
Chapter 120: 56: Turn of The Wheel – Part 2

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The loli on my left dick hand suddenly jumps off of me and scrambles to find her clothes along with nearly half of the women in the room.

The other two women using me stop for a moment and then continue after a shrug. With one hand now free, I can grope the bouncing tits in front of me.

Hurried [Clean]s are cast all around us as the maids and staff get dressed and hurry out of the room.

Rudita stays in her spot, tapping her shoe impatiently on the floor. Her sharp glare is frightening and when her eyes sweep over my body, I shudder and orgasm inside the comely weredog on top of me.

The halfling innkeeper raises an eyebrow at me and her stern expression falters a little, then she returns to stabbing at her employees with her eyes.

Another woman shamelessly comes over to me and takes my hand off of the busty weredog. I recreate a dick hand for her and she sits down on it. Rudita opens her eyes wide and shakes her head in exasperation. I feel like shrugging, but I don't think she'd be able to see it right now.

Ciel is left a little sad as only three lolis remain to cuddle with her: the loli maid sisters and one noblewoman. Lina leaves Hana's lap and sits down on Ciel's to cheer her up.

"Mr. Ryder," Rudita finally says when the room is cleared of the inn staff.

"Yes?" I ask and tilt my head to the side so that my view of her isn't periodically blocked by the hips of the weredog on top of me.

Her intense glare almost makes me orgasm again. "I would appreciate it if you don't bed half my female staff again."

I smile guiltily. "I can't promise that, but it was never my intention to disrupt your business."

"You may lack the intention, but you still need to take responsibility for the results." Her unwavering glare makes my smile even more strained. Then she redirects her glare towards Daiana and Suelen, who are still cuddling with Ciel. "I hope you two learned your lesson about not spreading rumors about a magic dick, truthful or not," -she sends a glance to my dick and dick hands- "to an inn filled with… ravenous women."

Daiana and Suelen go completely stiff and silently nod to Rudita. The remaining women have a few laughs and giggles while nodding in agreement.

"If you'd like to join in, there will be an opening soon," Alissa says, one hand on her crotch, the other pointing to the orgasming weredog on top of me.

Rudita turns her eyes to me and I feel a chill run through my exposed balls from the anticipation. "I'd first ask that you make sure that your stay doesn't cost me more coins than I'd gain."

"I'll definitely make sure of that," Alissa responds and her fingers dig deeper inside herself. I delve a little into Alissa's [Bind] and receive an influx of depraved images entering my mind. She really wants me and Rudita to be on good terms.

The weredog collapses on top of me and I orgasm inside her again. Hana pulls her off of me and another woman takes her place without cleaning my dick.

"Gods…" Rudita mutters and walks away. Before she closes the doors, she gives my cock one last glance and I lick my lips, imagining her taste.

After the last of the women are satisfied, we leave them in our room while we finally go have our bath. Ciel casts [Heal] on my member while my muscles are massaged by everyone else.

"I'm actually pretty proud of you, Wolfy," Hana says as her strong hands massage my back and buttocks. "A few more of these and you'll become a legend."

"I wonder what Title he's going to get this time," Alissa says wistfully and slows down my shoulders' massage for a moment.

"Let a Glutton eat your words, Alissa," I say, serious.

"'Titles'?" Daiana asks smugly while massaging one of my arms. Rudita's admonishment of her behaviour has already faded from her mind.

"Wolf 'Good Luck' Ryder, Golemancer, and Scholar of Rabanara," Alissa says, copying Daiana's smugness.

"Alissa of the 'Blinding Arrows,'" I shoot back and turn to her just in time to see her eye twitch.

"Oh, wow, that's a cool Title, Alissa," Suelen says while massaging my other arm.

Lina's little hands massage my feet and I nearly giggle.

"Pfff… sorry, Alissa," Daiana chokes a chuckle and hastily adds an apology.

"No… I still think it's a bit… odd to be called by my Title," Alissa says with a wry smile.

Through [Bind], I see that she turns her head to Hana, who silently continues my massage without looking her in the eye.

"Hana of the 'One Thousand Strikes' also has a weird ring to it," Roxanne casually comments while massaging one of my thighs.

Hana squeezes my buttocks for a moment, nearly making me moan shamelessly.

"'One Thousand Strikes'?" Daiana asks, slowly turning her smug grin to Hana.

"Wow! It sounds so ferocious!" Suelen exclaims, her eyes glimmer in admiration. "What sort of battles did you go through to get that Title?"

