
Chapter 277: 104: Premonition – Part 2

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Alissa's short kimono exposes a narrow stretch of perfect, pale skin, which continues down until it's covered again by her thin Snow Weave white stockings, their hem slightly depressing her skin, leaving a subtle indentation on her athletic thighs. A truly wonderful sight. Never mind her tasteful cleavage; her bright smile; her pointy, twitching fox ears; her silky orange-brown hair that bobs along with her every move; her beautiful orange eyes; her fluffy, wagging tail; her cute feet clad in white stockings… they're all like honey for the eyes, but Nen ignores all of those enthralling aspects as his gaze is instantly drawn to Alissa's absolute territory, and this display of culture increases my respect for him just a bit.

"Nen… there's only one door," Darcy grumbles from behind him since the small man has no chance of getting past Nen's wide shoulders without pushing him out of the way.

Alissa silently motions to the chairs while smiling, and Nen's eyes follow her hand, then he notices me.

"Wh-where are your horns…?" He reflexively asks, and I rest my chin on my completely human hand.

"I cut them off," I respond nonchalantly.

The dumbfounded look he gives me is quite delightful. "Your… hands, too…? And your tail…?" He mumbles weakly, and his expression slowly warps in terror. For a wereanimal, just the idea of removing their animal features is pretty effective body horror.

"It feels good to get rid of those bestial body parts every once in a while," I confess without a hint of a lie, it's just the "how" I get rid of them that's important.

Nen's shocked face slowly turns back towards Alissa, only to meet her foxy grin, and then he realizes that there's something wrong.

"Teasing Nen certainly feels nostalgic," she admits and giggles softly.

"Are you teasing him without me?!" Allura's voice rings out from outside the portable house.

"Nenvieu! If you don't move, I'm going to kick your ass! Literally!" Darcy angrily shouts, and Nen finally vacates the doorway. Then the grumpy, wrinkly, cat-faced man walks in as he complains, "If you're going to toy with him, at least do it when I'm not here to witness this silliness." Then he notices how big the interior is compared to the exterior and stops for a second to hum in wonder before he takes his seat.

"Oh, you learned how to change races?" Jacques curiously asks as he comes in, then gives Alissa a quick hug and takes a seat.

"I'm still a weredragon, this is just an illusion that partially alters reality," I happily reply and point to the glowing gem right above me. "It's [Jalowzeh Magic], a magic school that the Estekabar demon race invented."

Jacques narrows his eyes as he observes the gem, then he nods sagely. "I see. The Chimeras can change sex, so I thought that you had created something like that with their help."

I ignore the idle thought of how many of the female Chimeras serving me were at one point men and continue, "Well, I do want to create a skill that lets me become more 'human' at will because of how my children will probably need that ability."

He grunts in understanding. "It'd certainly be useful to not have sharp claws getting in the way of…" His eyes glance at Alissa. "Well, you know."

I grin and cheekily add, "They like them, though."

Allura gives me a knowing grin as she sits, while Jacques closes his eyes to take his mind somewhere happier, and Anton doesn't even react, completely ignoring us.

But Aoi gives them a way out of the nightmare, "They're why I wanted to become a human. These claws make it difficult to create anything." And she waves her scaly fingers at us.

"Curiously, hands never seem to be animalistic for wereanimals," Jacques ponders.

"Imagine having paws for hands…" Allura fearfully comments, and she gets a few chuckles.

"The children of the God of Creation would have trouble creating anything if they didn't have hands," Ciel wisely points out.

"My race would barely notice if we had animal hands," Klein chimes in.

"They'd definitely be uglier, though," Anton replies, his permanent frown deepened as he imagines his wife's small hands replaced with a monkey's, and I remember that Krysta is an enthusiastic consumer of elven skincare products.

Alissa flashes a smile at Nen, the last one still standing, and turns around to take her seat. He twitches, his arm reaching forward to grab her hand, but he stops himself midway and immediately straightens his back.

She turns around and gives him a confused look, but he doesn't say anything and simply moves on towards his seat, so she just giggles, making him blush a little bit.

