
Chapter 99: The Mystery of the Dryads – Teaser

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This chapter is not required to read to understand the main story, this is only a side-story.

This is a teaser for the patreon-only side stories I'm writing.

Each chapter has 3 parts and the first part of any new storyline I will make public as a teaser.

Like eyes recovering from blurring, I regain clarity of thought and recover from my primeval state. The senses of my physical body, or what remains of it, are slowly reactivated, allowing me to understand my own state.

Partially fused with a tree, I'm in the middle of the process of being re-birthed.

I fused too much. Shouldn't have waited so long to return.

I hear some garbled nonsense, so I focus on reactivating my ears.

Something pokes my breasts and I would physically roll my eyes if I had control over them.

Why do I even want to roll my eyes? Gecynd's quirks must be passing down to me.

I feel a nipple get pinched while the other is licked and sucked by something wet and slippery. My whole body quivers with delight; the re-building made everything so sensitive again.

I'm not disconnected from the Life yet! Let me regain my senses before you ruin my oversensitivity!

I stop trying to reactivate my ears and focus on my mouth.

"Stop…" I manage to force it out.

Pallido stops playing with me after giving me one last pinch on both of my nipples that jolts me with pleasure again.

After waiting several long moments for me to reactivate my functions, Pallido says, "You did it wrong."

"I know my body," I say with a hoarse voice.

I take a look at my soulmate and see his perfect form patiently waiting for me with a smirk on his perfect face. His face is perfectly chiseled and handsome. His perfect skin is light green and textured like moss. His perfect body is more defined than any humanoid. His perfect horse penis is the ideal size for my womb.

He softly plays with my leaf-hair and my temporary oversensitivity almost makes me moan at his touch.

Having enough of being stuck, I start to detach myself from the tree. I separate my essence from the wood and shift both my body and the tree's wood back into real matter. I reform the inner heart of the tree, and the muscles and bones of my body, then I freeze them in time, so that I don't bleed like a gutted animal.

"Well, you still did it wrong. Unless you are infected with something, it shouldn't take this long."

"Is this a competition? Why does the time I take matter?" I ask with a chuckle.

"You missed a cultural exchange."

"Who cares? You are still the best." I shrug and give him a smile.

Pallido's penis twitches in anticipation, but his face is still serious. "And now we have a druid trying to recreate Kaka's work."

My hand slips and my top-heavy body falls forward.

"Unnecessarily complex humanoid bodies…" I shift the inner muscles and bones so I can straighten myself out again without causing more damage. "Okay, WHAT?!"

"Did you not hear it properly?" His face softens, thinking I might not have completely reactivated my hearing.

"I did, I just think it's too sudden!"

"Gecynd," he says and shrugs.

I sigh and roll my eyes.

Nonsensical humanoid reactions.

I regain control of my eyes and look at Pallido, who's smiling wryly. "Did he try to make a connection yet?" I ask and continue separating myself from the tree.

"Nope. He likely has zero idea how to do it, so it's going to take a while."

"So why did Gecynd chose him?"

"Potential and the fact that he has such a pure heart that he would become a dryad too if he knew how."

I almost roll my eyes again. "How boring."

"Eh, he's actually interesting. The way he used [Weaverism] to create a sort of 'frame' of his mind and life lets us predict what he's going to do, it's quite novel."

I stop my separation again. "Hm? How does that even work?"

He lets a shrug escape him. "No idea, I just know that it sort of works. Only Gecynd and Soliana know how, exactly."

"Soliana? The small and yellow one?"

"That same one."

I smile smugly. "You had my attention, but now you have my curiosity."

He lets a shrug escape again. "He did it with just casual banter, from what I've heard. You'll have to ask her if you want to know more."

My smile disappears as I let disappointment escape. "Well… she was always weird."

"I think she's just bored and the humanoid is something new for her. He did give her a very curious trinket to play with, after all."

"Good for her, then. I thought she was going to commit suicide soon."

"Well, I'm surprised she accepted having sex with him in the first place. She seemed tired of it last time I did it with her."

I smile mischievously. "Maybe you are just losing your touch."

He snorts and becomes smug. "I made a dragonkin sleep, don't even try."

I finish separating from the tree and let myself fall into Pallido's arms.

"But you'll never lose your touch with me," I say as I look up to his eyes.

We giggle softly and rub our noses against each other as I let time resume affecting my body. We expose the nerves and the slightest touch sends waves of pleasure to our brains. Much stronger and less messy than a humanoid kiss.

"Now, help me stretch my insides again," I say and his penis instantly goes hard. It hardens so quickly that it smacks my vagina and I savor the feeling.

He aims himself up against my entrance and I make myself wet. When he sees a drop of my juice drip on the tip of his penis, he grabs my waist and pushes me down onto the entire length of his shaft.

Muscles tear and bleed, but I instantly heal them so that my insides conform to the shape of Pallido's penis. I am filled beyond capacity as his penis reaches the end of my womb and pushes further upwards, squishing my organs. My stomach deforms outwards as his penis tries to pierce me from the inside.