Hana sighs and gives her an embellished recount of our battle with the Dawn of Fire.

The loli sisters look at Roxanne with fear and respect. They both search her neck for any evidence of a scar.

"There's no scar. Both Wolfy and Ciel are good enough healers to leave none behind, so I'd rather not blemish my perfect skin with an ugly scar," Roxanne says with a pained smile. Ciel stops massaging my other thigh and squeezes Roxanne's shoulder in support. Then Roxanne touches the circular scar on her belly and says, "This one is special, though. I got it after he saved my life… and it's one of the reasons I fell in love with him."

"Awn…" They say in unison and I smile wryly.

Daiana is the first one to sober up. "But… it seems that pissers were pissing about just like always," she says, her smug smile gone.

"Yeah, I hope Dawn of Fire gets dismantled. So many Wicked being employed by them means that their top mages must be Wicked, too," Suelen says with a dark, angry tone.

Lina nods repeatedly and says in an equal tone, "They seem to be hiding inside the Western High Forest, so after their conflict is done, they should be surrounded and executed."

Ciel cups Lina's cheek and gives her a pained smile. She uses a loving tone to say, "Their leaders should be old and powerful mages, they won't go down easily. We have to be careful with powerful Wicked people because they can and will do anything to stay alive."

Lina frowns and looks down while massaging my feet.

"Blow their bases up before they can notice, the attack," Aoi chimes in, currently curled on top of my head.

"That could end up killing too many innocent people," Ciel responds.

Aoi frowns, as much as her rather inexpressive face can, and says, "If they fight alongside the Wicked, they are an enemy."

"If you don't make an effort to save the innocent, then you'll become Wicked too."

"Too hard! I don't even understand how Wicked people are made!" Aoi exclaims and puffs out a small amount of smoke out of her nostrils.

Ciel smiles warmly at her and pats her blue scaly head. "We don't fully understand it, either. We can only work as hard as we can to not commit a Sin. We also have to make sure that we never completely disregard the lives of other humanoids in the pursuit of our own goals."

Aoi's voice goes softer as she seems unsure of herself. "Then I'm Wicked since I… 'disregard' anyone not close to Wolfy."

"That doesn't matter until you act on it. We all have dark thoughts inside of us."

"Why do we have 'dark thoughts,' then?"

Suelen chuckles softly and looks at Aoi endearingly.

"If we aren't capable of brutally murdering our fellow humanoids, then our capability to defend ourselves from the monsters is lessened. 'Pain, violence, and death are part of life. They are our tools to bring change, but they will burn everything if they are allowed to go wild. Balance is key.' This is a teaching from the God of the Sun."

"Are you a priestess?" Daiana asks Ciel.

"Former." Ciel smiles at her.

"Well, look at that, his magic dick can even convert a priestess."

"Is there anybody who can resist him?" Alissa asks with a wry smile.

I simply smile wryly in return and enjoy the massage.

After a relaxing bath, we make our way to the dining hall for a late dinner. The tiredness catches up to me and my posture slumps, but when the food is served my appetite gives me a second wind and I suddenly have enough energy to eat a mountain.

On our way back to our room, Alissa holds my arm so that others don't notice my unsteady steps. I re~ally overdid it this time.

As we make our way through the long corridors, we cross paths with Camila, who's carrying a heavy basket with all of our sheets. She seems quite elated with her "haul."

We enter our now completely empty, clean, and not-smelly room and I collapse on the bed.

Klein leaves her parents' inn and walks towards ours, so I send Hana and Ciel in the armored dinghy to escort her back to us.

Our spunky monkey-girl pounces on the bed and cuddles with me while pulling on Hana to form a spooning chain.

"Feeling happy?" I ask.

"Always," she answers.

"More than normal?"


She and her family gained a little bonus from Rande, so they bought a few nice things for her and had some special family time.

Then Alissa retells our encounter with Dokkanchee and Hana talks about their sparring with the other hunters.

They actually thought that Hana was Lina's master and Ciel's wife, so the men started to hit on them a little too much. That promptly came to an end when Hana showed one of the more annoying ones what the Title "One Thousand Strikes" truly means.

Then they start retelling my marathon with the women today and I smile wryly as Klein struggles to process the increasing absurdity of my sexual appetite and endurance.