Lina watches Alissa with envy as my foxy lady takes her seat of honor, on my lap, and Jacques gives us a look that screams of "really?," but I don't pay him any mind as my current mission is to tease Nen relentlessly.

Alissa and I share a cinnamon pancake with berries. She feeds me a slice, then takes one for herself, all while we share the same teacup.

"Ooh~, what's this?" Allura excitedly asks as she points to not-babaghanoush.

"Imperial Purpoles sauce," I calmly reply.

"And this?"

"Blue Vein cheese," Alissa answers for me while feeding me a slice of pancake.

"And this?" She points to the not-tomato, but I refuse to say that abomination of a name.

"Tomafinger," Alissa answers for me again.

Darcy and Nen seem a bit wary of the wide selection of unknown dishes, so they just go for the safe choice of pancakes.

After a bit of chit-chatting and some discussion about the food, Alissa starts to feel a little bad about teasing Nen like this, but Allura is out for blood.

"Say, Nen, I heard that you're pretty popular with the women in the Divisions. Had any marriage proposals yet?" She coyly asks, then winks at Alissa.

Darcy raises his eyebrows, turning his forehead into a washboard, and casually comments with a hum, "Ah, the 'Gray Spear'? There is plenty of talk among the divisions about him because of how he won't touch any of the women in our division, and they complain a lot because of it, but the women of the other divisions, though…" And he smirks like a goblin.

"He's Montague's brother, after all," Allura adds matter-of-factly with a nod.

Jacques turns to Nen and asks reprovingly with a frown, "You really got that Title…?" His and Anton's expressions are so alike that they may be brothers from other mothers.

"Yes, I did," Nen answers flatly, looking at his pancake.

"And I thought Wolf was bad," Jacques mumbles dispiritedly, and Alissa gives him a glare.

"The price of fame is the curse of Titles," Yunia solemnly states with a faraway look.

"But Nen wasn't a spearman…" Alissa mumbles and narrows her eyes in suspicion, then her lips slowly warp into a teasing grin.

"I-it's not w-what you're thinking…" He scrambles to defend himself, but he can't come up with anything to say.

"Then what is it, really?" Alissa coolly replies and stares him in the eye.

He maintains eye contact and clenches his jaw, but he can't come up with a good excuse, so he just admits, "Alright, I got a big dick, and I like to use it."

Jacques chuckles and slaps his back, but his huge hand barely makes the muscular Nen flinch. "Ofilia wondered how big you'd grow to be, and I'm happy to know that you didn't disappoint," he casually shares with the kind of shamelessness that only a parent could have.

Allura gives her Dad a thumbs up for the critical hit as Nen facepalms to escape this nightmare.

I grin along with them, but in truth, I'm sweating cold, dreading whatever tease-worthy Title I'm bound to be "awarded" with one day.

"What about you, Dame Allura? Have you started building your own harem, already…?" Roxanne comes in with a surprising backstab.

"No," she answers reflexively and remains quiet as the gears spin in her head, attempting to anticipate the next strike.

"At least you've been thinking of making connections since you've quickly become intimate with us, correct?" Yunia's side hook hits right on the mark.

Allura's mouth moves without her conscious will, "I was… just… uh…"

"'Having fun'…?" Jacques reticently questions her with the cold glare of a predatory animal.

"I told you not to skip those classes on etiquette," Nen coldly delivers a side-dish of revenge.

Jacques grunts and agrees, "Yes, it seems that her education is lacking in certain matters."

Allura turns her incredulous, teary eyes towards us, silently asking us why we betrayed her, but the waft of evil emanating from the snobbish duo is the only answer she really needs.

After playing around for a bit more, we finish breakfast, and the golems clear the table, then Jacques changes the topic to something sobering, "So, what kind of enemy presence are we expecting?"

Darcy grins, and his already rather ugly face becomes a bit uglier still. "I'll start from the beginning to give our guests some context," he pompously states, then clears his throat and begins his speech. "Over the past few years, 'suspicious' bandit attacks have been carried out all over the north of the Misty Forest, and the Elders' investigation concluded that what they had in common was that they 'inconvenienced' the clans, always hitting at the most inopportune time, and causing a frustrating amount of chaos.

