
Chapter 74: 42: Eyes Wide Open – Part 3

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Lina hugs my chest tight with her thin arms. I kiss the top of her head and return her hug, her very sweet perfume fills my nose and calms my heart.

I feel it when Gify's touch turns on and gradually, all our hearts connect. Alissa's determination, Roxanne's trust, Hana's courage, Ciel's protection, Lina's support, Aoi's fearlessness, and my love for them all.


And Gify's watchful eyes.

Though, that sounded slightly creepy.


Anyway, we all get a piece of each other's mind, something that will help us grow. It also calms us greatly, making our anger pass and our hearts settle.

Lina's hug weakens and she untangles from me. She looks up, her gloomy eyes are dreamy and their corners are wet. I dry one them and give her a kiss on the nose. She chuckles softly and kisses my hand, before drying the other eye herself.

"There's something we have to do," I say and smile wickedly, "Does anyone know where their offices are?"

"I know where they could be, but not the exact location," Ciel answers, eyeing me suspiciously, "What do you want to do?"

"Tonight, when their offices are empty, I would like to send our own message."

Roxanne jumps on the bed and claps the tip of her fingers, "Let me blow it up!" She pleads.

"That would be a bad idea. They would know without a doubt that it was you," Ciel says.

"Exactly," I nod towards Ciel, "I want to make it ambiguous, at least until we are done with this escort business."

"You could use [Monster Summoning] to demolish the building," Alissa suggests.

"Minotaurs, Kite Dragons, the Symbol of Hate. All of those have high strength," Hana adds.

Lina perks up, "Get them to destroy the supporting pillars and the building will collapse easily," she completes.

I lift an eyebrow at her, "Do you have knowledge about architecture or engineering?"

She lowers her head, "N-no… you could call it dwarven intuition."

I shrug, "Better than nothing."

"So, now what? Are we staying here all day?" Hana asks.

"I think we should continue as usual, it would show them that we're not afraid," Alissa says.

"I agree," Hana agrees.

"Well, it's unlikely for them to attack again so soon," Ciel accepts and Lina nods along, "Though, after we destroy their offices…"

"It could signal a war," Roxanne says.

"It's already a war, we're just escalating it," I say.

"Aren't we dragging Klein and Rande into it too?" Lina asks.

Hana grits her teeth and her emerald scales rise. "We already did," she growls.

"It's not like we could just hide forever. We have to continue living our lives and just deal with the consequences as they come," Ciel asserts.

"I still haven't finished shopping," Roxanne says.

"Let's go out again, then. But let's avoid empty streets for now," Hana says with a wry smile.

Ciel breathes in deeply to gather her courage and nods.

"Show me where the guild's offices are first," I ask.

I spread four Hollys around the area Ciel had described and we all leave the inn.

With Alissa and Lina on each of my arms, we walk down the main street again while casually observing the performers. They guide me forward so I can focus on my Hollys’ vision.

During the morning, only the more subdued performances are being played, so there's nothing that interesting going on. The nature spirits seem interested in the performances, though. The rooftops are filled with their cute, watchful eyes.

Eventually, a Holly finds the building in question. Bright yellow core bricks with blood-red ones marking the frame. A very large crystal tablet is displayed in front with the words "Katasko, Escort and Protection Business Mercenary Company" inlaid in gold.

I bet those red bricks are load-bearing. They'll make for a nice target for the monsters. Though I wish I knew how to make gunpowder, then I could be a true terrorist.

With the target located, I focus back on myself and guide the girls towards our target. I pay attention to our surroundings, searching for any attentive eyes that follow me. I see a few suspicious imperials and tell their names to Lina so she can note them down. [Sense Soul] is the best counter-espionage tool around.

If I could stake out their offices, I could learn the name of every employee. Unfortunately, I'm already under surveillance by them and we're strapped for time. Though, the description of the man who hired the thugs will be forever at hand, written on a paper inside my "Items."

We reach Katasko's offices and linger in front of it. A few men and women go in and out in full armor, paying us no mind. Nobody seems to care for us so we move on, but then I discreetly put a [Gate] "coordinate" at a quiet-looking entrance to an alley nearby.

Then we meet up for lunch.

We go to another elven restaurant. I have fried not-potatoes with a sauce that's rather close to tomatoes. It's more on the bitter and spicy side instead of having the acidity and sweetness of tomatoes.

