
Chapter 451: 160: The Manliest Contest – Part 2

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"You're quite talented," Thea politely remarks with a kind smile as she watches Santa-Alissa pretend to be an old fox.

Alissa's disguise disappears in a comical white cloud with a *poof*, revealing the child-like grin that was hidden under her beard. "Thank you, but I had a lot of help. Wolfy's Gift was essential to help me get where I am with my magic," she replies in kind and glances at me.

But Thea insists on having her praise be heard, "Well, if you won't accept 'talent' as a compliment, at least accept 'potential.'"

"Yes, that one is reasonable," my orange fox accepts with a nod.

The two are being very polite to each other, but Alissa's more casual demeanor is helping Thea come out of her shell. They're of similar age (though I have no idea how old Thea is), so they get along quite well. Klein is older and becoming too different from Alissa to be a close friend, so Thea could be the perfect choice.

They seem to have a lot in common when talking about taste, but right now, Thea is lacking a lot in the matter of culture. We'll help her out, though, by giving her lots of free time so that she can learn what "stimulating entertainment" is like.

Starting with tonight.

For our bath, we don't have the maids wash us so that we may have a bonding moment with Thea, who becomes a bit shy at all the attention she's getting.

"I-is there something wrong with me?" she hesitatingly asks, her fluffy white tail stiff and her eyes going from side to side.

I smoothly reassure her, though I can't hide the predatory tone in my voice, "No, on the contrary, we're all enamored with your pretty little body."

"You're in a den of predators, little kit, and everyone wants a bite of you," Kaatohe follows up and purrs sensually as she stares at the snow fox.

Thea awkwardly pushes her bangs away from her eyes and obediently announces, "Well, I'm… available to anyone who desires a piece." She's forcing herself a bit, but I feel like it'll soon become completely natural for her to offer her body.

Alissa comes up behind her, then cups her little breasts and pinches her puffy nipples as she sultrily whispers, "Oh, we'll definitely take you up on that offer, but maybe later since we have a little event to attend to." Then she releases the young fox and grabs the soap.

Indeed, our bath is short, for we gather at our dining hall at sunset.

High above the crowns of the High Trees, we have a perfect view of either sunrise or sunset as there are two balconies in the dining hall, and this time, we're facing west. There's already a hint of mist coming out of the town, which will soon be flooded and enshrouded by it, while the luminescent plants scattered across the town and the castle are starting to gain tinges of purple, slowly shifting the atmosphere towards a gloomy mood.

We've invited all of our friends and families, so there's quite the crowd here, but the hall is big enough to comfortably house everyone. We have the concubines, Silvane, Hukarere, Romy, Thea, Klein and her parents, Hana's whole family, Lina's family, Ciel's Templar friends, Yunia's brothers and her "clown" friends, Lyle, Hatara, Garanae, Ereia, Caterina, Teresina, and the Princesses.

Klasse, Anton, and the Grosshils are more on the tense side, while the Gilbik couple and Mikuri are trying their best to remain neutral, and Fuda looks quite excited as he shows the signs of "culture" blooming within him. Krysta is the one who amuses me the most as she has a permanent grin on her face, and her eyes simply drill into her daughter's head with an unrelenting, teasing stare.

On the fashion side, we basically have one fine specimen from practically every nation in the empire. The only ones missing are a gnome, a pixie, and some of the mer races, while some more demon races and beastfolk would also be nice to complete the world-spanning "cultural exchange."

"But Mimi, what the goblin, didn't you say you weren't interested?" Hermann curiously questions his older sister.

And the dark-skinned beauty instantly answers composedly, "When it was a teasing remark in passing, I wasn't; when it was an official proposal with benefits to be negotiated, it became interesting."

Her mother chuckles softly as this wasn't an unexpected development for her after getting to know what kind of man I am. "Well, you'd only ever get a better life than here by becoming an Empress, so I believe it'd be insanity for you to decline," she calmly remarks.

"What about marrying someone you're in love with?" Klasse questions both his daughter and his wife.

"That's the easy part," Mikuri answers as if it was obvious.

Yeah, dragonkin are a bit open-minded about what "love" means, and both Mimi and Hermann seem to have inherited quite a lot from their mother, so Klasse accepts that as long as they're happy, it's fine.

And so, I turn my attention to Anton as the big ape man seems dissatisfied with something.

"Why do we have to watch?" he grunts to Hana and Klein.

And my dragonkin borrows some of our vocabulary to smugly explain, "For a variety of reasons that can be summed up as 'perversion.'"

But Ciel doesn't want to make our ape knight uncomfortable, so she interjects with a more diplomatic tone, "To. Be. Fair… sex is an important part of relationships, and the nobility wants to ensure that the unions they've arranged remain strong and healthy, so witnessing how the engaged's first time together goes is a good way to confirm that they have been properly trained in the art of love and that they are adequate at satisfying each other."

