
Chapter 299: 111: Explosive Finish – Part 3

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This time, Roxanne's tears are of happiness, coming from the cathartic release after finally accomplishing something related to the dream she had abandoned. It isn't the anti-venom for the Kazh-dom, the monster that killed her late fiancée, but it is close to it; her discoveries will save lives, and perhaps, in the future, they will be the stepping stones for the creation of the final anti-venom.

Eftee shares some of the stories from interpreting Roxanne's confusing reports, who then tells us about some of her adventures to get the ingredients necessary for her experiments.

"And now, you've 'settled down' as part of a new royal family who are managing a territory comparable to our entire Holy Lands," Eftee comments with a wry smirk.

Roxanne giggles girlishly. "This is far from 'settling down.'"

Eftee nods. "Obviously."

And Roxanne mimics her. "Obviously."

After talking for a little while longer, we, unfortunately, take our leave. I feel like I have a good chance with Eftee, but there are no good excuses I can use for me to have the chance to "get to know her better."

But then Roxanne suddenly offers politely, "My mother is setting up a party in our honor tonight at our estate. If you wish to attend, we'd be delighted to have you there."

"You honor me. I may very well accept your invitation," Eftee replies in kind.

As soon as we're out of the office, I grab Roxanne's face and give her a short but deep kiss.

"Fucking love you," I whisper passionately.

And she smiles smugly. "Just a little gift for you and Alissa," she confides mischievously.

We return to the estate, and I reward our guide maid with a few orgasms along the way.

We return to the guest area, and Alissa helps Roxanne play with her sister. For as much as the succubus is interested in forming a bond with her new family member, she really doesn't know how to interact with children.

Lina climbs onto my lap, and I start to pat her head with one hand while I pet Gify with the other as we watch the awkward older sister trying to interact with the innocent younger one.

"What games do you like to play?" Roxanne affably asks, trying to make conversation.

"Marbles," Tavi tersely replies.

"Then let's play marbles?"

She shakes her head vigorously. "No."



They become stumped as Taveez shuts down Roxanne's attempt to play with her. Ciel thinks the young girl is a bit intimidated by her older sister's air, so she's clamping up.

"That's a first, for someone to get intimidated by Roxanne," Hana teasingly remarks.

"It's because I'm not a brute, so people always underestimate me, right up until they get their brains turned into mush," Roxanne snaps back.

While they banter, I reflect on ways to help them connect.

What would a kid like…?

Then, like a [Lightning Bolt], an idea suddenly flashes into my mind.


I quickly tell Roxanne everything I can recall about the special modeling clay while I pull out her workstation and ingredients.

Tavi immediately gets mesmerized by the metal box, and Roxanne dives in at the opportunity to show off.

Flour, water, pigment, and whatever mystery ingredient gave it that specific composition. It's simple enough that it doesn't take long for Roxanne to come up with the first prototype.

After getting a glimpse at my memories, Alissa takes the white ball of soft clay and molds it to look like Gify's head.

"Gih?" The little griffin perks up her head curiously, suddenly waking up from her nap in the sun.

"Ooh~… Gify," Tavi coos in wonder as she recognizes Alissa's creation.

In the blink of an eye, Tavi opens up to Roxanne and starts asking for specific colors.

"I've never seen anything like this…" Behrouz remarks as he stares at a little ball of red clay. "Well, I've seen the children play with mud and clay, but this is different."

"This compound is safe to eat," Ted starts, startling Behrouz, and I lay back as they start their little performance.

"So it isn't toxic for children," Suzy continues.

"Though a bittering agent could be added to discourage them from eating it," Jarn concludes.

But wait, there's more. "Furthermore, there's a risk of the pigments staining clothes if the dyed water is absorbed by the textile."

"So more stabilizing agents could be added."

"And since it uses flour and water as a base ingredient."

"Another agent to stop the growth of mold is also advised."

Behrouz blinks blankly, a bit dizzy from flitting his eyes between the three golems repeatedly. "I-I see… still, it seems like a good product to commercialize."

"We can share the formula with you for free," Yunia suggests, not one to lose out on an opportunity to strengthen relations.