"There's nothing that says that these attacks are connected, except for their precision and deadliness, which is unmatched by anything we've seen from any other mercenary or bandit groups before. What's more, judging by their tactics, we're certain that they're imperials, but they'd only survive this long in the forest if a clan allowed them to."

My first guess would be Katasko, but I admittedly know little about matters outside the High Forest since they don't really concern us and we still have our hands full trying to guess the next moves of our Subordinate Lords.

"Neither do I…" Yunia comments through [Bind], sounding a bit vexed.

"So, you've found their hideout?" Alissa soberly questions.

"No, but we know that they're definitely nearby because we've set up the perfect bait," he readily answers as he grins like a lunatic.

Alissa frowns angrily and quietly groans. "Of course, Darcy would be one with the courage to risk people's lives that way," she complains through [Bind].

"You don't approve?" He asks with a sinister teasing tone.

"I refuse to answer that question," Alissa flatly replies.

Darcy leans back in his chair and crosses his fingers over his lap, completely relaxed and confident in his plan. "You know that this is exactly why Nemie mentored me while Gurrier mentored you."

"And why Nen was chosen to keep him in check," she grumbles through [Bind], then turns her glare on her father.

But he merely returns a stern, cold look. "The twenty-fourth is operating within acceptable levels of risk," he states matter-of-factly.

Alissa shakes her head gently and drops it. "So, how long until they attack?"

"A few hours, maybe. We're waiting for them to position themselves to ambush our bait caravan when the mist goes away. The terrain in that area is hard to navigate for imperials if they can't see where they're going."

"Can't you ask the guardian of the forest to help you find them?" I chime in, and that catches Darcy a bit off-guard.

"Bluebell wouldn't come for such a trivial matter," Jacques shoots it down.

"Perhaps I could help with that," I confidently state with a smirk, then I wink at Gify.

"Gih!" She diligently replies and salutes with her wing, then pops out of existence.

Thank you.

"We made a deal with the dryad guardian of our forest, so perhaps Bluebell might be interested in something similar," I explain, and Jacques becomes very suspicious, though he doesn't comment on it.

With the context part out of the way, Darcy explains the plan, and we start talking tactics.

"You should take the center, of course. Your Lordsguard have a higher level than us," he soberly suggests without a hint of shame.

The table goes silent as we all try to find any sign of disrespect in his tone, but we find none. It is the most logical choice to have us stay in the center since we're stronger, but we're also guests, so it could be seen as offensive to put us in a dangerous position.

"Our men are sworn to give their lives for us, but they're not expendable," Yunia coldly states and locks eyes with the wrinkly cat.

But Darcy resists Yunia's cold intimidation attempt without even flinching. "Of course. I have no intention of having us recklessly charging towards the enemy. They're known to be deadly, after all."

"We'll also be giving our orders from the center. So, if you fall, we fall," Nen grimly adds, and Darcy nods in agreement.

"I'll command the mounted warriors," Jacques volunteers.

"Anton will stay in the middle, and we'll act as mobile support since we have [Fly]," I order.

"Yes, your Highness," he obediently agrees. It's a bit weird to see him behaving so subserviently, but I guess it's just for appearances' sake.

Then the meeting ends, and I order the father-daughter duo to check on the Lordsguard and relay the strategy to them.

Gify pops onto the table, then spreads her wings wide and proudly chirps, "Gih! Guh gih!" Which is her announcement of her triumphant return with the good news.

I grin and pat her cute, feathery head. This little deal will be the trump card of this operation, and it's all thanks to Gify… and my Thunder Cock.

The outside is still somewhat cloaked in mist, but it's clearing away quite quickly, so we don't have a lot of time left. It's already clear enough for me to see the uncountable number of tents surrounding our house. They're all partially camouflaged with branches, so they can easily fool the eye from at a distance or from above. The dew gathers on the leaves of the camouflaging bushes, making for a sparkly view as the sunlight begins to penetrate the mist.

Alissa, Gify, and I quickly cross through the circle of tents and move towards a rather secluded rock face of the valley we're camping in.

We stop near a lonely tree and wait excitedly, Alissa way more so than me, though.

