
Chapter 113: 54: Innocent Nymph – Part 2

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My sleep is light and gets disrupted by the constant moaning.

I open my eyes and see the two (now completely naked) lolis all over Ciel, moaning and giggling while tangled in a mess of limbs.

A soft moan to the side calls my attention to Klein, who's receiving a tail massage from Alissa.

Hana, Roxanne, Gify, and Aoi are all cuddled together in a puddle. Aoi almost looks like a baby in Roxanne's arms and Hana looks like a father hugging his wife from behind. Gify is like the pet of the family, though he's on Hana's shoulder instead of sitting in front of them.


Lina is awake and her gloomy dark eyes stare intently into mine. I look down at her and we enter a short trance as we remain staring lovingly at each other, letting our awareness drown in the seas of our eyes.


I bring her face close to mine and our lips touch. Her tongue gives shy licks to mine and I slowly enter her mouth. I hold her head and hug her small waist, bringing her closer to me.

My slightly tired member rises up and pushes against her entrance. Her hips move along its shaft and her tongue increases its pace.

Her hips slow down as our kiss ends, then we remain embraced like this while she teases me with slow and deliberate movements of her hips.


We look over at Ciel and see her whole body tremble while two small hands continue moving underwater. Each of the lolis suck on one of Ciel's large dark nipples while smirking at her reactions.

Daiana submerges herself, allowing Ciel to calm down, only for her to start moaning again as the smug loli plays with her feet underwater.

"You don't feel jealous?" I ask Lina.

"No. Look at how happy she is; why would I feel jealous of that?" She answers, lowly. I kiss her forehead and have her rest her head on my chest again, then she continues, "I think she's a bit like you: very loving, caring, and perverted. But unlike you, she doesn't admit that last part, for some reason."

"So you just want her to admit that she's a slut?"

"Yes. Just like how you're a manslut." Lina gives me an impish smile for a moment and then returns her expression to normal. "I also love her, so I just want her to search for her happiness, the same way she's been helping me find mine."

"You think she'll find happiness in a halfling's tongue being buried in her pussy or with her toes inside a loli's mouth?"

She chuckles and asks, "Loli?"

"Er, someone who looks like you or the halflings: barely mature, even though you're older."

"Oh, yes, definitely; she's totally going to be happy with that." We chuckle lightly and she continues, "It's not something 'noble,' but we already have enough 'adventure' in our lives thanks to our destinies."

"It's 'our' destiny, now?"

She pokes my cheek with her finger and I know she's pouting due to her tone. "Yes. The moment we decided to join you, 'your' destiny became 'our' destiny."

I lay my hand on her cheek and restrain myself to not squeeze her in a hug. "Thank you."

"And thank you for bringing all of us together."


I kiss the top of her head and we watch on as Ciel is satisfied.

The loli sisters lay their heads on Ciel's soft body and relax.

"Oh, done already? Well, Ciel, you reached a new level of depravity, but you're still too weak for me," Hana comments.

"I'd say that it's not fair to compare dragonkin to other races," Suelen says.

"Our husband could do all of you and still ask for more," Daiana says and turns to me. "Though you would make his knees buckle with your magic dick."

"You have a husband?" I ask, a little surprised.

Daiana smiles and she says in a rehearsed tone, "Yes, he works mostly at the men's homo room. Yes, we have two children, and they're adults now. No, we won't tell you our age. No, we don't talk about their sex lives. No, they don't work here. No, I won't have children with them, the Gods don't like that to begin with. And finally, no, you can't have them."

We chuckle but I sweat a little.

My fetishes are becoming a little too much, even for me…

I feel Lina's entrance heat up and I can see that she's blushing. Her hips go far back and allow my cock to rise some more. She aims her slit and lowers herself onto me, moaning softly as I slowly penetrate her.

"And I thought we were depraved," Lina says with a smile. She hugs me and I feel her heart beating quickly.

"That made you aroused?" I whisper softly in her ears.


She drains one last shot out of me before we leave the bath.

The maids pull out a new set of dry and clean clothes, then they turn to us and return to their more subservient demeanors.

"If you have any dirty clothes, you can give them to us and we'll wash them for you," Daiana says.

We share a look among ourselves and I shrug. We pull out the small basket of stained sheets and another one with everyone's smelly underwear.

"I can guess what that one is," Suelen says and they both smile wryly while looking at the basket filled with sheets.

"Do you mind if someone sniffs your laundry?" Daiana asks, entirely serious.