The gentle man smiles amiably at her. "We'll be in your debt."

That's the intention.

Saghieh comes to take a look at what Tavi is doing and nearly has a heart attack when she notices that her frilly clothes are now stained with a rainbow of colors.

Of course, she isn't wearing her lolita dress anymore, but it's hard to tell at a first glance. I feel like Lina pushed Ciel to choose these old clothes specifically because they looked so similar to the ones Tavi was wearing.

Sometimes my cute little wife can be quite the imp.

She gives me a small pout but doesn't deny the accusations.

Sanaz then comes back for a late afternoon tea, and she gets mildly surprised by the figurines Taveez has modeled.

"[Is that… me]?" She hesitantly asks in Maokai as she intensely observes the white woman with comically large eyes. The figurine is also considerably larger than all of the other ones Tavi has made.

"[Yes. Mom's eyes are beautiful, so I made them bigger]!" Tavi happily replies.

And the strict mother gives her daughter such an affectionate look that even I mellow a bit.

I'd love to hate fuck and dominate this woman, but Roxanne's wish prevents me from antagonizing her. I won't dare say that I know the best path for Roxanne to take, so I just hope that everything works out. Maybe drawing Sanaz's focus away from the desire to have a lineage will soften her up with time.

Tavi makes a figure of each of us. Alissa's is a cute fox, Roxanne's is a smiley face with glasses, Hana's is a big grinning face with glorious red hair, Ciel's is a curvy woman hugging a child, Lina's reminds me of "The Ring" ghost girl, Aoi's is a chibi dragon, Yunia's is a small face surrounded by drills, and mine is a goofy boy with comically oversized draconic limbs.

For Gify and the golems, she tries to copy them instead of making a caricature of them, and so, Gify proudly receives her first statue in her honor.

"Gih!" She chirps snobbishly, her chest puffed up with pride.

Ciel then teaches Tavi how to carve feather and scale patterns into the clay with a needle while I quickly teach Lina how to make googly eyes from glass. As soon as we have a pair ready, I stuff them into Gify's figurine's eye sockets and start giggling manically.

"Giiih!" Gify whines and moves to swipe the googly eyes out of her figurine, but Tavi's childish laughter makes the spirit stop in her tracks. Who could be so evil as to ruin the fun of a child, right?

Who could be so evil?

I stare at Gify with a shit-eating grin while we all laugh, but Gify takes it in stride and pops onto Ciel's shoulder to make me jealous, which has just a mild effect on me.

We start to notice a commotion going on deeper into the estate as the servants scramble to prepare for the party. The captain of the estate's guards meets with Enomosa, and they work out the security measures for tonight.

It'll be difficult for us to come to visit here often, so the rest of our afternoon is focused entirely on Taveez and Roxanne.

"Can I come?" Tavi asks Roxanne when it's time for us to leave for our bath.

"I don't think that's a good idea," she awkwardly declines and sends Ciel a worried glance.

"She knows what sex is," Sanaz points out, and gives Roxanne an odd look.

"We're… a bit special," she emphasizes with a suggestive smile.

"She might get traumatized," I quietly add to Sanaz.

"I see…" She whispers back reservedly and turns to her daughter. "[Taveez, not today]."

"[Okay…]" The little lady dejectedly relents, then her horns go floppy, and her tail drags on the floor.

While I choke Hana and do her from behind, I carry out a somewhat serious discussion with Roxanne.

"Are you sure about tonight?" I tenderly ask and run a claw along her pale cheek.

She gives me a confused look. "What do you mean? The Celebration?"

I nod. "Yeah. It was just this morning that your mother called you a coward, so I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to get close to her, let alone have sex with her."

She shakes her head, and her horns don't flop about, which tells of her firm resolution. "I want to connect with her again, tell her that I still love her. I know that you want me to feel insulted at the way she treated me, but I'm already past that. I just want peace, even if I have to ask for forgiveness."

I sigh tiredly and give up on my second-hand outrage. "As long as you don't feel uncomfortable."

She smiles wistfully and runs her fingers along Hana's fiery mane as her wife's face contorts in both pain and pleasure. "Enough crying for today, yeah?" And we nod in sync.