"A cruel, sadistic, and domineering husband is a common theme in horror novels for women," Krysta surprisingly chimes in with a nod of understanding.

And Alissa emphatically agrees, "Oh, yes. I find this genre worryingly popular among novelists."

"Why 'worryingly'?" I question her confusedly.

My slutty fox casually reveals our intimate secrets, making Anton die a bit inside, "Unlike us, who like to roleplay extreme scenarios, there's always a sexual and loving mood tinging it while these horror novels are nothing but… raw misery."

"It's misery porn," I assuredly explain.

Now it's her turn to question confusedly, "'Porn'?"

"Erotica, fetish, pornography. It's like extreme sexual roleplaying without the sexual part."

Anton's eyes gloss over, regretting starting this conversation.

Yunia is an example of "extreme sexual roleplaying," so she has something to say about this matter, "Sounds unhealthy. At least with sexual roleplaying, you're getting something out of it. What's fun about extreme misery?"

This is basically the inverse of Earth…

But I defend Earth's culture as I see nothing wrong with misery porn, "You read a novel to fantasize about experiences that you'll never have in real life. These horror novels are for common women living idyllic lives who wish for a bit of spice."

"Sounds like a perfect sheath for me," Krysta admits and chuckles, a bit embarrassed with herself.

It takes me a second to process her idiom because I've mostly heard "sheath" being used to refer to a submissive person.

While the others chuckle along or mumble wry comments, Thea stares at me with a look of wonder in her pretty eyes.

"It feels so 'refreshing' to see the new girl realize what a great person Wolfy is," Alissa remarks with a dreamy tone in my soul space.

Then the conversation circle breaks off, so the mingling continues, and Yunia approaches the Clown Troupe just in time to hear Masochist teasing her brothers.

"I heard you two went to a brothel with your sister," the big, shameless elf remarks with a suggestive smirk.

"What did you do…?" Little Pomp questions them with an intense stare.

"Nothing, we just watched…" Arturus tactfully answers.

But Antares is the more shameless of the duo, and he breathes excitedly, "Watched her get slammed and humiliated by filthy, disgusting tentacles."

"Diamond dragon scales…" Gentle Shadow lets out the rare words; such is his amazement.

"Why didn't you call us, too?" Pomp immediately questions Yunia without a shred of hesitation.

"You're not worth it," Yunia answers with a subtle, smug smile.

"Hngh…" Masochist exaggeratedly moans and clutches his chest.

"But I'll allow my brothers to describe what they saw in excruciating detail," she adds, each word tainted with depraved delight. She loves seeing how much her friends wish they got to see her get Ravaged, which shows in their pants because they're all as shameless as her.

On my way to bully the Princesses, I make a quick promise to Fuda, "I'll visit you tomorrow so that you can show me your ideas."

And he nods repeatedly with a bright, childish smile.

He's a good little brother.

Then I move on towards Sa'Haa and Urmeie.

"Don't you two think that this will be helpful to gauge my future compatibility as your Consort?" I immediately question them.

"It'll be helpful to make me horny, alright," Urmeie grunts wryly.

"Nobody doubts that you know how to please a woman," Sa'Haa replies dismissively, attempting to dodge my verbal trap.

But I smirk as I "innocently" question, "But is the way I please good for you? It's certainly unreasonable to expect that every woman will be compatible with me, no? Isn't that exactly why there are Consort Candidates?"

Urmeie's brow furrows in frustration, but a smile starts to appear on her muzzle as she stumbles upon the opportunity to tease her sister. "I wouldn't know since you refuse to fuck me, while Sa'Haa wouldn't know since she's a virgin."

And I raise my eyebrows suggestively at the very "cheerful" wereowl.

"Our compatibility will be gauged solely through time," she replies with a tone so dry that you'd need a stillsuit to not lose moisture to her voice.

I love bullying her…

And the girls snicker inside my soul space as we all suddenly realize something.

I'm… I'm starting to enjoy her presence! Cursed be my big heart! I'm simply unable to not fall for a pretty woman!

"Well, the offer stands," I smoothly reply, showing no hint of the turmoil within my heart.

"Are you just going to ignore me?" Urmeie questions me sternly.

"For you, I offer cuddling…" I offer without missing a heartbeat, but her eyes slowly narrow, and a dangerous smirk begins to form, so I hurriedly add, "as long as your hug doesn't damage my HP."

Mama bear snorts, but she doesn't have a comeback, so I move on before she can attempt to corner me again.

