
Chapter 283: 106: Gentle Persuasion – Part 2

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"Your Highness, are you an exhibitionist, by chance…?" Enomosa stoically asks.

I feel so attacked by her question that I struggle to come up with an answer, but then her expression gains a surprising amount of warmth.

"There's no shame in such a fetish, and I ask merely because some of the Companions and I would like to watch," she gently continues.

"Ooh~…" I coo in understanding, but then I sigh and scratch one of my horns. "But you're right, I do enjoy being watched, like I'm 'performing' before an 'audience.'"

"Which is why some like to watch," she smugly points out.

I smile wryly and awkwardly order, "Hm, yes. Well… ask the Companions if they want to watch."

"At once, your Highness." She salutes, then quickly leaves the room.

"Nyou're making me both excited and afraid, nyah," Lala comments with a smile as she sits on the bed, her head resting on her hand and her shapely legs crossed in a very alluring way.

I walk up to her and kneel, then I run a (padded) claw along her leg, and I notice her hair visibly stand on end from the stimulation.

"I'll give you an experience you'll never forget," I huskily reply and slowly remove her sandals.

I bring her bestial feet towards my mouth and lick under her toe, then run my tongue along the edge of her claw, padding my tongue to not get cut.

She raises her eyebrows in surprise, then her grin widens, revealing her cute little fangs.

The Lordsguard start to pour in just as I intensify my toe and claw sucking, and I hear them whispering excitedly, though Alissa isn't here, so I can't make out what they're saying.

Lala removes her top, and I salivate in anticipation.

"Good luck," we all wish for Yunia as she goes to meet Nero, then I start the Ryder Routine of Pleasure.

One of my Companion women offers me a cup of Eia. It's not the high-grade stuff that I really like to drink, but it's still good enough to quench my thirst.

I pull Lala's limp body towards my chest and pet her ears until she's revived, then I cast [Clean] and [Refresh] on her as thanks for enduring a full-blown Ravaging.

After I'm dressed again, Lala comes up to me and kisses me on my lips. "Come again, one day, nya, but not every day since nyou'd kill me, nya," she shyly requests, and I caress her ears, earning myself another purr.

"I will," I huskily reply and leave, then we return to the castle.

Enough playing around. It's time to get back to work.

I join up with Lina, who's guiding a few Nature and Earth mages in building the wind tunnel testbed.

A problem that's quickly becoming evident is the lack of standardized measurement units. The entire empire still uses the Rupegia equivalent to imperial units, so we have to develop Metrology in this world to allow manufacturing and interchangeable parts to spread more easily. Also, airplanes are sensitive enough that just eyeballing the measurements would create a lot of inefficiencies.

There are a lot of measurement units based on the emperor's body, so they aren't really useful for long-term engineering. The most useful units are based on the Throne of Ascension, such as its height and width, but the problem is that these units still vary due to changes in temperature and degradation over time, so we need to use something more stable.

Curiously, there's a unit that's said to be either the length of the emperor's dick or the depth of the empress' vagina. Legend tells that it's used to find appropriate partners for the emperor or empress, though the temple has no comment about it.

Anyway, the problem of Metrology will be solved with time, but that's not the only hurdle we have to overcome. I feel like there's a bit of friction among the mages. The Earth mages want to use metal while the Nature mages want to use wood, but there's no clear advantage to using either.

Metal interferes with magic, so enchantments on wood are better, but elven wood is expensive to maintain. The wind tunnel doesn't really benefit from either of them since the needed enchantment is only a simple boosted [Breeze] at the end of the tunnel, but the planes that I want to build will benefit from this type of research.

Not only do we need to develop Metrology, but also Materials Science.

Earth obviously went the path of metal since they didn't have magic to let them shape wood, so there might be some unknown merit in using elven wood.

I shouldn't put the horse before the wagon.

"We'll use wood first simply because it's easier for us, but later on, we should also build one from metal since it'll be more useful for the rest of the empire," I decide, and the friction is resolved, for now.

The testbed and a few toys will be ready tomorrow, thanks to magic making building prototypes so easy, so after getting the boosted [Breeze] enchantment ready, Lina and I retire and join the other girls in relaxation.

"The Blood Slave merchant Esvisor has arrived," a maid gives us the message, then I sigh and we go down to the main hall.

Nero is brought before us, and Esvisor frowns when he sees the prisoner. The charming and devilish slaver looks very lofty when he's displeased.

"Did your Highness check this prisoner's compatibility with a Truth Seeker?" Esvisor warily asks and turns his intense stare towards Yunia and me.

"No. He's a prisoner, an agent of someone else that we wish would serve us, instead," I calmly reply and pompously lay my claws upon my lap.

Esvisor narrows his eyes and hesitates for a moment. "May I talk to the prisoner, first? As a Blood Slave merchant, I'll have to answer to the Gods if I make a mistake in turning this man into a Blood Slave."

