RWBY With Devils Gacha

Chapter 59: Nope 1.59

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The place we went next was underground... It was an auditorium. There was about hundred seats and a stage. Floor -1 was it? Red seats and white floor, black ceiling and walls. How many Lien building something like this would cost?

I dared not to think, knowing myself where the Lien would have went before that anyway.

For a good cause... of course. The power is never free. It would cost time, even at the best chance. Something I didn't have. Also I hated waiting. I want it now afterall. Tomorrow is for cookies... wait. That was someone else.

I crushed the last of the lollipop with my teeth, now only holding the small stick between my sharp white teeths. Biting it, feeling it bend inside my mouth.


Wait that was someone else too, Hu hu hu...

The girl walking in front of me turned hearing the noise I 'accidentally' made.

I flashed a confident grin to the blue haired girl in front of me with curly hair. How much time shaping your hair like that took? Even imagining it pained me... poor girl.

The girl narrowed her eyes a little, before turning her attention back to the way we were walking.

"Now take a seat." Grayon the grey haired stylish old man spoke to us. He and the other two judges. Scarlet and the funeral woman all gloomy in black dress walked to the side.

"Now as you may have already guessed the last test is to see how you sing." Grayon was about to continue before Scarlet jumped to the stage.

"I will continue from here gramps." At Scarlet's words Grayon sighed before waving his hand dismissively.

"Very well, as long as you remember the purpose of this audition." Grayon went to sit to the second row behind me and the other girls, accompanied by the funeral woman.

"Yea. So let's get this show rolling, shall we?" Scarlet pointed a white remote with numerous buttons above her towards an black round device on the ceiling.


The auditorium lights that were white waned away and turned light blue. Scarlet pushed another button and lights flashed above the stage towards the girl in question.

"You see you all should know why you are here." Scarlet spoke with confidence.

I looked at the girl with long red hair and eyes shine under the numerous spots lights.

I don't thought? Would lifting my hand now and asking. 'The frick am I here? Who are you guys?' And most importantly 'Mavis... the frick?'

Seeing no one else asking questions I put my hood lower trying to hide from the penetrating gaze coming from the stage.

It didn't help that I felt another heated gaze from beside me.

I was trying to Ignore the fact that the other dark red haired girl had decided to sit... right beside me.


"Now why won't we start with my darling..." *cough! A very loud cough from behind us stopped the girl on stage from speaking further.

I heard something being crushed beside me. As I look down I see the handhold between me and PommPomm was currently getting crushed by an slender hand.

Yikes... talk about anger issues.

"Primrose and you two come up. Hurry, hurry!" Scarlet pointed at two random girls and me.

I stood up eager to go to the stage... I don't feel too safe sitting down right now.

"So this will be simple. I will sing and you guys will sing the chorus part. I trust you have practiced the parts you will sing beforehand." As scarlet stopped speaking I stopped breathing.


"Let's start." Scarlet pressed the remote again making a melody play inside the auditorium. It was not too loud. Considering we didn't have microphones that was probably for the best.

Did they want to see how loud we could sing without help of machines?

Now what should I do...

Scarlet opened her mouth and started singing while looking at me and not the audience below stage.

"Red, red like what we once were,

Full of love so fiery..."

Jeb... no idea what this song is.

I gave a look at the two other girls, both looked focused and a little nervous too. It seemed like they were singing along silently.

"Autumn, fall scarlet petals, flying across Remnant's skies... ending what once was... us." Scarlet had an deep voice for an woman. It was seeping with regret and yearning.

The worst part was how the girl was currently looking at me while singing.

""What once was us... was us."" The two other girls sang the chorus...

It seems I missed my turn.

The girls below didn't miss it, nor did the two judges. I saw smirks and Grayon shaking his head.

Scarlet frowned, but continued to sing.

"Scarlet leaves dancing across the Vale's streets... Two leaves... drifting close... so close"

The real Scarlet was currently looking at me waiting for something, almost pleadingly. Sing with me! Her ruby red eyes screamed at me.