Ciel gives Roxanne a hug from behind, surprising her as the two large and delicious buns squish against her pale back.

Roxanne licks her lips in desire, but Ciel innocently praises her, oblivious to the rising heat within the succubus, "It takes quite a lot of strength to forgive a parent like this. Though I kind of do lean towards Wolfy's camp, I think that yo-… ahn~…!" Ciel suddenly moans out loud as a slick black tail rubs against her slit, and she pouts annoyedly. "Please! I'm trying t-… hngh…!"

Roxanne doesn't let Ciel speak another word and dominates her sister-wife with just her tail.

"Besides, establishing a working relationship with my mother will be better for our future than making her hate us," Roxanne cheekily adds and gives a nod to Yunia.

Hana's eyes roll back into her head as she simultaneously passes out and orgasms.

The party will be in a large ballroom that extends out into a veranda due to the large number of invitees. Even though it's something that was arranged last-minute, Sanaz is influential enough that there are few people who can just simply snub her invitation. Also, there are healers hired to take care of the guests in case they drink too much so that they won't get hungover the morning after.

There are a few beds and lounging sofas spread all throughout the ballroom, so I guess we should expect them to be used, but the large, lavish bed on a raised dais in the center of the room tells me that I'll have to perform a repeat of last night.

It's not like an event like this will happen again that frequently, so I might as well enjoy it.

An incubus boy band sets up and starts playing soothing proto-jazz songs as the guests start to arrive, then they slowly shift towards more upbeat songs as the party gets into full swing.

Powerful succubi women and their harems stroll in, and of course, every last one of them are drop-dead gorgeous. Succubi fashion is so suggestive that they can even make elves blush, not that Yunia does since she's already desensitized to overt sexiness, so it's just more display of eye-candy for us.

What I didn't predict, though, is how forward they'd be in seducing me. I guess a stud who has his own harem just looks like a challenge to these women.

Alissa and I sit at a table, and we're soon swarmed by women. For the first time in my life, I truly fear for my dick because I don't think I have the MP to satisfy them all.

"Oh, Royal Lord Wolf, I heard you commandeered your own airship while inside a dungeon! How did such an outlandish scenario ever come to be?"

"Oh, esteemed Crown Lord, I heard it hasn't even been a year since you first appeared in Rabanara, and now, you're already a Royal! How did that happen?!"

"Oh, your Highness, please tell us of your encounter with the Symbol of Hate. I heard that Aberrant had been alive for hundreds of years!"

"Your Excellence Wolfy, these Chimeras are almost indistinguishable from the living; how did you create such a wonderful spell?!"

"Please tell us about your airships, my dear Lord. How are such ancient weapons not completely obsolete in comparison to other Avgi ships?"

"You're a Scholar of Rabanara, yet you're so young! What other secrets will you unleash upon the word?"

Suddenly, I notice that Sanaz is on my right side, intensely listening to me. Her tight, purple dress showing off the outline of her hard nipples, her hair delicately pouring over her bare shoulders like drapes.

Her presence isn't unexpected since some of these questions are very well veiled knowledge-gathering, but Yunia carefully crafts my responses, taking the opportunity to "build a wall." No, not that wall. It's a wall of "grandeur," intent on making our family seem mysterious and out-of-reach to these powerful women.

If I seem like a mystical, dangerous dragon, then others will be cautious when dealing with Sammak due to our relationship, fearing that they'll call righteous fury upon themselves if they fuck up. Two Interventions on our behalf is no joke, after all.

Even Ciel goes along with her plan and joins the conversation. The "Star of Hope" carries a rather awe-inspiring presence in the eyes of the fervently religious demons.

Gify, now settled back on my shoulder, is a natural at playing the part of the lofty, uninterested, and whimsical nature spirit, enhancing my image.

Roxanne has her own problems dealing with her "fans," especially now that she has been recognized as a Scholar of Xane.

Hana and Aoi actually score a lay with a succubus each since dragon fetishes are quite prominent around here. I savor their sex through [Bind], but I still get quite jealous of them since I'm stuck here with women who are more interested in rimming my ass with their words than actually wrapping their lips around my cock. But instead of helping me, Alissa seems to be enjoying their flattery more than actual sex.