"Do as you wish."

The two walk a good distance away to talk, and while we can't eavesdrop, Yunia notices that Nero's happy-go-lucky demeanor seems to unnerve Esvisor.

Eventually, Esvisor comes back, and he harshly states as he bows, "I can't approve of making him into a Blood Slave, but I also can't stop you, so instead, I must plead that you be careful, your Highnesses."

"Though I admit that we're forcing Nero's hand, we don't plan on using him as any less than a humanoid," Yunia soberly replies.

"I see…" He humbly whispers, then straightens his back and neutrally asks, "Do you wish for any additional [Slavery Magic] spells?"

"All of them," she immediately answers, and Esvisor's eye twitches.

If we wish, we could treat Nero as nothing more than a mere doll, but I have a feeling that the Gods wouldn't like it if we did that.

I frown as I stare at his ID tablet. "I thought there'd be more in your 'Crimes'?" I skeptically question Nero.

"There should be, yes, but nobody ever found out that I did it," he cheekily replies.

"His stats are really good, but he really is a bit insane," Yunia comments through [Bind], and I agree wholeheartedly.

With that done, we give him to Sandoro to extract everything he knows about Katasko, and then he'll train him into an acceptable soldier.

Just as the sun starts to set, the rest of the wives return, and Alissa jumps into my arms, glowing with happiness.

"I love you," she whispers lovingly and nuzzles herself into my neck as her tail softly wags.

"I love you, too," I whisper back and caress her fluffy ears, then wrap my tail around us.

After a bit of cuddling, we go take a bath, and I enjoy my maids again.

Klein is very tired from training archery all day long with the werefoxes, so I recruit Osaria and Poosh for a special [Massage] session.

I lick her tight dark abs and gently bite her soft skin, making her squeak like a mouse, then I add a bit of spirit touch to my tongue, and moans of pleasure become interspersed between the squeaks.

Two pairs of hands and one pair of claws play with her muscles, kneading them rhythmically, providing a cycle of tension and release that relaxes her muscles.

My tentacles wrap around her limbs, and I string her up like a turkey ready to be eaten, though I wait until I give her bliss.

The hands all move in erotic ways, gradually stimulating her little by little, but all the while avoiding the erogenous zones so that she finds no release.

"Wolfy~…! Give it to me!" She starts to beg. "Fuck me…! Please!"

Her tired muscles become rejuvenated, and she starts to struggle against the binds.

"Good, good," I soothe her and peck her lips. "I replenished your energies just so that I could drain them all away again." Then I thrust, and she orgasms instantly.

Though Hana is all worked up from sparring, I don't fuck her, not yet.

Alissa gets off on watching me do Klein, so I ignore her and focus on the other girls. Since everyone worked so hard today, I even include Poosh and a few thirsty maids in the tentacle monster treatment.

For dinner, Krysta serves Japanese sweet curry, and though it's delicious, I curse the lack of rice. I've never related to Japanese isekai protagonists as much as I do right now…

Once our bellies start to bulge a bit, Klein calls my attention.

"Wolfy…" And the blatantly evident guilt in her tone immediately tells me everything about what she wants to say. "I'm sorry for… getting Lorena killed."

"I understand, but we made mistakes too, so don't put the blame all on yourself," I comfort her honestly.

"It happened once, and it'll happen again, so make this a learning moment and grow from it," Yunia sagely states.

"I understand," Klein soberly replies with a determined nod, and it impresses me how resilient she's becoming.

For the evening, Hana goes to the Companions' rest area and starts drinking with them, Yunia goes to spend some time with her brothers, Roxanne plays Civil War with Lina, and Ciel has some girl talk with Klein and Osaria.

I play for a bit in my dragon form with Aoi and Alissa. Actually play, for once. And Aoi gives me some pointers on how to fly, then we joust with the golems as our riders.

"This is so cute, can I take an [Instant Picture]?" Ciel bashfully asks, her sentiment mirrored in the other wives' minds.

Aoi instantly strikes a proud pose while I hesitate before the dragon takes over and I follow her lead, then Alissa snuggles up to me.

"Ehehehehe…" Ciel chuckles perversely as she activates the gnomic magic tool.

I stare at her with raised eyebrows, stupefied. "Is your loli fetish triggering from little dragons…?" I question and share a look with Alissa.

"N-n-no!" She yells and hugs the painting, then angrily stomps back to Klein and Osaria.

The three of us shrug at each other, then we continue jousting.

Hana's conversation with the Companions gets a bit interesting, so I decide to join them for a bit.

Intermission – Female Companion

We all laugh at Hukarere's joke, but the tension in the air continues to increase as Romy and Royal Lord Hanafuria stare at each other like two predators who are about to clash.

