RWBY With Devils Gacha

Chapter 57: Just dance 1.57

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I watched as the tall dark red haired girl in white frilly dress and stockings. She walked forward before the three judges, while also constantly looking at the red haired judge with shy looks.

"All right, I will ask others to make some room for  each of you to perform. Scarlet, please." The older man in suit spoke while looking at the Red haired girl. She was still smiling while wearing casual white hoodie with black cat print and black jeans.

"Ai ou!" The red eyed, red haired girl in question saluted while walking to an big black speaker. After working with her scroll and the speaker for a couple of moments, the speaker came to life.

"We will play random songs, showcase us your skills." Grayon spoke shorty.

I tilted my head hearing an unfamiliar song start to play. It had fast tempo and sounded good to my ear.

The girl in center of the half circle seemed a little nervous, before closing her eyes and starting to dance according to the beat.

The girl started by spinning slowly. As the beat dropped she shook along to the beat from head, to shoulders the 'wave' went to her feet's as she stepped forward as if kicking the wave away... The beat stopped for a moment and so did the girl.

The song started again with slow beat. I watched with interest as the white frilly dress whirled. I know from my dance skill the move. Pas de Chat. The girl leaped while bending her knees. Her toes towards her center. This is ballet? I confirmed in my mind.

The girl jumped several times along the slow beat. before jumping higher into air and making several spins.

Oh... So you like black... adventurous. I approve.

My focus had shifted from the dancing itself at some point. I was observing her very keenly... for academic purposes. Hu hu hu...

I covered my mouth gracefully to cover my evil smirk.


She was good. I nodded as the girl stopped. A hip hop dance, I see. The girl had performed a combination of ballet and wave techniques among others I may have missed...

*Clap, clap, clap!*

"Very good, your name?" The grey haired man clapped while giving something resembling a ghost of a smile?

"I'm Melora Pomma, Mr Grayon." The red haired girl stood confidently before the three judges. She didn't seem to be tired even after a minute of dancing. She was shaking and spinning like a beyblade in earthquake earlier, respect.

The grey haired man gave a look at the older woman in a black funeral dress. She had a notepad ready. After seeing her writing the name down, he turned towards Melora.

"We will tell your score later, for now you are done. Next." At the older man's words Melora seemed to deflate, before giving one last look at the other red haired girl.

Melora seemed to brighten up, as Scarlet noticed her stare and made a thumb for a second.

A weird name.

I gave a look at the brightly smiling older red haired girl Grayon had called Scarlet. The girl in question was slowly swaying to the music still playing.

The three judges whispered among each other for a moment.

"Next!" At Grayon's shout another girl stepped forward.




I watched all of the girls dance one by one. Some were better than others, but the judges didn't reveal anything on their expression, only clapping and giving small compliments.

"Next!" As the man called there was a moment of silence.


Oh it's my turn now!

I hurriedly stepped forward while smiling.

I noticed some of the girls giving me looks of disapproval, but I didn't mind.

Why would I care what irrelevant people think?

"You must be last one. You may go ahead." I nodded at the older man.

Scarlet was smiling at me encouragingly and the older gloomy looking woman was indifferent like usual.

I looked down while closing my eyes.

I was still sucking the strawberry lollipop with hood on my head and sunglasses on... it was sweet.

As the new song started and the first bass beat dropped I made a T-pose.

Oh yes, fear me.

I lifted my head up slowly.

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I was currently immersing myself into the song.

I had many dancing styles and countless moves already inside my head. I was planning to go through them according the feeling and speed of the beat.

I started with a simple waves from one arm to another and back.... and forth. I made a spin as the music spiked.

I started shuffle dancing fluidly as the unknown rap song played loudly in the white room.

I started with a simple running man without moving from the center spot. Then I turned ninety decrees to my right while shuffling.

I repeated the same move until I had made a full circle around.

The girls were looking at me as I turned and seeing their various expressions I made a fast spin. After making a turn I changed my steps by adding speed to them.

I was moving almost twice as fast as before and decided to add slide and two stomps with my right leg.

"Oh my!" A random girl.

I was shuffling now in fast pace back and forth while making fast stomps between slides all according to the fast beat of the song.

I saw Scarlet clapping with a huge smile on her face. "Wa..." I heard a small gasp from her direction as I made a spin between my steps.

The other girls had a expression of wonder, some outright gaping their mouths in 'o' shape.

I stopped in the middle of the circle while making criss cross in fast pace. My hands were in air snapping my fingers while I twisted my hips making my white skirt and pink hair wave in air back and forth.

I had added a little twist in my steps while performing a criss cross.

"Have you ever seen a dance like this before?"

Random girl spoke while other shook her head while blushing in excitement.

I started spinning suddenly while lowering myself slowly, closer and closer to the ground. I suddenly spun to my back while holding my skirt down, still spinning on my back. As the beat dropped I straightened and jumped to my feet.

I stopped and made a little bow to the judges.


Several girls started clapping while speaking to each other.

*Clap, clap, clap!*

"Excellent! Your name, please?" Grayon showed a small smile while clapping.

Scarlet was clapping too and seemed like she wanted to jump on me if her eyes shining red was any inclination... what are you, a grimm?

"I'm Primrose." I smiled while seeing Grayon narrowing his eyes a little before shaking his head and returning to neutral expression.

The funeral woman didn't seem moved as she wrote my name down... rather why don't you know the people on your own audition? Bunch of weirdos if you ask me... was this company a wrong decision?

"Well if everyone has danced let's go to the next test. Follow me." Grayon walked out followed by Scarlet who waved at me and the funeral woman.

"Hmmph!" The tall dark red haired girl... Pomm something? looked at me fiercely before walking out.


"Hey where did you learn to dance like that?" Blue haired girl.

"Which school did you go to?" A short girl with brown hair.

"Hey are you from agency outside of Vale?" Black haired girl in twintails.

Several girls suddenly started bombing me with questions while the rest looked at me fiercly and choose to ignore me.

"We should go right?" I spoke while pointing at the leaving judges with a dry smile.

"Yes." The blue haired girl spoke while the two others looked at where I was pointing.

"Oh" The twintailed girl covered her mouth before speeding out among the other girls.




Mavis is so late...

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