Lina simply acts as Ciel's lap loli, acting like a cute and innocent doll and occasionally acting as a magnet for totally-not-pedophiles.

Yunia spends her time with Behrouz while being fawned over by the incubus and the other rare male companions from another race. She's more focused on my conversation, though, but her aloofness just makes her seem more attractive to the closet masochists.

The golems will stay with Ciel since she's the least likely of us to get drunk or seduced at this party.

Tavi plays outside with her friends, and Saghieh watches over them so that no suspicious person can do anything they might regret.

Then Alissa suddenly leaves me alone, and as I turn to look her way, I freeze, seeing Eftee approaching.


The gilf is wearing a loose blue dress that lets her pink nipples freely peek out with each step, her thin legs and panty strings exposed by the long openings at her sides that reach up to her ribs. Though she's fairly thin, she still has some juciness to her breasts and ass, making me wonder if this world has developed silicone implants.

"Royal Lord Wolf Ryder, may I take a seat beside you?" She politely asks, her sharp eyes staring intensely into mine, promising a storm if I say no.

"It'd be my pleasure," I coolly reply.

She sits down on my left and flashes both nipples as she bends over to pull her chair forward.

"Student Liaison Eftee, if my memory is correct?" Sanaz asks flatly, her dismissive tone surprising me a little.

"I'm surprised you know my name, Mistress Sanaz of Sammak," the gilf courtly replies.

Sanaz's eyes look cold and measuring. "You're an influential person in the Holy Academy since you always make connections with promising candidates for Holiness."

Eftee's demeanor remains flirty, unfazed by the milf's frigidity. "Mentorship creates shallow bonds, so people often overestimate my influence," she cheerily replies.

"Simply being a mere acquaintance of people in the right positions is enough to bring great benefits," Sanaz points out matter-of-factly.

And the other shrugs as she smirks. "So you say…"

Then a thin brown tail wraps around my thick draconic one from my left, and a second later, I feel another tail wrap around mine from my right.


I look towards Alissa, asking for help, but she's now sitting beside Yunia while they both smile wryly at me.

Eftee's gaze turns to the bed in the center of the ballroom, and she raises an eyebrow. "Who is it that will be participating in the Celebration?"

"I will, and my partners will be Royal Lord Wolf and Royal Lord Roxanne, my daughter," Sanaz answers, her smugness apparent in her tone, though her calm face still earns her the benefit of the doubt.

Eftee narrows her eyes, and the warmth of her tone starts to cool off. "Is that so…" She slowly replies, and the fact that Roxanne omitted this detail in her invitation reveals the true depths of her guile.

I should've read her mind.

The tension between the two women scares off most of the curious succubi, but now, the focus of the remaining guests falls exclusively on me.

I swallow heavily, and Yunia and I double the carefulness of my responses.

The food starts being served, which would be the perfect excuse for me to get out of here if Alissa didn't prepare a large plate and deliver it to us.

"What an attentive wife," Eftee amiably praises her.

"I'm a former Blood Slave, so I'm unwilling to drop certain habits," my dear wife confesses with pride.

"A man of Wolf's caliber truly deserves someone as caring as you," Sanaz remarks with a level of familiarity that surprises me.

Eftee lays a delicate hand on my thigh and nods as she smiles diplomatically. "I agree, and now I wonder if you have to spend an inordinate amount of time declining potential partners due to your overwhelming virility."

Sanaz follows her lead, also touching my other thigh and continuing with the hook, "Indeed. I know that Avgi women are weak to a strong male, so the aggressiveness we witnessed today from the succubi may be worse at home."

I have to use [Acting] to calmly put them at ease, "I have the Lordsguard, my wives, and my concubine helping to filter out those types of women with ulterior motives, so it has been quite peaceful at home."

"But over here you don't have that protection preventing them from throwing themselves at you," Eftee sympathetically affirms, then sends a not-so-subtle glare at Sanaz. "As I've seen."

The milf leans against me as she smirks, her hand now rising to my chest for her to support herself. Her perfume is intoxicating, but I'm already far too resistant to succubus powers to let her charm me.

