
Chapter 449: 159: Brother – Part 3

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The twins are a bit shy today, spending the whole training session talking with each other, but I don't blame them for feeling a bit weird after yesterday. Yunia gets horny thinking of them talking dirty about her, likely saying how much of a filthy whore she is and how their image of her has been ruined. And I have to agree that she is a filthy whore.

But while the twins are awkward, Hermann has been emboldened.

"Come at me, daddy! Gimme those tentacles!" the tall black boy taunts with a grin.

I'm more bothered by the drizzle that slowly wets my thin training shirt, though women and wet shirts are always a good combo.

"So… do Wolf and Hermann have a… relationship?" Mikuri hesitantly asks her daughter.

Hana and Romy share a look, then the Filipino-looking Companion answers suggestively, "Sir Hermann certainly wishes he could suck that big dragon cock." And Hana sassily hums and nods along in agreement.

The fiery milf frowns concernedly, but even she isn't immune to the corruption of fujoshis as a smile threatens to appear on her face. "Let's not tell your father about what's going on here," she prudently requests.

But Hana gleefully retorts, "He might eventually hear it anyway. Wolfy dominating Hermann is a popular fantasy among the Companions." And now it's Romy's turn to sassily hum and nod along.

Mikuri's concern only deepens. Then she scans the audience, and her tone turns serious as she seems to realize something she has difficulty believing. "Yes, there does seem to be a tad too many women here. Their gazes tell me that they're actually aroused, too."

"If you want to just masturbate while watching them, I'm sure nobody would mind," Hana quietly teases, and Romy holds back a grin at the audacity of this slutty dragonkin.

The mother snorts and amusedly raises her eyebrows at her daughter, but then she suddenly frowns again. "Wait, you're serious…" she mumbles worriedly as she stares at Hana's unwavering stare. Then Mikuri shakes her head, making her fiery mane shake along alluringly. "This place is hell for a sex beast dragonkin."

Now it's Hana's turn to snort. "I know, right? But I feel a lot freer here than when I was abstinent. I might've been fiercer back then, but I was also such a troublemaker and always so angry."

"You've just gotten older," Mikuri replies dismissively.

"It hasn't been that long since we got separated," Hana smugly retorts.

"Hmph…" the proud dragonkin huffs loudly, unwilling to admit that the borderline masochistic approach of using abstinence to increase the ferocity of a dragonkin with a sex vice might not be as effective as it's said to be.

Anyway, Hermann is a very dangerous opponent. I haven't lost to him even once yet, but he's certainly gifted with weapons, so one slip-up might be all that he needs to turn the tables and fuck me up. Not literally, thankfully, though we all know he'd love to do it if he had the chance. And he also reminds us of it every chance he gets.

"Come at me! Sword my ass, my King!" he attempts to [Taunt] me, but my "Willpower" is too high to fall for it, though I do feel like the dragon is slowly becoming tempted to actually do it.

I'd rather get confused boners from Silvano than have to suffer through this.

Hermann utilizes [Parry] and [Dodge] at the same time against two of my tentacles, while the third is cut by the whistling tip of his longsword as it's swung in an arc with blinding speed, slicing up the fake flesh and making my tentacle momentarily lose its grip on the spear.

The bold warrior boy immediately follows up with [Muscle Explosion] to advance into my guard, longsword already coming down for another slice with the tip, perfectly maximizing his reach advantage against me.

But my [Battlefield Perception] triggers, and it's coming from below, so I step back and dodge the leg-sweep, and his crazy double-attack puts him off-balance.

I do a counter leg-sweep with my spears, and he falls on his ass. Then I press their tips against his chest, and he releases his weapon in defeat.

"Good one, Hermann. I fear the day you'll find a way to counter my tentacles," I kindly praise him as I offer my hand.

He immediately takes it and asks back, "Do you ever actually fight without them?"

"Occasionally, but like fighting without magic, it's only to hold back for teaching purposes," I casually reply.

And his gaze becomes measuring as he towers over me, trying to put some pressure into his words. "How good are you with only the sword, then?"

I raise an eyebrow at his attempt and nonchalantly answer, "It's my path; I was born with this skill, so I've managed to raise [Sword Use] to a respectable level."