"Only if it's not a woman," I say, matching her seriousness.

The girls and Gify chuckle, except for Aoi, who doesn't understand the situation. Even Ciel chuckles, far too deep into her post-multiple-loli-induced-orgasms clarity and happiness to care.

Daiana smiles smugly at me. "Understood. We'll have it washed and dried by tomorrow's lunchtime."

"Thank you."

"Anytime." Her smile goes soft. "But seriously, anytime. We'll even go for free next time if you use that magic dick. I might have to bring two friends, though, since your family is a little too much for just the two of us."

"Uh… bring as many as you'd like," I say with a smirk.

We all turn to Ciel and she starts to get annoyed. "You know that's not funny; this is bullying."

I smirk evilly and say, "If you admit to being a pe-…"

"I'm not!"

"Yeah, right," Daiana says smugly.

Suelen looks worried and says, "You know, it's fine to admit it. As long as you always go for a halfling or dwarf of age you-…"

Ciel interrupts again and says through gritted teeth, "I'm hungry. How about we move on and go have our dinner?"

I grab Ciel's arm and give it a loving squeeze. "It's fine, I'm one too," I say, still smirking.

She covers her eyes with her hand. "Please, let's just go."


This inn is a little different than the usual small, snug and vertical buildings. It's long and rectangular; a mansion, really. On the bottom floor, there's a large hall dedicated to the restaurant, which opens out onto the street and even has some tables on the grass. It's the most well-decorated part of the inn because a lot of the patrons here seem to be people from the outside coming in just for dinner and to watch the shota and loli waiters and waitresses wearing skimpy outfits that leave little to the imagination. At least this time the panties aren't transparent.

For a place with such a sexually charged atmosphere, the patrons are surprisingly tame. The number of muscular guards sporting very visible shiny and spiked metal maces seems to be one of the reasons that peace reigns around here.

"We'll always be on duty during your stay, so don't be shy about calling on us," Daiana says and then smirks. "But remember that we also sleep at night, so if you call us too late at night then we'll take a while to wake up and respond."

"Sure, we understand," I say with a nod.

"And that's why you're one of the good ones." She gives me a wink.

They bow and moon the patrons behind them, then they straighten their postures and leave without acknowledging the distraction they caused.

"I knew these sexy inns were 'intense,' but this… wow. This is beyond what I ever imagined," Roxanne says as her gaze follows a very tight and small werecat ass.

"Doesn't it get tiring, though? Having sex thrown right in your face all the time?" Lina asks.

"That's the best part," I say and Hana nods. Alissa is slightly more conflicted but agrees with us.

"I think this is nice," Aoi says, scaring a cute blonde waitress passing by. "Hugging all the time is nice, having fun all the time is nice, feeling pleasure all the time is nice, and everyone looks pretty all the time."

"Can't argue with that," Roxanne says with a wry smile and shrugs.

We sit down and order a normal meal. There are few above-ground farms, so most of the options here are seafood. Even the bread is made from algae instead of not-wheat.

We all choose a mild-tasting fish soup with a silly name. The Thalanthro Holg language sounds like Klingon and it's the most commonly used after the elven Ingua, so most of the sea-related options are in Holg.

The bread that comes with the soup is white and yellow on the outside and dark green on the inside, quite novel. There's a faint parsley flavor in the after-taste. We dip the bread slices in the soup and this special flavor ends up combining perfectly with it.

Rutina comes in while surrounded by three old men and takes a seat. She notices us and smiles, then gives us a little wave with her fingers. The three men momentarily take their eyes off of her to give us a curious glance, which every single one ends up falling on Lina for an annoyingly longer moment than normal, then they return to salivating over Rutina.

She wears red lipstick and a tight red dress that looks even lewder than the outfits the waiters and waitresses are wearing.

Our table is near the opening to the main hall, so we look out from the restaurant and up towards the stars.

"Ciel, what are the stars?" I ask.

"Remnants of the fight between the Symbol of Light and the Symbol of Darkness," she answers with a hint of excitement.

"Oh? Why did they fight?"

"Well, they are literally opposites. It's hard for them not to."

"Since the Tree of Mana revives, do they also come back?"

"Tree of Mana?" Klein questions and Alissa explains our meeting with Gecynd to her while being light on the details.

"You're all being ridiculous. You met a being of legend and never told anyone about it!" Klein grabs her round ears in disbelief.