"It's unfortunate for them since he already set his eyes upon me," Sanaz slowly asserts, her emphasis making her implication quite obvious.

Eftee's jaw clenches, and they both start rubbing their tails against mine at the same time, which instantly gives me a very visible boner due to my thin and elastic elven pants.

"Oh, my, are you excited? Let's not leave you suffering with such throbbing cock tucked away," Eftee teases coyly.

Sanaz smirks triumphantly. "Indeed. It's time to start the Celebration."

And the other pales, realizing her mistake. "Wait, n-…"

A loud whistling calls everyone's attention towards the open veranda, and we see a vertical, glowing yellow line in the distance rising up towards the sky, then the tip explodes into a shower of sparkles.


More whistles follow, and ten vertical lines are drawn in the sky, then flowers bloom at their tips as the fireworks go off, and the band switches to sensual songs.

Sanaz grabs my hand, avoiding my claws, and gently pulls me up. "It's time," she whispers sultrily, then gives Eftee a brief, smug smirk.

The gilf is left fuming as I'm taken to the bed in the center of the ballroom, and I take the chance to put one point in [Intimidate] as we walk, then Roxanne joins us.

We stand and look at each other, and I suddenly feel a bit small since they're both taller than me, but being shorter only makes me even more determined to dominate them.

Roxanne smiles warmly, and Sanaz seems somewhat excited, but they both inhale sharply when I release my [Sexual Charm] on them. The fireworks continue, sending up one or two every so often, but the attention of everyone at this party is firmly focused on us.

Sanaz swallows heavily, then turns to the crowd and gives a short speech, "To celebrate the close relationship between the Sammak company lead by me, Sanaz, and the Ryder family of Royal Crown Lords from the Western High Forest of the Holy Avgi Empire, which my daughter is also a part of, we shall engage in a threesome, marking the beginning of a close relationship between our two houses."

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Roxanne grins manically and also gives her own speech from the bottom of her heart, "I'm Roxanne Ryder, and this is my husband, Wolf Ryder. Together, we shall lay with my dear mother, to thank her for raising me this way, for giving me everything I needed to come this far, and to show everyone how deeply fond we are of each other."

They then turn to me, but I have no speech to give, thankfully, which will only deepen the "mystery" of my person, so I focus right back on just the two of them.

"Because Roxanne is my wife, she goes first," I assert and grab Roxanne's chin with the tip of my claws, then I pull her face towards me and give her a deep kiss.

Her cheeky little tongue meets mine with gusto, feeling quite happy at her preferential treatment, but I don't spend that long kissing her.

I pull her away, and she gives a little bite on my lip as a parting gift.

I kiss her forehead, then I turn to Sanaz, and the sensual woman smiles subtly, her apparent eagerness telling me that [Sexual Charm] has already started working.

Our faces slowly come closer, then she meets her lips with mine, and I tease her, pecking them repeatedly. After getting used to the feeling of each other's lips, we both smirk, then our lips lock together.

The knowledge that I'm kissing my wife's mother shoots a jolt of pleasure down to my cock, and the idea of making this impertinent woman submit to me makes it throb.

But then she surprises me by using [Oral Technique], and we start to fight for who will come out on top.

She may have more skill points in it than I do, but I have my spirit touch, and the instant I use it, she moans in my mouth.

I grab her waist and shove my tongue down her throat as I rub my hard-on against her body.

I'd like to try to make her cum just from kissing, but I can't ignore Roxanne, so I break the kiss and smirk at the sight of her flushed face. The cold bitch seems to be slightly out of breath.

"What was that…?" She softly asks, eyes wide open in disbelief.

"The Ryder Special," I smugly brag, and she clenches her jaw as her competitive spirit comes back, but I can't let her grow defiant. Then I activate [Intimidate] and order them, "Undress me." Then I spread my arms.

Roxanne smiles smugly at her mother, barely feeling the heat of my draconic gaze, but the milf's breath quickens, her eyes dilating in fear and arousal.

She begrudgingly obeys, and they both work together to get me naked. Sanaz seems to like what she sees, but I don't give her any time to savor it.

I sit down on the bed and order, "Strip for me."