We don't have to wait for long, and Alissa feels a presence moving underground. It rises up into the tree, and a dryad starts to emerge through the bark. It's a nearly three meters tall naked man with skin the color of moss and shoulder-length hair made up entirely of light blue flowers. His hair partially covers his round face, giving him an almost emo look. His body is also on the rounder side, giving him a bit of a lazy air, but his horse cock definitely looks threatening to me.

Oh, wait, it's a man…

"Geheheh…" Gify giggles… like the little goblin she is!

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Bluebell stops before us, his eyes staring through me as he uses his other senses to read my soul, so he doesn't notice Alissa's visible disappointment in his figure.

"Hmm… yes, you have great seed. I'll fulfill my part of the deal," he drowsily mumbles.

"I, uh… I don't have sex with men," I point out with a cringe.

"Oh…" He hums, and his gaze lands on Gify, who giggles again, making him frown and sigh. "Alright… I'll change into a woman for you…"

"Just a little question," Alissa anxiously interrupts, but doesn't wait for his response. "Do you remember Nocturna, the Mistborn?"

"No. It's been too long, so I've lost all memories of her except for the contracts I made," he instantly replies with a completely uninterested tone.

Alissa's posture lurches slightly as her disappointment grows, so I give her a comforting back rub, then Bluebell starts changing his form.

His face changes subtly, but it definitely becomes more feminine, his chest balloons into ridiculously-sized, unbelievably soft-looking large breasts, and his cock recedes inwards until it becomes a pussy.

"Hey, can't you do something like that with your cock by using [Mana Body]?" Roxanne innocently asks through [Bind], then gasps as a word that I wish I never knew surfaces in my mind. "Cuntboy! Cuntboy!" And she cackles with a laugh.

I cut Roxanne off from my mind and focus on Bluebell, who's now unmistakably a woman. My heart feels a bit weird when I think about how she was a man just a few seconds ago, but I immediately shut that thought down because I need to fulfill my part of the deal.

I pull out my cock and make it get hard instantly, which slightly surprises Bluebell, who approaches me and gets down on her knees, then she grabs my long, thick Dragonator.

"We don't have the time for proper sex right now, so I'll just use my mouth," she explains, and I nod, then she swallows it whole without any hesitation. Her mouth is quite accommodating due to her stature, so, for once, my cock actually feels small.

"Oh… yes…" I moan in bliss. Her mouth is similar to Cereleia's. It tingles and itches a bit, but it's so subtle that it feels pretty good, as if my entire shaft suddenly turned into an erogenous zone.

Her tongue stretches and wraps around my shaft, then squeezes tight, as if it were a small pussy like Lina's.

Her blue, moss-textured eyes stare intensely into mine as her head bobs back and forth. Her eyes are entrancing, seeming to contain a gentle kindness that sets me at ease.

I groan again and grab her head, while being careful to not hurt her flower-hair, and gently increase the speed at which her lips slide along my shaft.

She grabs her tits and plays with them, pinching her own dark nipples, and I create a tentacle to get in a squeeze of them, too, then she smiles happily and lets them go, so I happily fondle her soft, faux-fluffy tits with my tentacle hands to my heart's content.

I extend another tentacle and savor her pussy lips, but the tingling sensation they provide is much stronger than her mouth, sending my pleasure skyrocketing.

"Oh, fuck…" I moan and let out a burst of cum down her throat. She swallows it all without choking even slightly, happily taking in my seed while she moans in pleasure from my tentacles. "Wait, I need the mana…!" I exclaim, and she immediately stops milking me.

I release her head and sigh dejectedly. The deal was for just one shot of cum, so I can't go using all my mana when we're about to go into battle.

She releases my cock and smiles happily. "I got a bit more than we agreed to, but I'm sure that we're both fine with it, correct?"

I chuckle softly and pat her head as I reply, "Yeah, it was pretty good. No harm, no foul."

She shows me her palm, and a leaf sprouts up out of her skin. It's marked with blue ink, depicting the direction of the enemy camp, but Gify can also guide us there in case we get lost.

I present the information to Darcy, and he grins like a madman. "Change of plans," he mumbles and starts laughing evilly.