We mingle a bit longer before we sit down to eat, and once everybody has a good enough amount of delicious food in their bellies and alcohol in their blood to loosen their inhibitions, I ring an ostentatious crystal bell to get everyone's attention.

"Gentlemen and gentlewomen, I believe it's time for us to begin the first attraction of the night," I grandly begin.

"Skritters…! Lemme finish eating first!" Anton whisper-shouts and continues to eat.

Sa'Haa seems displeased at his impolite little comment, but everyone else seems amused.

So I give the big man a kind smile and continue, "It is with great happiness that I announce that Mizushina has agreed to join not only my concubines but also Hana's…"

Klasse's eyebrows shoot up, heavily wrinkling his forehead, and he stares at nothing in particular while contemplating whether or not he raised his children right. But it seems that he accepts that he has because he makes no comment, and Mikuri even seems pleased that her daughter is becoming the concubine of a king.

I wait a moment for the guests to give Mimi their polite congratulations, then I move on to what everyone has been waiting for, "And as is the custom of nobility when a union is formed without previous love, we shall perform the wonderful act of sex together to prove to the witnesses present here that we're all compatible with each other."

Sensibly excited "oos" and "aahs" echo across the dining hall as the perverts make themselves known with grins while the prudes keep a stony mask to not seem disrespectful.

I glance at both Hana and Mimi, then stand up and extend my clawed hands to them. "Queen Hana, Madame Mizushina, shall we?"

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"We shall," Hana takes my hand with a fearsome grin while Mimi silently wraps her slender fingers around mine, her gorgeous face graced with a rather aloof smile. I'm unsure of what's going on inside her head, but at least it doesn't seem to be fear or regret.

Hana has taken a liking to fur dresses, and she looks like the most refined barbarian that ever rampaged, while Mimi has a sense of style similar to Roxanne's "simple and cool" straight dresses. The body of a slender and pretty woman is basically perfect as it is, so it's impossible to improve its form further with any ornament known to humanoidkind, which means that there's no need for anything but a loose, luxurious cloth to cover her private parts.

And today, Mimi's wearing a form-fitting dark red dress, probably made out of Snow Weave due to its yoga-pants-like elasticity. The clean outline of her small breasts and ass shows that she's not wearing anything underneath, a testament to her willingness to be Ravaged by me.

We stop before three maids, who hand us [Clean] gems that we use on our mouths, then return to them. I could've just instant-cast the spell on all of us, but it's impolite to use magic before nobility, especially nobility as important as the Princesses, so we have to very visibly use gems like this to not ruffle any feathers.

But now that our mouths have been refreshed, we go around the dining table and towards the bed on the balcony, at the perfect distance from everyone's view for them to see every detail while also not leaving them in danger of being splashed by any stray fluids, though I bet I could cum across the entire hall if I tried hard enough.

Anyway, once we stop by the bed, the three of us undress, and my Cock springs to attention at the sight of Mimi's runway-worthy body. She's Roxanne but even taller and dark-skinned, and "slenderness" is the one word that describes her perfectly. Barely any flesh or fat, but not to the extent that it looks unhealthy.

A protruding collarbone, a tasteful hint of ribs, and very small breasts with dark nipples that I can barely grab onto. Wide, child-bearing hips, a pretty nice little round ass, an enviable thigh gap, and completely bald pussy lips with a bit of flap peeking from between her labia. Looong legs that make me want to lick them like a Popsicle, and dignified feet like that of an elf that make me want to be stepped on. But let's not forget her gorgeous, fearsome face and strong jaw that triggers the submissive instincts of the girls.

Mimi looks down at my thick Dragonator and starts to go down on her knees, but I stop her and steal her lips, giving her a subtle spirit touch to make her wet. She's taken by surprise at the sudden contact but responds with a delicious amount of shyness. She may be a confident woman at work and also not a virgin anymore, but that doesn't mean she's experienced enough to confidently stand before my might.

And after I get a taste, I allow Hana to kiss her own sister, making my Cock throb with desire. It makes me delighted to see that my wives all respond positively to my filthy incest fetish, possibly because I've already corrupted them all through our connection.

Mimi is left a bit breathless by Hana's storm, and even Klasse gets a boner from seeing his naked daughters being intimate with each other because who wouldn't? They're both such stunning beauties that any man worth his cock would be aroused regardless of their disgust.

Hermann is a bold little shit, though, and he gets his little thing out for Ahren to stroke. Well, hopefully, he'll encourage Klasse, Anton, and Stefan to fuck their wives because I'd love to see Mikuri naked, I have a big crush on Krysta, and Stefan's wife seems like a prude bitch that needs a good dicking. I also have a crush on Kyora, but she's too reserved in regards to nudity, so I don't have any hopes of seeing her getting plowed any time soon.