Technically I wasn't "born" with it, but it was the only skill I had when I first came into this world, and I do learn it quite fast, so it must be my "path." It also synergizes well with the tentacles, as my shortsword acts as personal protection while my suggestive appendages focus on offense.

"Do you ever fuck without tentacles, too?" he asks with an attempt at innocence, but my mischievous senses are tingling.

"When there isn't more than one woman with me, yes," I answer matter-of-factly as my mind begins analyzing the danger of falling into a verbal trap.

The tall boy smirks and stares intensely, making an expression that'd look quite handsome to the average woman. "I know you have a special touch, so how well do you fuck without using it?"

Ah, there it is.

"Pretty good!" Hana shouts from the sidelines, and Mikuri pretends she hasn't heard anything.

Hermann coos cheekily and lays out the obvious trap, "Ooh~…? Why don't you teach me, then? I'm inexperienced with women, and yesterday, I heard you giving Fuda a lot of advice while sharing the same dragonkin."

And Mikuri pretends real hard that she hasn't heard anything.

"You? Asking to be taught sex? I'm surprised that you challenged me to a sex duel," I calmly riposte.

"Wait, a duel implies only two people," he huskily replies and raises his eyebrows suggestively.

Damn, you…

"Sex match to see who fucks women the best," I quickly correct myself and dodge the gay.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Klein suddenly shouts angrily, and everyone turns to her. "Who are you two going to use for that?!"

"Uh… you…?" Hermann tentatively replies, but that was definitely the wrong answer, though I believe there was no correct answer.

"EXACTLY! You assholes! I'm not letting you two go wild on me; you'd kill me!" Klein blows up, forgetting that her father is just a courtyard away and might be able to hear her voice.

And Mikuri struggles real, real hard to keep a straight face.

Hermann's eyes widen as he realizes that the path this conversation is taking will only lead to the ruination of his plans, but all he can do is grasp at excuses to try to salvage it, "I-I mean… we could compare how many orgasms we can give you."

And Mikuri starts making grunting noises like a pressure cooker about to blow.

I put just a bit more pressure on him as I smugly ask, "Are you sure you can give her even one?"

But he shrugs. "Doesn't hurt to try." Because he's just fucking looking for an excuse to fuck Klein!

Well, it was about time that we did this, really…

I find it within me to be magnanimous and give his plan a hand, so I turn to Klein and kindly reassure her, "I'm not rough with you unless you ask me to be, but I'm willing to have a sex match and show off my dick skills."

Of course, I haven't forgotten that we currently have the attention of Companions, Lordsguard, and even some knights, and my gentle tone soothes Klein, but now she's able to notice who everyone is looking at, and she starts to blush so heavily that her dark skin almost becomes scarlet. Everyone is smirking teasingly at her, though we know a good deal of the Companions would love to be in her position.

Mikuri facepalms and lets out a quiet, strained moan, "Uuugh… 'dick skills' is a new one for me…"

Hermann takes a second to process my words, then laughs cheerfully and shouts, "Haha! Festivity's Balls! The time has finally come!"

"I-I haven't agreed to it yet!" Klein hastily interjects, her eyes wide open in panic.

"What? We're not going to be rough with you," Hermann reassures her as he affably pats my back.

And Hukarere shouts encouragement from the sidelines, "Klein, if you don't accept this blessing, a Companion will murder you in your sleep!"

"Damn right," Romy quietly agrees as she stares at Hermann like a piece of meat.

"Uugh… fine!" Klein begrudgingly gives in. Peer pressure is a wonderful thing.

"Greatest idea you've had yet, Wolf," Hermann happily remarks, and he receives unanimous agreement.

I internally roll my eyes and orderly announce, "There are just some preparations I want to make before then. Maybe tomorrow night, I'll be ready, and we'll make it an event so that others can come and watch. It's a nobleman losing his virginity, after all." My tone without a hint of mischief at all.

For Rupegians, bisexual people can lose their virginity twice, making them a bit enviable by certain types of people.

And Klein looks like she just realized that she made a big mistake, but I know my monkey girl is just pretending to not be a massive slut. She loves being bred, and soon, there will be two hunks inside her who'll turn her into a sore cock-hole. What kind of woman would say no to that?

She's already (in?)famous among my simpettes, and after today, she'll become a legend, I believe.

