

What a lazy little kitten.

A lazy kitten that climbs into other people’s beds.

Qin Juran’s smile widened. Ruan Nan’s body temperature may have risen from the embrace, as her face was beginning to turn pink and her brows furrowed slightly. Framed by her ash-gray hair, her peaceful, sleeping face was especially pretty.

Her left cheek had already been kissed, as well as the right cheek.

Qin Juran thought for a moment, then planted a light kiss atop Ruan Nan’s shoulder. She squeezed her arms around Ruan Nan for a brief moment, then finally picked up her phone and got out of bed.

Ruan Nan didn’t know how long she’d slept. By the time she woke up, she saw that she was under Qin Juran’s thick blanket and that the other side of the bed was empty, the pillow and bedding already tidied up.

Ruan Nan quickly climbed out of bed and put on her shoes. There was no sign of anyone else in the entire apartment, and the barren rooms had been cleaned up. On top of the coffee table was a single note:

Breakfast is in the kitchen. The milk’s in the microwave, just warm it up when you’re washing up.

Ruan Nan picked up the slip of paper. She looked around at the now empty room, which was left with no trace that anyone had ever been there. Her eyes sunk as she slowly trudged to the bathroom.

The midterm exams were beginning, with three courses in the span of two days. Qin Juran felt that she was seeing many of these classmates for the first time, and could hardly place the names to the faces with they greeted her.

Huang Ying’s grades were also pretty good. She’d been hovering near the edge of the scholarship qualifications for the entire semester, so she was nervous for these exams. In preparation for the first exam at 9 in the morning, she’d been studiously reading her textbook since 8:30 all throughout the ride to the testing center.

As this was her first exam in this world, Qin Juran was also feeling quite nervous. Along with Huang Ying’s frantic chanting beside her, she was beginning to get a little jittery herself.

By the time the two girls got out of the elevator, the exam room had not yet opened. Qin Juran leaned against the windowsill and swept a glance across the crowd of students, but Ruan Nan hadn’t arrived yet.

Upon seeing Qin Juran’s arrival, one female student rushed towards her with a question about a problem. Qin Juran had nothing against her, and seeing that she knew the answer, she explained the problem to the student.

This problem was quite complicated, and Qin Juran was ten full minutes into her explanation when the exam room doors opened. Huang Ying walked in first, expressing that she would go find seats.

Once Qin Juran finished explaining, most of the other students had already gone. The female student thanked her profusely, and Qin Juran smiled politely in response. Right when she collected her paper and pencils, she lifted her head up to see Ruan Nan and Lin Wei walking in.

Lin Wei was decked head to toe in designer brands, while Ruan Nan was wearing a plaid coat. Neither of them had their backpacks; it looked more like the two of them were about to walk the runway rather than take an exam.

Lin Wei waved at Qin Juran: “Oh! The top student is explaining problems? What’s the price for today, can you cut me a discount?”

Qin Juran replied: “I can cut your face, how’s that?”


Lin Wei stomped into the classroom. Ruan Nan flicked a glance at Qin Juran: “What is it?” After Qin Juran left her apartment without so much as a goodbye, she hadn’t contacted her since.

Although it had only been three days.

“Are you nervous?” Qin Juran asked.

There were only 10 minutes left until the exam began, and most large-scale exams like these had an unwritten rule to arrive early. As such, the number of students remaining in the hallways became increasingly scarce. The proctor teacher in the neighboring classroom walked out, holding a thermos and coughing softly as he proceeded upstairs.

Ruan Nan shook her head nonchalantly. “I’m not nervous.”

“I am.” Qin Juran announced from behind her.


Ruan Nan wondered whether she’d heard incorrectly, but when she turned around to look at Qin Juran, she didn’t seem to be joking.

“Why are you nervous? That you won’t be able to surpass the second place by a grade point?”

Everyone knew the significance of even one grade point in university. Qin Juran smiled as she continued, “I’m scared that I won’t do well.”

Leaning against the window, her body appeared somewhat fragile from the backlight. Her expression and tone affirmed her seriousness.