And the mother goes first, surprisingly. She simply undoes the clasp at the back of her tight, black dress, and it falls to the floor, revealing her slender, pale body since she's only wearing a pair of small purple panties, which I promptly rip off in one smooth pull, revealing her bare, reddened pussy.

She gives me a stern look, and I just grin back defiantly, challenging her to complain, but she's already crumbling under my will and remains silent.

Roxanne giggles as she pulls the thin straps of her purple dress, revealing that she's also only wearing small purple panties, which are promptly ripped off by my claws.

Sanaz has a subtly curvier figure, but Roxanne's waist is thinner, and she's taller, so they both have their own special charm, making it impossible for me to pick the winner. The sensual mother and the supermodel daughter, both completely naked, except for their high heels.

I spread my legs and engorge my cock. "Now, suck me," I command.

Sanaz's eyes open wide, and she breathes in deeply at the sight of my Weapon. It seems that she's a size queen.

This time, they kneel down in sync and waste no time in getting their red tongues all over my shaft, wetting it thoroughly.

While Roxanne goes up, greedy to play with my reddened head, Sanaz goes down and teases my balls.

I suddenly grab Sanaz's hand, which was just trying to sneak under me. "Don't touch my asshole."

She smiles cheekily but obeys like the good slut she is.

They switch positions again and again, wetting my cock with their saliva, then their lips suddenly meet on the head, and they kiss.

Mother and daughter, kissing like passionate lovers, their horns almost touching, and their tails entangled.

Their cunts drip on the floor, eager to be fucked, but I come first, pun intended.

I grab Roxanne's horns and make her break the kiss, then I force her to deepthroat me.

I move my hips a bit to gently skull-fuck her, then I let her breathe, and she coughs but smiles like the good slut she is.

I turn to Sanaz, and she stiffens in fear, but the sheltered lady isn't used to being bullied by a Lord, so she doesn't pull back when I grab her horns and shove my cock down her throat.

She doesn't cough, a lot more experienced with deepthroating than her daughter, so I use her as I like.

Roxanne cups my balls and massages them, stimulating the cum to form from my mana, and I feel the internal pressure quickly rising.

I release Sanaz and push their heads together so that they kiss the tip of my cock, then I let it out, painting their faces white.

The crowd gasps in surprise, finding it hard to believe that I've already come, but I grin at them and shout, "I'M NOT DONE YET!"

The mother and daughter kiss while their faces are covered in cum, lust clouding their minds as the taste and smell of my magical seed enthralls them, triggering their nature as succubi.

They lick each other's faces, cleaning off my essence, and soon, the cum is all gone, so I make them stop kissing, then I cast [Telekinesis] on Roxanne and lift her body up, bringing her pussy towards my face.

I grab her cute ass and eat her out as she holds on to my horns for support, then I use my tail to guide Sanaz to continue sucking me off.

Roxanne's moans quickly grow louder and louder as I spare no effort in bringing her to orgasm, extending my tongue deep within her folds as I vibrate it against her clit.

I play with Sanaz using my tail, forcing her to deepthroat me again, though far gentler this time, while also using my spirit touch on her through my cock, just to make her even more aroused.

Her cunt lewdly drips and her sucking grows more desperate as her self-control slowly erodes away, all while my mouth gradually fills up with Roxanne's sensual fluids as she starts to shout my name.

"Fuck me, Wolfy! Fuck meee! Wolfy! Wolfyy~…! Fuck my pussy with your tongue!"

Roxanne's weak legs wrap around my head, and her insides suddenly tighten and twist around my tongue as she orgasms, then I cum down Sanaz's throat.

I groan softly in pleasure, but I don't waste any time basking in the afterglow. The moment that Roxanne's convulsing subsides, I let her fall beside me, making her squeak, then I pull Sanaz up and force her to lay down on the bed.

"I bet that I can make you orgasm with just my tongue even faster than I just did with your daughter," I taunt smugly.

She chuckles softly, a white trail of my seed running down from her lips. "What would I bet on such a silly thing?"

And I growl eagerly, "Your submission to me."