Ciel lays her hand over mine and runs her fingers along my skin.

Alissa softly pats Klein's head and says, "She did put some effort to keep her identity secret. Maybe the Lords of Rabanara know, but nobody else does. It wouldn't be right for us to spread her secret."

Klein calms down and accepts the absurdity of our lives again.

"So, going back to the Symbols," I say and look at Ciel.

"Anyways, yes, they revive. We call it a Star Burst event. Once every few years, the nights become darker because the stars fade out and disappear. Then, after a day-cycle or so, the sky is lit up with a beautiful show of lights as the Symbols fight again. Once the fight ends, the only things left are the stars created by the Symbols. The ones made by the Symbol of Darkness aren't visible to us since, you know, the sky is dark at night."

"But why is the sky dark?"

She smiles warmly and says, "Sometimes it feels like I'm talking to a child." Roxanne gives her a knowing look. Ciel ignores her and continues, "Anyway. We know very little of what's beyond the Broken Skies. It's basically the same as with the Everlasting Storm: some force rips apart any form of matter that goes too deep into it."

"But what about the Moon, the Sun, and the stars? They are still visibly out there and whole."

"They aren't made of matter, though. They are all sources of mana and power that are converted into light that we can see, almost as if they are a 'visible soul.' Also, the stars of the Symbol of Darkness can only be seen with a very precise mana detector, but they are out there."

I pull her hand to me and hug her arm. "Hm…"

I feel like telling them about Earth, but Klein doesn't know the full truth yet.

"Should I tell Klein about Earth?" I ask three of the girls through [Bind].

"I don't see why not," Hana says.

"It would make her confused, though," Alissa says.

"Oh, yeah. I can see that happening."

"Not telling is annoying. Tell her everything!" Aoi suggests.

"Well, I agree… but telling might be just as annoying," I say.

"But only once."

We end the discussion there as no consensus is reached.

"Every day, you just make me even more curious about your homeland, Wolfy," Klein says while staring at me intently.

I chuckle and stare back, competing with her.

After a few seconds, she pouts and looks at the girls. "Do any of you know the truth?"

The table goes silent and Klein immediately turns to Hana.

Several very silent seconds go by as Klein's eyes slowly narrow towards my red dragon. I lay my head on Ciel's shoulder and she runs her hand through my hair.

"What? Why are you staring at me?" Hana finally asks, a little nervous.

"I know you're a bad liar."

"Oh, please!" Hana flicks her hand at Klein.

"Oh yeah, you wanna do this? I can list all the times that we or just you got caught because of your bad lies."

"Wait, no, Dad just… Dad's just really good at investigating," Hana says, without much conviction.

"Uh huh…" Klein responds, full of sass.

"I can just not say a thing, you know," Hana shoots back with a smirk.

"Ugh…" Klein moans and pouts even more.

"Why do you want to know more about me so much?" I ask.

Her withering glare turns to me and she looks even more displeased. "Why do you think?"

I get that sinking feeling that I fucked up.

"You fucked up," Alissa says.

I glance at Ciel and she gives me that "you fucked up" smile.

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The other girls also discreetly cringe, except for Aoi, who's a little confused.

Every second that passes, Klein just gets even more displeased, bordering on anger.

I swallow my pride and say, "I'm sorry, Klein. That was rude of me. You're very important to all of us, it's just that my background is very complicated."

Her displeasure fades and turns into sadness. "I just want to know more about you," she says lowly as her cute monkey ears droop.

"Well, I think it's just better to do it after all," I say through [Bind].


"Lina, switch places with Klein so I can tell her."

She nods and gets up.

Klein looks a little conflicted. A mix of guilt and annoyance, but also excitement.

She quickly sits down beside me and I regretfully depart from Ciel's fragrant shoulder. I grab Klein's hand and pull her close, then we hunch over the table and I start talking.

"Another… realm?" She asks with her head hung low. I nod slowly at her and she looks away. "And you don't know how to go back?"

"No, not even how I got here."

"Your family?"

"They are all on Earth…" I meet eyes with everyone at the table and say, "These women, and this freeloader, are all that I have left. Without them, I'm all alone."

Small smiles, sad faces, a beak warped into a pout, and Alissa's burning determination are sent right back at me.

"I'm sorry…" She mutters, almost breaking into tears.

I turn to her and frown. "For what?"

"For being so nosy."

"It's okay. You're important to us; I should've just told you this from the beginning."