Ruan Nan was at a loss. She looked around at the empty hall around them, then leaned slightly closer and responded, “That won’t happen.”

“Why not?” Qin Juran raised a brow.

Ruan Nan hesitated, seeming to be pondering the answer. She faintly furrowed her brows, then responded firmly: “Because you are Qin Juran.”


T/N: Splitting this chapter into two parts because it’s quite long and taking me forever and I don’t want to make you guys wait even longer!


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 35.2 - A Loud Slapping Sound Rang Out (Part 2)

The girl’s response came out naturally, with no hint of doubt. There didn’t seem to be a need for any explanation – because you were Qin Juran, of course you could do it.

Right at that moment, the bell sounded. Qin Juran’s eyes creased with a smile as she repeated Ruan Nan’s words: “That’s right – I am Qin Juran.” Finally, the two of them walked into the exam room.

After the exams were distributed, Qin Juran gradually calmed down. It didn’t look as difficult as she feared.

The final section of this exam was a real-life application question, so many students who haven’t had entrepreneurship experience were unable to answer it. Luckily, Qin Juran had plenty of experience under her belt from her past life, so she was able to easily fill half a page with her response.

There was only one exam that morning; the other two were left for tomorrow morning.

That night, Huang Ying pulled another all-nighter. Meanwhile, Qin Juran had familiarized herself with the difficulty of this world’s exams, so she was no longer as nervous as before.

Right before the exam the next morning, Qin Juran suddenly received a text message from an unknown sender. The sender explained that they’d seen the article she posted on social media and that they felt JuJu Tavern had good potential. Additionally, the sender stated that they were an HR representative for some company, and since the writer of the article seemed to have a talent for marketing, they wanted to know whether she’d be willing to work with them.

Qin Juran quickly opened her social media applications. Indeed, her article was gaining a lot of popularity, and there were plenty of comments underneath from people expressing that they wanted to go try the food, asking for the address or the waiting time.

Feeling excited, Qin Juran quickly relayed her eagerness, although she didn’t have time to write a detailed response because of her impending exam. The other party provided an email address to which she should send a CV by today, and wrote that they would continue to follow up with their negotiations.

The ordeal took up a hefty amount of time, so Qin Juran ended up being the last to enter the exam room again. Today, she wore a black turtleneck and a long trench coat, as well as her usual wire-frame glasses. In order to write more comfortably, she had tied her hair in a bun.

Sure enough, her presence attracted the stares of the entire room when she walked in.

Qin Juran peeked at Ruan Nan. Worried that she’d get distracted by her during the exam, she purposely chose a seat behind Ruan Nan to sit in.

The first exam passed quickly. Afterward, there was a twenty-minute break.

After the exam, most of the students were busy discussing the answers with each other, which Qin Juran had no interest in. She noticed that Ruan Nan was no longer sitting in her seat, and went to fill both of their water bottles in preparation for the next exam.

The bell rang, prompting the students to file back through the door. This exam topic was the most difficult; once the exams were distributed, Qin Juran answered two multiple-choice questions before looking up towards Ruan Nan’s seat, but it was still empty.

Since they were only five minutes into the exam, Qin Juran assumed that she must’ve still been in the bathroom or went out to buy something, and didn’t think too much of it as she turned her focus back to the test.

Fifteen minutes into the exam, Secretary Yan and the vice principal walked into the exam room for an inspection. The proctoring teacher smiled as he led them along until they arrived at Ruan Nan’s empty seat. When they asked where she went, the proctor paused, then replied that she’d been there during the first exam, but never returned after the break in between.

Secretary Yan and the vice principal seemed to be discussing something, and when Qin Juran heard them, she raised her head to glance at the time and frowned. She stood up nearly at the same time as Lin Wei did, but he beat her to the punch: “Teacher, I need to use the bathroom.”

Secretary Yan peered at him. “This seat belongs to Ruan Nan?”

Lin Wei nodded. Secretary Yan continued, “Even if you go to the bathroom, you wouldn’t be able to find her. Just sit down and focus on your exam. I’m going to go make a phone call.”