Osaria puts the bird between her breasts and goes to sleep. Exhausted as I am, the comfort she gives me and the heavenly voices of the girls are perfect lullabies that put me to sleep.

Today is the 30th.

I wake up feeling a little odd. It was the usual fare, but I feel different.

I open up my "Status" and see that my "Strength," "Speed," "Dexterity," and [Soul Manipulation] increased by 1 (now 13, 13, 12, and 2), and my "Endurance" increased by 2 (now 15). The most important thing is that my [Enhanced Semen Recharge] has disappeared and a new skill appeared in its place: [Mana Genitals (innate)] with 1 point.

What the fuck.


"What the fuck?!"

"Wolfy?" Alissa asks, feeling my surprise.

I look down at the Train of Pleasure. There's nothing different to it, it's exactly the same as always, but the "odd" feeling is still there.

I calm myself and focus on the "oddness." It feels just like how my arms do right now: exhausted and difficult to move. The weird thing, though, is that I've never felt like I could "move" it before.

I "flex" my penis and it bends backward at an odd angle.

"KYAAH!" Alissa shrieks in fear and the other girls move back, completely dumbfounded and a little weirded out. Gify starts laughing and chirping so hard that she rolls on the bed.

"Oof! Wolfy! You broke it!" Hana yells.

"N-no, I didn't…" I say and relax. It becomes straight again and immediately goes limp. "What the fuck…" I mutter.

I "extend" it and it immediately goes hard again.

"What. The. Fuck?!" I say and start bending it in all directions. When I stop, I notice that I just used fifty MP. "AHAHAHAHAHA! I have an ACTUAL MAGIC COCK! The skill is literally called [Mana Genitals]!"

"What? You never said there was such a thing in the system!" Hana exclaims.

"It's 'innate,' so I can't use the Gift for it."

"Ooh…" The girls moan in surprise, except Klein, who's a little confused.

"It did taste slightly better today," Alissa says with a shrug.

"I thought it was just because of the juice you drank yesterday," Hana says.

"The mana was stronger," Aoi says.

Klein chuckles and gets up. "I think I've forgotten what it means to be normal," she says and starts dressing.

We shrug, and after everyone is calm again we clothe ourselves.

Hana increased her "Wisdom" by 1 (now 14); Ciel increased her Endurance by 1 (now 15); and Lina increased her [Stonebody], [Axe Use], [Block], and [Parry] by 1 each (now 5, 5, 7, and 1+7).

Here I thought I was finally getting stronger than Lina only for us to increase our "Strength" at the same time. Well, we are training with each other most of the time, so it does make some sense that we would grow together. But at least now I have one more "Endurance" than her.

The feeling that I have is that I can control my penis just like I can control an arm and that I can "feed" it mana, just like an enchantment.

I think that I now understand what Nour was worried about when he said that some sexual skills can "change" you. I just hope he doesn't freak out if the same thing happens to him…

I play with the toy in my pants while we eat breakfast and I start to get a little worried about my future if we continue this lifestyle.

Ciel casts a [Refresh] on me so that my muscles stop aching and I stretch myself out a bit.

"What's the schedule for today?" Klein asks, excitedly.

"Cuddling, or something similar. I'm still feeling rather tired," I say.

"Well, I want to read Nocturna's book. I think we should practice together," Alissa says and points at Hana.

"Sure," Hana responds with a nod.

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"Well, I'll stay here, cuddling with you, then," Klein says to me and her tail taps my knee.

"I want to build the metal golem's armor," Lina says.

"I still need my hermetically sealed workbench," Roxanne says.

Lina looks down, deep in thought. Then her gloomy eyes look a little less gloomy as she says, "No."

"Ah…! You little…" Roxanne narrows her eyes at her and aims her dagger-tail at Lina.

She flashes an impish grin and returns to her gloominess. "Hehe. But seriously… we still need a thick viewing glass, so it's not efficient to start that right now."

"I'll go to the glassblowers and find someone willing to make it for us," Ciel says.

"I'll go with you, for protection," Aoi says and gives her a toothy smile.


"Thank you." Ciel pats Aoi and runs her hand along her spine.

"Well, I'll practice magic, then. It's been a while since I did that," Roxanne says with a shrug.

We had only put our clothes on for a little while, and now we're already naked again, except for Lina, since messing with hot metal while naked is a recipe for disaster.

I stay in bed, tangled with Klein. She wraps her tail around my waist and nestles her head on my chest. Her adorable monkey ears have some thick fur, so I feel like I'd never get tired of playing with them. She grabs my hand and gives it lots of kisses because she's too comfortable right now to move to kiss my face.