Then the mist fully clears away, and the scouts detect imperials setting up their ambush.

We break camp and head towards them, but their camp is nearby, so it doesn't take long for the scouting summons to confirm its location. I even secretly send my own Hollys to the camp and the ambush site to confirm their numbers. They're barely a hundred in total, but they're definitely imperial, and they look more like an army than a group of bandits, which confirms Darcy's speculation.

Now that we know where the enemy is and how many there are, there's no need for us to let the bait caravan be ambushed. We'll wipe them out to the last man.

Nen transforms into a huge, gray fox, even larger than a Grey Berserker, a huge monster bear that we fought a few times in the Sea of Trees. He's actually too big to be mounted by a spearman, so his rider is an armored mage woman instead.

Jacques shifts into an even larger red fox, the size of an elephant, but he doesn't have his rider with him, who would usually be his wife.

Allura also shifts into a fox, and though she's about a third smaller than Nen, she's still among the largest beast warriors here. She's also without a rider, but that's because she doesn't have such an "intimate" relationship with any werefox just yet.

Since we're nobility, we're provided with horses to ride, and we're escorted by our Lordsguard while the mounted warriors lead the column, and the werefox footmen march behind us. Even Aoi shifts into her humanoid form to ride her horse, drawing upon the girls' [Riding] knowledge, but her horse still seems to be very anxious about carrying her, so I soothe it with [Animal Tongue].

Unlike the 25th, which is composed of only newbies, this Division has incorporated a lot of veterans from other Divisions, so Nen and Darcy are actually a bit younger than the average age of their soldiers, though they respect them both for their achievements nonetheless.

We're not exactly in a hurry, so a few riders slow down to talk to us.

"So you fucked the dryad in exchange for this information?" One of them asks me, sounding both curious and eager to tease.

"No time for fucking, but the deal was my powerful seed in exchange for the information," I smugly explain.

The riders start to joke and laugh, but when Nen glares at them, they become serious again.

"Thanks for your, hard work," the same rider teases me again with a smirk before he quickly becomes serious, too. "But seriously, thank you for your help. We don't have to use the bait because of you."

Through the Holly above us, I notice a mounted warrior coming closer to us from behind, and it annoys me because I can't hear their footsteps.

I turn my head to face them, and they flinch, both the mount and the rider staring at me in an odd way.

"Yes…?" I casually ask, but then my heart sinks as I remember something.

I see brown eyes, unremarkable brown eyes. They instantly remind me of my dream, and of the vision I had during the Turn of the Wheel, which was just a day before the attack on the Innocent Nymph.

In the same instant that I draw my sword, the mount and rider duo disappears, then I notice the black circle of a [Gate] on the ground, right where they were, which vanishes in the next second.

"THE FUCK?!" Darcy shouts and everyone turns around as they sense the mana from the spell.

Gify pops out of existence, we [Equip] our helmets, and the girls draw their weapons with the Lordsguard following suit a split second later, then they shout their warnings and form into a wall around us.

"STEADY, STEADY!" Anton's gruff voice booms through our men, and Klein keeps her head on a swivel, searching all around her for potential threats.

The girls and I use [Fly] to rise up off of our horses and quickly move into a circle, staring warily at the mounted warriors and footmen that still surround us, but they're all just disorganized and confused and not really moving aggressively at all.

While Nen and Jacques corral the men back into formation, Darcy's mount takes him to us, and they stop before the spears of our Lordsguard.

"THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" He shouts angrily.

"You had spies among your men," I coldly reply.

Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Creamy Spinach.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Colorblind.

Lord Fullmoon.

Lord Sean Drake.


Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Cardinal Steiner.

Lord Krawn.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord Jorge Franco.

Lord Christopher Welsh.

Lord DJ.

Lord Philip.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord ImportantNPC.

Lord The Tallest Joshua.

Lord Copey Dunt.

Lord Dracopuppy23.

Lord Freddie.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Stellerbattle.

Lord GoodKat.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Shawn Plumley.

Noble CarlBaxter.

Noble Yeuromain.

Noble Brandon Lai.


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