"No, I… understand why you didn't. I'm not even going to be a real wife; I'm not worthy to listen to your story."

I sigh and pull her into a hug. Just a little more and we would both start crying. I caress her head to calm the both of us down.

"What are the stars like on Earth?" Alissa asks to bring our minds to a better place.

I smile faintly at her and see her tail wag a little. "It's completely different than here. Back there, there are no Broken Skies. The atmosphere thins out the further up you go until you can't breathe, then you just float off into the nothingness and get burned by the Sun if you face it."

"Burned? Why?" She asks.

"The Sun is a source of power and heat. Even here it burns us," Ciel says.

"Exactly," I nod and continue, "The Sun is something huge, far larger than Earth, but it's so far away that we can only see a small bright circle in the sky just like the Sun over here. Between the Sun and the Earth there's nothing for billions and billions of meters. You end up burning because the atmosphere normally absorbs the heat, but without it, the sunrays can reach you at full power."

I lay my head against the top of Klein's and her monkey ears twitch, tickling my cheek.

"The size of the Sun is a little difficult to imagine," Alissa says and smiles wryly.

"How's Earth's size compared to Rupegia?" Klein asks.

"For me, it feels like this realm is smaller."


"Well, we don't know what's beyond the Everlasting Storm, so the real size of this realm is unknown," Ciel says.

"But from what we know, how does it compare to Earth?" Alissa asks again.

"If Earth is the size of Hana's head, then Rupegia is smaller than Lina's head."

"That's quite the image," Hana says and chuckles.

"Now, if you want to imagine the distance between these landmasses, imagine that they are just specks of dust in the opposite ends of a mansion, this should give you some perspective of the distances between things and I'm not even sure if those distances are long enough."

"Seems like there's more nothing than, uh, not-nothing," Hana says with a chuckle.

"That's about right. The scale of space is quite hard to grasp. But even though it's empty, there's quite a lot to learn from it. These landmasses, which we call 'planets,' all interact with one another even from such vast distances. Gravity, what makes things fall down, are created by these landmasses. With this, the gravity of each landmass affects all the others, and so, complex and beautiful formations are created as a result."

"We do have gravity here, too. So you think that our 'planets' are similar?" Ciel asks.

"I don't have enough evidence of that. Gravity on Earth is caused by a physical phenomenon. For all we know, gravity here could just be caused by magic."

"How many 'planets' are there?" Lina asks.

"Planets stay around stars and there are as many stars larger than the Sun as there are grains of sand on a beach. All of these grains together form what we call a galaxy. The gravity from this entire galaxy interacts with itself, and this in turn makes the galaxy always remain in motion."

Lina's eyes glimmer. "Does it ever end? Is there more than one galaxy?"

I smile softly at her. "There is. The same way galaxies are formed by stars, 'clusters' are formed by hundreds of galaxies. But beyond that, we don't really know much."

"Wow." Lina's expression softens as her mind tries to grasp the scale of things. Ciel is just impressed. Alissa and Klein seem to be totally mindfucked and have stopped reacting to things. Hana and Roxanne are almost in a "I'm too sober to understand this" state. Aoi and Gify seem to be having the easiest time understanding things, or maybe they aren't even listening.


So, not listening.

Feeling inspired, I continue talking. "Another thing is that the moon in my original realm is completely different from the one we have here. It's just a hu~ge piece of rock, but we can walk on it. We can build constructs that fly up out of the sky and land on the moon. But first, we have to survive the trip there, a trip through what we call 'space.'

"It's the most difficult place to survive and we need insane amounts of planning just for a single person to land on the moon, but we can go there. Maybe one day, humanity will land somewhere else and colonize a different landmass, and then spread out and colonize the galaxy."

"That actually sounds amazing," Roxanne says and Lina nods.

"Any place without monsters sounds amazing," Ciel says.

I smile wryly and say, "But the lack of the Gods doesn't. Things were kind of turning bad because we were screwing around too much with the environment. The lack of magic makes things so much more difficult. We were destroying the land while extracting resources and there wasn't any magic to create new ones."

"You mean like, the mines were running out?" Lina asks.

"It's a complex situation and that's only one part of it. To extract resources and grow our food, we create waste and we can't just make the waste disappear like we can here. All that waste has to go somewhere and we need to deal with it because there's no place for it that doesn't destroy something."

Lina's Trivia: the waste management system here literally makes shit disappear.

"So you have mountains of shit?" Hana asks with her eyes wide open.