Without waiting for him to finish, Qin Juran placed her pencil on the desk and walked to the front of the room, speaking to the proctor, “Teacher, I also need to use the restroom.”

The proctoring teacher recognized Qin Juran and understood her intentions. He replied dubiously, “Juran, this exam is quite difficult, if you waste time you might not be able to finish answering all of the questions.”

Upon seeing her, Secretary Yan felt a headache ensuing. He spoke in a low voice, “You better go back and finish those questions if you still want the scholarship for the semester.”

Qin Juran replied with a quiet, “I understand,” before turning and walking out of the room.

The vice-principal didn’t recognize this female student. Upon seeing her arrogant display, his brows furrowed deeply: “What’s the matter, Little Yan?”

Secretary Yan quickly laughed: “It’s nothing, it’s nothing. Just nature calling, don’t worry about it, Vice Principal.”

The vice principal’s frown deepened: “She didn’t look to be too urgent to me?”

The vice principal’s sloping eyebrows were so deep in a frown that his entire face looked like the  ” 囧 ” character. Some students nearby couldn’t hold back anymore and began to chuckle. Secretary Yan quickly announced a brisk, “Alright, alright,” then steered the man away.

All the students’ phones had been taken away since the first exam in the morning began, so Qin Juran could only walk around in the hallways searching, but she didn’t see Ruan Nan. Since so much time had already passed, if she was indeed in the bathroom, she must’ve encountered some problem.

Qin Juran began to march towards the bathrooms. All of S University’s facilities were of a luxurious style, and the bathrooms were no exception, being very well-maintained. As soon as she stepped inside, she heard the sound of a girl crying, and her heart thumped. She knocked softly against the stall door, to which the girl’s voice called out in response: “Who is it?”

Hearing a voice that wasn’t Ruan Nan’s, Qin Juran was about to apologize, when the girl suddenly opened the door. Upon seeing Qin Juran, her face lit up, as if her savior had arrived. Qin Juran tried to identify her; it seemed she was in the neighboring Class 2 and was taking the same exam today.

The student quickly dried off her eyes: “Qin Juran, I—can you help me with something?”

In spite of her pretty, tear-stained face, Qin Juran only frowned and replied with “Sorry, I’m in a rush,” before brushing past her.

The girl grabbed her elbow: “Please help me, Qin Juran. I’ll pay you.” She sidled closer to Qin Juran:

“Towards the end of the exam, could you pass the answers to the student in the third row by the wall? I’m begging you, Qin Juran, I messed up on the first exam; if I do poorly on this one, then I won’t be admitted for postgraduate studies!”

Qin Juran’s apprehensive gaze immediately filled with disgust. She lowered her eyes to where the female student was clutching her arm, and spoke icily: “You’re relying on such low methods to get your admittance?”


With this, she yanked her elbow away.

Since the bathroom was separated into an outer and inner section, Qin Juran guessed that Ah-Ruan would’ve preferred the inner section.

Qin Juran looked side to side as she walked, calling out in whispers: “Ah-Ruan, Ah-Ruan.”

“Are you in here, Ah-Ruan? It’s me.”

Immediately, a small voice echoed from the stall at the very end: “Qin Juran.”

Qin Juran sighed in relief, then walked towards the stall door and asked quietly from outside: “What happened? Your period?”

S University’s bathrooms were equipped with menstrual pads, so forgetting them shouldn’t be a problem.

Before Qin Juran could ask any more, Ruan Nan quickly opened the door and pulled Qin Juran into the stall.

The bathroom stalls were easily big enough for two people to stand inside. After being pulled inside, Qin Juran stared at Ruan Nan. Her cheeks were flushed bright red, one of her arms was tucked behind her back, and she was looking helplessly at the other girl.

Qin Juran stood half a head taller than Ruan Nan, so seeing Ruan Nan’s alarmed expression was rather funny to her. Grinning, she asked, “What’s wrong? Are you about to propose to me, hiding a ring behind your back?”