After Mimi recovers, she goes down on her knees and grabs my Cock, then opens her delicate mouth and swallows me whole unhesitatingly. She's definitely not an experienced Cock sucker, but people like Aoi, Alissa, Hukarere, and Poosh are out of the norm, so I've been spoiled by their amazing skill. Still, the sight is wonderful.

And then she shares my Cock with Hana.

Ah, yes, sisters sharing me is a fetish that I rarely get the chance to enjoy. Rarer than that is only mother and daughter. Gods, it's such a shame that Léonne didn't want to cuck her husband that I truly feel sad that I didn't get a taste of that milf fox pussy along with both of her daughters.

Back to the present, the two sluts slowly lick the shaft up and down, their tongues occasionally rubbing against one another. Then Hana instructs her younger sister to suck on my balls while she sucks on the head, and they switch after a short while.

Mimi is perfectly obedient and submissive. Of course, so are all my other women, but this dark-skinned model's attitude is more in line with a prostitute's, though I sense that there's something deeper within her actions. It's like she's trying to be cold and detached, but she can't help but enjoy this.

I'm feeling so content with their work that I reward them with a long cumshot facial, and both women close their eyes as if they were enjoying a refreshing drizzle on a warm day of spring, or maybe a special skincare treatment at an elven spa. But once I'm done, Hana immediately cleans her sister's face, and Mimi mimics her, then they perform my favorite fetish: a glorious cum-sharing kiss.

"Aren't you a total slut, Mimi?" I huskily growl.

She breaks the kiss and swallows my seed so that she can calmly reply, "I'm simply pleasing my husband. He's the lascivious one who forces his women to perform every single known perverted act."

"Then I was right to make you into a concubine."

She nods and subtly smirks. "You were."

"Because only Wolfy can make you this wet," Hana sultrily states and fingers her own sister.

"Ah…!" Mimi lets out a soft moan, and I hear the characteristic sound of a good pussy as Hana's strong fingers penetrate Mimi's moist lips.

Now the slender model becomes a bit shy, embarrassed at becoming aroused by me so easily. Her first time required a lot of foreplay, but now here she is, becoming ready for me with barely a touch from either of us. She may have believed herself to be a frigid woman, but just like any other, she's still weak to the superior Draconic Cock.

Hana's fingering was just to send a message, so she grabs Mimi by the shoulders and pushes her onto the bed so that we may both eat her out. I get the first taste, though, and my tongue draws out trembling moans as I lap up her meaty lips.

The twins and Fuda are the next ones to pull out their little cocks and start masturbating, followed by the Clown Troupe, and it's at this moment that we reveal that we called upon some prostitutes (of both sexes) to "help" the guests, courtesy of Calixto. The prudish side then realizes that they've walked into a den of predators and that it's unlikely that they'll escape this hall with their virtues fully intact.

After I force Mimi to let out her voice with full-throated moans, Hana takes over to make her scream, so I shut her up with my Cock, but I sneak my spirit touch onto her pussy to give her a piece of heaven. Meanwhile, Hermann cums onto the floor while Krysta pulls out Anton's massive log, and I consider both of these to be a massive victory for me.

Hana is an experienced pussy eater and clit biter, so it doesn't take long before Mimi orgasms, but my dragonkin was under constant contact with my spirit, and now she's unbearably horny, so I entertain her while her younger sister recovers. I dominate Hana while on top of Mimi and show everyone what it means to Ravage a woman.

I don't want this to take half an hour, so I choke Hana until she passes out, making her cum on my Cock. Then I turn my attention to the slightly frightened Mimi.

"Don't worry, I only do this with Hana because she likes it. With you, I'll be gentle," I smoothly soothe her, fully unleashing my charm upon her.

"T-thank you…?" she murmurs rather amusedly and chuckles softly, but this means she's been successfully soothed.

Then I notice that Omume and Toulin are gradually losing their inhibitions, and though I considered Lina's parents too innocent to include in my fantasies, they're nowhere near as prudish as Klasse or the Grosshils, so I guess Lina will have to bear with me thirsting for her mother too.

I push Hana to the side and climb on top of Mimi, who breathes in deeply, an excited and aroused expression finally gracing her gorgeous face. Then I advise her, "I'll be as domineering as you allow me to be, but for our first time, I recommend you give your everything to me."

She slowly nods, too anxious to speak, and wraps her arms around my neck as I line up my Cock with her dark, wet pussy lips.

The first main event of the "Corruption of our Friends Plan" begins now.

Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince Definitely  not Dio.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord Placid.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Black Unicorn.

Lord Brandon.

Lord Duncan Campbel.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Badger.

Lord School Work.

Lord Patrick_starz.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble Anon A Moose.


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