"Not literally, but we do have literal mountains of trash. Remains of food, old and used things, byproducts of… uh, creation of items, all those things that have no value and there's no easy way to dispose of them. The worst part is that they become toxic and pollute nature."

"Oh! Just like the Deadlands," Alissa says.

"Honestly, yeah, kinda, but not as bad. The Deadlands is a massive wasteland, what we have are thousands of small wastelands all over the world."

"World?" Alissa asks, tilting her head cutely.

"Same thing as 'realm,' 'planet,' or 'landmass.'"

"Oh, okay. But yeah, that sounds horrible."

"It's a mixed bag. The good comes with the bad," I say and smile wryly.

"But it's impressive that your world managed to achieve so much peace without the Gods," Ciel says.

I cringe a little. "Ye~ah… We did kill each other by the millions in a massive war, like, when my great, great grandparents were alive, so not that long ago."


"To be honest, your realm sounds like it kinda sucks. You just got lucky you were born somewhere 'okay,'" Hana says.

"Isn't that true even here?" Lina asks.

"Eh." Hana shrugs. "It feels like they are trapped in a dying land or something."

I blush a little and try to adjust myself so that I can hug Klein more comfortably. "I am a bitter realist, so I don't really see the 'bright side' of things very often," I say.

"You looked rather sad when we first met, I thought you were depressed," Alissa says.

"I kind of was. Though, it was more like I was ignoring what had happened until I just couldn't anymore."

"That's when you proposed." Alissa smiles a little shyly.

"Oh? I haven't heard that one," Ciel says and Lina nods.

Klein disentangles from our hug so that she can listen to me better and see my face.

"I saved Nour, a merchant's son, from death or from at least losing his Blood Slave inside a dungeon. As a favor, he wrote me a letter that gave me some sort of discount on buying a Blood Slave.

"At the time, I was very scared, having just barely survived death myself. I just wanted a companion, someone I could trust. With all the Gifts that I have and no information on the world, I was feeling extremely isolated.

"Then, in comes Alissa." -she blushes and even I get a little embarrassed- "She opened herself up to me and yet I still kept secrets. I just didn't want to talk about or face what had happened to me. I just wanted to move on and continue with this 'destiny' of mine, but that's not… a good choice for a healthy mind…

"Eventually, when Alissa suggested marrying both her and Roxanne," -now Roxanne blushes and Hana smirks- "that's when I kind of 'cracked' and felt really guilty for not taking their feelings seriously, for not telling them the truth, and for trying to bury my past so that it wouldn't hurt.

"I hate being indecisive and letting things just stew without a resolution, so it was at that moment that I made my decision: I'll cast off my old self and stay in this world, forever; I'll give up on Lily, who I married just before being transported to this realm; I'll live with my wives as if I was originally born here; I'll hold no hope of ever going back.

"This" -I extend my hands towards the girls- "is my duty: to be the best husband that I can be for these women… and the owner of this freeloader."


"Thank you," I say and tip my cup to him.

"Wow. You had to abandon your wife; that is so sad," Aoi says so innocently it hurts. Then she smiles and nods, "But then things turned out fine."

"They have," I say softly and pat Klein's hand.

She pulls my hand towards her chest and looks at me with teary eyes. "Thanks for telling me. I promise I'll never abandon you."

I cup her cheek with the other hand and say, "Thanks for being there. I promise the same."

She chuckles but then looks down sadly. "You're all still going to that dungeon."

"We'll come back fine. I guarantee it," Hana says with a fearsome smile.

"We still have so much to do," Roxanne says casually.

"I still want my eggs!" Aoi exclaims a little louder than I'd like.

"Same," Ciel says and Lina nods repeatedly.

"I didn't train so hard just to die in a dungeon," Alissa says while smiling.

"I don't like to make these emotional promises, but I'm confident in our success. We'll be back," I say and kiss her forehead.

We spend a little longer observing the night sky, then Hana, Klein, and Roxanne take the armored dinghy and go to the Dansstroom to make our reservation. When they come back, we retire to our room and cuddle up to recharge our emotions after all that serious talk.

Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Oracle Maximillian Hübner.

Prince Bradly.

Prince PreownedFIN.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Hope.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Cody Weigel.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord DJ.

Lord Ashadun.

Lord D4rk Sheep.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Joxsan Herrera.

Lord Enrique Peña Gomez.

Lord Vampmire.

Lord Braidborn

Noble Salty Panda.


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