She raises a black eyebrow in surprise as she smirks, but I don't let her answer and immediately start eating her out. "Oh… fuck…!" She lets a groan escape through her gritted teeth.

Roxanne recovers and starts playing with her mother's nipples, who's now moaning too loud for any kissing to take place.

I start off slow to make the rise of pleasure and intensity that much more noticeable, but it seems that I'm far from going slow enough.

Sanaz's hands grip my hair as she writhes on the bed. "Oh… Gods… you're… too… fast!" She shouts between greedy, heavy breaths.

"You want him to slow down?" Roxanne teasingly asks as she pinches a pale nipple.

Her thighs quiver, giving me her answer, but she still forces herself to breathily respond, "No… don't… stop…"

She closes her eyes, and her entire body squirms from the overstimulation as she slowly loses control of herself. Cold, strict, sensual, ruthless, and determined. None of those characteristics mean anything before a true Male Dragon.

Not even a minute later, I pinch her clit with my tongue, and her back arches as her fastest orgasm ever crashes through her. She grips the sheets and shuts her eyes, then her insides immediately twist in the usual succubus fashion as her body locks up in pleasure.

I simply slide out of her and stand up, making sure that everyone can see my freakishly long tongue, then I slowly let it return to normal.

"Roxanne. Come here and present your pussy to me," I order, and she eagerly obeys.

Her cute ass sways before me as she spreads her cheeks and dripping pussy, then I grab her tail at the base and shove my thick, engorged cock deep inside her.

"Ahn~…! Mother… he's so… big!" Roxanne moans as she rubs her mother's now lonely pussy.

Sanaz recovers from her orgasm and coos in both wonder and fear, "By Creation's Will, Roxanne, this is insane."

"But you… love it…!"

The milf chuckles softly, then moans as her daughter's finger penetrates her deeply, but I want more. I want more incest!

I hug Roxanne, folding her legs up against her body, and lift her up off the bed. She's so light that I don't even need to use [Mana Body] to enhance my "Strength."

Now, she's on full display before her mother as I use [Mana Body] to continue pumping into her pussy without actually moving either of our hips.

"Lick her clit!" I order, and Sanaz's breath wavers, unable to fully believe what she's seeing.

"Yes, I'm starting to become fond of him," she hesitantly remarks, then clamps her lips onto the top of Roxanne's pussy lips, right where the enlarged, reddened, moist, and pulsating bean of her clit is waiting.

"GODS!" Roxanne shouts as her toes curl up.

Sanaz cups my balls and massages them again, stimulating my sperm production at the same time that she fingers Roxanne's asshole, which makes her see stars. Though she doesn't have the same "abilities" as I do, I should never underestimate a succubus' technique in the art of sex.

I hit Roxanne's cervix, and she squeaks, quickly becoming delirious as two out of the three people she loves the most do their best to kill her with pleasure.

"Ah~…! Ah~…! Ah~…! Ah~…!" She moans freely with every thrust, the higher functions of her mind being blocked right now due to her current state.

Her legs quiver, then her folds suddenly twist and writhe, squeezing my dick as they forcefully wring my cum out of me as she orgasms.

My balls visibly pulse, and I groan, "Fuuuck!" As I shoot a long, thick load deep inside her, which immediately backflows and reaches Sanaz's lips, and even my legs shake from the intense pleasure.

I pull my slimy dick out of Roxanne's pussy and let Sanaz eat her daughter out, her tongue reaching deep into Roxanne's insides to clean her out thoroughly.

I enthusiastically watch each and every movement of this scene, my overloaded incest fetish preventing my cock from softening for even a moment, making it visibly throb with anticipation.

"Mother… yes…!" Roxanne moans deliriously, still recovering from her mind-shattering orgasm.

When Sanaz is finally done, I lay Roxanne down on the bed and turn my eyes to the mother in front of me.

The ruthless merchant swallows heavily as she stares at my body with thinly veiled desire. Her pointy black horns look mighty sharp, but hardening them is all she can do to keep her dignity as she has already submitted to my will.

I press my claws against her shoulders, pushing her down and backwards onto the bed, and she obeys without any resistance. I'm not just being domineering because I want to, this is also part of our plan to make her mellow out with us.