The surge of stimulation overloads my brain and I lose control of my entire body. My mouth just hangs open with my tongue out and I drool on Pallido's chest. Just as I start to regain control, he moves again and pulls his penis out in one go. My body goes flaccid again and a long streak of white is left on his shaft from my continuous orgasm.

Then he starts slamming into me with his penis repeatedly. I'm penetrated and used like a toy, forced to orgasm without the ability to say "no" until all I have left in my mind is the pleasure of his penis piercing me.

He grunts and ejaculates. The thick and strong stream pushes my organs back just a little more and causes me to reach the apex of pleasure.

His orgasm continues for a minute. A whole minute of a continuous stream of semen that fills me to capacity in the first second and then simply spills out continuously onto the ground after that.

He finally stops and his penis goes limp, quickly reducing in size and allowing my organs to go back to their original positions.

"Ah… the first time is always the best," I say with a wistful sigh as my mind slowly clears from the clouds of pleasure.

He pulls me forward and we rub our noses again, making us giggle.

"I'll never commit suicide as long as I have you at my side," Pallido says softly and plays with the yellow leaves in my head.

"Same." I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes.

"Oh right, no time to rest. Gecynd said that the harpies are up to something again."

I groan and look at him annoyed. "Can't we rest for a few moments?"

"Nope!" He rubs his nose against mine once.

"I'll demand double the rest time after this."

"Please do, I want it too," he says with a smirk.

"You lazy sapling." I flicker his nose softly and he frowns in pain.

We disentangle and his penis slides out of me with a wet noise. The rest of his semen drips out of me continuously, so I use my womb muscles to clean myself.

"Ready," I say and we both touch the tree that I just re-birthed from.

We spend a little mana and our bodies become ethereal. In this form, we divide our "selves" into a cloud of nearly invisibly small particles and enter the tree. Being so close to the Life allows us to easily rejoin the web and travel through it, feeding ourselves along the way.

My particles are happy to mingle with Pallido's, annoyingly forcing us to focus on our sense of self so we don't merge with one another.

A faint trail of particles crosses with ours and we stop the main cloud, then the Scouting Front of our cloud is absorbed by another dryad traveling through the Life.

Azaleu seems to be in a hurry to deal with unruly lizards trying to take over monster territory and start a war. We feel his cordial and chipper greeting as we are briefly connected when he absorbs our Scouting Front.

We remake the Scouting Front and resume our journey.

A few more times we are stopped by passing Life travelers and a few other times we see travelers waiting for us to pass.

"Busy times," the words are formed in Pallido's mind and sent to me as a few of our particles intermingle.

"Very," I send the words back.

We reach the border of Harpy territory and detach from the Life. We carefully remake our bodies, wary of any Harpy Shaman that could be watching.

In the middle of our reconstruction, Gecynd sends us information. Big constructs are threading through the forest, something new and of unknown origin.

You are reading story Rupegia at

"Oh, so that's why Gecynd sent us here," I say once my voice and hearing are reactivated.

"Secretive as always," Pallido comments.

We take a look around. We are in the Wall of Trees, a rather oppressive atmosphere with Gecynd stealing all the light and inserting a slice of her Life filled with xenophobia into the trees around here.

We ask the trees for information on the Harpies and follow their trail. They are already mobilizing because we managed to sneak deep into Harpy territory before we met the first patrol.

The trees say they haven't absorbed mana from spells, so we sneak past them with ease.

The density of patrols becomes so thick that we have to dig underground to move further. Our bodies morph into a snake-like form with spiral blades to help dig up the soil and a thin wooden plate to encapsulate us. The earth itself moves out of the way for us, but the bits that are too slow are dug up by the blades.

Everything goes without a problem, until we meet a Harpy Shaman.

The lost spirits of dead humanoids, animals, and even the nature spirits seem to be avoiding this place. The trees tell of spells that make them feel "naked," the mark of a Harpy Shaman.

We split up and try to pinpoint her location by measuring the density of spirits. It's a slow process that is slowed even further by being limited to only moving underground.

We meet up and share information. We connect our fingers and sync our minds.

"Rush?" Pallido asks through the connection.

"Rush," I answer with a smile on my sealed lips.

The earth is not fast enough to move out of the way, so we spin our blades so fast that they become a blur and we pick up speed. The surface is visibly disturbed, but no harpy is attentive enough to notice it.

The roots tell us of stinky magic being released and we are now sure we are headed in the right direction.

A faint pulse of mana reaches us, but it's too faint for the Shaman to understand what it sensed. Another, more directed pulse hits us and we decide to surface.

Five armored harpies and an old hag are perched on top of a very annoyed tree. Our target.

The seals around our body are hardened into armor and the blades are turned into weapons. We create javelins and throw them.

The first two harpies are hit in the face before they can take flight. The other three spread out and try to surround us. The shaman tries to start a chant, but the tree she is perched on is pretty happy to aid us by forming a small vine that wraps around the neck of Harpy and chokes her.