Anyway, today is a training day, so it's time we return to the training. The drizzle hasn't let up yet, and shirts are becoming transparent, so it's time to let the Companions take the stage.

Drawn by news of combat, Kyora, Caterina, and Urmeie appear in the training courtyards. The three arrivals are wearing white shirts that will soon become quite transparent, so I'm eager to see them fight.

"Wolf! Fancy a spar?" Urmeie sultrily offers, and for a second, I get the impression that she's propositioning me.

"We must maintain the Imperial dignity. We shall issue no challenge to your martial prowess," I courteously reply.

And mama bear snorts heartily, making her melons jiggle. "Since when do you care about Imperial dignity?"

"I don't, actually, but you know that Sa'Haa wouldn't approve," I answer calmly.

Now the bear grunts in rising anger. "Since when do you care about her approval?"

And now I answer gleefully, "Since I became a Consort candidate. You know I'm not an apolitical person."

"After I sucked your cock, you owe me one," she grumbles and starts sulking childishly.

I respond affably because I do look back fondly on the blowjob she gave me, "I'll repay it someday, don't worry. Also, I must admit that you have a lot of skill in sucking cocks. It was a very pleasant experience."

Even she's unable to stay angry at me when I use my "Charisma" and [Sexual Charm] along with a warm tone, so she stops sulking with a sigh and mumbles, "You're an infuriating tease."

"I like my women wild so I can fuck them roughly," I casually reply.

Her gaze becomes intense, and I get a hint of her wild, bestial high-level aura. "I'll fuck you soon enough."

I grin cheekily. "Not with that attitude."

"Hmph…" she grunts as she glares, now a bit angry again, but I just ignore her and focus on the sparring.

Lolo is very fierce today, as are a number of Companions, and they're most likely showing off to us to entice us into visiting their barracks, which I'm feeling like doing.

Then I focus a bit on Hana and Caterina flirting. They're both resting and drinking a non-alcoholic refreshment as they wait for their turn to fight.

And Hana casually offers with a grin, "You should spend more time with us. Maybe stay the night. We won't bite."

"Perhaps I should," the Punisher hums softly.

"Perhaps you should…" Hana seductively repeats. But Caterina doesn't reply, so she insists, "But will you?"

"Well, aren't you a clingy kitten?" the mature elf coolly teases with a glance.

And my dragonkin's yellow eyes stare with even more intensity. "I want my mommy to pamper me."

"I'm not the kind to dominate others," Caterina deflects, but her tone is also falling to a seductive, lower pitch.

"Then I shall pamper mommy, instead," Hana states and touches shoulders with her.

Now the older woman is unable to hold back a smile, even though she declines again, "I'm not one to be dominated, either."

Hana boldly swings an arm around Caterina's waist, who doesn't even flinch. "Did anyone say anything about that? I merely want to take care of someone I'm fond of," Hana sweetly replies, taking a lesson from Alissa's dedication to me.

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And not even the stern Punisher is able to dodge such an innocent attack. "Very well, kitten, I'll join you for the evening, but keep your claws to yourself."

Hana is sorely tempted to push the line further, as she's wont to do, but she's being a good girl and doesn't allow her hand to drift down.

As for me, the Lordsguard visit is delayed because I want to be present during Caterina's visit.

And we finish off the long, hard afternoon of much sweat and intense physical effort with Gestalt training. Our coordination is as perfect as ever, but it's good to keep reinforcing it to not let it rust, and maybe one day, we'll be able to achieve a breakthrough in it.

For our bath, Caterina asks for a private chamber, and I have double wereanimal girl time, starring Alissa and Klein. My monkey girl won't admit it, but she's excited about the fated night. I remind her who owns her womb by knocking on her cervix, but I also show her that I know how to be warm and gentle too.

The two girls have such athletic bodies that we have a refreshing session of lovemaking, like orange chocolate. A simple but sharp flavor when you want just a little bit of spice with your sweetness.

And for dinner, we invite Mimi because there's an important topic that we must discuss. The Princesses are also present this time, but they don't bother me with uninteresting topics, leaving me free to focus on the slender, model-like, dark-skinned beauty.

"I believe you appreciate frankness and straightforwardness, no?" I promptly begin cordially.