The few Worshipers of Cock start to gather together as the signs that a lesbian orgy is about to begin become obvious to all. They're led by Hukarere, the Favored, but even she finds it amusing to watch Lord Hana, so they break out the Eia to get themselves into a nice mood.

As an elf, it's hard for me to admit that Lord Hana has charm. She's a crass, brazen, defiant dragonkin, but whenever she speaks of obscenities, I can't stop myself from feeling hot in between my legs.

She behaves like a horny dragonkin male, acting without a shred of femininity, and even her beauty is contaminated by maleness, yet she has the heart of every Sister of the Cross.

Little by little, my pride is eroded away, and I find myself wishing even harder for the opportunity to taste her lips, both of them.

The door suddenly opens, and everyone breathes in deeply as the aura of a man floods into our sacred sanctuary. But it's not just any man, it's the Exalted Lord himself.

His pretty, boyish looks trigger the motherly instincts of every older woman while also invading the dreams of the younger ones. Coupled with his threatening, yet dignified draconic features, the mothers see him as someone reliable to shelter them, while the maidens look up to the one who shall give them an adventure that they'll never forget.

An impossible man. He appeals to all types of women, even those who have forsaken sexuality due to his polite and gentle demeanor, conquering their hearts through his soul rather than his body.

If Royal Lord Hanafuria makes the elves confused, then Exalted Royal Lord Wolf Ryder is like the reincarnation of the God-Rulers of old, never mind the fact that the Last King Arreira himself actually named him his successor.

Just remembering his grieving face makes me understand why that Lorena girl decided to serve him again even though she wasn't a Companion.

The Worshipers immediately call him in, and he calmly walks up to the Favored, then he sits on her naked lap, resting his head on her pale, supple breasts, and gradually joins in the conversation. For a part-dragon man, he lacks the boisterousness of his sibling race, but his sweet tone makes every word he says sound pleasant to the ear, which I'm sure is partly due to his high "Charisma."

The Favored runs her hands down his shirt and plays with his body, making him smile like an innocent child, though it only encourages some decidedly not innocent thoughts to appear in my mind.

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I glance at Lord Hana and sigh. Though I'm a member of both sides, I feel like today's the day that I'll finally Worship the Cock.

The recreation room gets divided up in two by the two Lords, and the sexual tension in the air just soars up high like a dragon hunting for prey, pun intended.

"Is Lorena here…?" The Lord gently asks and looks around like a child looking for their mother.

The Favored lowers her muzzle near his ear and answers, "She's still training with the other Chimeras to learn how to live as a spirit."

"I see…" He whispers melancholically.

"She also needed to get her spirit 'unbeheaded,' and that'll take a day, or two," another Chimera Worshiper adds, and his sensible chuckle makes me unconsciously smile.

Then he turns his eyes to the others. "But what about you girls? How are you all doing? I developed the initial [Solidify], but I think the Spirit mages have already altered the spell quite a lot."

"I got a lot of my strength back, and now, I just need to increase my 'Magic Power' to regain even more of it," the Favored shares proudly and flexes her arms, showing off her alluring muscles.

"The efficiency of our MP consumption has increased, so we don't tire as easily," another chimes in.

"Food tastes good again!" A third happily remarks.

"Divines bless elven food!" A fourth shouts.

And that comment gets the whole room to laugh and cheer. Even us elves are growing more frivolous, so we also join in. It's like a wall between us crumbled away after the Intervention, and I no longer remember what it means to be a High Elf.

With everyone laughing and thirsting over the Royal Lords, the feeling of "otherness" that used to come whenever I talked to non-elves now seems callous and conceited.

With the previous elven Lords, I'd never experienced this before. It was just a matter of fact that they were above, we were below, and the other races were just too different to fit in alongside us.

Now, the beacon of light shining from the Royal Lords makes all those differences seem blurred. Though not everyone here bleeds red blood, we've all agreed to serve the same Lords, and once we finally understand how far above us they really are, any difference between us seems so small as to be meaningless.

The Favored suddenly reaches inside the Exalted Lord's pants and slowly pulls out the Cock. It looks so threatening that it's like a weapon that he uses to subdue the pride of women and conquer their hearts, though everyone says that his benevolent rule over them is worth the submission.

The conversation almost fully dies down, but the topic quickly changes towards lewdness, and the heat coming from my womb becomes unbearable.

As I stare at the Favored slowly stroking the Exalted Lord's Cock, I feel the chains of my pride breaking and setting me free.

I walk up to the Lord and kneel before him, and he releases his noble seed upon my face, then I feel the glory of his touch upon my skin, and I grow from an Initiate into a Believer.

Blessed by the light! Blessed by his touch!

Intermission end.

Today is the 18th, Ros, day of Space. Today, using [Gate] and [Eternal Gate] is actually cheaper, mana-wise, making this the most notable evidence for the existence of the Cycle of Mana that the Tale of Creation talks about.