I bury my nose in her hair and smell the faint perfume of our shampoo, then I pull out the golems for us to play around with. Their progress is slow, but they are starting to get heavy, so they have to increase their mana consumption with a permanent [Telekinesis] to lower their weight when we hold them.

My little dwarf goes to the balcony and starts using [Manipulate Metal] to heat our sheets of metal and bend them into the shape of an average-height human. She only used a few sheets, so there's still enough to make Roxanne's workbench and some armor for Aoi.

The hinges will be the most difficult part for her without a proper workshop, but from what I know of her abilities, she's nothing if not crafty.

She doesn't really need smithing tools since she has [Manipulate Metal], so it'd just make smithing cost less mana. But, since I gave her [Redirect Mana], she can recharge much faster than the average smith ever could.

Alissa casts the first spell in her new book, [Mesmerizing Butterflies]. Colorful and glowing butterflies appear out of thin air and fly about. It takes a lot of conscious effort to not look at them.

"C-can you stop? I can't concentrate," Roxanne asks, completely mesmerized by the butterflies.

Alissa ends the spell and we regain full control of our ability to look somewhere else. "That's the spell Ofilia used to show to us… but it's different, there wasn't this need to look at it when she cast it," she says.

"Well, it's a pretty spell. She might've only learned the butterfly part, not the 'mess with our attention' part," Roxanne says.

"Oh, right… Nocturna's spells were very sought after while she was alive."

"Wow, I'm really going to learn this?" Hana asks, her scales wave with excitement.

"If you work hard enough," Alissa says and gives her hand a squeeze.

Hana gives us a fearsome smile and starts intently reading the book.

From what I glimpsed about what they've been reading, Nocturna's magic is more about neurology and psychology than the physics of creating believable illusions. The book teaches you how to identify certain types of people, then abuse their mindsets to fool them. This is in turn applied to spells to trick their minds on a fundamental level.

It feels like pseudoscience to me, but since it's magic, maybe it's not so "pseudo" after all.

Roxanne eventually manages to cast [Water Spirit], and now she needs to develop the sub-process so that she can have it act separately from her.

I spend my time manipulating my "new" penis. Every time I control it with mana, I feel a small amount escape from it, so I can use that to develop a way to morph my soul into another "mana penis." Though I'd still need a way to "connect" it to the rest of my body to actually feel anything from it.

I get Roxanne to sit beside us so I can observe the base of her tail. The part where her solidified-mana-tail connects to her flesh body is "odd." The flesh mixes with the tail and looks like some weird nonsense to me. The cells that compose her flesh body start to gain empty spaces between them while somehow remaining alive. This "empty space" is actually her solidified mana tail that somehow feeds the cells around it.

At this point, I think that creating a perfectly "joined" appendage would be too much for me. I can live with the discomfort of having a tail "hanging" on my skin.

I'm more interested in Alissa's [Fox Transformation]. If I can change my physical body into one composed entirely of solidified mana, then I wouldn't have this problem with the base of my tail. I'd also finally be able to change into an actual dragon and make sweet, sweet angry wild dragon love to them.

"They look adorable," Klein says and goes to pet my fox ears.

I've decided to go with black fur and gray inner fur. The new skill increase makes it easier to add detail to them, so they look better now and almost seem like real ears. Making a tail is much easier, I just imitate Roxanne's tail and then add fur to it, which is also black and with a white tip. Maintaining both the tail and ears at the same time requires a bit of effort. It's easier to keep two dick hands out because they are much simpler.

I get Hana to come closer and I take a look at her scales. There is faint magic on them, too. Technically, everything has some form of magic or another, it just varies in how easy it is to perceive it.

I make a scale on my hand. It's not that hard, it's just so "dense" that it takes a lot of effort and I still can't get the same shine that the real one has, so it ends up looking quite dull.

"Oh fuck, that's hot, Wolfy. Make them all over your entire body," Hana asks.

I can only form enough of them to cover my face and chest with scales.

"Ho~t!" Hana exclaims.

"Hmhmm," Roxanne agrees with a nod.

"I prefer the fox ears," Alissa says with a smirk.

"One day, I'll be able to do all of it at the same time," I say with a shrug.

"Ew, that sounds horrible," Hana says while frowning.

"Foxes don't have scales," Alissa says, a little worried.