Mimi nods gently and answers in kind, "I do. I may be able to negotiate with any kind of person, but in private, I prefer to leave such games of deceit behind."

I activate both my "Charisma" and [Sexual Charm] as I make the proposal, "Then I'll be frank. I want you to be my and Hana's concubine."

And the gorgeous model's reaction is reasonable surprise, tensing up just a bit, but she shows composure worthy of a noble.

"I also want a piece of this woman," Roxanne casually chimes in.

Alissa then diplomatically states before a chorus of thirsty female voices can form, "Joining the concubines implies that there'll be some good-natured sharing to maintain the health of the harem."

"Hm…" Mimi hums thoughtfully. Then her eyes become curious, and she questions me, "First, I must also be frank. You haven't flirted with me anywhere near as much as with other women, so why are you proposing concubinage to me before them?"

I state matter-of-factly, "It's hard to find opportunities to flirt with you, and I believe you're too serious about your job to casually fall in love with someone like me." Honestly, Mimi was also in danger of being stolen away from us due to her personality, but it's unproductive to admit insecurity right now.

She nods, pleased with my answer, and continues, "Sounds reasonable. But moving on, what benefits would I enjoy if I joined your harem?"

And Hana briefly takes her focus away from Caterina to give me a knowing look. She knows that Mimi loves to see things through the lens of "give and take," so there's no simpler way to have her join us than by directly negotiating with her.

I start off serious but end with a confident smirk. "Stability, wealth, safety, many lovers, endless love, many maids, the ability to freely choose what you want for your life, and access to an assortment of people highly skilled in the art of sex."

And it's the second-last "benefit" that makes her raise her eyebrows.

"What does this freedom mean?" she questions curiously.

"Financial, emotional, and intellectual support in any endeavor as long as it doesn't bring too many detriments to the family." And I sense overall agreement with my words from everyone.

Mimi softly hums in amusement. "Sounds perfect for a researcher."

I nod. "Indeed."

"What about wealth?"

"I believe we should stipulate a standard stipend for all concubines," Alissa prudently chimes in.

"This doesn't preclude you from also having a job," I add in kind.

"Hm…" the slender beauty contently hums out loud, very pleased with this idea.

"We do prefer women with high libido," Osaria suddenly interjects.

"Yes, that's basically a must," Kaatohe agrees as she scans Mimi's body up and down.

Who then answers unfavorably, "I'm afraid my libido is considerably lower than that of the average woman here if everything I've heard about this harem is true."

My bronze cat has spotted a prey that interests her, so she suggestively proposes, "Why don't you test it out? After my first time with Wolfy, I became a lot more interested in sex."

I almost kiss her pussy at this display of lewd genius. "Yes, we could have a 'session' just before the sex match with Hermann," I excitedly agree.

The dark-skinned model raises one thin black eyebrow at me, but a very subtle smile graces her thin lips, and a little flame of arousal begins to grow within her. "I'm so surprised that your ridiculous suggestion actually makes sense that I have no retort."

Kaatohe and I share a pleased look, then I insist, "But do you agree to it?"

Mimi nods casually. "I do."

Hell yeah!

Then we negotiate the money for the stipend. It helps that Mimi is already the High Accountant, so she knows exactly how much is reasonable for us.

"If you'll allow me, I'll forfeit this stipend, as I have no need for wealth," Poosh composedly states.

"The money is so that you can have financial independence if we ever do have a falling out," I soothingly reply, but Poosh is completely unfazed at my appeal.

Then Alissa follows with an interesting amount of wisdom, "Forfeiting the stipend for altruistic reasons will put pressure on the other concubines to do the same."

"Hm…" my fluffy worshiper hums thoughtfully, and it seems to be quite the convincing argument, for she calmly nods. "I'll accept the money then, but I'll keep private what I do with it."

"A great choice," Yunia contently praises.

Then we receive a message saying that Fuda wants to meet and talk about enchanting whenever possible. He has some ideas he wants to check with me, so it's time for brother Wolf to guide his little bro once again.

Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince Definitely  not Dio.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord Placid.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Black Unicorn.

Lord Brandon.

Lord Duncan Campbel.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Badger.

Lord School Work.

Lord Patrick_starz.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble Anon A Moose.


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