Pallido dashes forward while I stay behind and prepare for the two other harpies to come.

I take the water from my body and condense it so much that it turns into ice. I make my armor puffy and sticky, so it becomes a trap for the flying chickens. Then I raise my two javelins like spears and wait for the harpies to strike at the same time.

They fly towards me like arrows, their claws stretched out and ready to slice me.

The first one dodges my javelin and latches on my arm, her claws sink deep into the armor and even cut my skin, but then they get stuck. The other one I manage to skewer with the javelin, and she flails her arms wildly in pain and anger.

I launch the ice spears from my shoulders and both of them pierce through the throats of the harpies, leaving a visible hole behind.

I clean the blood off of the ice spears and will them to return to me. I shudder a little as my body re-hydrates itself.

Pallido simply skewers the last harpy on his javelin like a spear and hurls his last one into the face of the Shaman, killing her. He immediately turns around and sees the small wound on my arm.

"Are you fine?" He asks a little apprehensive.

"Just a scratch."

He nods and smiles faintly.

We reconnect through a finger and dash onward.

Chaos in the ranks of the harpies allows us to get close. There are more Shaman Harpies about, but they are protecting the constructs from sabotage, not espionage, so we are able to see them from a distance.

Tall towers of wood, metal, and rope; large balls of ceramic being filled with something liquid and toxic; and a few odd harpies seemingly reading something from a piece of rough paper.

We find a good observation spot so we can morph our eyes to the ones from a Striker Eagle. Pallido observes the constructs while I observe the papers.

"I didn't know that harpies had engineers," Pallido says.

"Didn't know they could even read," I answer in disbelief.

"That's a war machine, different from the ones they use in Rabanara. Seems to be made to hurl those balls of ceramic."

"Where did they even get the metal, and the paper, and the knowledge to read and write! Let alone make the plans for these constructs, because that's what's written in the papers!" I hiss lowly.

"Coprophagia…" Pallido mutters and surrenders to his instincts, rubbing his temples. "How did they even get that construct here? I don't recognize the wood and the metal is too perfectly made. I'm sure that harpies were never such good woodworkers, miners, or smiths."

"Nothing makes sense." I suppress a sigh.

"I think even Gecynd didn't believe their own senses." Pallido smiles wryly.

I turn to Pallido and stare at him, completely serious. "If Gecynd didn't see this coming, then can we really protect the tamer?"

His smile fades slowly and he turns stern. "We can only wait."

We turn around and dash away before a Shaman can find us.

We reach the Tree of Mana without a problem. Pallido immediately merges with Gecynd to relay the information while I go inside to talk with Alaraste.

I enter unannounced and the brown-haired human suddenly jumps out of her seat. Arlo turns his senses to me and calmly gets up from his chair. Both of them stand straight, then bow respectfully to me.

"Speaker, what a surprise," Arlo says cordially.

I smile at him and merely nod in response after they finish their reverence.

"The harpies are mobilizing and I bring information for Lord Alaraste," I say.

Without another word, the Space mage opens a [Gate] to the meeting room of the castle.

I finish growing my dress made of golden leaves and cross the portal.

A bright room fully carpeted and decorated with many paintings of scenes of victory for the Anara family. The room is just the kind that Gecynd loves to copy: grand, bright, and ornate.

In the middle, there's a table full of armored knights and mages, all looking at me. In the biggest chair, Alaraste is seated. He looks at me with curiosity and a small smile. Haaran and Vanea give me wide smiles, which I return with a small one of my own and a nod.

"To what do we owe this urgent visit, lovely Camassia?" He asks. His special eyes pierce my heart and I have to push away the need to reminisce that starts to cloud my mind.

"Information on the harpies, something for which even we have some problem in understanding all the ramifications," I answer in a cordial, but dignified tone.

A servant brings me a simple chair and I sit between Alaraste and Giana. Both of them lay their hands on top of mine and the newer knights understand the implication.

I retell what I saw and everyone at the table takes quite a long moment before speaking again.

"Those are trebuchets…?" Giana questions in her usual adorable tone.

"I do not know what they are," I answer.

"Your description is detailed enough, those are trebuchets," the elderly Werner says.

"Who would be insane enough to aid the harpies?" Alaraste asks and the coldness in his voice makes the whole table go silent. Even I feel very uncomfortable at his words, both because of the literal meaning and because his own power is seeping into them.

He looks at me with such anger that the Life inside of me trembles. I shake my head and he turns back to the war plans on the table.

"Destroy the trebuchets and steal the plans. Larana, can you do it?" He says, his voice still dripping with power and anger.

The stoic werecat woman nods and says without emotion, "It shall be done."

Hall of Fame of Patrons.

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Oracle Maximillian Hübner.

Prince Bradly.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Hope.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Cody Weigel.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord DJ.

Lord Ashadun.

Noble Salty Panda.

Nobleman Lassiter.

Noble D4rk Sheep.

Noble Michael Erwin.


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