"Roxanne, have you ever seen a kind of black powder that creates a lot of smoke when lit up by a flame?" I ask her.

She pushes her glasses back up her nose and speaks, "Don't think so. Though, some of the oil that enchantments like Rande's conjures can make a lot of smoke if it's a bad enchantment."

"I know about it. It's a little dangerous to enchant things with [Flame Slash]," Lina chimes in.

"How easy it is to light up the oil produced by the spell?" I ask.

"Very, a single touch of a flame is enough."

"Does it burn without air?"

She tilts her head cutely, "Not sure."

"I think we can make it, I saw a book explaining about how to make things burn underwater," Roxanne comments.

"Can you make it burn faster, like, burn it all in an instant?" I ask.

She taps her lips with her fork in thought, "I think so. There are plenty of accelerants that we can test."

"I want to create an explosive that has two properties: it must burn it all instantly, creating a lot of hot air that quickly expands; and it must burn without contact with air, so it can burn inside a sealed container."

If I can manage to create smart explosives with [Golemancy] then things could get interesting.

"Not exactly my specialty but I can take a look at what [Alchemy] can do," Roxanne says.

"I could modify [Flaming Slash] to supply you with the oil," Lina adds.

"How hard is it to find something enchanted with that spell?" I ask.

"Rather hard," Lina frowns slightly, "It's a popular enchantment and it's dangerous for the enchanter so they always sell fast."

Another research subject to add to the list.

We go back to the inn and see Klein on a bench in front of the building. There's a small grass garden at the entrance so it's a nice place for patrons to spend some time.

"Ditched your parents today?" Hana asks.

She springs up with a wide smile, her tail waves a greeting to us. "Yep! They apparently became very concerned with my training, so I ran! We'll get enough time to train on the trip," she hums happily when she finishes speaking.

"So, what do you want to do today?"

"How about some cards? Like old times?"

Hana awkwardly looks at us and then rubs the scales on top of her hand. "I lost way too much money on cards to make that mistake again."

"Oh, we don't have to bet money," she flicks her wrist dismissively.

"Then, what? Clothes?" Hana's eyes turn fearsome.

Klein hesitates for a second and sends us all a glance, "Sure…" Her voice is filled with anticipation.

"So, you still got that Poch table, eh?" Hana murmurs nostalgically as her hand rubs an old circular board. It has eight small cavities around it with one more cavity in the middle. Some simple carvings of swords, knights, armor, monsters, and nobles decorate it.

"For old time's sake, I kept it. We had too much fun for me to just throw it away so easily," Klein says.

"How sentimental of you."

"Hmph! I like you and would like something that reminded me of you," she pouts and looks away with her chin held high.

"Awn…" Hana's gaze mellows and she gives Klein a tight hug.

"Help… breathe…!"

"I know, right. She knows how to precisely crush our lungs so that we can't breathe anymore," I comment.

Klein sends me a glare, "Brea~the…!" She wheezes.

Hana eventually lets Klein go and Ciel gives her a small [Heal].

"Thank you, Ciel."

"So, who's playing?" Roxanne asks while looking around.

"I'm not," Alissa raises her hand, "I'm just going to watch." She positions herself behind Klein and smiles mischievously.

Aoi curls around herself with Gify on top. She and Gify are going to just take a nap while we do our naughty stuff.

"Do you all sleep in the same room?" Klein asks as she looks around. The whole room is filled with beds, so there's barely any space to walk.

"It's more fun that way," I say. Klein looks barely surprised, she's getting used to our weirdness.

"Quite warm and comfortable, too," Roxanne adds.

"Ever since we started sleeping together I haven't had a bad night's sleep," Lina says.

Klein's tail wraps around her chest as she hugs herself, "So precious…" She mouths.

"Let me explain how this game works…" Hana starts.

So, it's poker, we are playing strip-poker.

"We should play with a low amount of chips so when someone loses all chips they lose a piece of clothing. Also, after every round ends, we roll some dice to decide who loses a piece of clothing but the winner of the round is immune," Hana recites the rules to us.

"You played this before?" I ask.

She smiles wide, "Oh yes."

The six warriors draw their weapons and raise their shields. Currently protected from each other, we try to analyze our opponents to see what they might be holding. The shields mask our expressions but they are merely a cover. Any movement, any little change, is a tell that must be scrutinized in search of the truth behind it.