Ruan Nan shook Qin Juran’s arm in response to her joke: “Can’t you be serious for a bit?”

Qin Juran held back her laughter and tried to look at what was behind the other girl’s back. But when she craned her neck to see, Ruan Nan scooted further backward. Qin Juran asked, “So what’s really wrong?”

“My pants zipper isn’t zipping.”

Qin Juran lowered her head. Ruan Nan was wearing a pair of trendy high-waisted pants in her usual style, but trendy to what extent? Perhaps to preserve the sleek design of the pants, the buttons in the front were fake, and the zipper was in the back instead.

In a second, Qin Juran realized why she was so embarrassed. “Have you tried taking them off?”

“I tried; it didn’t work.”

Qin Juran cleared her throat. “I can grab you another pair from my dorm?”

Ruan Nan shook her head frantically: “We’re in the middle of an exam. If you go and come back, you won’t have time to finish.”

Qin Juran noticed that Ruan Nan was more worried that she wouldn’t finish, rather than about her own exam, and her heart warmed: “If I don’t, then you wouldn’t be able to finish either.”

Ruan Nan cocked her head. “The worst that can happen to me is I fail a class. It’s different for you.”

“How am I so different that I can’t fail a class, too?”

Ruan Nan shook her head so fervently that she resembled a rattle toy. “No. You must be in first place—you’re supposed to be the best in everything.”

Qin Juran froze. As she looked down at Ruan Nan’s frazzled, pink face, her smile grew. In a low voice, she replied, “Alright.”

“Then I’ll help you pull it?” Qin Juran stepped closer to Ruan Nan. In the end, this was the fastest way for the two of them to both get out of there.

From Ruan Nan’s deepening blush, Qin Juran surmised that the zipper must’ve stretched further down than merely her waist.

Ruan Nan stood silent for a few seconds, then finally nodded.

“I’ll reach behind you from the front?” Qin Juran’s voice came out increasingly coarse.

Ruan Nan nodded again.

“Then you can let go and lean against my shoulder.”

Ruan Nan pressed her weight onto Qin Juran’s body accordingly so that the two of them were in an embracing position. Qin Juran looped her arms around Ruan Nan’s back and grasped the fold of the pants that Ruan Nan was clutching. When she realized just how long the zipper extended, Qin Juran suddenly felt the blood rush to her head.

Under Ruan Nan’s pants was a pair of crimson-colored muslin underwear that tied on the sides. The fabric was so thin that it was practically nonexistent, and her porcelain curves looked especially ample under the crimson muslin.

Qin Juran didn’t dare more than a glance and immediately tried to yank the zipper up. However, one of the zipper teeth must have been bent, as the zipper immediately got stuck halfway.

She pulled up and down a few times to no avail, and faint beads of sweat were beginning to dot her forehead. Ruan Nan continued to lean against her shoulders, and every time Qin Juran pulled, her face flamed even harder.

“Still no good?”

“Nope. We have to straighten the crooked zipper tooth.”

“How about you try turning around?” Which meant that her buttocks would be fully facing Qin Juran.

Ruan Nan’s face was already as red as an overripe persimmon, and Qin Juran’s was not much better. After they stood deadlocked for a long while, Ruan Nan grit through clenched teeth: “You better not peak.”

Qin Juran laughed dryly. “I’ll try my best.”

After a few seconds of hesitation, Ruan Nan finally turned her body resignedly.

“Lift up a bit”


“Bend over”


Qin Juran finally was able to get a good look at the zipper. Because of her tall height, it was difficult for her to fix while standing. She clenched her teeth and kneeled down, pulled vigorously, and quickly pressed the zipper teeth back in the proper form.

“Are you finished?”


Qin Juran pulled upward as she spoke, but at the same time, Ruan Nan assumed it was okay to move, and began standing upright. The two girls’ clashing nearly caused Ruan Nan’s pants to slip, so Qin Juran used a hand to grab the pants, meaning to hold it up, but her other hand hit something else.


A loud slapping sound rang out.

Oh, fuck…

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