Her lustrous, black hair with a purple sheen splays out around her on the bed, then she spreads her legs on her own, inviting me in. The sight of her inviting pose and dripping pussy makes me let out a growling laugh of victory. There was never even a chance that she could dominate me.

I grip her neck with my claws as I line up my cock with her dripping entrance. "I'm going to fuck you now," I state, and she nods subtly, then I pierce her, a lewd, wet sound marking the start of her Ravaging.

"Aah…" She moans softly and sensually bites her lip. "You're so thick."

"You haven't seen anything yet," I growl back, then I increase my girth further, and she opens her mouth wide, wanting to cry out in pain, but the pleasure she's feeling right now is too much for her to get any words out.

The moment I pull my hips back, the bed starts to move, and I almost lose my composure from the surprise.

The bed slowly moves towards the opening to the veranda as the fireworks start to come more frequently.

Roxanne recovers and hugs Sanaz from her side. She kisses her mother's neck, then trails her hand down the milf's body until she reaches the pussy stretched around my Weapon.

I slam my hips against hers, grunting and sweating like an animal while grinning smugly like a man on top of the world, and I quickly forget that the bed is still moving.

Both mother and daughter give me deeply passionate looks, intoxicating me with their succubi charm. Sanaz grits her teeth, wincing with each powerful thrust, but still manages to maintain a lucid stare. Roxanne's grin is manic, lust and love already clouding her eyes, but she's completely obedient to me, and together, we'll turn her mother into my cum slave, too.

The succubi natural charm starts to affect my mind, pushing for me to release the seal on the endless draconic lust within my heart. Though I don't give in completely, I still let my grotesque tentacles spontaneously sprout out of my body, and they immediately seek out any erogenous zone of the two females before me.

Lust, alcohol, music, love, fireworks, chatter, domination, charm, pride, and rough sex. A storm rages within my mind from the wild mix of stimulation, but I'm still lucid, I'm still holding the reigns of the dragon.

Sanaz growls and extends her hands towards my throat, but I merely squeeze my claws lightly around hers and choke her out instead.

The fleshy sounds of impact grow even louder as I pick up speed and stop caring about the milf's weaker body. I'll break her mind and body.

She grips my scaled arms, trying to find support for her increasingly weak body as she seems to have already lost the feeling in her legs, forcing Roxanne to hold them apart for me.

My cock slides in and out of Sanaz's pussy with ease as she continually leaks so much fluid that the sheets beneath us have become thoroughly soaked. The bed suddenly stops moving, with us now under the night sky, but I don't pay that minor detail any further attention.

Sanaz's eyes slowly lose focus as she starts to pass out, then they roll back into her head.

"Ah…" She lets out one final, weak moan, then she orgasms, and her folds twist, forcing me to unleash a thick hose of cum inside her.

"RAAAAAGH!" I roar as the powerful orgasm makes my entire body seize up.

"YES!" Roxanne gleefully cries out.

Night turns to day as fireworks fill the sky and the band reaches the climax of their song.

Several long seconds pass as I pump rope after rope into Sanaz's vagina, then I regain control of my muscles and release the exhausted mother.

She flops back on the bed, half passed out. Then I slide out of her, and Roxanne immediately digs in.

Though my breath is haggard, I'm still far from getting low on MP, so I search for Eftee's lustrous, white hair among the crowd.

"EFTEE, I'M NOT DONE YET!" I roar and infuse a bit of [Godly Language] into my voice.

My cock is covered in my semen and the lewd fluids from two women, so for the prideful succubi, I'm already "sloppy thirds," but my commanding tone is absolute.

I will fuck her.

Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Creamy Spinach.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Fullmoon.

Lord Sean Drake.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Cardinal Steiner.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord Jorge Franco.

Lord Khristopher Welsh.

Lord DJ.

Lord Philip.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord The Tallest Joshua.

Lord Copey Dunt.

Lord Dracopuppy23.

Lord Chris Carter.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Bradly.

Lord Aubrey Powell.

Lord AndreyUC.

Lord Tmac.

Lord Krawn.

Lord Jetdy S.

Lord Greysen Simmons-LaRose.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble CarlBaxter.


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