"Touching me... feeling you. So close... yet wind takes us apart... tearing me from inside out." Scarlet pressed her chest before ripping something out presenting it towards me.

I looked at the empty hand, blinking innocently.

"...from inside out." The two girls singed the chorus part once again. Leaving me out.

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Scarlet sighed and turned away from me. disappointment obvious in the air.

Some of the girls were smiling at each other below stage, whispering to one another.

... I don't like this situation.

It's clear I have no idea what this audition is about, but if Mavis wanted me to go through this. It must have had some sort of meaning, right?

So what should I do?

I can sing obviously and I have no idea what this song is about making it impossible for me to sing the chorus.

I gave a look at the singing Scarlet and the two girls beside me. The girls whispering below stage and the two judges with unreadable expression on.

They want me to sing chorus? Frick you guys...

"Curse of two lovers..."

As Scarlet stopped singing I smirked and opened my mouth.

"This world has only a moment, set aside for us!"

I sang loudly following the melody of the song playing in the room.

My voice covered the two girls voice, leaving them gaping their mouths.

"Who wants to life forever! Who dares to love forever!" My voice reverted powerfully and clearly in the almost empty auditorium.

"WWWWwwwhhhhoooo aaaaaaaAAAAA!" I let my voice go higher and higher. Filling the whole hall with only one sound. My voice. Me.

"Who dares to live forever...!"

I dont sing chorus bitches.

"When love must... Dieeee..."

I closed my eyes as the song played couple of seconds more and the silence that followed.

As I opened my eyes and saw the the girl below staring at me. Grayon and the funeral woman widened eyes.

Scarlet grinning like she just won in a gacha... wait that is me.

"Miss Primrose?!" A familiar woman's voice.

I turned just in time along with all the other people to see a woman in a business dress suit walk hurriedly down the stairs towards us.

"Mrs. Mavis, do you know Primrose from somewhere? or rather what are you doing here?" The gray haired man stood up while fixing his red tie. He turned to look at the mature woman hurriedly walking to the stage.

"Miss Primrose, It's good that I found you. I'm sorry for the miscommunication. Come let's go, I have so many things to show you." I nodded at the brown haired woman while she spoke to me.

I see, I see... I don't get what is going on.

Grayon looked sullen for being ignored. "Mrs Mavis I would like for you to not abruptly steal one of the people still under evaluation."

Mavis snorted before looking at the grey haired man for the first time after seeing I was in good shape.

"Are you stupid?" At Mavis words dripping with sarcasm Grayon grabbed the seat before him hard.

"It is still under judgment if Primrose is going to get in as an trainee. Which is still fully under my authority to decide. As you know Mrs Mavis." Grayon had a sharp look in his eyes, while Mavis just rolled her eyes.

"Hey we were not finished yet?" Scarlet spoke suddenly while looking at me. "We were just starting right Prim?" Her mouth turned into an predatory small smile. Uh ohh...

"Let's go and leave this senile fool here Miss Primrose." Mavis gently pulled my hand, I followed.

"Are you out of your mind? I will disqualify her and call the president. You are way out of line here Mrs Mavis." The gray haired man's face turned darker as he spoke.

"Miss Primrose is already a contracted star singer of us? Which falls under my authority? Miss Primrose why are you still wearing that disguise..." Mavis took my sunglasses away and the hood down while muttering about young people...

The change was instant. Some of the girls stood up while couple turned pale... seriously?

"Hey wasn't she the one who sang at the same concert with Weiss Schnee?"

"I heard she is really famous in Atlas?"

"No wonder she was so good..."

I ignored the girls speaking. Grayon didn't seem to recognize me, but Scarlet did.

"This..." The girl in question was looking at me dangerously. Something seemed to be glinting in her eyes. "So you came to lure me... interesting. Hehehe..." I turned away from the girl laughing dangerously in low voice. "What a vixen." No... no no no...

PommPomm seemed to be shocked too. If the broken handheld in the floor was anything to go by.

"Ha ha ha... Let's go. Bye." I laughed while walking before Mavis now.

I think I have had enough for today...




Maybe I should consider an another career choice? One without crazy red heads preferably...

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