Though, paying for transport isn't actually cheaper because Space mages are greedy fucks.

I'm woken up by Osaria energetically sucking me off with a bit of a pouty look that stimulates the submissive within me. She's a bit thirsty and annoyed because I didn't include her in the orgy I had with the Companions last night, so I compensate her with plenty of cream.

My "Wisdom," "Perception," [Blessing Magic], and [Oral Technique] increased by 1 (now 19, 18, 27+23, and 0+2), and I learned [Acting] with 1 point.

Alissa's "Sanity," "Piety," and [Fox Transformation] increased by 1 (now 19, 18, and 8).

Roxanne's "Wisdom" and [Alchemy] increased by 1 (now 21 and 10).

Hana's "Speed," [Block], and [Draconic Body] increased by 1 (now 16, 15, and 7), and her [Tatesomu Style] increased by 2 (now 10). She was so fired up that she trained all day with the werefoxes, so it isn't surprising that she leveled up her skills so much.

Ciel's "Piety," [Parry], and [Dodge] increased by 1 (now 26, 5+10, and 3+12), and her [Light Magic] increased by 2 (now 8+32). She also gained the title "Star of Hope," which gives her conflicted feelings due to how saintly it sounds.

"It fits you since you're our main support, the backbone of our team. As long as you're there with us, we know that we can still fight on," I sincerely explain, and the strength of my conviction makes her blush.

Lina's [Parry] and [Block] increased by 1 (now 10 and 1+14).

Aoi leveled up to 40, and her "Dexterity," "Wisdom," and "Piety" increased by 1 (now 8, 10, and 8).

Yunia's [Silent Shadow Style] and [Spirit Magic] increased by 1 (now 5+5 and 20+20).

Overall, everyone earned some nice skill-ups due to our desperate fighting against the Clone Soldiers. Since we're mid-high level, we don't easily level up in mass combat anymore, so only Aoi benefited from the free EXP.

For breakfast, we just have a light meal since we ate quite a lot of werefox food yesterday, though I do eat a fair bit of meat to replenish all the cum I unleashed last night. A healthy body means a healthy mana organ, which allows me to release more of my blessings upon the world.

Since we don't have anything we have to do this morning, we return to our mana circulation training, which is a nice break from all the excitement of the last few days.

This time, we take an [Eternal Gate] to our personal retreat in Fledgling Falls, which is a mountain range that spans the entire border between Faium Principality on the west and the Colored Sands on the east. Since it's a private teleport, it's a lot cheaper to use, though if we travel outside of our private estate, the empire will give us a pretty hefty fine for skipping the Network.

This mountain range is full of jagged mountain lines and spikes, covered in moss and vegetation, and occasionally also holds a long, long waterfall, which causes a lot of mist to form near ground level. It all reminds me of those Chinese fantastical mountains that are based on some famous real-life location.

It isn't known how this mountain range was formed, but its jagged topology is attributed to the Axinite Dragons that used to live here and occasionally ate the exposed rock faces. In the present day, this location has been properly tamed and turned into a vacation resort for imperial nobility.

Our estate hangs between two spikes of thick rock, and at the bottom, there's a whole floor made entirely out of crystal clear glass to allow us to feel as if we were floating up in the air.

Lina can't concentrate while she's on the glass floor, so she enters one of the spikes and finds it far more comfortable for her to practice the circulation exercise inside the dark, cold cave.

At first, Hana manages to concentrate fairly well, but she eventually starts to slack off due to anxiety.

"When it's about family, I find it hard to control my emotions," she melancholically confesses.

"You've actually been controlling yourself?" Roxanne reflexively asks in astonishment.

Hana glares at her fearsomely, though that just makes Roxanne get excited. "Of course, I have! You'd all suffer if I just unleashed my dragonkin ferocity all the time," Hana confidently claims, and nobody actually wants to make her prove it.

I stand up and give my fiery dragonkin a hug, surprising her. "It's fine. I'll help you relax," I lovingly whisper, then I release her and brush her hair while she obediently sits and practices her circulation again, feeling a bit embarrassed about her anxiety and neediness.

I manage to keep my red lover calm until lunchtime, then we quickly don our social clothes and get ready to go to Mac Gantus. It's time to meet with the noble that has Hana's brother.

Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Creamy Spinach.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Fullmoon.

Lord Sean Drake.


Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Cardinal Steiner.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord Jorge Franco.

Lord Khristopher Welsh.

Lord DJ.

Lord Philip.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord The Tallest Joshua.

Lord Copey Dunt.

Lord Dracopuppy23.

Lord Chris Carter.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Bradly.

Lord Aubrey Powell.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble CarlBaxter.

Noble Yeuromain.

Noble Brandon Lai.


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