We all take a sip of beer and begin.

Hana comes strong and confident, Lina follows with shyness, Roxanne prefers to wait and stays out of this round, Ciel does the same, I follow Hana, and Klein goes high.

I drop out along with Lina immediately. The two girls stare at each other intently, measuring each other's worth. Hana bets higher and Klein pays to see.

Klein's hand beats Hana's.

"Caught ya bluffing!" Klein exclaims as she gets all the chips.

We roll the dice and I lose my socks.

Klein and Hana aren't the most observant, but they do play strategically.

"Your skin is beautiful," Klein comments as Roxanne's dress is dropped. Her eyes linger for a long time on Roxanne's sexy, lacy underwear.

"Thank you, so is your fur," Roxanne compliments back.

"But you aren't the best at bluffing," Lina says, her impish smile covered by the cards.

Roxanne glares back and her tail shoots up, aiming at Lina threateningly.

Lina is the next to get down to her underwear.

"Hohohoh~" Roxanne laughs evilly.

"This is just bad luck…" Lina pouts while shyly covering her small mounds.

"What are you trying to do? It's not like you have anything to cover," Roxanne remarks offhandedly.

"I still have my dignity."

"You still make Wolfy [Massage] your nipples every day, as if that would make them grow."

Lina turns her eyes to Ciel, who cowers behind her cards, "Why did you assume it was me?" Ciel protests.

She then turns to me with a frown, "I never tease you behind your back," I say and raise my hands in surrender.

A soft voice tickles Lina's left ear, "You shouldn't be ashamed of that, we all know how you envy Ciel and Hana," Alissa says and gives a kiss on Lina's cheek.

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She pouts and motions for the game to continue.

"Ok, next you are going to say you are also wearing sexy underwear," Klein says to me as Ciel's dress drops.

"Would you like that?" I innocently ask her.

She starts to answer but chokes on her words and stays silent.

"I'm not sure I like this game," Ciel says as her massive tits drop once her sash is undone.

Klein's mouth hangs open and I close it with my hand. I push my soul just a tiny bit out of my finger and see a shiver run through Klein's whole body, yet she doesn't take her eyes off Ciel's massive breasts.

"Ain't she like a cow?" Roxanne nudges Klein.

"Ain't you like a twig?" Ciel shoots back, a little flippant.

"Then what does that make Lina?"

"A… very cute little doll…?" She asks tentatively. Lina answers with a pout, making Ciel wince.

Alissa's hand discreetly enters her pants and she sends me a wink.

Next, I take my shirt off. Klein avoids looking at me while Hana runs her hand over my abs.

"Isn't he delicious?" Hana growls. Klein sends me a glance and her breath becomes heavier.

Lina loses her little bra next and her cute pink nipples make Klein smile.

Then Klein loses her vest and shows us all her sash, something she only put on so we had a matching amount of clothes to lose. Her breasts are extremely perky, like small balls with a nearly perfectly round shape, almost like Hana's.

"Please, don't stare…" She pleads shyly as every hungry eye falls on her.

"Then don't show it to us," Hana says.

Klein doesn't try to cover her breasts and the game continues.

Ciel loses her panties and groans. "Do I stop playing now? I don't have anything else to take off," she says.

"You can spread your legs, then spread your lips," Hana says.

Ciel spends a few seconds considering it. I see her breath quicken, she's getting excited. Then she nods.

Hana's shirt comes off and soon after, her pants. Klein chuckles repeatedly, now tipsy, and her eyes lick over Hana's entire body.

Klein's pants come off next and she gets nervous, but her tail starts moving faster. This is her tell for excitement: she moves her tail while her body freezes up. Her panties are simple but cute, they are small white pieces of white cloth hugging tightly against her labia. Her brown pubes are visible, just peeking out from above.

Ciel spreads her legs, her lips showing their wetness yet nobody comments on her obvious excitement.

Lina and Roxanne lose their panties. Klein's legs rub against each other and Alissa calmly fingers herself.

The smell of pussy fills the air as Roxanne spreads her legs, then Ciel's pussy becomes much wetter than before.

I lose my pants and make no motion to hide the erection in my underwear. Klein doesn't even send a glance my way, but this makes her lose her concentration. She becomes easy to read and loses all her chips along with falling to the dice.