"Or horns," Roxanne adds on and shudders a little.

Klein chuckles and kisses my chest. "Now I understand what Ciel meant; the way you think really is so cute sometimes, Wolfy. You're like a grown child or something," she says.

I shrug and say, "Well, I do have an inquisitive mind. I wouldn't be a very good researcher if I wasn't like this."

Ciel comes back a little before lunch with a thick sheet of reinforced glass the size of my chest. They took their sweet time walking around and enjoying being gawked at. At least Aoi and Gify did, I'm unsure if Ciel actually liked it since she's being so coy about it now.

At lunch, I discover a not-beetroot salad seasoned with not-lemon and a little bit of sugar. I'm not that much of a fan of beetroot, so while it was nice, I wouldn't have missed it if I'd never tasted it again.

While we eat, Osaria taps the bird a few times to catch my attention, then she says, "Wolf…? Wolf…? Wolfy~…? Are you listening? I hope you are. Anyway, since you didn't talk to us about not getting a reservation we're assuming that you already made one. We'll be going to the Dansstroom at 8 hours, okay?" She ends with a small kiss on top of the bird's head.

She means 8 o'clock. They don't even say AM or PM here.

After lunch, we continue our training. Ciel starts to practice her [Judgment]; it's in a workable state now, so if we get some time to prepare before battle, she can apply it for bonus damage against wicked, undead, and also give a little extra "oomph" in cutting down normal flesh. Aoi is managing to get some height with her [Fly]; flapping her magical wings helps her with controlling the air and she's finally learning how to use her wings without disrupting the spell.

"You know, these days that we just don't leave the house are the best," I say.

"What did you do back on your 'planet'?" Klein asks.

I smile and explain computers to her.

"We have a few things like what you called 'video games,' but they are all super expensive and don't 'work with every game,'" Klein says.

"Indeed. His world is very odd," Ciel says.

"But since there's no magic, we can recreate it, right?" Lina asks from the balcony.

"We can, I think. It's just that I don't know how transistors are made and that's like, the most important part," I say and smile wryly.

"Oh…" Lina looks a little sad.

"Maybe when things calm down we'll be able to research it," I add.

"Oh…" Now she looks hopeful.

"I did guide Lyle onto a path where he might discover the transistor."

I get up from the bed and start some light sparring with Klein while trying to use [Soul Manipulation] to fight. It's very crude and imprecise, but I can use it to do sucker punches. With a little preparation, I can use it to stab my opponent with a dagger. But using it as a spear by protruding it out as a succubus horn is the most effective use for it in combat right now.

Using it as a shield can also be done, but that takes much more effort because it has to be much more solid than the spear. Both the succubus horn and dragon scales are useful for this "shield."

"Okay, one day, you're not even going to need armor," Hana says as she observes Klein punch the scale and wince.

I [Heal] Klein's hand and say, "There are still many ways to counter this. Since it's magic, it costs mana to keep the spell up and it'll take a long time for me to have scales as dense as yours."

Lina helps out and uses her hammer to easily break my scales and horn-shield.

"Well, in hand-to-hand combat you shouldn't lose anymore," Hana says with a shrug.

Klein seems amused. "Your style is already odd, but now that you're adding this [Soul Manipulation] it becomes freaky and scary," she says.

Wrestling with a naked, sweaty woman is actually really sexy. We're basically recreating the Kama Sutra without penetration, which gives us a few ideas and I feel my heart itching for something a little more intense.

With [Mana Genitals], I can now actually control my erection, and with a little effort I can even make myself orgasm at will.

I'm a fucking monster.


Thanks, that's kind of you.

"Nope, that's too big," Klein says and pushes me away.

"Awn…" I moan and remove the tail-dick wrapping around my real one.

"For me, it looks fine," Hana says and waves her hand.

"I'm not ready for you yet," I say with a wry smile.

Hana narrows her eyes at us dangerously, but lets it go.

After some slow and loving fun time with my little monkey girl, we leave the room to go have a bath. This time we don't call the maids because we have to get ready to meet with the Parados at the Dansstroom.

Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Oracle Maximillian Hübner.

Prince PreownedFIN.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Hope.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord DJ.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Ashadun.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Joxsan Herrera.

Lord Enrique Peña Gomez.

Lord Vampmire.

Lord Braidborn.

Noble Salty Panda.

Nobleman Lassiter.

Noble Evil.

Noble Yamibomb112.


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