Without looking at any of us, her sash falls. Her delicious brown breasts are almost as perfect as Hana's and a little smaller than Alissa's. Her black nipples are small and enticing, they look very pointy and ready for sucking.

Then she pulls off her panties. Her meaty black labia spills over, ready to be separated by my cock. She immediately closes her legs and I can't see any more detail besides the brown pubes peeking out.

"Your pussy looks delicious," Hana growls.

"T-thank you, ahahah… to think you would be the one saying that…" Klein tries to drink from her cup but notices it is empty.

"Would you prefer if I said it?" I ask, and the only response is her brown skin gaining a red tint.

"The game is not over yet," Alissa comments, her voice full of happiness. Klein's eyes fall on my underwear and she swallows heavily. Then she nods and motions for the game to continue.

New confidence comes over Klein as Hana loses her clothes and Ciel has to spread her lips.

"D-do I have to keep it like this?" Ciel asks, one hand holding cards and the other on her dark pussy, its delicious lips now drenching the bed with her wetness. Her fingers tremble, wanting to take the plunge inside herself.

"Yes," I command and she obeys.

The smell of pussy grows even stronger and the tip of my bulge gets wet. I purposely lose the next round so I can show a glimpse of my raging erection to Klein. I push it between my legs uncomfortably but it's necessary to keep the game going longer.

She glances back to Alissa, who's masturbating with a pleased smile on her face, and then her eyes lock on to my crotch and pubes. She gulps again and licks her lips.

Lina spreads her lips, too. All of the women are now leaving visible wet spots on the bed. Another sheet that we will have to manually wash later but oh, well.

Klein loses the next round. Her hands nervously hover over her defined abs, then her delicious legs rise up. They part and her hand rub her labia majora softly, just itching to stimulate her clit. The meaty lips protrude out of its home as her fingers spread them apart and her sticky juices make dirty sounds. Her dark entrance is just waiting for my cock as she faces me but keeps her head turned away.

I quickly lose the next round so I can let my cock spring upwards, dripping with precum.

We have barely any composure left in us. We are all staring at the virgin spreading her pussy before us, waiting to be fucked. The small tufts of brown fur all over her cute body give her a more animalistic air in comparison to Alissa.

She loses the next round on purpose.

"W-what n-now?" She asks, her voice shaking, yet dripping with anticipation.

I crawl over to her and advance my head to hers. She tries to move away but her limbs don't respond, so her body just falls flat on the bed.

Her legs are still spread wide apart, presenting a perfect entrance for me. I position myself above her and slowly lower my hips. The tip of my cock, dripping with precum, touches her wet and sticky entrance. She shivers uncontrollably and her eyes open wide in shock.

"Now, you won. What do you want of me?"

"W-w-won? M-m-me? Y-y-you?"

"Or do you want me?" Hana lays down beside her. She grabs Klein's hand and pushes it inside her own pussy. Hana moans softly as she uses Klein's hand to get herself off.

"W-wait! I can't!" Klein exclaims and Hana stops. "I-I can't… I didn't… I didn't talk to Dad yet…"

I put my hand softly over her cheek and make her look at me, "It's okay, we can wait. But we don't have to go all the way…"

The entire room goes silent as we all anxiously wait for Klein's answer with bated breath.

She slowly raises her hips and lowers it, rubbing her pussy along my shaft. Hana leans over and their lips envelop each other. Klein moans softly as Hana's tongue invades her mouth.

I lean back and grab Klein's legs. I close them upon my shaft and start pumping. Alissa quickly crawls over and drizzles a warm oil on Klein's pussy, then she starts fingering her. Klein's tail searches for my arm and wraps around it before slowly stroking it.

Hana makes way so that Roxanne can suck on one of Klein's breasts while Lina sucks on the other. Ciel spreads Klein's ass cheeks and casts [Clean], then she slowly wiggles a pinky finger inside.

Klein's toes curl and her tails squeeze me as she has a long, draining orgasm. After she's done, we resume our movements. Her cream leaves a small white spot on my cock.

All this teasing made me last only a short while. I pull all the girls away and Klein looks at me. I get on top of her and push her head slowly towards my cock. She breathes in and smells it, then she opens her mouth wide and takes me in. Her mouth greedily tries to swallow me while her tongue rubs wildly on my cock. She's inexperienced but it still feels nice.

"I'm coming," I warn her and shoot down her throat. She chokes repeatedly but doesn't take my cock off her mouth, she actually tries to swallow me deeper until I hit the back of her throat.

Once my orgasm passes I take it out from her and sit down. My cock is still erect and ready for more, while her whole body is sweaty and limp.

Klein eyes my cock warily. "It's still up?" She asks in a faint voice.

"I'm just getting started. I can go on for much longer," I say with a wicked smile.

She looks around herself. Wet pussies everywhere are being ravaged by fingers, all while they stare at us like ravenous beasts.

"I… I have to go… I'm sorry, Wolf, I c-can't do anymore." She quickly collects her clothes and starts putting them on in a hurry.

"It's fine. I'll be waiting for you to come again."

She holds back her chuckle and hurriedly leaves the room.

A bronze body covers my view as Hana immediately mounts me. Her wet pussy slides onto my cock with ease.

Her fearsome yellow eyes lock onto mine, "That was the hottest fucking thing we ever did. I want you to fuck her; I want to see her bleed; I want to see you destroy her little pussy; I want to see her cream on your cock repeatedly!" She shouts.

One-by-one, I shoot a load inside each of the girls to appease them. The whole room becomes steamy; the smell of sweat and sex growing even stronger as we have one long orgy.

"Wow…" Ciel murmurs, "That was exhausting."

"One of the best orgasms you ever gave me," Roxanne says as she hugs my arm tighter.

"I'm completely drained now," I say.

Alissa has a silly smile plastered on her face. She's still using my fingers to get herself off until she reaches one last orgasm. Hana licks my ball sack while Lina dozes off with her head resting on Ciel's crotch.

We leave the room to have a bath together and we catch Rande and Anton leaving while discussing the escort job. They barely spare us a glance and walk out of the inn. Klein completely freezes as she sees us come out. Her mother raises an eyebrow at her behavior then stifles a small chuckle when she sees us.

Fortunately for Klein, they were finished with their meal, so they have an excuse to leave.

There's just something special in knowing that she tasted my cum and swallowed it all in delight. She only had one large mug of beer, too, so she can't even complain that she was too drunk to know any better.

After our meal, we spend a short, leisurely time reading and lightly drinking. Tomorrow we will be waking up very early, so we cut our evening short and go to sleep.

Gify is actually a really good alarm clock. He wakes us up at precisely 2 AM and I open a [Gate] to Katasko's office.

"There's one guard at the front, one at the back, and two inside. There's a few in the other buildings around, too," Alissa whispers.

I summon a Dream Eater and fill the street with the mist. Soon, even the guards in the nearby buildings fall asleep.

"You think there's an alarm or protections?" I ask.

Lina taps a finger on her cute lips, "There's definitely alarms, but protections would be too expensive," she says, "If they needed to protect something they would store it somewhere less obvious."

"Well then…"

I put all my points in [Summoning Magic] and [Reduced Mana Cost], then I summon eight minotaurs.

"Wreck-it, Ralph," I mutter.



"Oh… Anyway, aim for the inner walls. The building is large enough that destroying all the inner walls will certainly make it collapse in on itself."

"Understood." Then I put thirty points in [Godly Language], "Become stronger!"

The minotaurs all bulge and grow a good thirty centimeters.

"Now, bring it down!"

Intermission 12

The scrawny pencil pusher keeps his posture shrunken, threatened by my presence.

"So, everyone was asleep?" I ask him without giving him another glance.

"E-everyone, Sir. The inner guards were moved to a safe area by the perpetrators before the attack began. We also found traces of magic but couldn't find any solid clue to which spell it was. There are too many ways to put someone to sleep for us to know with any certainty," he bows again once he finishes.

"If it's so easy to put the damn guards to sleep, then what do we even pay them for?!" I snap at him.

"T-they aren't there t-to stop s-something like this. O-only as a deterrent a-against theft or espionage," he barely holds his piss inside himself as he stutters.

I click my tongue and flick my hand at him. He bows again and scurries away.

Dwarven beard. How did they demolish an entire building in only a minute without leaving a single damn trace?!

Must be Helios. This is retaliation; they are merely flexing their power at us. They are hiding something powerful and I have no idea what it is.

This won't be easy… just what kind of damn task did those pissers send my way?!

Hall of Fame of Patrons.

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Oracle Maximillian Hübner.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Hope.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Cody Weigel.

Lord Bill.

Noble Salty Panda.


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